• @[email protected]
    16 minutes ago

    Criticizing people for voting 3rd party and then doing nothing to replace first past the post voting.

    Okay, I very publicly judge these people. It’s not a secret.

  • @[email protected]
    113 minutes ago

    Whenever another guy recommends something I find repulsive, for various reasons, I tend to write off most respect I had for that person.
    Lately some guys have talked positively about Andrew Tate, and it’s just made it easier for me to know who is a gullible prick and who to avoid.

  • @[email protected]
    41 hour ago

    Owning giant pickup trucks and SUVs. I’m not that secretive about it, though. I assume everyone driving them is an insecure, overgrown child who wants a big vroom vroom.

  • @[email protected]
    345 minutes ago

    People who brag their infant child is so smart they can use YouTube to find and watch videos when in reality they’re shitty parents who got a 2-year old addicted YouTube that’s specifically designed to be navigable by kids.

  • @[email protected]
    123 hours ago

    All the people typing “loose” when they mean “lose”. Shit’s been happening a lot for the past year or two and I don’t know why.

  • @Papanca
    84 hours ago

    People using fahrenheit without adding a celsius conversion

    • @NineMileTowerOP
      53 hours ago

      Must be from one of those fancy pants Euro countries or somethin

  • @[email protected]
    2 hours ago

    The ‘brands’ they are displaying.

    I see people checking me and others out. What runners are they? Jordans or KMart? Is that a Lacoste or walmart? Is that a real Rolex or D&G handbag?

    But for me, it’s not judging them like you think.

    I judge them flashing brands as a sign of insecurity, a need to appear wealthy and ‘fit in’, and a likely ‘keep up with the Jones’ jealous type.

    So, I actually feel sad for them.

    And, yes, I am aware it’s super judgemental and I’m no doubt hypocritical as well, as there are some things I will buy certain brands for.

    • @[email protected]
      18 minutes ago

      I can relate.

      Everytime I see some Gucci stuff on someone, I feel hard sad for them or sometimes cringe, because all the money they once had, was spent on something worthless in my eyes. They also look more unsympathic by having those brand stuff on them, so its a lot that plays in.

      But if they don’t look entirely iced out, then I mostly don’t even notice that the person has Expensive brand clothes or generally popular brands. I mostly see the overall design or the colors besides the Human and the face. I have my energy somehwere else to invest than thinking on ehat brands someone is wearing. A sometimes I secretly judge if they are trying very hard to be something like iced out. (With iced out I mean, trying to look rich with Gucci clothes or something similar)

  • @AgentGrimstone
    33 hours ago

    If they finish their food. I don’t like seeing food go to waste.

  • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
    6 hours ago

    Leaving things they decided they don’t want just wherever in a store. It’s annoying as a customer, because now I have to dig through their mess to get the product I actually wanted, and even moreso as an employee.

    At least put it back in the right department. The underpaid employees who have been there since before the store opened for the day really don’t want to have to play the game of “How long has this ground beef been sitting in a produce basket, and how much product did we just lose?”

    • @weeeeum
      84 hours ago

      I remember a story of a guy talking about how the store reeked and smelled terrible. After doing tons of searching at the epicenter of the smell, turns out some guy hid a 5 pound beef brisket on the bottom shelf, hidden behind a bunch of breakfast cereal.

      • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
        33 hours ago

        You can and will find terrifying things working in grocery.

        I once found a pack of beef jerky that had become 90% mold. It was tucked all the way towards the back of the shelves, partially shoved into the crack between two of them. We had no clue how long it had been sitting back there, because jerky rarely needed a full teardown.

        • @weeeeum
          42 hours ago

          Dear lord. Please tell us more!

          • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
            22 hours ago

            Found a package of ground beef randomly hidden in the very back of the milk cooler. Thankfully kept fairly cool, and still in date, but a customer had stuck it there because he wanted to come back later. He came back the next day and tried to file a complaint because it wasn’t there.

            Fish left in the bathroom. Like, straight up a pack of salmon fillets, just left there on the top of the toilet tank. Our best guess was that someone wanted to steal it, but either couldn’t fit it or got spooked and just abandoned it. It was in a far corner, barely used bathroom, too.

            Half eaten fruit or candy thats been shoved to the back of a low shelf. You know a kid did it, there’s massive mess back there, and depending on what aisle they hid it in, it might have been there for a couple days to a week. Once found a bell pepper some kid had chomped into.

            This is more just “general trash”, but still not uncommon if your store has a hotbar: Stolen food containers. People grab their dinner, eat it throughout the store, and then just put the trash wherever. If you’re lucky, they leave it somewhere obvious. If you’re unlucky, you find an open container of half-eaten rotisserie chicken shoved into a vent after they turned the heat on for the winter. Going past the deli in my store has triggered minor PTSD at times. That smell… Just… Hot rot. That’s the only way to describe it. Rotting garbage, oven warmed.

  • mub
    33 hours ago

    I judge anyone who misses the letter G out when they say the word “recognise”.

  • @Taniwha420
    64 hours ago

    Nosing (instead of reversing) into a parking spot. You always pick the conditions of your arrival, but not always your departure. Also, reversing into traffic is ridiculous and illegal in some places. Parking nose-first is dangerous and lazy.

  • @[email protected]
    477 hours ago

    Being completely unaware of anyone else:

    • Standing in doorways, using your phone or having a conversation
    • Talking loudly when inappropriate, when I’m in pain at the doctors, I don’t want to hear about your roses
    • leaving your shopping trolley blocking the aisle sideways in the supermarket while looking for your stuff
    • driving down the middle of the road so everyone else has to pull over, when there’s plenty of room for two cars to pass
    • stopping in the middle of the road without indicating, while: looking for your destination, or having a conversation, or deciding what day it is
    • riding your delivery bike down the footpath at high speed weaving between pedestrians

    As Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people”.

    • @EtherWhack
      11 hour ago
      • riding your delivery bike down the footpath at high speed weaving between pedestrians

      Gotta include the ones riding at night in black/dark clothes with no reflectors or lights; be it using the crosswalk, against a ‘do not cross’ or in the middle of the [car] lane, ignoring the bike lane.

    • @[email protected]
      96 hours ago

      stopping in the middle of the road without indicating, while: looking for your destination, or having a conversation, or deciding what day it is

      That’s my new pet peeve. The thing is I don’t remember seeing people do this in the past and certainly not frequently, but now I see it all the time. Mind-boggling selfishness. I think Covid rotted everyone’s brains way more than we realize.

      • @[email protected]
        34 hours ago

        Someone stopped in front of me… on an offramp. Luckily there was nobody behind me to hit me, but that’s an insane place to stop. No hazard lights, no indication. Just stopped.

    • Dharma Curious
      106 hours ago

      I can’t find a source right now, because I just woke up and I don’t want to, so (Trust Me Bro, et al, 2024) but there’s a chance that quote is actually about Nazis!

      A lot of French people referred to them as “the others” and would often speak sort of semi-codedly about them in writing and such so as not to piss off their new overlords. So that line may well not have been “I’m such an introvert that being around other humans is like being in hell” but instead “hell has delivered itself to my doorstep in the form of goose-stepping bastards”

  • kubok
    518 hours ago

    If you cannot chew with your mouth closed and you are older than 6 years, you should not be allowed to vote, operate heavy machinery or have children.