This is MAGA in a nutshell.
“Least accomplished ex-President mocks most accomplished ex-President.”
When Trump dies, his grave will make the best toilet ever.
That’s my plan.
Get in line, pal!
wdym? I pulled my ticket number back in 2016.
If they give his corpse an enema, they’ll be able to bury him in a matchbox.
his grave will make the best toilet ever
Rest in Piss, Donald
Maybe they can bury him next to Limbaugh so we can get a twofer.
Assuming you can get onto the golf course.
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Donny’s just sad he’d never be able to get someone to spend 77 years with him.
Where’s Melania?
I doubt most people can stand to spend 7 minutes with him.
I forgot about Reince Priebus.
Why are all the people he works with so stereotypically evil?
If you wrote a b movie and named the cartoonish villain “Reince Priebus,” people would complain that it is a stupid name.
Sounds like something George Lucas would come up with.
Whistles some jizz
One Scaramucci equals 10 days
Trying to get the pool boy to notice her.
This is probably the best answer
Where’s Melania?
Waiting in the wings for her cash and prizes.
(She might need to consider a Plan B for that.)
(She might need to consider a Plan B for that.)
If she didn’t, she’d better hurry. GOP tryin to outlaw that shit everywhere.
A micromooch is known as a stormy and it’s based on how long he lasted inside her.
Please don’t make your follow lemmings sick.
Sorry, you have to suffer what escapes my brain. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.
A micromooch is known as a stormy and it’s based on how long he lasted inside her.
I didn’t think they were able to measure time periods that short.
It’s possible, but only with the most precise of measuring devices.
The ‘Melanie’ story is new to me.
Keeping up with all of Trump’s idiot stories is beyond any one person’s capacity
I know it’s petty, but dear God, the man can’t even spell his own wife’s name correctly.
It’s not petty, imho. He’d lose his mind if he were introduced as ‘Ronald.’
I can’t believe I forgot about this
I think it’s far worse than this. I don’t think there’s anything in the world that could bring him happiness. His pathology will not allow for it.
You know the way that the love of your family, or love for your family, brings you happiness? Yeah, that doesn’t work for him. His parents fucked him up real good.
He is the poster child for the end product of spoilt child with the ultimate helicopter parent.
4 was too much
She passed away this afternoon :/
Next campaign speech: “President Carter’s wife… Rosalynn. She died, folks. She died. I never liked her! I like first ladies that don’t die like my wife Melania.”
Too bad Melania doesn’t like him back.
Mmm yes, let’s kick one of the last honest politicians in existence while he’s down. That’ll soften your horrific image, big boy.
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What’s wonderful is that the next few days are going to be full of coverage of the scandal-free Carter presidency, Carter marriage, and Carter family.
Unfortunately, I expect it to be full of coverage of Trump shitting all over Carter’s presidency, marriage, and family. Trump has never passed up the opportunity to get one last kick in on someone who’s literally on their death bed.
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He’d better fucking die in a prison cell.
I hope he dies of natural causes, after many, many years in jail.
Only one thing to add to that: his voice must be heavily controlled. Not taken away of course, but he must not be allowed to pontificate to his drooling followers. He’s never been shy about embracing stochastic terror while a free man; imagine his behavior when he has less to lose.
The only people (other than fellow inmates) listening to him should be the prison guards. And when he complains that he’s being treated unfairly with his uncomfy bed or whatever, they can silently gesture to all the identical cells around him for the hundredth time.
Maybe when he’s lost the one thing that gives him a sense of power he’ll be forced to attempt some kind of introspection, and hopefully find the tiniest kernel of empathy.
Or I can just wake up from my daydreaming.
And be replaced with somebody even more monstrous.
This shit won’t end with one fat man having a heart attack.
It won’t end until the bigoted vitriolic overzealous self-aggrandizing assholes have something to fear again.
The genie is out of the bottle and too many freaks have been emboldened to be open about their racist, misogynistic thoughts.
Republicans rat fucked Carter with Iran Contra. It’s Republicans in a nutshell. They have no floor. Can always go lower.
Republicans played with the lives of hostages for political gain. They prolonged the Vietnam war for political gain. They are almost always on the wrong side of history.
I’m going to read Trump’s obituary with champagne.
I hope he chokes on a cheeseburger.
or dies of a stroke taking a shit. I hope they find him with his ass in the air.
It’s a party of hatred. When he got elected after mocking that camera man for having a disability, it should have been clear for everyone what the republican party stood for.
As the parent of a special needs child I was completely aghast about that. Doesn’t even make sense because they want people to “pull their own weight” (which is just what that person was doing)!
It doesn’t need to make sense. They only have hatred and anger.
I can’t wait to hear what offensive shit this asshole will say now that she’s died.
Trump makes cavemen look highly civilized.
“Cavemen” had respect for the dead.
Lack of technology =/= lack of sophistication.
And hominids were unlikely to use caves as shelters for an extended period of time without working the stone.
Conservatives delight in the suffering and misery of others. This is simply who they are at their core. It is not a trait they can change. They can supress the public expression of this trait when it serves them, but deep inside, they thrive on the knowledge that a vulnerable person is suffering.
Be cautious in your dealings with conservatives. They do not value the lives of people or animals the way a normal person does.
Jesus bud. The powers that be in the Republican party and a conservative are two different things.
Yeah! The first is the one doing the bad stuff, and the second are the ones voting them into power!
There are such a thing as conservatives that don’t vote republican.
There’s dozens of them i tell you! Dozens!
That scumbag will say anything to get attention. The filthier the better, and it seems filth is all he’s got left.
Stuff like this is why I consider republicans to be worthless filth.
Trump, criticizing Biden at a rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, told a crowd of supporters that “the happiest person anywhere in this country right now is Jimmy Carter because his administration looked brilliant compared to these clowns.”
“Compared to Biden, Jimmy Carter was a brilliant, brilliant president,” Trump said.
Which is really interesting since Jimmy Carter’s presidency was one of the most competent we’ve had in history. The only reason anybody shits on it is because of the smear job the republicans and the Reagan campaign did on it.
I think the failed hostage rescue really fucked him up. And also the “malaise” speech — an indictment on the American people for not heeding the warning of a wise and prescient man.
That speech truly hurt him. The aborted rescue was at the very end and jacked up his legacy for decades.
And about 2-minutes after Reagan took office, we got the hostages back. So now Carter looked weak and Reagan strong.
I was just an elementary school kid, but those were my impressions at the time.
It came out years later that Reagan’s team likely orchestrated that deal, convincing Iran to hold the hostages until after the election.
"Jimmy Carter was a brilliant, brilliant president” - Donald Trump
Lol. I like that.
Fuck him and fuck Trump followers.