ENT 3x08 Twilight
Right, lol?
I’m not familiar with Space Cersei, is she good or bad?
Interesting analogy, since towards the end of Game of Thrones Cersei looked just like a Romulan Senator.
She’s good!
Is enterprise worth watching? I watched all the other shows but this one seemed the least appealing.
Yeah, I’ve always liked it. It’s similar to DS9 where it starts off light and episodic and then get more serialized as shit gets serious later on.
I’ll check it out thanks
I second OP. From what I’ve seen, the general consensus is the first two seasons are weak, the last two are pretty strong. Which is pretty on par when compared to other Treks IMO. That’s not to say that seasons 1 and 2 don’t have good episodes either.
Is it the greatest? No 😅. But it’s worth dipping your toes if you’re interested. The main reason why I think it’s not as well regarded is because of the intro song. But you just gotta have FAITH OF THE HEART 🎶🎸
Jfc that is some intro song. I worked at Kennedy space center as a teenager and that intro reminded me of the clips we played on a loop in like the gift shops
Over the Enterprise comm system: “Don’t forget to pick up your authentic Engineering insulated mug and life-size Porthos plushie.”
At the time, I think it was just called “Enterprise” which also set it apart (not in a good way). It was like mid to late season 2 or 3 before it was re-titled “Star Trek: Enterprise”.
It’s… okay? I never really warmed to Archer, though. I get what they were trying to do with him, but he’s a douche.
Lots of standalone episodes with a furious Ctrl-F to replace “shields” with “hull plating”. The idea of the ship being middling at best, compared to what they were running into, and without an extensive political or technical infrastructure to support them, was interesting. Some good work on the Vulcans, IMO, and Jeffrey Combs makes Shran a delight. The later arc is novel and meaningful, but even worse than DS9 about shoehorning a couple of serialized details into an existing script.
It’s not nearly bad enough to be a gap in an otherwise complete viewing history, but it’s definitely on the weaker side, and very much a product of its time.
I think it’s a bit of a slog, but worth it if you’re a TOS fan because season 4 (except the dreaded final episode) is basically one long TOS tribute.
I can’t recommend it either way, I can’t immerse myself in it because I can’t see the meta commentary it is on that point in time. It was released in September 2001 meaning it was written and filmed prior to the September 11th terrorist attack. So it really showcases the attitudes people had for the future immediately prior to and following the attacks.
In the series, before the zindi arc, while the crew of the Enterprise are meeting aliens, they can usually find common ground and resolve the conflict. Once the zindi arc starts, suddenly there are new aliens that are existentially different than the crew. The whole zindi arc is literally the trauma of September 11th, playing out on screen, in space. I can’t suspend disbelief enough to really enjoy it.
I have been re-watching Alien Nation and I forgot how great Gary Graham was playing pretty much the opposite character as Soval.
I’ve never seen Alien Nation, but when I typed “opposite character as Soval” into my brain, this was the result:
It does an amazing job of world-building. It’s based on a so-so movie, but the show itself is incredible. It only lasted one season, but they also followed it up with some TV movies. An alien slave ship crash-lands in the desert and the survivors are eventually given citizenship and most live in Los Angeles. It’s basically a procedural involving the human cop (Gary Graham) and a “Newcomer” cop (Eric Pierpoint, who also did a ton of Star Trek) solving crimes together. Between the exploration of Newcomer culture and the exploration of the racism they face- and that some of them have for humans, it’s an amazing show. And I don’t generally like procedurals.
It’s all on the Internet Archive.
Edit: Come to think of it, he essentially plays against a “Vulcan” character in Eric Pierpoint’s George. Newcomers don’t lack emotion, far from it. But George himself is very reserved and awkward and really does not get humans, so it’s a similar relationship humans have with Vulcans. But his character, Sikes, is a definite ‘lead with his emotions’ kind of guy, so it’s the opposite from Soval.
I’ll check it out, probably soon-ish. Thanks. Winter is when I typically watch through new (to me anyway) shows since I don’t like outside when it’s all L-class lol.
I hope you enjoy it. I wouldn’t bother with the original movie except for curiosity’s sake. Much like Stargate SG-1, they went their own way with the TV show and it doesn’t even share a cast.