Ben Shapiro is mad that kids like a cartoon dog, so his company The Daily Wire is debuting a right-wing alternative.

  • @Son_of_dad
    1181 year ago

    Someone saw how amazing and loving the Heeler family was and decided “this makes me mad, I’m going to make an intolerant version of this that fits my world view!”. Not to mention I can’t remember politics ever even coming up in bluey when I watch it with my kids.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Like every work of art, it’s full of politics:

      • an equal-rights relationship, where both parents take responsibility for their children and housework
      • children who are accepted like they are
      • inclusive schools/kindergartens
      • themes that touch on preserving nature, helping the disadvantaged and more

      No wonder it triggers right-wingers.

      • 520
        331 year ago

        Not to mention, it even caters to actual dogs! The colour scheme used was designed to only use colours that dogs can see.

        • Flying Squid
          171 year ago

          I never heard that before. Very cool!

          • @skyspydude1
            221 year ago

            It’s one of those fake TikTok “facts” that’s only kind of true. The Heelers are blue/orange, which does work decently well with Deuteranopia (red-green color blindness), and is closest to what dogs’ vision is like. But it’s mostly just a coincidence, and there’s plenty of cases where scenes really don’t work well if you run them through a Deuteranopia filter, and Chili/Bingo really blend into the background a lot of the time.

        • @GraniteM
          11 months ago

          I’ve never heard this before and don’t know if it’s true or not… but if you told me that Ben Shapiro and his ilk were absolutely furious it, I’d say that sounds a hundred percent on brand for them.

    • bean
      541 year ago

      Ben Shapiro is a cancerous colon wart.

        • @GraniteM
          411 months ago

          Yeah, at least cancer has the decency to not be contagious from one moron to another.

      • @Boddhisatva
        51 year ago

        That’s not fair to colons or warts either. In fact, my colon feels devalued by your comment.

    • @[email protected]
      461 year ago

      Everyone knows the dad is supposed to come home angry about what he’s listened to all day about the left, beat his wife and kids mercilessly to show them who’s really in charge, and not engage in any meaningful way with them at all before passing out drunk.

      It’s as American as apple pie!

  • TimeSquirrel
    1061 year ago

    At this point, anything they call “the left” just seems like normal, rational, human-being stuff. Did nobody share their cookie with them in kindergarten? Are they still angry about that?

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      531 year ago

      Whenever they say “woke” I filter it in my mind to “being a reasonable person.”

      • @dangblingus
        361 year ago

        whenever they say “woke” it’s generally in the context of accepting that a black person or woman is currently speaking.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      It is hard not to be to the left of Republican Media groups since 2016 and everything that followed.

  • @[email protected]
    751 year ago

    This is what happens once conservative politics has degenerated to literally “I’m an asshole, and there’s nothing you can do about it”, to crude dominance displays, performative cruelty and rolling coal. Not that it was much better, but at least the assholery used to need some sort of high-minded, principled rationalisation, rather than being self-justifying.

    • @Zehzin
      1 year ago

      Self-justified assholery, or at least not caring if you’re being an asshole, would be an improvement, at least it’s a consistent world view based on self interest (see: Max Stirner and egoism). They’d still be assholes, but I can at least respect the owning up to it.

      When you think you’re justified in being an asshole because you’re not actually an asshole you’re great actually it’s those scary people who are coming here to attack you and your sacred way of life, that is definitely not made up and you’re entitled to, who are wrong, you’re just defending yourself and your people (you’re a hero actually), that’s when you start buying alpha male supplements and yelling at cartoon dogs.

  • Margot Robbie
    561 year ago

    They are trying to ruin Bluey? Australia’s second greatest cultural export? Is nothing sacred any more?

    It’s pathetic how they are not making shows out of love, but out of spite.

    • @Gruntyfish
      71 year ago

      What’s the greatest cultural export in your opinion?

      • Margot Robbie
        301 year ago

        Esteemed Academy Award nominated character actor Hugh Jackman, of course!

        That man can sing.

        • @misterundercoat
          171 year ago

          I’d say it’s a tie between Steve Irwin and the bloomin’ onion.

          • Margot Robbie
            161 year ago

            … the bloomin’ onion isn’t Australian. Americans made it up.

            • @misterundercoat
              91 year ago

              Um, no. It was brought over by poor Australian immigrant outback steak chefs in the 1980s. You can tell it’s legit because all thier menu items have authentic Australian words in them.

            • Dizzy Devil Ducky
              61 year ago

              I swear one of the most American things ever is to think a lot of the foods we associate with certain countries that we invented came from other countries.

              Makes it seem more exotic. That fortune cookie? Super exotic because you can only get them when you eat Chinese, so they must have originated from China!

      • English Mobster
        51 year ago

        All these people forgetting about the Wiggles.

        The Wiggles at one point were the highest-grossing Australian band of all time, beating out AC/DC. (I don’t think that’s true anymore though.)

        • @BURN
          111 months ago

          The wiggles could never all be on a plane together. I think they said they always sent 2+2 on commercial flights so if one crashed half the band would still be around

  • @dynamojoe
    491 year ago

    Have you ever seen a line which is immediately apparent as pure, distilled truth? homeschooling being a common tactic among conservatives to indoctrinate their children into Christian nationalism fits the bill.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Can confirm. Was Christian homeschooled. Learned nothing useful outside of the Bible and a weirdly curated list of other topics. Physics, but not biology. And exclusively America/Christian centric history.

      • @Jeremyward
        11 months ago

        Can also confirm, was ‘homeschooled’ which meant those terrible books the homeschool book companies would send you all about how Noah’s ark was on mount Arrerrat (sp?) And how supply side Jesus was the best. Did read the Bible cover to cover 3 times for something to do, lotta weird shit in there…

  • @Selmafudd
    1 year ago

    As an Australian I can confirm I have nfi what the daily wire’s bluey knock off is

    • Flying Squid
      171 year ago

      As an American, from the Daily Wire’s home country, neither do I. And I don’t have a young child, but I know who Bluey is.

    • @Zealousideal_Fox900
      151 year ago

      As another Australian, I think Disney needs to beat the living shit out of them with a DMCA hammer.

      • @Cheez
        11 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • Flying Squid
          61 year ago

          Disney owns the American distribution rights, but yeah. They don’t own the copyright or the trademarks.

        • @Zealousideal_Fox900
          111 months ago

          Disney has the US rights. The ABC should also join in though. The more the merrier!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Amazing self-own admitting that the internet and public schools are your ideological enemies:

    According to Boreing: “Kids go to school for 40 hours a week and then they engage in pop culture for 40 more hours every week. That means for 80 hours of a child’s week, you are turning them over to the left. A good parent might spend 15 minutes a day in meaningful conversation with their kids … A great parent might take their kid to church for one hour, or two hours, or three hours a week. The other 80, they’re watching Disney … they’re online … they’re in public schools.”

    Even their non-political statements are political. I hate that some people don’t see through this shit:

    In a video statement on Monday marking Bentkey’s launch, Boreing said: “Bentkey isn’t about teaching kids politics, it’s about childhood and wonder and adventure. It’s about values and all of the things on which politics are built later.”

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      Amazing self-own admitting that the internet and public schools are your ideological enemies

      I mean, it’s totally a self own. The thing is though, republicans as a whole are putting forth a decades long concentrated effort to villify schools and schooling. They know that public exposure and education leads to left leaning opinions, even for kids raised in strictly right households, and even through the young adult phase into college.

      The conversation has been so warped for republicans and their conservative base that what sounds like a self own to a regular person is just another truth. It doesn’t even sound strange to them.

      So while it is a self own to anyone with a shred of sense, it’s also a terrifying sign of the times and a serious foundational threat for our young generation.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    In case didn’t already hate Ben Shapiro by now, the dude hates Bluey


    It really doesn’t get any sadder than this

    • Flying Squid
      291 year ago

      Not only does he hate Bluey, he hates Bluey so much that he decided to spend a substantial amount of money to make Not-Bluey.

    • @macarthur_park
      181 year ago

      In the first picture in this article they’re clearly cooking on an electric stove. Weren’t electric stoves supposed to be woke?

    • @Ensign_Crab
      151 year ago

      Rob Schneider

      Ewww. I remembered he exists.

    • TimeSquirrel
      131 year ago

      Rob Schneider, the guy who starred in an entire movie with the plot being him having swapped minds with a woman and being stuck in her body? That Rob Schneider?

      • Flying Squid
        121 year ago

        Yes, and many other terrible films. Often with Adam Sandler.

        By the way, he also wrote The Hot Chick.

    • ArugulaZ
      41 year ago

      He sure put in a performance… of some sort… in Norm of the North.

  • @Lauchs
    331 year ago

    I wonder how successful these counter mainstream efforts will be. There’s a market for crazy Christian movies etc, I imagine there will be a similar one for parents terrified of reality.

    • Flying Squid
      491 year ago

      Yeah, but Bluey? That’s like being terrified of Mr. Rogers. This is a failure for the same reason it would be a failure if you decided Mr. Rogers wasn’t mean enough so you made your own show with a similar guy but mean.

        • Flying Squid
          81 year ago

          What aren’t they terrified of? But Rupert didn’t go so far as saying, “we need to make the anti-Bluey now!”

      • @Drivebyhaiku
        211 year ago

        Oh if Mr Rogers was current he would have been seen as incredibly “woke”. This is the man who during the civil rights discourse decided that kids needed to see black people as less scary and capable of authority so they implemented the character of Officer Clemmons. There is a famous clip of him offering Officer Clemmons a chance to cool his feet in the same wading pool he’s using because out in the world there was a massive push to keep public pools segregate and conservative nutjobs were throwing caustics into pools that didn’t comply and telling their kids that black people were dirty.

        They would have been screaming for an end to Rogers " woke SJW tyranny".

  • @Salamendacious
    321 year ago

    …and this is very likely the last time you’ll ever hear about Chip Chilla.

  • Funderpants
    1 year ago

    Lessons from chilli.

    Don’t hold hands with the gerbils chilli, they’ll make you dirty.

    No, you see chilli, your friend goes to school hungry because their father doesn’t work hard enough, they deserve it.

    • @phx
      41 year ago

      If you’re good, daddy will take you the range where we can take turns playing with his brand new gun!

  • HotsauceHurricane
    2511 months ago

    I think the biggest thing is these people feel threatened. Blueys parents are better parents than they ever will be. All i can think k about is the episode Flatpack where bandit says, “I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog”.

    • shastaxc
      1211 months ago

      His parents are definitely better than me. There’s no way I can devote that much energy to parenting while holding a full time job. I wish I could, but that’s not the world we live in.

  • TwoGems
    221 year ago

    Anything Republicans make will be cringe propaganda

  • @Surp
    171 year ago

    Bluey is the shit! How can anyone not love Bluey?