The real joke is on the guy who bought a Maserati. That thing will be in the shop more than it’ll be on the road.
The guy in the comic should’ve looked up the prices of used Maseratis before feeling bad, they’re like 10-20k. I could afford a Maserati if I wanted to, but I’m trying to save up 60 grand for a down payment on a house on some land a fraction the size of this guy’s tree house plot.
No one buys a Maserati. Your lease it.
I just wait by the bar and when a guy with a Maserati comes in, I take pictures of myself in a pleather jacket and aviators with it in the background. Same effect, zero overhead.
If you wear a red vest and hang around outside a bar people will often just give you their cars, sometimes they might even be really insistent about it or even give you gas money.
That’s what happens when you let big mechanic design a car. Wake up sheeple!
Always do what you want to do, what makes you happy.
Unless what you’re doing involves making other people unhappy.
Yeah… don’t go around making people unhappy. That’s not a treehouse you wanna live in.
Well ya seeeeeee
Of course, why not ?
what if your name is donald j. trump or vladimir vladimirovich putin?
what if your name is donald j. trump or vladimir vladimirovich putin?
Stop bringing politics into every damn conversation! People should be able to discuss
topics that have nothing to do with politics without being infected with that nonsense
brain-rot bullshit. Fuck! There is more to life than politics.Always do what you want to do, what makes you happy.
let me do what makes me happy, i want to bring politics into every damn conversation.
But it’s making me unhappy!
The point is that if what makes you happy hurts other people, then don’t do it. There are twisted folk that enjoy hurting and murdering others, and it doesn’t even have to be politics; I think everyone, regardless of party, will admit that what Jeffery Dahmer was awful and that he shouldn’t hav done that.
I totally agree with zrqw !
If only there was some way to express that without adding noise to the thread and publicly patting yourself on the back.
All that lumber, in this economy? Big flex this guy with a tree house!
I like wooden wind chimes. I prefer them over the metal ones. Nicer sound. Hard to find a wood that will suffer getting clonked all day tho. Considering pvc
Maybe try bamboo? Cheap material if you want to diy it, and its already pretty wind chime shaped
Wish I could build a tree house. I can’t really afford land to both live on and build a tree house on, and I am not legally allowed to live in the tree house.
There’s always publicly accessible land and stealth, depending on the type of treehouse you’re envisioning.
Is it illegal and likely to be knocked down? Yeah, probably. But for a brief moment, you may get to enjoy a very basic treehouse.
Hmmm…summer project idea (back in my day kids just made tree platforms rather than houses, which is probably what I’d - theoretically, NCC, you know who you are - do).
Where did he get the sweet piece of land?
Its federal land
Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump tried to sell all federal land, in parcels far too large for ordinary individuals to buy (to streamline the process).
Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump tried to sell all federal land,
Stop bringing politics into every damn conversation! People should be able to discuss
topics that have nothing to do with politics without being infected with that nonsense
brain-rot bullshit. Fuck! There is more to life than U.S. politics.Stop overgeneralizing. I don’t bring politics into every damn conversation.
Stop overgeneralizing. I don’t bring politics into every damn conversation.
“What You Do Speaks So Loudly I Cannot Hear What You Are Saying” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Took my inheritance from grandma and bought 2.5 acres of Florida swamp for cheap. Knew I’d fritter it away on bullshit if I didn’t make a big move. Yes, I was lucky. No, I can’t build “permanent structures” on it. Happy as hell.
I can shoot guns and bows, hike all over the creeks and swamps, camp, chill and see what wildlife comes out, fish, whatever the hell I like. Down the road is a dock where I can kayak, canoe, take my little 10’ boat, all that. There’s my favorite river not far and a tiny state park with a tiny lake, 15-minutes away.
The snow collapsed my big tent, but there was a tarp over it, good for now. Bailed out of IT for a crap job at Lowe’s. Started today. Know what? I think I’m going to be happy as hell there. First thing the trainer did was give me, and my wife, a 10% discount card. Now I can finally start that cabin this spring!
I too will never be able to afford a sports car, or attract a romantic interest under the age of 38. But also, I really can’t afford to build a tree house.
The only thing missing in the end was a fat joint
Built not bought
Is John, like, happy though? Whoopee she’s 29 and, I assume, younger than him, but like is that it?
I’m going to build a shed in my garden once spring starts.
Absolutely. I enjoy my whole Maserati collection.
I’m pretty jelly
Boomer humor.
This also implies land ownership.
He commented that it’s still in one piece so it implies that he’s squatting.
This is pretty much the opposite of boomer hoomer.
The boomer humor is the implications that what others desire is bad, and that only this desire to be outdoors is good. It’s the boomer humor angle of “put down your phones” or “touch some grass.” It wouldn’t be boomer humor if the cartoon didn’t directly compare this joy to other options insultingly.
Maybe he’s saving all his money to escape the rat race and squatting on federal land. It’s really hard to tell without more context.