
Representative Sarah McBride, the first out trans congresswoman, criticized Donald Trump’s executive order defining gender as strictly male or female.

McBride points out that biologically all embryos develop as female until the SRY gene activates weeks after conception.

The order, which ties gender to reproductive cells at conception, unintentionally categorizes all humans as female from conception based on biological facts.

McBride’s remarks highlight scientific flaws in the policy.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    131 hour ago

    Donvict and his supporters (yeah, I know, don’t blame the precious voters!) don’t really understand science.

  • @randon31415
    313 hours ago

    Trump: “You must identify with the gender you were at the time of conception.”

    Science: “Everyone starts out as women and don’t become men until 6 weeks after conception.”

    Trump: “That is exactly what I meant. Everyone who knows science must identify as a girly girl.”

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Anyone who thinks this shit is funny is in for a rude awakening.

    They do not fucking care. They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.

    You don’t get out on technicalities in fascism; if the autocrat in charge wants to do the thing, he will do it. All of these things will be used as cudgels against perceived political enemies, and marginalized US citizens.

    • Bahnd Rollard
      1050 minutes ago

      I want people to try to be less pesimistic, the point is that technicalities like this will waste time. Every one of these exectuive orders is going to be challanged in court, and while the GOP controls the higher courts, these cases will start in the lower ones. With any luck, the lower courts will stay the order until things can get resolved. Every appeal, every challange takes time to process and judges are under no obligation to resolve things quickly.

      The goal currently isnt to try and overturn the order, thats just pissing into the wind. The goal is to waste their time for 2 years and hope the house flips, if it does, we can send 47 back to his golf course for the rest of his term because he wont be able to accomplish anything.

    • @[email protected]
      72 hours ago

      This. In much the same way an elder god doesn’t give a damn about conservation of energy or the square cubed law, a dictator with effectively un-checked power doesn’t care about wording of executive orders or LAWS. Be careful.
      Cthulu has woken from eons (4 years) of slumber (not being president) to ravage the planet, while looking like a moldy cheese puff.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      They will use this the exact same way that they would have used it if it was worded correctly.

      The “de-fund the police” (but really adjust teaming to include psyche pros to ensure proper handling of at-risk people who do not warrant a response escalation) movement may show them how that’s done.

  • @Absaroka
    986 hours ago

    I’m not sure what is more disconcerting. That the people in charge truly are a bunch of fucking idiots.

    Or that those idiots have outplayed and outsmarted the Democrats at damn near every turn for 20+ years.

    • @Bytemeister
      61 hour ago

      One team is trying to govern, and the other team is trying to win.

      If Democrats lied constantly, denied science, sowed fear and hatred, and used the law to enforce their personal religious beliefs… They’d be indistinguishable from Republicans.

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      140 minutes ago

      They didn’t outsmart them, they just are trying to destroy everything. Their actions aren’t bounded by such qualifiers as “good things happening”.

    • @lennybird
      144 minutes ago

      This assumes a fair playing field.

    • @[email protected]
      334 hours ago

      The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.
      – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      This assumes the Democrats aren’t also keenly aware of what is happening and either doing a real sorry job of putting up any viable opposition or are in on the game. The two-party system is a front

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    Theres two possible interpretations due to the at conception bit I think. Either he made everyone a woman, or he abolished gender all together. Either way this EO make Trump the single largest gender changer in history as he just changed the gender of either ~150 million or ~300 million people.

    • @[email protected]
      254 hours ago

      It’s fun to think about the hypotheticals, but the reality here is that it does not matter the exact words in the EO. We know what they mean, and they won’t let some silly technicality stop them.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      185 hours ago

      I really would like to see some people ask for a divorce off the fact that they were married under false pretenses. They believed they were marrying a man.

    • pachrist
      33 hours ago

      E pluribus unum, baby.

    • @Dasus
      75 hours ago

      Remember that sex =//= gender.

    • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
      186 hours ago

      You kids are spoiled with all your gender identities. Back in my day, we only had one gender, and we were grateful for it!

      • @[email protected]
        146 hours ago

        You were lucky! We had to share a gender with everyone in the village!
        And when that prick Jane had it, it always came back bent!

    • Dojan
      6 hours ago

      For some reason this makes me think of the inscription on the One Ring.

      • @rockSlayer
        105 hours ago

        It began with the forging of the Genders. Three were given to the Transgenders, eepy, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Non-binaries, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine genders were gifted to the furry-folk, who above all else desire power. For within these genders was bound the strength and the will to govern each gay community. But they were all of them deceived, for another gender was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master gender, and into this gender he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

        • Dojan
          86 hours ago

          One gender to bring them all, and in togetherness find them

      • toiletobserver
        26 hours ago

        One sex to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

    • don
      24 hours ago

      We’re all yesgendered now! Hooray!

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    Its so stupid that the government of one of the world’s most powerful countries is occupying itself trying to restrict people’s healthcare and bathroom usage based on some poorly understood and arbitrary rules about zygotes. Meanwhile, the planet burns.

  • @[email protected]
    306 hours ago

    Bad headline IMO, she’s more so pointing out more flaws in it which is different than laughing it off

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      6 hours ago

      “This is logically flawed because <drops a stack of biology textbooks on the table>” won’t really bother a bunch of Young Earth Creationists. You’re arguing with people who will retreat to the baseline argument “because God said so” in a pinch. Getting into the messy details of embryonic development won’t save you, because that’s not how their nominations to the FBI, the DOJ, or the Federal Judiciary are going to interpret any of it.

      • @[email protected]
        356 hours ago

        Actually it being poorly written helps a lot with court challenge. That was one of the reasons why so much was overturned in his first administration. There was a fear that this time he’d sign better written executive orders that would survive challanges instead we’re getting a lot of them like this

        • fadingembers
          23 hours ago

          You think the supreme court won’t side with whatever schlock trump puts out? You should listen to a few of their hearings. The ones on free speech and transgender issues are specifically telling.

          • @[email protected]
            3 hours ago

            Not all cases make it up to SCOTUS. Massive numbers of suits are being filed right now, they can’t take them all up with just 9 justices. Many of these lawsuit are intentionally filed in places with more dem appointees on the district and appeals courts

            SCOTUS is insane, but they are also not in lock step with Trump. They have their own agenda that often align with Trump but not always. For instance, they just ruled 9-0 on the TikTok ban while Trump was calling for the courts to rule the opposite way

            We won’t we every fight, but there’s fights we can win. Use every tool we can against them

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              22 hours ago

              For instance, they just ruled 9-0 on the TikTok ban while Trump was calling for the courts to rule the opposite way


              “But the question we face today is not the law’s wisdom, only its constitutionality. Given just a handful of days after oral argument to issue an opinion, I cannot profess the kind of certainty I would like to have about the arguments and record before us. All I can say is that, at this time and under these constraints, the problem appears real and the response to it not unconstitutional,” Gorsuch continued

        • @[email protected]
          156 hours ago

          The truth is, they don’t care how poorly written it is, they’re just trying to flood the zone with stuff, and they win no matter the outcome. If it’s not challenged, they have policy, if it is challenged, it occupies time and resources and most importantly, if it’s challenged unsuccessfully, they have legal precident.

          • @[email protected]
            6 hours ago

            it is challenged, it occupies time and resources

            It also takes up their time and resources to which I say: good. Slow it all down

            They’d rather be able to steam roll through it all. Make them waste time defending everything so they can’t sue as much about things they do care about or move on to putting other things in effect

            • @[email protected]
              95 hours ago

              This is where I’m at too. Even rubber stamping shit takes a non zero amount of time. We should be bouncing back anything that has so much as a misplaced comma, let alone shit like this.

            • @[email protected]
              45 hours ago

              They have more time and resources as many of the challenges are spun off and subcontracted to their cronies. And they don’t especially care if things grind to a halt, that’s also a win for them, they can play victim to the public with it and scream about how they really want to get on with running a government.

              • @[email protected]
                55 hours ago

                Many of the orgs fighting them also aren’t governmental like the ACLU, the EFF, and other groups. Plus even localities like cities are even filing lawsuits against his EOs

                Biden had tons of his stuff blocked in courts and got all the blame for the courts blocking it. The public isn’t really good at paying attention to why something happened only that it didn’t

            • @[email protected]
              24 hours ago

              No it doesn’t slow them down. They will do the fucking thing anyway. Why do you think they’d stop just because they used the wrong wording?

              Who the fuck is going to stop them?

              • @[email protected]
                34 hours ago

                It has slowed them before. Make them have to keep rewriting it to survive challenges

                Make them deal with the companies who don’t trust the next admin won’t just go the opposite way. Apple for instance is keeping TikTok delisted from the App Store despite trump trying to extend it

                Make them have to deal with federal worker strikes

                Make them have to deal with local & state officals who won’t comply with invalid orders

                There is a fight. Don’t let them get away without one

                • @[email protected]
                  2 hours ago

                  It has slowed them before. Make them have to keep rewriting it to survive challenges

                  How is it not already abundantly clear that this is not “before.” There is no precedent for what is currently happening

                  Who “makes” them exactly? This is fascism now. The person with the biggest army gets what they want, and everyone else better shut the fuck up or die.

            • @ProvableGecko
              24 hours ago

              It also takes up their time and resources

              It’s YOUR TIME AND RESOURCES! They do it on public employee time and with tax money. They are weaponizing the state against the people. There isn’t an upside to this.

              • @[email protected]
                44 hours ago

                So stand down and never fight? Absolutely not

                There is a fight, don’t let them go without one

                Progress will happen at the local and state level. The goal at the federal level is damage control

          • @[email protected]
            56 hours ago

            And every challenge is a chance to kick it up all the way to the Supreme Court where it can be enshrined as constitutional precedent.

          • @[email protected]
            5 hours ago

            There are already groups that have pledge lawsuits on this specific executive orders. The courts don’t just decide to do a lawsuit, people and organizations

            Others have already filed multiple lawsuits on multiple of his executive orders. There’s 4 different lawsuits already filed against his one trying to overturn birthright citizenship for instance. ACLU, group of 22 state attorney generals, separate group of states, and some other orgs.

            Also note that they’re also filing many of these in courts with more dem appointees who are much more likely to grant injunctions, rule favorably, etc. This is a tactic called judge shoping that republicans have historically loved to exploit and now it’s being used against them. Most cases never reach SCOTUS so this stuff matters. SCOTUS can only take up so many cases with 9 justices and there’s already massive numbers of suits here

        • @[email protected]
          15 hours ago

          The average intelligence of his hanger ons has dropped through the floor. Not to say there arent some possibly smart ones but those ones are probably having to spend way more energy keeping themselves sane, imagine being stuck in a room with both Trump and Musk youd have to expend so much willpower just to not go into a suicidal and homocidal rage.

      • @[email protected]
        116 hours ago

        “God made me a woman at conception and changed me to a man. I’m correcting God’s indecisiveness.”

      • @[email protected]
        4 hours ago

        This exactly. It’s disconcerting to see how many people seem to be laughing this off.

        They have zero interest in logic and consistency. We know what they mean, the actual words they used don’t matter.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    54 hours ago

    Isn’t that every despot’s idea, though? Make all laws used to control people nebulous enough that they can be applied to anyone for whatever reason? Just because it’s inept doesn’t mean it isn’t useful.

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    We’d all better march down to the DMV and update our genders then…

    It’s required by imperial edict now.

    • @Kaput
      65 hours ago

      No! That’s where the pants pocket removal squads will get you.

  • @ATDA
    35 hours ago

    Trump scientifically and detail obtuse, color me derped!

  • MedicsOfAnarchy
    46 hours ago

    There’s an easy way to redefine this. If Trump can grab you by it, and you just let it happen because he’s a star, you’re a woman.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    No, it really doesn’t. All ethical arguments aside, veterinarians/doctors/scientists/animal breeders often sex-select sperm for breeding purposes, very common as far as animals, I assume common enough in assisted human pregnancies. Anyways, bio sex is literally determined by the male input, not the female, it is quite literally decided at conception even if you can’t see it yet. (Why I know this? Farmer. You have no idea how violent and dangerous Holstein bulls are. Even before selected sex sperm was an option, dairy farmers went with artificial insemination rather than risking getting killed by one of those bastards. Most people, even farmers, have not seen an intact, full grown, Holstein bull. Jersey are the same way, but not quite as bad. For whatever reason, beef breed bulls, dangerous as they are, are much calmer than dairy breed). Ever met one of those guys with like 7 daughters? It’s quite often not a coincidence, think back to history class and medieval rulers getting divorced because their wife wouldn’t produce a male heir, and then the new wife wouldn’t either, nor the next wife, and the doctor who said something like “Maybe it’s you, your Majesty” was executed.

    • @Mcdolan
      22 hours ago

      Huh, didn’t know they were sexing semen for artificial insemination. Do you know if they can catch intersex semen? Intersex individuals/animals do exist and have been well documented.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        As far as I know, intersex is caused most often by a double fertilized egg, or that thing that happens when one twin absorbs the other in utero, chimeraism or mosaic. Something similar causes Down syndrome, an extra chromosome gets in there somehow.