• Scratch
        955 months ago

        Ok, legit though, a friend of mine started going bald in his mid 20’s. Tried growing his hair out but was eventually convinced that shaving his head was a better look.

        Then he started to really get into Melodic & Power Metal and similar sounding music.
        Then Amon Amarth. Which lead him to Norse mythology. So he gets a Mjolnir necklace. And he likes leather jackets.

        Perfectly innocent!

        And he visits some friends in Germany. Coincidentally there is an anti-nazi protest going on. This huge German dude takes one look at the pasty-white, skinhead, Norse symbol, leather jacket friend of mine and gets RIGHT UP I HIS FACE. Very intent on kicking his ass until the people he is visiting defuse the situation.

        I think it’s a funny story, at least.

        P.S. Fuck Nazis. 🖕

        • Captain Aggravated
          115 months ago

          So norse runes are nazi symbols now?

          Can we make a list of symbols that aren’t associated with nazis? How much of the Latin alphabet can we keep?

          • @Bertuccio
            5 months ago

            Nazis have borrowed Norse symbology since like the beginning of Nazis. Their most recognizable symbol is also borrowed from other cultures.

            Unlike the swastika, Norse symbols aren’t so strongly associated with Nazis that they’re now completely unacceptable, so some Nazis use them as a way to broadcast their interests while keeping some plausibly deniable “I just think they’re neat” shit.

            • Flying Squid
              185 months ago

              Don’t forget they also called themselves Aryan despite the Aryans being from central/south Asia. They’re generally considered to be Indo-Iranian based on where they ended up and where they started. But it flows off the tongue better to put the former first.

              • @Bertuccio
                55 months ago

                They also call themselves Caucasian despite that being Eastern European and Asian.

          • @[email protected]
            285 months ago

            The Nazis were super into Norse runes. Hitler legitimately thought that they held magical powers.

            I’d say I’m surprised you didn’t know that, but honestly, I’m not because there’s a lot of those kinds of things that they don’t mention when teaching about WW2. Plenty of skinhead dog whistles that I didn’t learn about until later on.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            15 months ago

            So norse runes are nazi symbols now?

            Yeah, Nazis have been coopting our shit since the 1930s and we’re sick of it.


            Far left anti-authoritarian pacifist from Denmark who likes Norse mythology.

          • Yeather
            15 months ago

            The SS symbol is two norse runes meaning the sun and reinterpreted as victory. The nazis wanted to replace religion in their territory with an SS / Nazi based religion using pure aryan symbols instead of praising a jew. The norse symbolism is found throughout Nazi symbolism.

        • @Leviathan
          45 months ago

          Fuck them for coopting fun symbols and ruining shit for everyone.

      • @[email protected]
        285 months ago

        I just want to put this out here because it happened to me. I’ve had a deep interest in Norse mythology since I was a child and have several tattoos featuring runes and Norse mythological imagery. I knew that Othala was a common white supremacist symbol as well as things like the sonnerad, triskele, and valknut so I avoided them.

        However, my most visible piece is a raven skull with 3 runes running down the middle. 2 of them are apparently associated with Nazi shit. Thankfully they’re obscure enough that normal people don’t assume I’m a white supremacist, but it’s dog-whistley enough that I’ve had Nazis assume I was also a Nazi and try to strike up conversations with me.

        For anyone considering getting runes, be very careful with which ones you select and how you present them. Here’s a decent list of Norse symbols that have been associated with white supremacist movements

          • @captainlezbian
            85 months ago

            Also the full star of chaos sometimes gets you an anarchist, sometimes a Nazi, and most likely a warhammer player. It’s a weird symbol

              • @TexasDrunk
                165 months ago

                It’s also why they think that everything is a bad code that they can descramble. They have these super obvious codes to signal to others and assume every other group has a code that’s just as poorly disguised. That’s how we ended up with shit like Pizzagate. If you order certain pizzas that unlocks the secret basement with the kids! It’s also why a lot of them think there’s a super secret cabal running everything.

                • @Gigasser
                  65 months ago

                  Nah pizzagate has an even stupider but simpler explanation. Qanon folk thought that pedophiles were using the term Cheese Pizza or CP as a code for Child Prono.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                Never got around to it, but I wanted to do a statistical search of Reddit usernames that pop up in subreddits with two or more numbers at the end. You’ll of course have lots of people with '86 or '92 because they had their birth year at the end of their username. I’m betting '88 sticks out on the bar chart. Not everyone with an '88 at the end will be a nazi, but a disproportionate number with '88 would be a hint towards what kind of people the subreddit is attracting.

                • Justas🇱🇹
                  55 months ago

                  Wasn’t there a copypasta about someone born in the 88 and having it in the username, being called a nazi and being sad about it?

                  The punchline is that the username in question is GasTheJews88.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  you also would have to normalise over all the usernames of the platform. as a number repeating itself, i would assume that it generally attracts more attention. source: i compete in team sports. after the birthyears repeating numbers are the ones most often chosen for jersey numbers.

            • Edgarallenpwn
              15 months ago

              Me over here with decades of usernames including 14 in them because it was my “lucky number” in speedway math.

        • @captainlezbian
          45 months ago

          I’d love to see an anti fascist Viking type get “kill Nazis” transliterated into runes as a tattoo

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      275 months ago

      I hate how these bastards ruined Norse art and mythology imagery

        • @Madison420
          165 months ago

          Not at all most of the image of Vikings is wildly inaccurate and the britons don’t have much wiggle room to talk about crazy shit their people did in the woods.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            The Vikings had an economy based on chattel slavery fed by overseas raiding.

            One of the best descriptions we have of a Viking burial comes from an Arab trader traveling among the Kievan Rus who is considered very reliable, where he describes the gangrape and murder/sacrifice of an enslaved woman before the burial ship is burned.

            Other than that, the ending of the ritual is actually pretty funny. If you’re interested in reading it for yourself look up Ibn Fadlan’s journals.

            The Vikings were more than that, in much the same way the Romans were more than their conquests or the Mongols more than a butchering horde, but there’s a reason they’re remembered for pillaging and murder and not trading. Mostly because the traders were the pillagers and murderers the moment they thought they could get away with it.

            Viking revisionism to fit your own bias is not just a sin of the fascist.

            • @Madison420
              25 months ago

              You’ve not read about the britons have you huh?

              Viking revisionism to fit your own bias is not just a sin of the fascist.

              What exactly did I revise dipshit?

                • @Madison420
                  5 months ago

                  Way to dodge, you claim revisionist history. What exactly did I revise.

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      215 months ago

      Norse runes rule.

      They don’t belong to nazis, and everybody saying otherwise is an ally of the nazis and an enemy of the people.

      Norse runes rule.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          There might be an argument for adding back in thorn and such but the funny thing about the Anglo-Saxon/Germanic rune system is that it was copied and altered from Etruscan/North Italian sources in the first place!

      • @captainlezbian
        15 months ago

        Oh absolutely but you kinda have to make it clear it’s not fash at the moment with them. I know a few Norse pagans and it’s a thing they get used to.

    • snooggums
      165 months ago

      It’s the beginning of a maze!

    • Flying Squid
      105 months ago

      I once walked into a gas station (a local one, hooray) and the guy behind the counter had a giant swastika tattoo on his arm.

      Considering the sort of management that would allow such a person to work there, I avoided that station from then on.

    • @aidan
      35 months ago

      Were the confederates fascist? Racist oligarchies exist before fascism as a concept existed(like the confederacy). But I think fascism also requires certain economic and political policies that idk if the CSA had.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        If the Confederacy existed today you’d call it a fascist state with zero mental conflict, but Orwell actually addressed a similar situation with criticizing Kipling that he resolved by simply calling him a pre-fascist.

        No, they do not meet a technical definition of the term on a policy level, but if they’d been around in 1930 you bet your ass they’d have been babbling about Autarky and such.

      • Justas🇱🇹
        25 months ago

        There is also a huge emphasis on military worship in fascist societies, sometimes even trying to make civilians dress and act like the military does. Which, once again, confederates didn’t do.

        • @Hamartia
          55 months ago

          A big problem with how people conceptulise fascism is that they only look at a couple of full grown animals. This causes them to overlook the nascent stages and to discount regional variances caused by the different environments they grew up in.

          Whether they have been propagandised to frame this perception this way because most Right Wing movements utilise fear, anger and devisiveness in a discomfortingly similar way, is worth pondering.

  • @affiliate
    675 months ago

    he basically turned his arm into this flag

  • @RattlerSix
    445 months ago

    Never forget what really started the Ferguson riots. After a peaceful candlelight vigil, Ferguson police let a K-9 piss on the memorial to Michael Brown then ran over it with their police cars

  • Lad
    365 months ago

    When you roll around in pig shit then take a pig shit bath to clean it off

  • Edgarallenpwn
    315 months ago

    Got a warning for a tail light being out about 15 miles from Ferguson last month. The douche had a similar tattoo to the first one. Instead of Monster can logo it was a sweet tribal design with parts of the Confederate flag mixed in. Stay classy St Charles Police department

  • @finitebanjo
    295 months ago

    Its absolutely awful, but I do like how they utilized the blue in the flag for the stripe. Very symbolically fitting, in a way.

      • @finitebanjo
        5 months ago

        Yeah look, theres a vertical strip of blue on the skull going straight down from a wonky edge of the tear which aligns with where the blue is on the flag. Also, the skulls eye socket covers where some of the red might have been in between.

        • @SwordInStone
          -365 months ago

          thanks for the downvote, but you are wrong and this is too trivial to explain, just look at the ridges of untatooed skin

          • @[email protected]
            65 months ago

            I have no idea what you’re on about. At the top of the largest piece of the earlier tattoo, there’s a ridge where it flares out, and at the base of that, it splits red on the left with blue on the right.

            On the new tattoo, at that same ridge, there’s white on the left, and the exact same blue on the right.

            Below the eye socket in the skull, the blue under that would be color matched and added, since that part of the original was red. At the same time, since they had to at least try to color match it, they may have touched up the upper part of the blue (above the eye socket), but it’s hard to tell.

            The white balance in these pictures doesn’t match, so the colors are all over the place and it’s hard to tell if they’re the same hue.

            Either way, on both, the blue line above the eye on the final tattoo does align with the blue present in the original tattoo.

            I dunno if you’re trying to say something else, but it’s clear as day if you reference the other edges of the piece, to align everything.

            • @[email protected]
              45 months ago

              I get what you’re saying, man! And it looks like the white star under that ridge be omes the white strip to the right of the blue one.

              Dumb tattoo, but good work on the artist’s part

              • @[email protected]
                45 months ago

                I agree, excellent artistry.

                This falls under, awful taste but great execution.

                I both like it and I hate it. 🎉

  • @[email protected]
    285 months ago

    Some of those that work forces
    Are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces
    Are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces
    Are the same that burn crosses
    Some of those that work forces
    Are the same that burn crosses
    Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me

    When the first eight lines are true, but then government is still surprised_pikachu.png when the result is the last line. Smh

    Anyway woop woop people! Woop mother fucking woop!

    The overseer rode around the plantation
    The officer is off, patrollin’ all the nation
    The overseer could stop you, “What you’re doing?”
    The officer will pull you over just when he’s pursuing
    The overseer had the right to get ill
    And if you fought back, the overseer had the right to kill
    The officer has the right to arrest
    And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        5 months ago

        Two songs. Both about the actual role of police in society. The first is quote is from the song Freak on a Leash, by the band Limp Bizkit. It’s an okay song.*

        The second quote is Sound of da Police by rapper KRS-One (short for Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone). KRS is technically right that every police agency in America, and indeed the entire cat and mouse model of crime control policy, derives its origins from American slave patrols, posses that would go chase down and capture escaped slaves for bounties, bring them back to their plantations, back to auction, or just to a rope. He’s literally wrong that the origin of the word officer in any way derives from the word overseer; officer has Latin origins, overseer is from middle English. This is one of my favorite rappers, songs, and verses.

        *It’s actually by Rage Against the Machine, and called Killin in the Name, I just like to joke on rock rappers.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          *It’s actually by Rage Against the Machine, and called Killin in the Name, I just like to joke on rock rappers.

          Dagnabbit! You almost had me there. First thought was “what kind a idiot?” “limp bizkit has a korn cover?” “I’m going to correct this jackass”… Then I read the rest. Good one, bravo! slow clap

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Some of those that work forces

      Are the same that burn crosses

      Ah, remember when the right got all up in arms that RATM was suddenly political when they dared speak out against… checks notes right-wing authoritarianism?

  • @middlemanSI
    185 months ago

    Hi, my name was John Dumb. I didn’t like my name anymore, so I changed it to Robert Dumb.

  • @masquenox
    145 months ago

    White supremacism in, white supremacism out.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    115 months ago

    This reminds me the Hungarian “moderate conservative” who left behind Hitler’s Mein Kampf for Evola’s Rebellion Against the Modern World.