• @RebekahWSD
    371 month ago

    “Drugs are bad because I tried all of them and they were bad” my father said. I don’t doubt he tried some, but he was also a teller of tales.

    Mother said not to do them because they are deceptively kind. She’s come around on weed being less worse than alcohol.

    • @PugJesusOP
      241 month ago

      My mother told me not to do any illegal drugs because if she ever had to bail my ass out of jail, she’d’ve been pissed.

      I’d like to say it worked, but honestly, I’ve just never had the interest.

      • @RebekahWSD
        81 month ago

        I’ve never done any drugs that were illegal at the time of consumption. The state of nj says weed is legal, so who am I to argue, I’m not the overarching government!

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          If I make it to 70 and I’ve still got connects I’m gonna finally get addicted to speedballs.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            1 month ago

            Extacy and LSD are a surprisingly good combo, especially for a well supervised nature hike. You need about 1 babysitter for every 3-4 tripping people, but they can smoke weed to help pass the time. Don’t drink. The tripping people will inevitably want some, and those two drugs frequently don’t play nice with alcohol.

    • cobysev
      61 month ago

      “Drugs are bad, m’kay?”

      Sorry, I’m binging South Park right now and the way you started your comment made me read the whole thing in Mr. Mackey’s voice.

  • @over_clox
    371 month ago

    My preschool drug talk was ‘Here, puff on this’…

    Not even joking. The very first word I remember is joint.

    • @[email protected]
      211 month ago

      People really underestimate how many parents make their kids do drugs. Even for stupid reasons like they want someone to get high with.

    • M137
      91 month ago

      Not far from that here too, I could roll perfect joints before I was 10, never smoked anything myself until I was 20 though, and have since stopped.

          • chaos3361
            1 month ago

            It won’t happen anytime soon with the Republicans in charge

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                As bad as democrats are, this is definitely an issue where they would have delivered. There’s enough states where it’s legal, has popular support, and it doesn’t cost money, actually it makes money in taxes.

                Plus, there is someone to lobby for it, unlike universal Healthcare…

  • @sicarius
    311 month ago

    My father caught my smoking weed at the back of the house at 16 after I had finished a shift at 0300 glass collecting in a local nightclub. He looked pissed and said we’ll talk in the morning. The next morning he sat me down and said he smoked weed until I was three years old.
    His advice was.
    “smoking weed is fun and can help you relax but you must always remember that there’s more to life and weed may stop you from seeing that, stop you from doing the important things in life, so don’t let it become your entire personality.”

    • @Thebular
      41 month ago

      Seems like a good dad. I’m a line cook so I used to smoke a lot. I’ve cut WAY back and am definitely enjoying shit more now. Nothing against people who smoke a lot, it was just a bit too much for me.

      It’s pretty pervasive in the restaurant industry. I had a chef who asked me to help him move his Hobart mixer back to his house. Damn thing weighed around 200 lbs, and hauling it into the bed of my truck was a pain in the ass. When we get it back to his house, he proceeds to light up a bong, offer me a hit (I declined, never smoke and drive) and then he decided to pay me in a ton of weed he had grown.

  • @trolololol
    630 days ago

    Wow venture capitalists are after your dick now?

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    630 days ago

    Dunno how many parents are here in a nonserious community, but I’m curious what y’all are doing. Probably more of a progressive crowd here even if conservative because Lemmy.

    We told our kids everything when they asked, and some more when they didn’t, about all drugs including alcohol and even energy drinks. We didn’t demonize the drugs, if anything we told them pot would be a better choice than alcohol, but we told them about the negatives and even some of the positives some might have - but the dangers of drugs like heroin we hit pretty hard. Yeah, they can be fun. Some have a really steep price, though. Probably started talking about this seriously when they were 8, but they knew about it all earlier.

    They already told us about kids bringing vapes to school in 5th grade. Mostly just kids being stupid trying to be cool. 6-8th shit gets more serious. Odd knife threat, real vaping, kids being sent to the hospital after pounding 5 energy drinks with 200mg caffeine in each one. And we’re in a “good” school district. Funny, in my day it was kids trying to smoke in the bathroom or loading a soda cup with vodka they got from wherever. Now it’s vapes, energy drinks, and I’m waiting for the alcohol stories. Most of the kids doing this stuff early have some f’d up parents from what my kids tell us.

    • @PugJesusOP
      330 days ago

      When I was growing up, even in a very Christian conservative household, my mother was very open to me about drugs and what they meant. She related her own experiences as well as that of people she knew clearly, honestly, and without scaremongering. From that, I had a passing interest in LSD that I never acted on, but everything else sounded rather… not worth the trouble.

      In middle school, back in the mid-2000s, we had water bottles banned because of kids bringing in vodka in them. By high school, we had regular bomb threats. Good times!

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        229 days ago

        Yeah, sounds similar to our approach sans religion. Kids got some messed up stuff to deal with. I grew up with the threat of nuclear annihilation. Terrifying, but impersonal. Now kids have to deal with the possibility of being shot, or hear it happening to a friend or classmate. Someone might pipe up and give a bullshit reason about statistics and how unlikely it is. I can tell you I never had a nuke fall on my school, but there’s kids shot plenty enough.

    • @FrowingFostek
      230 days ago

      I have pretty honest conversations with my kid. He is pretty bright and I can explain things to him.

      A while back we had a conversation about weed. I told him it’s just a plant that grows, gets harvested, processed and smoked. Since, he’s still single digits in age, I told him it’s an herb. I didn’t really want him screaming “weed!” If he smelled it outside.

      I’m nervous about him growing up today. It’s a scary world out there, alls’ I can do is try and teach him about it.

  • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1N
    41 month ago

    I don’t honestly remember getting a drug talk (besides the DARE) program.

    I do remember being taken to 3 separate third party sex talk plus a bunch of it in church at many different ages.

    Man what a brainwashing our folks did to us.

  • @Sorgan71
    11 month ago

    How to get kids to stop smoking weed: Give them weed and show them a horror movie.

    • @[email protected]
      330 days ago

      i got baked out of my mind and watched that halloween episode of wandavision…fucked me up for weeks

    • Prehensile_cloaca
      230 days ago

      lol, that’s definitely not going to stop them.

      “I love getting baked on scary movie night!”