What a tosswomble. Europe is already great, and you don’t get great by stuffing your heads up your collective arses, which is what the USA has just decided to do for the next four years. Allow me to join in the great chorus of Fuck Off Elongated Muskovite.
European here. Let me fix that : MEGA - Make Elon Go Away 👋🚀
Fuck Off Elon
That one I can support.
When is the eu going to block twitter for foreign interference?
Hopefully after Canada does.
Is Canada considering it? :O
It’s good to say it, but they fucking better act fast and hard on these words.
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I’ll listen to him when A) starlink will fly in his a$$ and B) he’ll learn position, capitals, history and language of all the EU countries
You can say ass on the Internet, FYI
I’m pretty sure the capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg, but my American Geography class may have fooled me
Now do Vatican City!
Well obviously that’s Rome…
He really loves his Twitter Bots doesn’t he?
I support this party. And I will buy the hat. Can it be blue with yellow lettering?
I struggle to think of a time when Europe as a whole was “Great” and where I’d want to go back to…
Maybe the mid 1990’s?In the mid 1990’s
no matter what a husband did to his wife, it would never be considered rape by German law. (The guy who will most likely be our next head of government voted against the change back in 1997.)
violent xenophobic riots took place in Germany, and the government kind of just shrugged and did nothing.
same-sex marriages were not a thing anywhere in Europe.
racist, sexist and homophobic jokes were socially acceptable even in relatively progressive circles.
transgender people even existing was still a taboo. Giving them any rights was completely unthinkable.
Yeah mid 1990’s in Romania where the best, crazy inflation, 70% of the population still had toitlets in the garden, one colored TV per apartment building, those years were the bomb. Would totally do again.
117 aD