So we’ve seen the complaints and the reports and boy oh boy are there complaints and reports.

I’ve discussed the account with the other mods and admins multiple times, and while we agree the volume is a lot, it doesn’t point to a botfarm or multiple people using the account.

Obsessive? Absolutely, but not technically rule breaking… Until today.

Today they indescriminately posted the same story three times from three different sources apparently solely to flood the channel showing a decided lack of judgement.

It’s a valid story from a valid source, the original has been kept here:

The others have been removed as duplicates.

I’m also applying a 15 day temp ban on the account.

“15 days? That’s oddly specific! What’s in 15… OH!”

  • Ghostalmedia
    204 hours ago

    I’ve handled users like this similarly in some of the communities I head up here. I try not to touch the content unless it is obvious misinformation and that violates instances rules. That said, if their content and or comments are clearly intended to create discord, pester, or pester in a passive aggressive manor, then they get the boot.

    I wish we had some sort of sort filter that hid aggressively downvoted content and comments. That way the “knights of the new” could bury problematic content.

    People don’t like the idea of mods having to censor users, but they also don’t want their feed full of downvoted posts or infighting.

  • @SacredHeartAttack
    496 hours ago

    HOW do you post here 1.9k times in two months? I have like 7 posts in over a year and I feel somewhat active.

    I’m not complaining about any decisions mods have made, I’m legitimately asking cause that seems crazy. 32 posts a day is a LOT.

    • @very_well_lost
      82 hours ago

      32 posts a day is a LOT.

      Honestly, that’s not even that impressive… It’s only 4 posts per hour over a 8 hour work day, which is completely achievable if Internet trolling is your hobby of choice.

      What’s really impressive is the number of comments. I won’t speculate on Monk’s motives (out of fear of running afoul of this community’s rules) except to say that they seem extremely motivated to argue with anyone and everyone who posts a disagreeing comment. Their tactic is to bicker with any dissenting voices (without actually engaging with their arguments) to the point of exhaustion so that no one will bother engaging anymore — a very specific strategy I have to imagine is designed to shift the Overton window a particular way.

      Fortunately, their efforts seem to have been mostly ineffective given the number of people around here who continue to call out their BS. So keep fighting the good fight, I guess!

    • @jordanlundOPM
      276 hours ago

      I told them in PMs that, as a mod, I self limit to 3 posts a day for fear of being seen as putting my thumb on the scale and influencing the discourse.

      And that’s in the groups I mod(!)

      He’s over that by a factor of 10+

      • @[email protected]
        174 hours ago

        I don’t know what his deal was but anyone who is that gleefully belligerent when confronted by people who don’t like what he’s doing isn’t really anyone I want around. Coincidently, I blocked him today. I don’t think he was doing anything wrong other than sheer volume of one-note posts. But I got tired of all the comment sections being about him. And I think I’ve absorbed enough of his point of view for a time.

        For all I know he was just trying to keep folks riled up enough to vote. But those posts didn’t add to the value of the community IMO.

        • @KnightontheSun
          133 hours ago

          For a while I didn’t block them b/c I wanted to see what and how much they were posting. The shtick was indeed getting old and after seeing the glut of posts today, I blocked them. Enough is enough and I know what they are about.

          Trolling. Trolling and disinformation.

  • @[email protected]
    536 hours ago

    Are you familiar with toxoplasmosis? The disease that mutates into different forms so a bunch of different animals can host it and pass it along.

    This is a long article but it’s really good, it’s worth a read and it predicted a lot of the discourse of the last decade:

    The sort of gist of it is this: the more grey area / ambiguity in a topic, the more we pop our own identity into our stance on it. And so if that thing is controversy, we argue about it so much more if there’s room to self-insert our identity in that grey area. It spreads and spreads to a bunch of different hosts. It becomes a meme via argument by infecting a bunch of hosts to pass it along.

    And that’s Monk.

    Pretty early on, it was very clear that they had no actual understanding of the topics they were talking about. I tried in their first few weeks to engage with them and so did others. Only to find nothing there. No opinions, and all counter-arguments were clearly copy & pasted off of Wikipedia. Things like “we have X amount of members in Maine”.


    Eventually they stopped trying to engage altogether, and instead moved into a deliberate pattern of line-toeing retorts. None in good faith. But, more importantly, never with enough substance to interrupt the ensuing argument, while simultaneously always enough comment traffic to perpetuate the thread.

    Monk is a memetic toxoplasmosis source vector. Through pure ineptitude or irony, I think they’ve accidentally turned more people against third parties than for them, but maybe that isn’t their goal.

    Even now there’s an undercurrent of “I don’t think I even disagree with them”. Well, how could you? They haven’t said anything worth disagreeing with, have they? What have they said, though? Not much. Nothing recognizable as an opinion in defense of the third party articles. Often, just enough to establish a veneer of plausible deniability.

    It’s a sophisticated form of trolling and it’s recognizable to anyone with a long history of community management online. There are some people who never seem to be directly at fault for things, yet every single time you remove them, the temperature goes down.

    You don’t need to actually build a case against these people to know that the equation is simple: when they’re around, everyone is angry. When they aren’t, people get along better.

    Anyway, my point is this: you can tell who is contributing in good faith and who isn’t, because they will attempt to say what’s on their mind. It might be the worst take you’ve ever heard in your life, but it has a concretion to it. Monk has no concrete substance, they simply like to stir the pot.

    • Ghostalmedia
      3 hours ago

      Agreed. They are being intentionally passive aggressive and they are trying to create discord in this community. They often say that they expect downvotes.

      IMHO, if a user is repeatedly trying to get a rise from other users, then it’s time to go.

      It’s like a little bother holding a finger to your face and saying “I’m not touching you.” They’re following the rules and not hitting their sibling, but know they’re being a pest.

  • @[email protected]
    476 hours ago

    Firstly, thank you for that ban. Did you notice the duplicate section in my comment? Low effort comments, dismissiveness, refusing to engage in good faith even when someone treats him very respectively, and copy-pasting the same responses many times is only one of several signs this is a troll. This behavior breaks rule 4.

    No memes, trolling, or low-effort comments. Reposts, misinformation, off-topic, trolling, or offensive.

    I do not understand how anyone could possibly look at the evidence I provided and say “nah, not a troll”.

    For your convenience:

    Top 10 duplicate (total 617 exact and 318 fuzzy, 70% or more similar) submissions from [email protected] found.
    • geekwithsoul
      356 hours ago

      I want to second this. I understand the mods prefer a case-by-case approach, but I think that leaves a very specific pathway for bad actors to exploit. Monk was posting a purely insane amount of comments along with a very high but not as insane number of posts, and almost all of it was low-value, and often copy-pasted from a previous comment.

      Do the mods even have easy access to the kind of data your script was pulling? I think that may be part of the issue is that the mod tools with Lemmy are lacking/limited.

      • @Archer
        275 hours ago

        He had a standard copypasta for people accusing him of being a troll. If that’s not trolling I don’t know what is

        • geekwithsoul
          175 hours ago

          Ha! Yeah - in fact it evolved and expanded to the extent of almost all of his interactions being simply copying and pasting his responses ad nauseum. Very rarely saw him say anything he hadn’t already parroted back dozens and dozens of times. I kinda get why some people accused him of being a bot, because it’s hard to imagine a human deriving anything out of those sorts of interactions.

      • FuglyDuck
        125 hours ago

        The number of comments/posts makes me think they’re getting paid per comment or post (or maybe per reply?)

        In any case, I still find it funny that in one of their earlier posts I called Stein a Russian stooge and they took personal offense to that. (for a moment, I wondered if maybe they were stein.)

        • @jordanlundOPM
          4 hours ago

          There are multiiple Stein Stans in the community who report anything remotely anti-Stein, even (especially?) when it’s true.

      • @[email protected]
        146 hours ago

        I am not entirely sure what tools they have, but yeah the script was just pulling data from the public api. Anyone can write this script, and I will open source it if folks are interested. It could be good to have a set of tools similar to this one which mods could run with minimal effort.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          4 hours ago

          Mod tools are pretty limited.

          We have a queue of reported posts and reported comments, from there it’s a manual lookup of user history in their profile and on the public modlog.

          For actions, we can remove comments and posts, lock posts, ban users temporarily or permanently, feature posts in the community, and promote users to mods.

          • @[email protected]
            221 minutes ago

            Thanks for that. Kinda what I figured. I may work some more on tools to help. Would you be interested? Specifically in simple scripts you can run after a pretty easy setup and running a single command typically.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      46 hours ago

      I get that, but hear me out… it’s just as likely that they’re an obsessive compulsive, possibly on the autism spectrum, who can’t stand letting someone have the last word.

      Now, I’m no clinical psychologist, I’m not competent to make that diagnosis, but I’m sure you’ve also seen arguments between two people incapable of letting it go.

      • @[email protected]
        345 hours ago

        Do not treat neuro divgerent people with training wheels.

        I’m neuro divgerent and it pisses me off when people treat me differently. Yeah, I’ve got my shit, and I often need things explained to me with clear guidelines, rules, and expectations.

        But one thing my neuro divergence doesn’t grant me is the ability to act like a shit stain and get away with it while prodding everybody around me antagonisticly.

        • @[email protected]
          145 hours ago

          The response here is not about whether their behavior was socially acceptable, but whether it was an indication of a fake account being run by multiple people or a script or something.

          I’m personally suspicious due to all those cut and pasted replies, but I suppose it’s possible that’s just an indication of obsession as well. I’ve saved text for a comment reply before, but it was because the text had a lot of citations and I was tired of refinding them each time. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of reason to save and repeat “I don’t have to explain anything to you. Thanks!”

      • rand_alpha19
        95 hours ago

        While I understand your concern because I knew someone who was like that personally, that person’s ability and desire to constantly respond caused them a significant bit of distress, often replying to people with something like, “please stop replying because I feel compelled to say something in response.”

        Maybe shutting a user up every now and then would be a net positive.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          45 hours ago

          “please stop replying because I feel compelled to say something in response.”

          Modding at that point kind of becomes:

          I’d rather be on Snoopy’s side than Lucy’s. ;)

          • rand_alpha19
            134 hours ago

            Mental illness aside - respectfully, if spamming isn’t considered against the rules, I kind of consider that bad moderation.

      • @[email protected]
        176 hours ago

        So if I want to copy paste the same non-response 26 times, I will not get banned for it, as long as I don’t say overtly mean things? I would absolutely assume that would get me perma banned if I kept doing it.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          65 hours ago

          As long as it’s not a non-sensical response and seems to fit the comment chain, I don’t see an inherent problem there.


          “Well, we agree to disagree.” full stop. Discussion ended. No, I don’t have an issue with that.

      • snooggums
        146 hours ago

        Are you trolling us now?

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    Good they have been trolling us for a while. Also, thank you for your efforts and you are appreciated.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      I dunno if it’s trolling. It’s deluded and obsessive demonstrating a lot of free time, but, like, they’re passionate about it.

      I mean, they have some magical thinking and logic and I don’t think their actions are actually pragmatic towards their goals, but I’m fairly certain it’s genuine.

      Either way, this was the right move.

      Edit: ehhhhhh some other comments have shown they were acting like a troll fairly consistently. Maybe this should have been done sooner.

      • @jordanlund
        287 hours ago

        That’s the consensus from the admins and mods. They have shitty opinions, but having shitty opinions is not a TOS violation.

        • EleventhHour
          6 hours ago

          They constantly troll anyone who responds to them. It’s sheer flame bait with every comment.

          All of the posts and comments that user makes are universally Down voted, and pretty much everyone here hates this user. Why on earth you won’t ban them permanently is beyond any of us.

          I appreciate that you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it’s obvious that they’re main goal is to provoke Arguments. Pretty much everyone in the affected communities, like news and politics, can’t stand the person. Nobody wants them there.

          Please permanently ban them, at least from those communities.

        • @[email protected]
          187 hours ago

          I think this is balanced and fair. I don’t think they demonstrated any supremely shitty opinions, i.e. racism, bigotry, but their presence was incredibly annoying and they didn’t really participate in useful conversations and moreso used the reply box as a soapbox to say a lot of nonsense.

          Moreover, I think banning until the election shows an understanding and restraint by the administration team that is commendable.

          • @jordanlundOPM
            95 hours ago

            Yeah, the typical line crossers, racism, bigotry, hatred, genocide denial, etc. get you on the fast track to a ban and they avoided all of that.

            • Blackbeard
              155 hours ago


              That’s why moderation sometimes requires judgment calls. When someone is intentionally avoiding whatever the moderation cut off seems to be, then it’s clear their participation is intentionally as provocative as possible without triggering enforcement. In that case it’s the user playing the mod team against the rest of the community because they know your boundaries and can weaponize them to “win.”

              I think it’s troublesome that there’s more firm enforcement against any kind of “denialism” and “bigotry” than there is for demonstrably antagonistic behavior. Lemmy is veering too strongly toward curating a list of acceptable opinions and too far away from enforcing civility standards, if you ask me. That’s a surefire way to create an ironclad left-leaning echo chamber.

              • @grue
                41 hour ago

                than there is for demonstrably antagonistic behavior. Lemmy is veering too strongly toward curating a list of acceptable opinions and too far away from enforcing civility standards, if you ask me. That’s a surefire way to create an ironclad left-leaning echo chamber.

                I would argue exactly the opposite.

                First of all, fuck “civility” rules, which in my experience (back on Reddit) tend to result in polite bad faith comments (sealioning etc.) being tolerated while comments calling out bad faith for the toxic behavior it is get removed.

                Second, facts are not opinions, and it’s hardly Lemmy’s fault if Colbert was correct about reality’s bias.

              • @[email protected]
                64 hours ago

                Genocide denialism and bigotry are WAY worse than just being uncivil. I’m fine with a chamber that doesn’t allow bigotry. If you think that makes it left-leaning, that says a lot more about the right than “free speech”.

                • Blackbeard
                  64 hours ago

                  My point is they shouldn’t allow either. The only thing worse is using a double standard, because it prioritizes assholes you agree with over polite users you don’t.

              • @jordanlundOPM
                45 hours ago

                Well, it’s always been left leaning, look at .ml ;)

                • Blackbeard
                  55 hours ago

                  And decisions to take a more punitive approach to the expression of certain opinions and beliefs than to shitty, antagonistic behavior will ensure that never changes.

        • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
          96 hours ago

          having shitty opinions is not a TOS violation

          Good cause I’d be gone already

      • @[email protected]
        387 hours ago

        They are trolling. They love the negative attention here is just one example of it “Wait, do I have 81,000 downvotes now? I thought it was 45,000?! Can you double check. I wanna put the correct number of downvotes in my profile. The link you provided isn’t working for me. Thanks for the updated stats, friend! :)” They purposely post more mild posts and then like today they went for the triple post of troll material. They are playing a lot of people right now. Don’t be one of them.

        • snooggums
          306 hours ago

          Yeah, they are literally bragging about being a troll in their profile when they boast about their downvotes.

        • @Eldritch
          05 hours ago

          That’s a much more recent turn. Not that long ago they were asking why they were getting such negative engagement. I think they decided to cling to ideology and take the negativity as an affirmation of their position. Make no mistake, I’m not asking for them not to be banned or anything. I have 100% left community that they’ve been apart of. And will not lament their absence. I don’t think it’s clear trolling.

          • snooggums
            73 hours ago

            This is what falling for a troll looks like. Giving excuses for their trolling behavior as if the troll is really just responding to their environment despite the troll being the one who initiates the conflict.

            • @Eldritch
              02 hours ago

              That’s just it though. In a weird sort of way they don’t tend to initiate it. Look at it closer. Try to find an instance of them commenting on a post to community that wasn’t their own. Or did not mention them in some way. It’s oddly rare as f***.

              If their whole intent was to feed off metallic replies. Why would they create and moderate many many different communities to which they post some of the same s*** and get very little response? Often still getting ratioed on what little response they do get. That’s a lot of extra work for not very much troll food.

              If you choose to Define them as a troll. You still have to admit they’re one of the easiest trolls in history to avoid. Which should make you question the label. The behavior is much too erratic and unpredictable for something like a simple troll. Much more indicative of something like mental illness and a bad response to being bullied

              • snooggums
                62 hours ago

                Try to find an instance of them commenting on a post to community that wasn’t their own.

                That is just trolling with home court advantage. They put out the honeypot and get to argue on their home turf for the most part, although they also posted to c/politics.

                Much more indicative of something like mental illness and a bad response to being bullied

                ‘Just responding to their environment.’

                • @Eldritch
                  -21 hour ago

                  That is just trolling with home court advantage. They put out the honeypot and get to argue on their home turf for the most part

                  That’s a REAL stretch. I’m not saying they aren’t fucking annoying. They’re really, FUCKING, annoying. But being annoying doesn’t imply trolling. I’ve met people who’s basic speaking tones and patterns annoyed me. But it was less something they did intentionally and more a malfunction of who they were. And in this case, despite monk making a spectacle of themselves. People sought them out far more than monk intruded elsewhere.

                  I won’t miss them. But some of the behavior has definitely been obsessive and bullying towards them. Regardless of their actions or what you think of them personally. Maybe you like that fact. Maybe you don’t. For me personally though it feels like pretty shitty behavior all around and no one to really root for. When I stopped engaging with them. I stopped having issues with them. They didn’t follow. Didn’t harass others the way they were harassed. That’s not justifying or defending their behavior. Whatever lessons they learned they learned the wrong fucking thing. There’s no question about that.

      • @[email protected]
        297 hours ago

        Nah. I’ve dealt with these kind of people since BBSs. They’re trolls and get a kick out of the responses.

        They usually have multiple “hidden” agendas.

        First and foremost is to get a rise out of people to get engagement so their message resonates negatively and then is surfaced and viewed by the impressionable.

        Second is to cause strife within the community.

        Third is to get that strife to get people to shift to their viewpoint

        • @[email protected]
          166 hours ago

          It’s amazing how many people forgot about the classical “get a rise out of everyone with shitty arguments” troll, or forgot that the way to deal with them was to ignore and ban on sight. Fuck, I was practically in diapers when Usenet and BBSes were a thing and I still remember “don’t feed the troll.”

      • @Eldritch
        -46 hours ago

        It’s certainly not genuine good faith engagement. But yeah not obvious “trolling” no matter how dismissive and off putting their responses can be. They have some sort of personal need for engagement. And way too much free time to pursue it in. Two things combined with unwillingness to understand or acknowledge the arguments other people make. That come off so toxic.

        • Blackbeard
          156 hours ago

          If “not genuine good faith engagement”, “dismissive”, “need for engagement”, “too much free time”, “unwillingness to understand or acknowledge other arguments”, and “toxicity” aren’t signs that someone is trolling, then can you please share the definition of trolling you’re using? In my eyes all of those things are classic troll behaviors.

          • snooggums
            206 hours ago

            It is only trolling if they do it from the le beaucoup Trolle province of France.

          • @Eldritch
            05 hours ago

            Just because it can be, doesn’t mean it is. It’s absolutely taken on more trollish overtones of late. They weren’t always this way. If you want to go dumpster diving, months ago there were moments and posts of introspection.

            It’s not healthy behavior regardless. But I can understand it. I don’t tolerate Leninist/tankie hypocrisy, and feel pretty self righteous calling them out on it. Viewing their silent down votes as affirmation. It would be easy to behave similarly to them. Pestering etc. Hell I have done it in the past. And if I was a person prone to the magical thinking of dogma and ideology I probably still would be. But I value my time, logic, and reason much more. And enjoy it much more to engage with someone, that even if we don’t agree in the end. We don’t talk past each other. But focus on actually having a fruitful discussion.

            • Blackbeard
              45 hours ago

              So, again, can you define “troll” for me? I think you and I are operating based on fundamentally different definitions, and I’d like to see yours spelled out so I can understand the difference.

              • @Eldritch
                45 hours ago

                Only after you define a patronizing. And explain why you’ve chosen to ignore what was said. I literally said it’s taken on trollish tone recently. But I don’t believe it’s their actual MO. To be clear I’m not arguing that they should not be banned or trying to defend them. I honestly think there’s much more to suggest mental illness going on there than gleeful trolling. But I see that it’s wildly important for you personally to only see them definitely as a troll. Despite the fact that being undaunted and a bit spammy is the biggest accusation that you have. I honestly am getting much more trollish vibe from you than I have ever gotten from monk all the times I disagreed with them and pointed it out. Which to be clear I’ve largely stopped engaging with them at this point because of the uselessness.

                • @jordanlundOPM
                  64 hours ago

                  Looking at some of their threads, the trolling type behavior seemed directed at users who were already fairly antagonistic to them to begin with, then it turned in to trolling back and forth all the way down.

                • Blackbeard
                  -24 hours ago

                  The definition you gave in your initial comment is the definition I use. I very clearly didn’t ignore what you said, have no idea what “a patronizing” has to do with anything, and asked you a very simple question, which you ignored.

                  The fact that after only two replies you went straight to personal attacks tells me I’m unlikely to get anything productive out of this exchange.

  • Diplomjodler
    246 hours ago

    Maybe some kind of rate limiting would work for cases like this. Anyway, i doubt we’ll see that one again after the 15 days are up. At least for the next four years.

    • @Riccosuave
      4 hours ago

      If they don’t reappear then I think there is a legitimate argument that it was a coordinated propaganda account.

      If they do come back with the same level of veracity then I think there is merit to the potential mental illness, or neurodivergence argument.

      • snooggums
        3 hours ago

        I’ll bet they have an alt account up and running already in either case.

        • @Riccosuave
          3 hours ago

          I mean maybe, but I think it would be pretty obvious given the nature of how and what they post.

          • snooggums
            53 hours ago

            Possibly, yeah. Or they might just be content with spamming other politics communities.

      • @AbidanYre
        32 hours ago

        I’m pretty sure they’ll start before that.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      126 hours ago

      Yeah, reddit had something like that baked in, I’m not sure how lemmy could implement it.

      “You are doing that too much, try again later.”

      It seemed to be tied to both the age of the account and the karma of the account. It varies from subreddit to subreddit.

      There also seemed to be a difference if you were subscribed to the community or not.

      But then we’re comparing something relatively new (lemmy) to an established platform with over a decade of development too.

      • @Maggoty
        54 hours ago

        Sounds like a bot could do the job. Counts submissions in a rolling 24 hour period and fires a report off if someone goes over. Or it even deletes the post itself.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          64 hours ago

          For local, users, yeah. I think the confounding factor is federation, but like I say, I raised the issue and we have people way smarter than me!

          • @Maggoty
            32 hours ago

            I was just thinking about reading the name and time on the post and running a counter. Then deleting the posts if they are above the limit.

      • @Brkdncr
        85 hours ago

        Sounds like a great feature to request

        • @jordanlundOPM
          54 hours ago

          I asked in our Discord. I think the limiting factor is federation. I’m not sure how it’s possible to rate limit things in a federated environment.

          Fortunatley we have smarter people than me around!

  • @[email protected]
    357 hours ago

    I think the bigger issue here is the indiscriminate obvious trolling.

    The fact that it took “bad judgment” and not the reading between the lines for their sealioning and bad faith arguments and faux “friend” comments points towards the need for strengthening our community standards.

    Allowing people to come in and troll under the guise of “I’m following the rules lolololol” makes the mods look like rubes.

    • @jordanlund
      117 hours ago

      When it comes to moderation, I’m of the opinion that it should never be a “read between the lines” interpretation. If we’re going to take action as severe as a ban, it should not be open to interpretation.

      For example, I remember a comment that was reported and removed for referencing the whole disingenuous question “when did you stop beating your wife?”

      Reported and removed for call to violence, and I had to explain to the other mod that “no, no, they’re making a point about asking disingenous questions…”

      Post was restored.

      • @Riccosuave
        21 hour ago

        That was my comment. I’m both a little embarrassed that got referenced after so long, but was also impressed in the moment that someone took the time to actually understand the context in which it was made.

        So, I’m torn on the issue of what the appropriate course of action would be in the instance of UniversalMonk, and when it should have been taken. I see the validity in your argument in regards to not moderating in the gray area due to the abuse & power-brokering that comes along with it.

        At the same time, in order to create a healthy community long-term I think there needs to be some way to enforce a more black & white standard that dissuades people from engaging in this kind of behavior because it drives away legitimate users who care about the platform.

        I don’t necessarily have a good solution for that, and again I do appreciate the complexity of the situation from a moderation standpoint.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          11 hour ago

          Clearly we just turn over moderating to ChatGPT, what could possibly go wrong? ;)

      • go $fsck yourself
        136 hours ago

        When it comes to moderation, I’m of the opinion that it should never be a “read between the lines” interpretation. If we’re going to take action as severe as a ban, it should not be open to interpretation.

        The problem with this is that it allows people to ride the line of what is acceptable and get away with things that effectively poison the platform with toxicity.

        It’s very similar to what Trump did, and now look at the state of the entire US politics system now.

        By allowing people to toe the line by not technically breaking the rules, it still adds to the overall toxicity of Lemmy.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          65 hours ago

          Oh very much so, which is why I, and other mods, were paying very close attention to what they were doing.

          Reports fall into two categories:

          “Oh, this guy again, can we ban them yet?”


          “Oh, god, it’s the person who reports everything…”

          The weird part is in the latter case, you can’t just ignore ALL their reports, no matter how much you want to, because there is that 1 in 10 chance they’re right. LOL.

      • @[email protected]
        237 hours ago

        Yes, but when there’s literally thousands of posts and comments to build the “between the lines” data within a 30-day time frame what excuse is there?

        When somebody is trolling so hard that it’s causing strife within your community it should be addressed. Identify the behavior that isn’t desired and enforce existing rules around it or create a new one and warn the person that they need to operate in good faith within the rules or they will be ousted as an antagonistic troll.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          -106 hours ago

          In cases like that the default position is to allow the downvotes and individual user blocks to do the job.

          • @Pichu0102
            63 hours ago

            The problem with individual user blocks is that if someone submits enough of the links in a community, blocking them means blocking most stories and discussions so you can’t really read or participate in the community without leaving them unblocked.

          • Blackbeard
            256 hours ago

            I think that would carry more weight if downvotes had some kind of meaningful effect on the user’s engagement with the platform. As it stands they’re purely symbolic.

            Additionally, deferring to user blocks does two things: 1) It decreases the chance that the problematic behavior will elicit meaningful criticism or pushback from more engaged participants, which amplifies its unchallenged visibility/effect on marginally engaged lurkers, and 2) it puts control of the dialogue squarely into the hands of committed trolls, rather than the community or the community’s moderators. Blocks don’t do anything to change or improve the community, they just allow people to filter their own version of it.

          • @[email protected]
            6 hours ago

            Which makes your community toxic and your job harder.

            How many reports did you get and have to filter through and ultimately ignore? If that’s not an indicator from your community that something needs to change you’re not listening to our needs.

            • @jordanlundOPM
              -66 hours ago

              My default is to be more lenient because I saw how badly heavy handed moderation can go from 15 years on reddit. ;)

              Too many times what’s “toxic” or not was decided by… well…


              • EleventhHour
                165 hours ago

                This very much appears to be a case where it would be reasonable to break from your default. This is not a typical user doing typical things.

                • @jordanlundOPM
                  55 hours ago

                  Well, yeah, and I did that when I raised the issue with the other mods and admins multiple times. ;)

              • snooggums
                156 hours ago

                People are commenting about one glaringly obvious troll with a long history of baiting in comments, not calling for widespread bans based on a few posts per user.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    217 hours ago

    The Dark Monk is going to write some erotic friend fiction about you, jordanlund.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      37 hours ago

      Oddly, on a personal level, I have no beef with the guy. If we were local we could probably go out for beers or something.

        • @[email protected]
          86 hours ago

          I think @[email protected] is right. The Monk has many beliefs that I either agree with or at least understand where they’re coming from. If there had been full duration Democratic primary, or any of the 3rd parties been even remotely competent/had a chance, or the voting system been a universal Ranked-Choice Voting system or better I’d probably support them. But he refused to see reality to the point I think it is fair to argue a dishonest agenda at best.

          Regardless of the cognitive dissonance saying that gives me, I think it was a good thing for the community, and perhaps Monk too, that a break was mandated.

  • @MegaUltraChicken
    156 hours ago

    I approve of this action and appreciate the transparency. Thank you for doing something about this individual.

  • @[email protected]
    217 hours ago

    Good, thank you for addressing this! I think the temporary ban is a perfect solution. I only care about this because of how close we are to the election, and this solves that problem.

    • @elliot_crane
      95 hours ago

      Let’s be real, it’s basically a perm ban because I sincerely doubt that dude is showing face around here after the election.

  • @Sanctus
    66 hours ago

    They should stick to writing mildly interesting short horror stories