
Secretary of State Marco Rubio grew visibly frustrated during an ABC News interview when questioned about the Trump administration’s approach to Russia.

Defending Trump’s push for peace talks with Putin, Rubio insisted negotiations were necessary but admitted the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.

He clashed with host George Stephanopoulos over Trump’s refusal to call Putin a dictator and the U.S. siding with Russia in a recent UN vote.

Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.

  • @captainlezbian
    558 minutes ago

    Yeah Biden placated netanyahu. It was bad, but for the lowest of bars, he at least was placating an ally instead of giving a hostile power everything they want and yelling at the ally they invaded

  • @Scott_of_the_Arctic
    103 hours ago

    As a European, only the complete collapse of the Russian federation in an acceptable outcome.

  • @AnUnusualRelic
    176 hours ago

    While the title is the usual nonsense, the interview is the usual nonsense delivery that the master of deals is going to save the day, when he couldn’t deal his way out of a wet paper bag.

  • @[email protected]
    2810 hours ago

    Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.

    Well… that’s not too far off

  • @MilitantAtheist
    1810 hours ago

    Placating? More like deep throating. The US is gluckglucking Russia and liking it.

  • @MuskyMelon
    1710 hours ago

    the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.


  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    I’m beginning to feel there’s a fundamental disconnect between the vocabulary of everyday people and the words journalists use. I can only imagine how the dialogue goes around a journalist’s house.

    “Honey, have you heard about the Winstons?”
    “No, why?”
    “Fred from accounting SLAMMED they’re planning to move to Wisconsin.”
    “Oh, I see. Did you GRILL him about where exactly they’d be going?”
    “Yeah, I HAMMERED him with questions until he MELTED down. IN TEARS, he SCREAMED at me, ‘Yeah, somewhere near Madison.’”
    “You know… politely.”

    • @mhague
      33 hours ago

      “We had fun at this amazing diner. The food was out of this world!! Literally the best night of my life.”

      “So you had fun and ate good food?”

      Feels like you gotta reach for top shelf words to keep up.

  • @[email protected]
    6718 hours ago

    This title is misleading. I watched the whole 9min and he was calm and collected in his delivery. Was he frustrated at the leading questions? Yes. Was he melting down? Ya no, not even close.

    • @[email protected]
      1815 hours ago

      The Daily Beast with a bullshit, misleading, clickbait headline? Surprising.

      I’m sure I downvote Daily Beast articles more than any other site. I wish people would find other sources - although the stories might not sound as exciting.

    • @notsoshaihulud
      2317 hours ago

      The summary is reasonable though. Again we are cutting trump and his underlings a ton of slack about his campaign claims of fixing the war in 24 hours, and 6 weeks into his presidency. No, we should not accept political hyperbole just because it comes from trump, and Stephanopoulos was rightly asking how does calling Zelenskyy a dictator (and undercutting Ukraine-supporting allies) but sucking up to putin move peace talks forward?

      As I said before, the way trump makes these deals is like putting duct tape on your passenger door, calling yourself a master mechanic, and then blame next mechanic when the car falls apart.

      • @ajikeshi
        130 minutes ago

        seems like trumps 1 day special diplomatic operation failed weeks ago

    • @GaMEChld
      915 hours ago


  • @[email protected]
    15522 hours ago

    The only person to talk about backing out of NATO since its creation has been Putin/Xi and Trump/Musk. So why wouldn’t everyone think it?

    NATO is Russia/China’s greatest deterrent. It’s literally devastating to our national security to pull out–so clearly only a bad actor would want that… It’s pretty goddamn obvious.

      • @Tikiporch
        17 hours ago

        Some people have thoughts that lead to other thoughts. Then they apply those new thoughts to the original problem.

      • Optional
        617 hours ago

        Trump backs Putin. Trump was told to pull out of NATO. Trump has talked about it. That helps Putin.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      22 hours ago

      The only person to talk about backing out of NATO since its creation has been Putin/Xi and Trump/Musk.

      That’s not true. Ron/Rand Paul, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, and a number of other paleocons have been championing this for decades.

      Trump’s just the first guy to make it all the way to the White House with the view. But it isn’t unique to Trump, nor is it particularly unpopular. Lots of Americans, particularly poorer and more rural ones, see these foreign alliances as an unnecessary extravagance.

      They don’t like it any more than they liked NAFTA or the WTO or the UN.

      NATO is Russia/China’s greatest deterrent.

      What is The North Atlantic Treaty Organization detering China from doing, exactly?

      • @[email protected]
        2221 hours ago

        That’s not true.

        I was being facetious.

        What is The North Atlantic Treaty Organization detering China from doing, exactly?

        Anything in the South China Sea or the Indo-Pacific that they shouldn’t be doing. China literally just says sometimes “Hey, nice land you got there. Would be a fuckin’ shame if we took it…” and then just pretends like that land has always been a part of China. They literally do it all the time. They’re attempting to expand their empire and without the presence of NATO, there would be no one to stop them… Especially from capturing strategic or necessary assets that are critical to the US, like Taiwan. If we lose Taiwan we’re pretty much omega-fucked and I don’t think people appreciate that fact enough.

        NATO is the largest nuclear deterrent in the world and if we pull out, it’s like taking all the ammo out of our really big guns. It’s such an astonishingly stupid move I cannot even believe that anyone with a pulse would or even could support it. It leaves me fuckin’ bewildered.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -3021 hours ago

          Anything in the South China Sea or the Indo-Pacific that they shouldn’t be doing.

          Such as? What isn’t China doing that they would be doing without British or French intervention?

          China literally just says sometimes “Hey, nice land you got there. Would be a fuckin’ shame if we took it…”

          You sure you’re not confusing China with the United States?

          NATO is the largest nuclear deterrent in the world

          Deterant to what? They certainly didn’t keep Russia out of Georgia, Crimea, or the Donbas.

          • @[email protected]
            2121 hours ago

            Such as?

            I literally went on to explain. So either you’re being disingenuous here or you just don’t read. Either way, I’m out.

          • Miles O'Brien
            18 hours ago

            You sure you’re not confusing China with the United States?

            Boom, there it is!

            I Guess we’re just ignoring all the shit they’re pulling by dumping sand and dirt into the ocean and calling it a Chinese island, and all the shit they’re doing near Taiwan.

            Can’t wait for someone to pull out a 400 year old map to justify modern day imperialism again!

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -115 hours ago

              I Guess we’re just ignoring all the shit they’re pulling

              Interesting “West vs rest” moment yesterday on French TV with the President of Congo, the 2nd biggest country in Africa.

              The host asks: “Are you saying that the Chinese or the Russians behave better than us, Westerners, currently, in your opinion?”

              “Oh absolutely!” he replies, “You don’t quite understand African realities… it’s astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. We cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights.”

              Reminds of the now famous saying from a Kenyan official: "Every time China visits we get a hospital, every time Britain visits we get a lecture”…

              Can’t wait for someone to pull out a 400 year old map to justify modern day imperialism again!

              glances at a map of US military bases

              The crazy thing about NATO is how much of it hinges on the political attitude of a single man in a big white house within walking distance of the Potomac. So many eggs placed in one basket. And then the Americans spill it… twice.

              But you cling to NATO like its something so much more than the legacy of American post-war expansionism. Like it really is an enthusiastic alliance between Atlantic Nations and not the biggest kid on the playground shaking down everyone else for their lunch money.

      • Cruxifux
        -1821 hours ago

        @Xanza probably doesn’t know anything past what CNN and Facebook has told them about things.

      • @Redredme
        112 seconds ago

        Fyi, UK, NL, FR, ES etc all went with you on your “right of passage” sail throughs, against the chinese. Thats NATO.

        Guess who can do that all on its own from now on.

        Guess which countries also put sanctions on china? Your NATO partners.

        Guess where the machines most chips are made with… Are being made? (NL says hi.)

        If you stop scratching our back… Why should we still scratch yours? The chinese market is double yours. We can make more euros there then in your tariff hellscape.

        Have fun having the biggest military for the time being. In a few years china has eclipsed yours.

        Trump’s tantrums have made it very clear we should buy our military gear locally. So we will. Same will happen with cloud and tech. You can’t be trusted. One day everything is ok, next day everything is +25%

        If this continues for a few more months it will mean the end of US hegemony. You will be left with nothing.

        In the end we will make peace with Russia, simply because we must. The oil will flow west again in a few years leaving you with all the problems of fracking and zero gains.

        Same will happen with china.

        We will be allright, bud.

        From an EU standpoint it doesn’t matter if the US, china or even Russia is our partner. It mattered because of history. But trump’s US chooses to flush it all down the drain. So we will check if the turd really went down.

  • @Snowclone
    22 hours ago

    Why can’t we have a woman president? They’re too emotional for politics?

    Also: the emotional melt down is a tactic. This is populism trump style, none of this is unintentional

    • @[email protected]
      15 hours ago

      Did you watch the video? He never had a melt down. He was frustrated but overall kept his cool and spouted the lies he was supposed to say.

      • @Snowclone
        34 minutes ago

        The headline says meltdown!! Just like a headline about my response would be ‘‘insignificant man SLAMS Rubio for Top 10 Epic Anime Showdown interview’’

      • @[email protected]
        24 hours ago

        I saw a lot of hemming and hawing, stalling, spewing bullshit, and talking over Stephanopoulos.

        Not the behavior of someone “keeping his cool.”

    • @JTskulk
      615 hours ago

      We currently have a woman president. Trump signed an EO saying that all Americans are female so he’s the first woman president.

    • Boomer Humor Doomergod
      2621 hours ago

      Just to be fair: Only women can be elected president for the next 47 presidents.

      • Maeve
        921 hours ago

        Can we write s sanity test into the Constitution?

        • @Snowclone
          144 minutes ago

          Wouldn’t that be a dream… but it would only turn into finding the doctor that takes money for a clean test.

        • Boomer Humor Doomergod
          1421 hours ago

          Or maybe we don’t vest so much power into a single psychotic ape. Maybe we have three presidents and they all have to agree before something happens, like the computers on the space shuttle

          • @NABDad
            120 hours ago

            A triumvirate?

            Just a speed bump on the way to a dictatorship.

            • Boomer Humor Doomergod
              519 hours ago

              Okay how about everyone votes on everything? That actually sounds awesome.

              • @Snowclone
                143 minutes ago

                It would be fairly simple to pull off with modern technology

              • TheLowestStone
                318 hours ago

                It sounds awesome until you remember that we can barely get half our population to vote for president most of the time and that the average voter is uninformed and poorly educated.

                • @Snowclone
                  142 minutes ago

                  If you look at polling you often find the majority of Americans don’t actually agree with much of the actions of either party, I personally think direct democracy would lead to real progress and prosperity.

          • Maeve
            121 hours ago

            I’m fine with that, as long as a sanity test gets written into the Constitution. I believe it should apply to all reps. But then if they change the definition of sanity… I don’t know what the best way forward is, but it’s surely not regression.

            • Boomer Humor Doomergod
              1220 hours ago

              Counterpoint: Fetterman.

              Dude had a stroke and stuck his tongue up Trump’s asshole. Even if they pass the sanity test they could have some kind of traumatic brain injury that makes them jerks.

              Plus I consider all humans to be psychotic apes who I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them. Including myself.

              • Maeve
                920 hours ago

                Fetterman was a plant. Someone posted an article about how he actually governed before he was a national level leader.

                Plus I consider all humans to be psychotic apes who I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them. Including myself.

                Fair point, and thanks for reminding me! The people who don’t want it are probably the people most capable and worthy. I look forward to your filing as a candidate! 😀

                Don’t hurt me please. I’m only half serious, but it’s exactly people with this attitude who should probably be on the ballot.

                • Boomer Humor Doomergod
                  20 hours ago

                  The people who don’t want it are probably the people most capable and worthy. I look forward to your filing as a candidate! 😀

                  This comment made me realize I have a religious obligation to run for office. And then if I win to not do the job at all.

                  The major problem, one of the major problems, for there are several, with governing people is that of who you get to do it. Or, rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: It is a well known and much lamented fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.

                  To summarize the summary: Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job.

                  To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.

                  • Douglas Adams
                • Tony Bark
                  318 hours ago

                  There seemed to be quite a few who were just there to sabotage the party from within, such as Manchin.

    • @[email protected]
      220 hours ago

      It’s all unintentional. Their based will accept anything their king and his court declare as the truth.

      From their perspective it is all intentional, don’t let their blind loyalty sway you to their view.

    • @[email protected]
      29 hours ago

      Its treason, and US own citizen are cheering him on for it. Russia actually won the cold war. Props to Putin for that.

    • @SupraMario
      2218 hours ago

      Stopping any cyber offense/defense towards russia is just straight up treasonous at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        Obviously, the US should hack the Kremlin, but if Russia hacks the Pentagon, I will be very mad!!

        I am very smart.

        • @underfreyja
          716 hours ago

          Russia has been a constant cybersecurity threat against the other superpowers since the internet has been a thing…

          Stop projecting…

  • @[email protected]
    5122 hours ago

    I guess if you don’t want the world to think trump isn’t sucking putins dick every chance he gets then i guess he should just stop sucking putins dick every chance he gets.

    • @[email protected]
      519 hours ago

      Hey hey hey don’t forget you’ve got to allow for all the time trump spends with putins dick up inside his arsehole - gotta be at least a 50/50 split imo