They probably happened in the bedroom, so therefore should be called bedroom thoughts 🙂
I haven’t been in a shower for months. Just in my bed. And I haven’t posted a shower thought.
I’m not going to ask about your hygiene
EDIT: hygene to hygiene
hygene isn’t spelled correctly
Thx, did not know before. 👍
I would bet that most actually happen within close vicinity to a toilet or are at least submitted from one.
🤔 toilet thoughts
As long as they’re naked
we’re all naked—all the time—under our clothes
Trying to think of a Venn diagram for Most If Any
You’ll need to utilize some higher dimensions
I have lots of shower thoughts, usually it’s what to do next in the D&D campaign I’m running. I could post them, but I don’t think that’s the spirit of the community.
I sincerely hope this thought occurred in the shower, OP. 😍
Most of my thoughts happened in your mom, so they should be called your mom thoughts
YO MOMMA happened in your mom!
Yo mom thinking in the shower so much she…
Had a thought?
not cool!
Sorry to to hear about your erectile dysfuction, would’ve said that must’ve been hard, but…
That’s not what your mom said
I shower in the morning, just after I take my ADHD meds. My shower thoughts are… meandering. Occasionally insightful, but usually just weird rabbit holes where I ponder links between distantly removed topics.
I stopped having shower thoughts when I started browsing my phone in the shower. Ipv ratings kick ass!
You know, I never post much of anything. But even if I did, I couldn’t post most of my actual shower thoughts without calls for banning, psychiatric intervention, or exorcism. Maybe all at once.
I get too relaxed in the shower, and my weird shit comes to the surface.
As an example, a few nights ago I had a doozy. I had had a conversation with a friend via text where they yet again tried to talk me into running for mayor. A joke w as made on his part about electing me as dictator for life.
By the time I got in the shower, my brain w as scrambling coming up with ways I could get out of such a situation. One of the first things I thought up was doing something so atrocious that I would get thrown into jail for life, because someone would have to decide I couldn’t be allowed to roam free if I went hard enough.
What proceeded was a shower filled with my brain going through horrible things leaders have done in the past and concluding that there’s never any guarantee a madman will be taken down while not being killed because there are so many people that will support the kind of batshit crazy that commits atrocities.
Mind you, it isn’t always that fucking batshit, but whatever is in my brain when I get under warm, running water is going to keep percolating until it goes off the rails. I’ve learned to never shower after watching “true” crime shows, political ads, or visiting anything that deals with botched surgeries. Why? Because my brain can’t be trusted to not turn it into a game of “what if?” It will inevitably go to the darkest, ugliest possible places.
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Someone needs to invent a waterproof suction-mounted device dedicated to recording actual shower thoughts.
Someone needs to invent a waterproof suction-mounted device dedicated to recording actual shower thoughts.
No one needs to hear me butchering Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” off key while humming through the verse because I forgot the lyrics only to belt out the chorus at full volume because that’s mostly what I remember of the song. And no, I don’t do that dance at the same time (because I don’t know the steps).
Get in the darn shower! :p