House Speaker Mike Johnson has three flags hanging outside his office: the American flag, the Louisiana state flag, and a flag representing a movement that wants to turn the United States into a religious Christian nation.

  • ZeroCool
    19510 months ago

    Well, it might have something to do with the fact that Mike Johnson is a christian nationalist that wants to turn the United States into a christofascist state.

    • modifier
      5810 months ago

      Now, now, let’s not go jumping to conclusions just because they happen to be based on facts and logic.

        • @Boddhisatva
          810 months ago

          Hold up there, buddy. That sounds like some of that critical thinking stuff the filthy demonrats keep going on about. We will not stand for that in a God fearing nation!

        • modifier
          310 months ago

          Get outta here. Feelings don’t care about your facts.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        410 months ago

        Also, if the conclusion is correct, it’s because the mean old “liberal media” and the “Democrat Party(sic)” called them Republicans like Mike names like fascist and racist and xenophobic and so on, and that is why they had to turn to this! See what you made them do?!!!

  • @hansl
    7910 months ago

    The answer is in the question.

    • @ElectroVagrant
      4810 months ago

      This headline and article are begging to be in c/NotTheOnion, yeah.

      My Christian nationalist flag has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my flag.

  • @seaQueue
    4710 months ago

    I like that the Republican answer to losing elections is to double down on the religious crazy and ramp up the purity testing. All of that just makes it even easier to win elections against them.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      4310 months ago

      Don’t celebrate too soon. Thanks to gerrymandering, voter suppression and an unpopular Dem president, they still have a chance to retain the house and maybe even retake the Senate no matter how batshit crazy they get.

      I’m not saying it’s likely, I’m just saying that the risk is never zero and celebrating too soon increases that risk 🤷

      • @caffinatedone
        610 months ago

        Unfortunately, republicans will quite likely take the senate in the next cycle. With Manchin retiring, WV is essentially a republican lock. More broadly, Democrats are defending 20 seats to 11 for republicans, and the lowest hanging fruit for democratic pickups would be Rick Scott (FL) or Ted Cruz (TX), and as much as they both suck, that’s still going to be tough.

        So, just to retain their slim margin, they’d have to defend all of their other seats and knock off one of those two.

  • @[email protected]
    4710 months ago

    Why is it that the article is about this flag, but doesn’t have a picture of the flag. This is more upsetting than it should be.

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      1410 months ago

      Exactly my thought. Entire point of the article is a flag outside his office. The article does not contain a picture of said flag, none of the links in the article that I have followed contain pictures of said flag.

    • @Filthmontane
      810 months ago

      Probably because the flag looks like a toddler made it and it’s not intimidating at all even though the implications behind it are very serious.

    • @ozmot
      610 months ago

      Seriously, this is journalistic malpractice. If it’s right outside the guys office then it should be easy enough to take a photo. I don’t need a flag to know this guy is bad news but I’m not gonna jump on the outrage wagon over an article with no photo.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    3410 months ago

    Because he can’t get away with flying a confederate or nazi flag?

  • Cethin
    3010 months ago

    For anyone looking for the picture:

  • @ChonkyOwlbear
    2910 months ago

    We really need to start charging elected representatives with perjury when they blatantly violate the oath of office like this.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      1210 months ago

      Violating the oath of office is a seperate crime, carrying stiffer penalties than perjury.

      The Dems would never have the guts to enforce it no matter what, though, and the SCOTUS has a Christofascist majority itself.

  • @Additional_Prune
    2610 months ago

    He’s flying a Christian nationalist flag because he’s a Christian nationalist. Maya Angelou - “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

  • @CharlesDarwin
    10 months ago

    I bet anything this guy has some very weird skeletons in his closet. Like, he runs that weird xtian software on most of his devices, but there is some computer in his house that has weird/illegal content on it, and doesn’t have the Jesusy spyware on that computer…

    • Lemminary
      310 months ago

      Hah! Same thing I thought. Probably has a stash from years ago that he refuses to throw out.

  • @Zombiepirate
    1510 months ago

    “Why are these cockroaches under this rock?!”

  • @TheJims
    1410 months ago

    Even Jesus thinks this guy is weird as fuck.

  • @Imbrex
    1210 months ago

    This is gonna have Mike Pence.level.of weirdness