The chemicals maybe, I don’t know which ones. I’m not a poop or perm expert.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    4 months ago

    I’m not a poop or perm expert.

    So, also not a poop expert, but I do know poop should smell like poop. If the smell of your dookies changes suddenly and doesn’t return back to normal in the time it takes to pass a few meals, you should probably go see a poop expert. AKA, your doctor.

    *edit - just to articulate the urgency here, GI problems can fuck you up in terms of discomfort - we’ve all been there - but some of them can kill you. Idk if any of the ones that can kill you are the same ones that change the smell of your shits, but that’s where the poop expert comes in.

    • Dr. WeskerOP
      124 months ago

      you should probably go see a poop expert

      Sadly, John McAfee has passed.

      • @Sterile_Technique
        104 months ago

        Unsure if you mean the guy named John McAfee, or if you decided to name your turd and that’s what you landed on. There’s a solid case to be made for either!

      • @Sterile_Technique
        44 months ago

        If it stays different. A bad meal can do some weird things to your toilet, but you should be back to normal pretty quick. If it stays different, something isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, so yeah that’s definitely a red flag.

        The stuff that comes out of your body can tell you a lot about the parts inside.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          I mean no doubt, the bar to visit a doctor for me is just higher than that. It would take a while for me to visit a doctor over a different smell. But I have the bar pretty high, admittedly.

          • @Sterile_Technique
            24 months ago

            Yeah fair enough. I couldn’t even afford health insurance for the first couple years working as a civ surgical tech, so my emergency plan was basically ‘if I die I die’, so I definitely get it.

            But do at least treat those kinds of changes as a contributing factor to consider along any other symptoms you notice. Sudden change in smell, color, consistency, frequency, etc - any one of them, keep an eye on it; all of them at once (and again, lasting longer than what just a bad meal would cause), something is definitely fucked up.

  • @[email protected]
    124 months ago

    Perms and hair removal products both contain chemicals that smell like sulfur, often described as “like rotten eggs” (my experience with rotten eggs is miniscule so I can’t confirm). Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfur, as do eggs of course. Thinking back on what you ate, remember it could be more than 24 hours ago, or it could be gas from tonight getting ahead of the poop.

    Some diseases can also make poop smell different so it’s worth trying to come up with a more accurate description before searching the Internet. Also take into account how you feel in general.

  • SolidGrue
    124 months ago

    N… No?
    No, I’m pretty sure I haven’t.

  • @Itdidnttrickledown
    104 months ago

    I worked at a paper mill shutdown one time. I ended up sleeping in my truck for four days in the parking lot because all the local places were full. It was a short shutdown so I took the first layoff and drove to a the next job. After I got a shower and something to eat my first shit smelled like a paper mill. The prompts that take me back to the ‘good old days’.

    • no banana
      104 months ago

      Paper Mill Shit should be a Yankee Candle.

  • @BreadOven
    64 months ago

    Yes. But only after eating cut hair with perm chemicals.

  • Plum
    54 months ago

    Sometimes my dog takes a shit that smells exactly like Nair.

  • Windows_Error_Noises
    24 months ago

    Search ammonia and sulfur smells in bowel movements, and see if any typical causes match your current dietary habits or medical status/medications including supplements. If they don’t, see a doctor, then get to a gastroenterologist, if you can. Maybe just do that, anyway. Regular checks, and digestive health are extremely important, regardless of weird poo and especially because of weird poo, no matter how uncomfortable, it’s more comfortable than the alternative. Source: life of intense health problems. Get your butthole checked. We believe in you.

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    I’ve noticed that it sometimes smells like epoxy glue. I wonder if we’re thinking of the same scent.