• @MsPenguinette
    2861 year ago

    Thanks a lot, dude. Gonna be hearing about this from the right for forever

    • @kescusay
      1211 year ago

      Yep. Shitty, stupid move. Should be censured for it.

      • @[email protected]
        1241 year ago

        No, minor issue. Don’t let it distract from the fact that Republicans can’t even pass their own budget, or even a stopgap measure.

        Republicans can’t govern because they have no policies besides tax cuts for the rich.

        • @kescusay
          1061 year ago

          Minor or not, it was simply a dumb thing to do. I’m not saying he did a terrible thing, but it was stupid and an unforced error that gave Republicans ammo. Censuring is basically just formally being told you did something bad and warned to knock it off.

          Imagine what Republicans will say if he doesn’t get any response at all.

          The sad fact is, Republicans could be spending all day, every day, raping puppies, but it’s the fire alarm thing that would get all the press attention, and they damn well know it. Democrats have to be held to a higher standard than the puppy-rapers, because we know exactly how everyone will respond when they’re not. It’s unfair and stupid, but that doesn’t change anything, unfortunately.

          • @[email protected]
            271 year ago

            Imagine what Republicans will say if he doesn’t get any response at all.

            It doesn’t matter what they say. They are going to say something negative about Democrats either way.

            This is actually good because they can focus on this minor issue, blow it out of proportion, and look like idiots. Democrats should just respond with:

            “He was pulling the alarm to wake up the Republican leadership. Our government needs to be funded as fast as possible.”

            • @kescusay
              171 year ago

              Sadly, it does matter what they say, if it’s something that news outlets will blast 24 hours a day.

              • @[email protected]
                161 year ago

                It doesn’t matter. Not only is it only going to be covered for 5 minutes, no one is going to vote based on this issue. Democrats can literally ignore it.

                • @kescusay
                  71 year ago

                  I hope you’re right. It would be nice not to worry about stupid shit anymore. But it was still a dumb thing to do.

          • CrazyEddie041
            191 year ago

            I don’t think what Bowman did was smart, but giving ammo to Republicans genuinely doesn’t matter. Republicans are currently trying to impeach Biden for literally nothing. If you act perfectly and give them no ammo, then they’ll just straight-up make up bullshit instead.

            • @kescusay
              -11 year ago

              My point is that that’s what we should force them to do: Flail around and scream about nothing because they have nothing. It makes them look desperate, childish, and stupid. We shouldn’t make their lives easier by giving them anything they can rant about that’s in any way connected to reality.

              • @[email protected]
                51 year ago

                This is nothing. The immediate association is “something a kid does to get out of a test”. I fucking welcome them going all in on the grave offense of pulling a fire alarm so they could actually read the legislation. PLEASE Republicans, publicize the shit out of this.

          • @paintbucketholder
            1 year ago

            Imagine what Republicans will say if he doesn’t get any response at all.

            What are Republicans saying about the fact that Trump is a fraudster and a rapist, that MTG spreads the most idiotic anti-semitic conspiracy theories and that Bobert gets tossed out of a theater for smoking, hollering, getting her boobs grabbed and giving a guy a hand job? What are Republicans saying about the fact George Santos is an obvious liar, huckster and fraud who has been charged with fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements?

            What response did that get from Republicans - as compared to, say, the response Al Franken got from Democrats?

            And where’s the benefit for Democrats in acting in good faith when dealing with an opponent that doesn’t even know the meaning of the term “good faith?”

        • @kbotc
          1 year ago

          Now 6 hours later when it’s passed the senate: LOL.

          I understand they needed to read the bill (or frankly needed an AI to review the differences), but pulling the fire alarm was probably not needed.

    • Seraph
      521 year ago

      It’s the thing Republicans can’t understand though: he’s “our team” but we don’t care and the appropriate charges should be pressed.

        • Seraph
          141 year ago

          IANAL but didn’t he obstruct Congress?

          Wow I hate that acronym!

          • @Skyrmir
            141 year ago

            False alarms are against the law regardless of it being an attempt to fuck with Congress. Which is probably why an aid wouldn’t do it for him. They knew they’d at least lose their job, and possibly get fined or have a few days in jail.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            But if he did it to give the representatives the opportunity to read the bill they were about to vote on to make sure that they’re not being tricked by the Republicans — then he was supporting Congress

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            01 year ago

            Hello anal I’m dad.

            More seriously, it seems like it’d be a pain to prove, since he has a (shitty) excuse.

        • pwnicholson
          51 year ago

          In some jurisdictions, false reporting of emergencies is illegal. Not sure about DC or the halls of Congress.

          The proverbial false yelling of “fire” in crowded theater is literally one of the test examples for limitations that should be placed on free speech because it is so dangerous.

          Profoundly stupid. Your hapless opponents are creating all the bad press they can for you. How did he possibly think this would help?

        • @captainlezbian
          41 year ago

          Yeah I think he should probably get a stern talking to from a fire marshal and punished if he does it again

  • @Veedem
    1421 year ago

    That explanation that he didn’t think it would set off an alarm has to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. At least as dumb as the fact that the government is going to shut down because of a few moronic house members.

    Charges should be pressed, IMO. Whatever the law says about pulling a fire alarm when there’s no fire. No idea what the code is but he shouldn’t be above the law.

    • @Evilcoleslaw
      451 year ago

      Obstructing an official proceeding. Federal felony, what many of the January 6th defendants were charged with. Potential penalty of up to 20 years in prison. Of course, in practice the results will be much less severe.

      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        Pretty much. He was trying to bide a bit of time in a moronic way in order to give democrats more than 5 minutes to look at the 45 day budget bill the Republicans were trying to immediately force a vote on before it could be read at all. Surprise surprise, one of the first crooked things found in it was a raise to give themselves.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        11 year ago

        The proof of the case for January 6 defendants involves the fact that they were overrunning police barricades and very obviously intending to disrupt the proceeding.

        I wonder if the prosecution think there’s enough proof as to the distinguished gentleman’s case, where his intent is muted by the desire not to disrupt but to ensure compliance with the duly enacted house rules.

        Shit show.

        Depending on what wmthw Republican cunts tried to sneak into it, the gentleman may be morally justified, or even morally obliged.

    • @gibmiser
      221 year ago

      Obstruction of congress too

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        There are all sorts of congressmen that could get that charge. Let’s start with those that ignored congressional subpoenas.

      • @Veedem
        21 year ago


    • ripcord
      31 year ago

      Yeah, what an absolute dumbass. And no one in office should get special treatment.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    1361 year ago


    In any case, isn’t this basically the whole “yelling fire in a crowded theater” example of speech that isn’t protected and is explicitly criminal? Charge his ass.

    • @[email protected]
      951 year ago

      The story I’m hearing elsewhere is he pulled the alarm to delay the vote, as Republicans are violating their “72 hours to read the bill” rule they agreed to at the start of this Congressional term.

      While I don’t condone the actions, the result was a delay, long enough for representatives to read a bill they are voting on, which is something that should always be allowed.

      • @[email protected]
        241 year ago

        I just find it hilarious that it’s a former school principal that pulled this shit. He’s probably expelled kids for doing the same.

        • SSX
          201 year ago

          At the same time, he finally gets to experience the hilarity of it.

      • @scottywh
        231 year ago

        That certainly adds interesting context.

        I previously read that the 72 page bill was given to House members initially with only about an hour before the vote to read and review it so that helps me make more sense of it than my own face value first conclusion.

    • Lemminary
      251 year ago

      If only people got this riled up whenever the other side broke the rules…

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        The fucking rage of people doing minor dumbshit stuff for kind of good reasons. Won’t someone think of the precious norms.

      • @Sterile_Technique
        1 year ago

        I’ll own it: I over reacted.

        The older I get, the more critical I realize politics is - when we fuck up, people lose their rights and push our planet closer and closer to non-life-supporting, so seeing dumb shit from the left is especially aggravating cuz that’s where our hope is. Dig through my recent posts and you’ll find several chewing out Feinstein, and it’s for the same reason. We cannot afford that shit in today’s political environment - the stakes are just too high.

        • Sparking
          51 year ago

          Yeah, but in this case it seems like the dude was rushing back to fund the government and made a genuine mistake because he was in a hurry.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Reading a bill is part of a normal procedure and the outcome is more important. So, while I don’t condone the action, at the end of the day, if the outcome benefits people other than himself, then I can understand his action. The thing is they weren’t given enough time to read as Republicans violated their own 72 hours to read the bill rule.

      • @ZoopZeZoop
        71 year ago

        Well, shit. Now they’re all going to do it. Lol

        • TechyDad
          21 year ago

          I think McCarthy just found out the only way to stay in power. Every time Gaetz tries to file a motion to vacate the speakership, McCarthy will just pull the fire alarm.

      • @Nahvi
        11 year ago

        Are they in session while walking the halls?

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          In session is all time not in recess. They are also protected traveling to D.C. from their home district.

          • @Nahvi
            21 year ago

            Thank you for clarifying. Could not remember for the life of me.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          There’s only two sessions a year. The reason the shutdown extension has to happen now is the session is about to adjourn.

      • @Sterile_Technique
        1 year ago

        …when there’s an actual fire, right? Otherwise your just endangering people by causing a crowd to panic.

        Edit - looked it up, goes back to Schenck v. United States, which basically states that the context of otherwise protected speech can render it criminal. The case wasn’t about shouting fire in a theater, but it produced that example to illustrate their reasoning.

          • @Sterile_Technique
            -21 year ago

            Huh. I wonder if any injuries that occured would fall under that. Like if someone yelled fire and you got trampled by a panicked crowd and broke a few bones… would yelling fire in that case be assault?

            Initial post stands - charge his ass! …but now more from curiosity to see what the courts would do with it than anything else.

            • @randon31415
              111 year ago

              … or yelled “Stop the steal, storm the captial” and someone got trampled to death.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                And someone else was shot by law enforcement because they tried to follow those orders. (The fact she wasn’t innocent doesn’t excuse the instigator of her death)

            • @[email protected]
              -31 year ago

              No, because the words aren’t intended to incite lawless acts.

              But, falsely pulling a fire alarm and saying words are two different things, and he can and should be charged for it.

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            1 year ago

            This is not at all correct. The issue in Schenk wasn’t whether you could or could not falsely shout fire in a crowded theater.

            You may not falsely yell fire in a crowded theater. Doing so is a criminal breach of peace.

            Schenk and Brandenberg are incitement cases. Not being able to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater is axiomatic proof that the framer’s intent wasn’t to ban limits on speech that obviously serves no valid free speech purpose, such as falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater.

            You absolutely have the right to truly yell fire in a crowded theater, though no duty to do so!

              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                11 year ago

                You read it wrong. You may not falsely shout fire in a crowded theater. You obviously don’t have a lot of experience reading legal cases. It’s okay.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 year ago

                  I did not read it wrong. It clearly states that the 69 case narrowed the scope so shouting fire in a crowded theater is no longer unprotected.

        • BuckyVanBuren
          61 year ago

          No, the case was about protesting war.

          So, whenever you use this trope, you continue to support the idea that protesting war is criminal and protesters should be imprisoned.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            I don’t think most people who hear the “fire in a crowded theater” line are going to think it’s about protesting war. It’s an example when speech can have an immediate harmful effect that seems to have a lot more relevance to the discussion of limitations on expression.

            • BuckyVanBuren
              21 year ago

              No, it is about people fundamentally misunderstanding the case and continuing to misuse a paraphrasing of a dictum, or non-binding statement, from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Incorrectly, acting as if it was a an actually point if law.

              If used correctly, then it would be about protesting war. But people rarely understand what was said under Schenck v. United States, nor do they understand that it was overturned.

              Brandenburg v. Ohio changed the standard to which speecg speech could be prosecuted only when it posed a danger of “imminent lawless action,” a formulation which is sometimes said to reflect Holmes reasoning as more fully explicated in his Abrams dissent, rather than the common law of attempts explained in Schenck.

              Fire in a theater is meaningless and useless.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      You would have to prove intent, which is almost impossible. I accidentally set off a fire alarm once. The relevant signage was totally ambiguous and not even remotely clear.

    • @30mag
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • @jordanlundM
    711 year ago

    Dude, this is what your Congressional aids are for…

  • @TserriednichThe4th
    611 year ago

    seems like most people owe this guy an apology. the signage was genuinely confusing / missing according to the images and recordings. he legit was trying to get out.

  • @Lifecoach5000
    541 year ago

    Following reports of Bowman pulling the fire alarm, his spokesperson released a statement claiming he “did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”

    I don’t even understand how this non-answer even makes any logical sense.

    • @BetaDoggo_
      31 year ago

      It looked too similar to the “Vote” button. Better documentation is definitely needed.

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    he “did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”


    • @kescusay
      291 year ago

      Translation: “He really, really didn’t think this through and would like everyone to forget about it.”

        • @Silvus
          61 year ago

          It was a coincidence that we were both naked and penetration occurred because of the fall, and continued for some time after.

            • @[email protected]
              91 year ago

              There are call buttons all over the capital, these buttons announce critical votes and do things like bring elevators faster. When I was a kid I used to push them all the time until someone saw me do it. I think that was behind his meaning.

              • @[email protected]
                71 year ago

                Well that would make more sense. Do the fire alarms resemble the other buttons that much? Seems like a design flaw.


                I used to push them all the time until someone saw me do it.

                LOL well played to your former self

                • @[email protected]
                  71 year ago

                  I’m sure you can understand that these buildings are old and a lot of systems have been put in place later. So it’s not like anything is standardized. I was more on the Senate side, so couldn’t tell about the House.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    Between this idiot and Menendez refusing to resign after his second corruption investigation, the Dems are having a bad week, not even sure what Bowman was thinking, but punishment must be swift and severe, because the Right wing clout chasers are already chirping about it.

  • @ghostdoggtv
    111 year ago

    I can’t say it was a great move, but on the other hand he fucking did something

    • ripcord
      131 year ago

      He did worse than nothing, this was just boneheaded.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      I’m with you on this. This was a real dumb thing to do. Like, sitcom protagonist thinking.

      But when you look at the stakes - extremely minor risk of injury, disruption to operations, and risk of a minor punishment… the stakes on the action don’t compare to the stakes of the vote on the table. Effectively, maybe he just took one for the team.

      If it sounds dumb but it works…

      • @TserriednichThe4th
        61 year ago

        it wasn’t dumb at all. look at the pictures of the signage at the time. it was genuinely confusing.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I actually just saw a picture of it… It’s literally the standard fire alarm used country-wide in public buildings (you know, a red plastic square that says fire, with an awkward to pull handle) next to a normal double door with push bars leading outside. Why would he be rushing outside so conveniently anyways?

          I think he took one for the team, and I respect it. No one was hurt, and in the context of the situation I think his actions were morally valid

          Of course he claimed it was an accident… It would be idiotic not to. I know it wasn’t, he knows it wasn’t, anyone who looks at the door knows it wasn’t. The only way to prove it was intentional is for him to admit that… Which could turn a small fine into a whole pubic spectacle

          Spreading the white lie is inaccurate and harms discourse, unlike his dubious excuse…This is a “read between the lines” sort of situation

          • @TserriednichThe4th
            01 year ago

            The signage posted was literally a “dead dont inside open” situation. I wasnt referring to the actual alarm mechanism.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              IDK wtf that could possibly mean… it’s literally a normal door with a fire alarm next to it. The only words involved are “fire” on the tiny plastic alarm that is standard everywhere I’ve ever seen, and exit (which I didn’t see, but I presume was on the ceiling behind the camera, as this is a nationwide building standard)

              Do you have a picture of this confusing signage? I’d love to see it, because the one I saw paints a pretty clear picture (in which again, I support his actions, including the white lie…I just don’t support spreading a lie in a misguided attempt at solidarity)

  • @xc2215x
    61 year ago

    Very shameful thing to do.

    • @30mag
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        231 year ago

        Yeah I’m totally down for Democrats to get shitty and break rules to defeat conservatives, but it has to be effective. This is not.

        • @Nastybutler
          91 year ago

          It gave their staffs time to read the bill the Republicans were trying to ram through

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          It gave them enough time to read the book so it was actually very effective. Also, the signage is actually confusing so it’s joking like it might have been a genuine mistake.

    • @uberkalden
      111 year ago

      Lol you’re nuts. I’m most definitely not a Republican. This guy is an idiot

    • @[email protected]
      -71 year ago

      Way wrong, this is unacceptable behavior.

      Jeffries needs to kick his ass off his committees at minimum. What an embarrassment.

    • EpicFailGuy
      -71 year ago



      I hope not … If democrats have to do the same things to win … then I don’t want to vote democrat anymore …

      And they’re already only SLIGHTLY less bad then the reps …

      This country is fucked