• burgersc12
    921 month ago

    If you want to go back in time, killing Hitler is not the solution! Go back in time, and kill this fucker

      341 month ago

      Well going abck 80 odd years and finding hitler is much easier than going back an indeterminate amount of millions and finding this exact fish.

      But I completely agree.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        111 month ago

        Even easier. Go back and kill Taft.


        Wilson doesn’t win the 1912 election, and much of the European theater of WW2 probably never happens. Also fascism and racism are handed a pretty firm defeat

        • @[email protected]
          29 days ago

          Or Teddy’s forcing the issue causes the same conditions that enabled fascism in Germany and Italy to arise in already segregated America during the Great Depression instead of FDR’s pseudo-social-democracy, and the American Empire that starts WW2 has unlimited oil, coal, steel, and manpower compared to the Nazis. Wilson wasn’t behind American Exceptionalism, he was just silly enough to think it was the same thing as democracy. He was very flawed, obviously, but he was a true believer in the Republic and diplomacy, and no one even tried to make a League of Nations with Teddy at the helm.

          Without the Soviets, no one supports the Maoists, so a stable proto-fascist Chiang Kai Shek allies with the Japanese Empire.

          They easily crush the unstable, divided, and much less militarized Russian Republic (whose monarchist element was about to start a civil war to reinstate the Tsar) and conquer the European colonies in the Pacific. They are helped in this endeavor by the emerging Polish, Ukrainian, and Baltic partisans who fight for independence in their Russian-occupied states, having never even gained independence during the Revolution.

          America, having largely been busy conquering South America, joins the war against the British, French, and Dutch Empires and between the American and Japanese fleets sinks the British Navy in its entirety.

          The war is over. Fascism has won, having not made the idiotic mistake of basing itself in Germany and Italy, countries without access to the resources they need to build modern militaries, like rubber and oil, and without the navies they need to fight the people who do own the colonies that make it.

          Americans don’t even get public healthcare out of it all.

          Alternative history is dumb because you can just say whatever nonsense you feel like to support your narrative.

          The end.

      • burgersc12
        41 month ago

        If you can time travel I’m sure you can track down the only fish walking on land at that time. After that you just gotta make sure the ocean critters stay where they belong!!

        • @lordnikon
          91 month ago

          I feel like that will turn into wacky a mole as Malcom says Life finds a way.

        • @voracitude
          51 month ago

          the only fish walking on land

          If that were how evolution works… maybe. Unfortunately it doesn’t, at all, so definitely not.

          • burgersc12
            30 days ago

            The meme is usually that this single fish is responsible for every single human problem, I was just playing along with that. I don’t really think that it was only a single fish walking on land back then. Had to be exactly two, how else would they reproduce /s

            • @voracitude
              1 month ago

              Ahh, we need an /s for deadpan. I’d use it often. I appreciate you taking the time to explain though! Sometimes, I need it 😅

        • FauxPseudo
          21 month ago

          Tell us to don’t understand evolution without telling us you don’t understand evolution.

          • burgersc12
            11 month ago

            Evolution is a myth. I never seen an animal evolve into a Pokémon smh

    • @MothmanDelorian
      41 month ago

      Targeting John Calvin and his early followers would be a good choice as well as Calvinism is responsible for Prosperity Gospel beliefs.

  • @finitebanjo
    171 month ago

    I kind of understand that its an accurate representation of our political climate, and pretty funny, but also don’t want to upvote it.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    111 month ago

    Here’s the problem with killing baby hitler. Lets say hou travel back to the 1890s, and find this exact baby. It’s 100% baby hitler. So you kill him.

    Now you got this entire city like “HE JUST KILLED A BABY!!!”

    And so you say “Oh, no, you don’t understand. You see, I’m from the year 2025, and this baby causes the second world war. I just saved MILLIONS of lives, and killed argueably the most evil man in history.”

    Say that. To a population who’s never heard of nazis, because they haven’t been founded. Who’s never even heard of Wofld War 1, because it was still like 20-25 years away. And you’re over here justifying killing a baby. You’re in the right, but there’s ZERO chance anyone will ever understand, because you just erased the only proof that any of it ever happened. So even when you get back to 2025, you’re still the guy who killed an innocent baby.

    Which is why, I think we can all agree that there was SOMETHING fishy about JFKs assasination. And everybody thinks it’s so tragic that he died. But him dying saved humanity. He gets voted into office in 1961, and in no particular order he escalated the vietnam situation which had been mildly going on since 1955, but he escalated to an actual war. Threatens USSR with nuclear war, multiple times, including 2 different distinct military staredowns, placed nuclear warheads in Turkey, tries to over throw the Cuban government, is directly involved in the planning, and sabotoging of, the bay of pigs, is the cause of the cuban missile crisis, and threatened multiple mafias in various cities that his family had connections to. All in the span of 2 years. Try to imagine if he served for 8 years, the global damage he would have caused. He’d have ended the world!

    Johnson may have escalated vietnam after him even further, but outside of that he didn’t go around like a madman threatening everybody.

    So my belief is, nobody killed hitler because hitler in place as is was an ineffective military leader who loses the war based on his own incompetence. I mean really. Fighting Russia in the winter? Did he learn nothing from history before him???

    So back to JFK. He doesn’t get assasinated in 1963. He goes on to start WWIII. Both USSR and USA have nukes. NATO is not risking being involved in THAT fight. Neither are non-NATO allies of the USA.

    So now the USA and Soviet Union are fighting with nukes. Canada fights the soviets, but ALSO fights the USA. They’re just trying to end the war as fast as possible regardless who wins. And Kennedy just starts nuking everybody. Canada, Russia, Vietnam, China, whoever. And now nukes are flying left and right. Everybody dies.

    So the people in 1962 see how serious it’s getting. It’s kind of telling that Lee Harvey Oswald is just an American citizen with no ties to anyone.

    So you’re telling me, that the cuban government wanted him dead, the soviets wanted him dead, the mafia wanted him dead, the CIA wanted him dead, the FBI wanted him dead, and out of all those, a single nutjob who tried defecting to the soviets, but was rejected for being mentally incompetant was the one to kill the president using a mail order gun with 3 shots fired, 2 of them hitting, and 1 of those 2 changing trajectory midflight later being called the magic bullet, all of which is disputed by a secret video recording of the incident that nobody knew existed for 10+ years? Then, as he’s being escorted to trial, a prominant figure in the mafia shoots Oswald dead, and claims his reasoning was that he didn’t want to see Jackie cry?

    People are willing to believe all this, and not the more likely explanation of an additional gunman, used to prevent WWIII, and use Oswald as the gunman fall guy?

    And the sad fact is, JFK was so insane with how many global disasters he forced, that it’s impossible to say Jack Ruby was actually worked explicitly for just the mob. He may have been. The mafia certainly wanted him dead, and closing Oswalds loose lips would certainly benefit them. But it seems a little convienent that they’d make a public theater out of transporting Oswald. Unless they wanted that shooting to happen. So what better way than to assure Ruby he was safe to shoot Oswald, they’d arrest him, and intentionally botch the trial to let him go. Then after it’s done, they go back on their deal, keep him in prison, and the trail leaves no loose ends.

    See to me, the conspiracy isn’t if. To me that’s a given that there was. It’s not even a question of why. The why is because he was a decent politician, who brought up some decent civil rights issues, but all of that is irrelevant because everyone dies in WWIII that he was on the path of causing fast.

    So now, the unsolvable question is…who? Oswald has documentent ties to the soviets in the 50s. We’re lead to believe that russian citizenship was denied because they saw no use in him. Is that true? Maybe. We have documented files showing he had multiple flights to the soviet union in the 50s. It’s entirely plausible that he’s working with the soviets, but publically they deny his citizenship. They don’t need him in russia to be useful. Then again, it’s also entirely plausible he WAS denied and rejected. All accounts show he wasn’t the brightest.

    There’s also documentation showing he had trips to mexico in the early 60s. Could he have been meeting with Cuban officials? Hard to say. There’s no evidence of that, other than a trip to mexico city. There’s no evidence of anything he did there, or who he talked to. Official explained reason was “vacation”. Which could be true.

    Then there’s the fact that in the months leading up to the shooting, he was known to socialize in Jack Rubys bar. Which was a known mafia bar. Basically if you didn’t belong there, they’d let you know pretty quick. He was allowed to stay for months, and then gets killed by Ruby himself.

    Then there’s the CIA and FBI which aren’t connected, but would have similar motives. They see JFKs moves with inside information the general public doesn’t have. They can see how his actions will cause certain events to unfold. And with power inside the government have the power to cover things up.

    Basically, it’s not time travel in the traditional sense, but it is in the sense that someone knew of a future we never did, and we never think of, and whoever this was prevented millions of deaths by killing 1 president, and using Oswald (and possibly Ruby) as a fall guy.

    History is weird.

  • @_stranger_
    101 month ago

    This person would definitely go back in their SS uniform cosplay, get immediately arrested as an incompetent spy for knowing zero of the correct German, and be executed.

      • @_stranger_
        1 month ago

        I’m not a germanologist, I’m unqualified to answer that question, especially not for a wizard pope.

  • @stupidcasey
    91 month ago

    Hitler with a time machine, I sense an Earl 2000’s sitcom in the works.

  • @maxalmonte14
    31 month ago

    If Elon Musk ever gets his hands on a time travel machine.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Finding Hitler isn’t the hard part of time traveling. Ideally you would need to be not too far above Earth’s surface, moving with the same speed and in the right direction - to prevent suffocation or to just leave a greasy stain.

    If you get this right, from my point of view, you earned yourself the right to applaud yourself and maybe even Hitler (I’m won’t kink shame).

    • @MothmanDelorian
      41 month ago

      It’s sad how many people don’t get that “time” includes the relative placement of objects in space and that going back 50 years might mean Earth is in a difference physical location than yourself.

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        I don’t get these arguments. If we ate talking about hypothetical scenarios when we invent time machine to go back to a particular point in time, why not assume we can also choose a particular point in space, predict where earth would be or view the space before you jump in yourself. This is just a simple comic anyway, not deep enough to talk about viability of time travel.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          This is just a simple comic anyway, not deep enough to talk about viability of time travel.

          It’s nice to think about things. Do you think thinking about things should be limited real things?

          If it was assumed that you can’t change the future but fork a new thread of reality instead, it would be as relevant.

          I agree with you, that it is OK if you don’t think there is a need for you to enter that train of thought, though.

          • @[email protected]
            31 month ago

            The beginning of your comment sounded aggressive and that others are idiots for laughing about this comic without considering limitations of time travel. Probably want your intention but that’s how it looked to me and why I left the comment. Never claimed we can’t talk about imaginary things, just that we don’t necessarily have to.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              I don’t know. I didn’t feel aggressive when I typed it. I was in a quite content mood, and I didn’t want to imply anything. Just needed to kill a few minutes while typing and was enjoying myself. So if it felt aggressive to you, I’m sorry.

              Yes, maybe then, I needed to point out that time travelling has its hardships, to which people turn a blind eye at times. And I’m sure an ironic tone was intended by me.