Supports shipping to:

  • Netherlands (no shipping required)
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Non EU:

  • US (hawaii too)
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  • Puerto rico

Here’s their promise to never use forced labour for their cocoa.

There’s also the Tony’s open chain: a pledge by many companies (not just eu, also us) to use only ethically sourced cocoa. The companies are: here

    • @[email protected]
      68 hours ago

      This is for dark chocolate only, and the article has them listed as one of the lowest lead brands. Crazy that they’re all so high though, WTF!

      • @[email protected]
        8 hours ago

        A fair point! Didn’t even occur to me since I only bother with the dark stuff lol

        They’re the lowest listed of the “high lead content” category. So kind of the best of the worst for it, I suppose.

  • @MTK
    1611 hours ago

    Fucking woke BS, ChIlD sLaVeRy. Let the childern work, we need Chocolate!


    • fxomtOP
      511 hours ago

      the children YEARN for the nestle mines, we NEED that chocolate

        • fxomtOP
          210 hours ago

          I think chocolate is just the distilled blood and tears of third world children. Wait, that’s nestle only? Damn, it must grow on trees then.

  • @[email protected]
    3917 hours ago

    I was under the impression that Tony’s is working towards a chocolate industry without child labor and forced labor. But the issue is quite complex and they’re not there yet.

    Not saying they’re bad. It seems that they’re doing what they can and according to their website they “lead by example”. But I’m not sure if they make any promises about a 100% child labor / forced labor free supply chain at this moment.

    The above could be outdated, maybe they’ve achieved their objectives for their own supply chain already. But I can’t find it on their website atm.

  • @durfenstein
    913 hours ago

    Aside from the activism stuff, Tonys just tastes how good chocolate should taste.

  • @[email protected]
    612 hours ago

    I discovered Tony’s Chocoloney a few months ago, and I really love it. I can get it at my local supermarket as well. Great to see them on here!

  • The Giant Korean
    1715 hours ago

    As an American: you guys eat American chocolate?

    • @[email protected]
      1815 hours ago

      I mean there is also a big difference between American brands in the US and the EU. Last time I went to the US, I brought back snickers, Twix, and KitKats. Then I bought the EU alternative and set up a double blinded taste test with my friends.

      Without fail we all immediately were able to tell them apart. The American version was chalky and tasted like pure sugar. The EU version, albeit also nowhere near Tony quality and still very sweet, was much higher quality and you could taste the individual components of the candy. It was not just a sweet punch in the face.

      • @[email protected]
        612 hours ago

        I worked in a Nabisco factory a decade ago in the US making Oreo.

        They’ve consistently looked for cost cutting measures to reduce the amount of cocoa powder (expensive input) put into the product. What happened when I was there was they would look for a new vendor that would offer stronger cocoa flavor profile per kg and then use that as a justification to cut the amount of cocoa powder in the product. To mask it they would amp up the sweetness.

        In a blind test, a normal people can’t tell the difference year to year, but if you compare it to what it was ten years ago, there would be a noticeable difference.

    • fxomtOP
      15 hours ago

      I’m not american or european, but yeah. They don’t ship here (nor any other ethical alternatives) so sadly i’m stuck with stuff like pepsico and nestle. I try to abstain as much as possible.

      You guys eat american chocolate

      Why not? It tastes fine. My main problem is how they use forced labor to source the cocoa; which in this case chocolonely is the exception. Even european companies (like nestle) still suffer the same issues.

      Though i’m biased since as i said, we mainly only have pepsico and nestle so i don’t know how “proper” chocolate in your guys’s opinion tastes.

      • The Giant Korean
        10 hours ago

        We do have pretty decent chocolate here, but it’s not any of the major brands. I grew up eating Hershey, which is pretty bad (but it kind of has a special place in my heart - nostalgia and all that).

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    I love Tony’s as much as the next guy. However, be aware that a test conducted in 2022 found high levels of lead in Chocolonely Dark Chocolate variant.

    Consistent, long-term exposure to even small amounts of heavy metals can lead to a variety of health problems. The danger is greatest for pregnant people and young children because the metals can cause developmental problems, affect brain development, and lead to lower IQ, says Tunde Akinleye, the CR food safety researcher who led this testing project.

  • TTH4P
    2217 hours ago

    Also it’s pretty good. I didn’t know I liked milk chocolate, because Hershey’s is disgusting. Tony’s is objectively a better tasting product.

    • @Decq
      16 hours ago

      Well there’s your problem, in the Netherlands (and other places) Hershey milk ‘chocolate’ isn’t legally chocolate. It needs at least 35% cacao to be called chocolate. It would be called ‘Cacao fantasy’ here instead. So no wonder you think it’s shit chocolate, cause it isn’t chocolate to begin with

      • TTH4P
        416 hours ago

        For sure, that’s why it tastes like vomit.

          • AFK BRB Chocolate
            211 hours ago

            I don’t know if it’s an urban legend, but the story I had always heard was that chocolate became very scarce during the war, as milk was rationed, but Hershey’s figured out how to make decent tasting chocolate from spoiled milk, which was easier to get since no one wanted it. The war went on long enough that Americans eventually expected chocolate to taste like that, so after it ended they reformulated to keep the signature taste while using fresh milk.

            • @[email protected]
              110 hours ago

              It’s a myth. It’s all about the milk powder manufacturing process. The American process increases butyric acid content.a different process is used in Europe.

          • @[email protected]
            110 hours ago

            Butyric acid is a natural ingredient of milk. Surprisingly, in small amounts it creates a creamy sensation. It is used for that purpose in many natural and synthetic flavourings.

            The problem with American milk chocolate is the way they produce milk powder - their method increases butyric acid content turning creamy sensation into vomit.

        • @[email protected]
          415 hours ago

          No, it’s because there’s some biproduct to how they process the chocolate that I think tastes bad to people who didn’t grow up eating it. As an American, I think I can taste the slightly sour note in Hershey’s that I don’t taste in other chocolates but my brain has had enough exposure to it that it doesn’t taste vomit-y so I don’t mind it (lol.) Don’t get me wrong, it’s not good quality by any means but to me it’s like the difference getting a burger from McDonald’s vs at a nice restaurant. Not often, but there’s time and place where getting McDonald’s fucking hits.

    • M137
      17 hours ago

      That’s like saying “I didn’t know I liked olives because faeces from people who have eaten olives is disgusting”. Hershey’s is widely hated for a reason, it shouldn’t be legal to sell.

    • @then_three_more
      313 hours ago

      My cat’s sick is a better tasting product than Hershey’s

    • @[email protected]
      516 hours ago

      I didn’t know I liked milk chocolate, because Hershey’s is disgusting.

      Hershey’s is someone LARPing chocolate making. It’s pure disgusting. How people have been eating it for so long is beyond me.

      • TTH4P
        515 hours ago

        Some of us grew up thinking that was chocolate. Have pity, rather than disdain.

        • @[email protected]
          414 hours ago

          The lies your government have fed you since you were a child are hard to forget. But join us, in the real chocolate world, my child, and we will embrace you with open arms.

  • Kualdir
    1717 hours ago

    FYI: Check if whatever brand you like also works with Tony’s for their supply chain. For example Jumbo (NL supermarket) sources their chocolate from Tony’s and there’s quite a lot more partners.

  • @weremacaque
    11 hours ago

    I keep seeing the bars around and I’m very tempted to try it, but I’m allergic lmao. It’ll probably be a lot better than sneaking a Hershey’s though.

    Maybe one day they’ll make a carob one.

  • @bartvbl
    715 hours ago

    For Norway: you can buy these at Normal. Much cheaper than getting them shipped.

  • mvlad88
    416 hours ago

    Tony’s is great and tastes awesome, but the real question here is, are we european really eating that much non-EU sweets? Maybe the occasional Snickers or Mars, but all the stuff that I tasted and was from across the pond was either brutally sweet or had no flavor at all.

    • @[email protected]
      415 hours ago

      Marabou is Swedish but is also fully owned by Mondelez which is American. Mars, Sneakers, Bounty etcetera American.

    • fxomtOP
      215 hours ago

      I’m not european so i can’t answer with certainty: but most (including EU corporations) chocolate producers are very unethical, exploiting forced labor and destroying rain forests.

      A change is still a change, even if you think it is small :)

      • @YarHarSuperstar
        214 hours ago

        As always, I appreciate you and the content you post. I hope you’re doing well :)

    • @Vinny_93
      1817 hours ago

      I didn’t downvote but I will add a note to Tony’s.

      First of all: I applaud their mission and every company in the world should be working without slavery of any kind.

      Because Tony’s is so open about their sourcing and making a big deal about being 100% slave free, they are an easy target for organizations checking their claims. There have been a couple of moments in time where Tony’s has been challenged, the most recent one being 2021, where they have been removed from the list of ethical chocolate companies by the American company Slave Free Chocolate, because they collaborated with Barry Callebaut.

      Now, to expand on ‘collaboration’, here: Tony’s buys their cocoa very transparently, from farmers who do not employ children, paid or otherwise. Then, to process this cocoa they need an efficient factory and they use one in Antwerp, Belgium. This factory also processes the cocoa from Barry Callebaut.

      Tony’s doesn’t really care, of course, about being taken off the list by this company. They know they are ethical enough by their own measure, which is still leagues ahead of most.

      Source in Dutch.

      The point here being that one might read one headline or the other, refuse to go into any depth and form their opinion. Now any time they read Tony’s all they remember is ‘they are not as holy as they make themselves out to be’. Hence they’ll just downvote this any time they glance over it.

      Or it might be Big Chocolate, idk.

    • fxomtOP
      17 hours ago

      big nestle, they got angered by that “without child slavery” part 😤

    • optional
      416 hours ago

      The chocolate just doesn’t taste the same if it’s not seasoned with the tears of child-slaves. /s

    • @Phoenix3875
      112 hours ago

      There are people against seeing any brands on social media unless it’s an exposé. I don’t fault them.