Is that even satire at this point?
No. The Onion is the last remaining news outlet that prints actual news.
What’s the chance there’s a maga somewhere who just today is saying to themselves, “I used to like The Onion before they got political!”
Kind of reminds me of a MAGA “fan” saying that he liked RATM before political Tom’s opinions came out. Or something like that.
Tom Morello’s response was:
Scott!! What music of mine were you a fan of that DIDN’T contain “political BS”? I need to know so I can delete it from the catalog.
They are clueless.
Oh that’s one of my favorite moments. (I seem to recall it’s happened more than once with various people and Tom Morello.)
Goddamn, he cooked him.
Also I love that people without degrees are somehow finding themselves able to identify and call out those who disagree with them. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Ok, and who made you the expert?!
Like bitch, he is the machine they are raging against! 😂
lol i was trying to find a piece that legitimately praised him for the meeting today cause i just want to see what kind of outlook saw this as a positive interaction and honest to god thought this was legit for a second.
I was honestly surprised to see this was the onion.
It’s almost seven years old, but sadly, more relevant today than it’s ever been.
Henry Kissinger approves
As much as I celebrate him being dead, I would’ve enjoyed seeing his live reaction in the current administration, as realpolitik became realitytvpolitik
I thought financial gain first and foremost.