Lets use it only on citizens who are billionaires to make sure they remain on their best behavior.
ORACLE - One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison
Should work pretty good if the IRS uses it for tax audits.
Larry Ellison is one of the biggest pieces of shit and Oracle can go fuck themselves.
i’m just gonna leave this here
Move to china you dick length.
He looks like the plastic version of Tim Allen as Santa from that Christmas movie.
Who’s watching the billionaires?
The Smash Brothers.
Sure, it could, but should it? No of course not, a safe “utopian” society through force is dystopian and still unsafe (just now the danger is sanctioned, don’t run afoul of Lord AI) in reality.
I’ll take the possibility of getting shot by some dickhead over AI overlords watching my every move any day of the week.
A symptom of believing they are better than others.
Leave it to the associopathic billionaires to take a look at 1984 and decide to use it as an instruction book.
Of course it is, because that AI will totally not be programmed to ONLY surveil the lower tier sub-humans, Riiiiiiiiiight ?
Brb, buying cases of Guy Fawkes masks…
You oughta buy shares of the Guy Fawkes Mask Co.
I heard a guy tell a story about a vast AI-fueled cluster of bombs strapped to Larry’s head set to trigger if he says objectively inhumane, anti-democratic shit can ensure Larry stays a lot quieter.
Tim Allen with bad facial hair looking motherfucker
He’s like if you made a hybrid clone of Tim Allen and Tim Curry and then had him raised by Josef Stalin and Ayn Rand.