• SokathHisEyesOpen
    14111 months ago

    Dogs definitely know when they’re doing something they’re not supposed to be doing. They get all sneaky and quiet, and look hella guilty if you catch them.

    • RandomLegend [He/Him]
      11 months ago

      Yeah, just like the post described - they know good and bad. They get sneaky, quiet and guilty because they know they were bad.

      I have a cat and a dog and i swear to god, my cat gives me a challenging look of pure intent when she does something that she KNOWS she is not allowed; Like jumping up the kitchen counter. We don’t want her on that. She sits in front of it, sees me coming, looks me in the eyes with a very certain look and jumps on it. When i tell her to jump down, she will do it immediately but again… a look of pure intent and naughtiness.

      • @[email protected]
        2911 months ago

        My cat has never even once jumped on the table to get something she shouldn’t have. The ONLY reason she ever gets up there is when she decides she’s been crying for dinner too long, because she knows she’s not supposed to. She doesn’t even know WHY she’s not supposed to, she has no idea what to do when she’s up there. She gets up on it and just stands there and looks at me.

        • @[email protected]
          1311 months ago

          With mine is the blinds. She doesn’t mess with them unless she’s mad at me about something, and then she waits until we make eye contact and then begins her assault on the window treatments, while maintaining eye contact. She’s Alpha as fuck.

      • @FooBarrington
        1211 months ago

        Absolutely! My parents have a horizontal bar slightly higher than the working surface in their kitchen. The cats are allowed on the bar, not on the surface. These fuckers lay on the bar and stretch their paws down so they are barely hovering above the surface, as if they were saying “I’m not touching it!” like a child. And that’s not a relaxed position, they have to really stretch their paws to touch it. Yet they always do it and look at you like “what are you gonna do? I’m not touching it!”

      • Khrux
        311 months ago

        I’d say dogs kmow when they’re intending to be bad, such as stealing food, going in places they’re not allowed whilete think their owner isn’t home or when they generally think they’re yet to be caught being bad, they act mischievously. I’d also say that it’s the intention to be bad that is naughty, and dogs are very capable of that.

        I think the difference is that dogs can think “hoohoo I’m gonna be bad >:)” which is a naughty thought, and means they understand it, but they can’t go to that next point where cats are which is “I’m gonna do something naughty and I don’t even care about the bad bit at all”.

      • Apathy Tree
        1211 months ago

        Huskies are like a mix of toddler and teenager.

        Toddler-like play, teenager-like back talk and sass.

    • @[email protected]
      911 months ago

      Dogs don’t know guilt.

      They do know that looking at you a certain way makes you no longer mad at them.

      • @PossiblyHuman
        111 months ago

        and cats. Cats have evolved to have big eyes to beg for food, or, in this case, pity. Its like the homeless.

        • @frostysauce
          311 months ago

          Are you doing the homeless evolved to have big eyes?

    • @joystick
      2911 months ago

      I think cats just have some limited ability to predict human behavior after a while. Comprehending the idea of crime is giving them too much credit.

      • @ooterness
        3811 months ago

        “My human doesn’t like it when I do this. Too bad human isn’t around.” -😼

  • @[email protected]
    8411 months ago

    To be fair, raccoons give (and take) gifts. I think they consider anything shiny or colorful you leave out accessible to them a gift. My wife was attempting to feed neighborhood cats and we did get some, but we also got raccoons. They took a bright red bowl we were feeding them out of. In return, we’ve received several shiny rocks and a spoon.

      • @bmsok
        2511 months ago

        But when it’s 1:30am and two of them jump out of a dumpster at you as you’re taking out the trash after a night with friends it feels more like a standoff and your trash is a mafia-style bribe

          • @bmsok
            711 months ago

            I guess in the moment my gift was that I didn’t have to get a rabies shot? Time will tell if/when I see those critters again.

      • @Ziglin
        411 months ago

        I’d prefer magpies.

  • Prophet
    5511 months ago

    I left out a crockpot of mostly eaten mac and cheese on the counter. I was on the couch half-asleep when I heard my keys (which were next to this crockpot) jingle. I didn’t say anything, I just turned my head and saw my cat running for cover as if it had just tripped the alarms during a heist gone wrong. How do I interpret this in any way other than my cat knowing what it was doing was naughty?

    • @Ziglin
      911 months ago

      I can sometimes hear my cats jumping off of something in the kitchen and they then look at me guiltily while I investigate the countertop to make sure they didn’t do anything.

  • @bmsok
    4711 months ago

    I was cat-sitting for a friend once when the cat started scratching my friend’s couch. I wasn’t even looking at the cat and in a very gentle tone I said “I could could end you really quick if I wanted. Not cool, dude.” (obviously an empty threat)

    The little guy went off to another room for his own little shame party then sulked back into the room and we were couch friends again.

    They absolutely know what they’re up to.

  • @MataVatnik
    3611 months ago

    Volunteered in a wildlife shelter with two foxes. When I brought in the meals, one of the foxes would wait at the door, and as soon as I laid down the food he would take his choice piece of the meal, walk somewhere and hide it for himself.

  • @Dmian
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @datelmd5sum
    3211 months ago

    If I give a boiled egg to our cat it might eat it if she’s hungry. If I leave a boiled egg on the table, she’ll stalk it, steal it and run under the couch with it.

    • @Syringe
      3211 months ago

      Total assholes and somehow that’s a selling point.

      • @ReluctantMuskrat
        911 months ago

        Because a dog will love you simply because you exist. If a cat likes you, it’s a genuine appreciation and friendship.

        • @Ziglin
          811 months ago

          Or you fed it within the last 30 seconds.

  • @elscallr
    2011 months ago

    I love cats. This is accurate and makes them better.