It could be physically, mentally or in some cases spiritually

  • @[email protected]
    558 months ago

    Pay-it-forward to yourself.

    Put out the clothes for tomorrow-you in the evening. Vacuum the living room as a favor for dead-tired-10-oclock-you.

    It even works on much longer time scales: Lift weights so old-you don’t break a hip and miss taking the grandchildren to the zoo.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      + clean up after the party is over while you’re still drunk. gives your head time to stop spinning so you’re ready to sleep comfortably, plus it feels like it takes no time since your perception of that is all warped. waking up in a clean apartment is the greatest gift you can receive with a hangover

      • @TheCrawlingKingSnake
        68 months ago

        It is such a strange feeling finding dish soap in your refrigerator the next day, though!

    • root
      38 months ago

      I put my clothes out for the next day! Best feeling is being able to just hop in shower and not have to worry about it. Was actually just starting to think I’m a little crazy for doing that lol

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Absolutely! It doesn’t matter how small you start.

      I work a desk job and told myself I needed to exercise otherwise I would continue having back/health problems. I started with a 1-2 minute workout every day just so I could get in the habit. And if I didn’t feel like doing even that, I would at least do a few push ups or squats. Once I got used to taking that time every day I saw myself taking 5 minutes. Then 10, 20, 30… Now I commit to a 75-90 minute workout about 5 times a week. And I never thought it would get to that point but I started to enjoy it and look forward to that time every day!

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Seconding exercise. Even if it’s something small like taking stairs on your commute instead of the escalator. It ultimately adds up to so much over any period of time.

  • PP_GIRL_
    8 months ago

    Read for 30 minutes before sleep. Not just articles, but a real, paper-bound book. Helps with sleep, learning, memory, and reading comprehension in the future.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      This combined with the other guy’s “get a proper night’s rest” is a tough one. I always try to read for a half hour, but end up getting absorbed and reading for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I think I need to start reading drier books.

    • dream_weasel
      38 months ago

      And write down every word you don’t know.

      I have an anki card deck of all those words and I’ve greatly expanded my vocab doing that for 1 minute every morning while I have coffee.

      • @Typhoonigator
        108 months ago

        That’s not the issue here; try rereading the sentence as if the section in parentheses didn’t exist

      • @randomthin2332
        28 months ago

        I have this habit too, it’s like a thought bubble in my head that adds context on top of the original sentence. I wonder if it’s a trait for something but never thought it might be programming related.

  • Argongas
    168 months ago

    Go for a walk, longer is better but even 20 minutes will help.

    Eat fermented foods and plenty of fiber to keep your gut micro biome happy. There’s increasing evidence that your gut health impacts your mental health.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    158 months ago

    Get good sleep. Despite it seeming like a waste of time, sleep is the most important part of our health routine, and here we are cutting out one or two or even three hours a night just to please our bosses, basically meaning our jobs won’t adapt to our own humanity. For our ability to perceive each others’ vocabulary, grasp our feelings, mull over complicated ideas, react to split second surprises in time, and generally be healthy physically, an hour of sleep can spell the difference between having the performance of Alexander the Great and the performance of General Custer, in fact guess which one was infamous for valuing his sleep?

    Sleep deprivation is the single most cited factor in why Chernobyl happened, and fate punished us by making sure thirty square kilometers of land will be unusable for ten thousand years. Just think, we’ll be in other solar systems before we can step foot in Chernobyl again, all because some bosses somewhere said “I don’t care about your circadian rhythms, get in here on the dot without error or you’re going to the gulags”. The whole “early to bed early to rise” thing is BS and one should know the guy who said it was quite fond of sleeping in.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      If I go to bed at 2100, getting up at 0600 lets me “sleep in” and get a little less than 9 hrs of sleep.

      • Call me Lenny/Leni
        48 months ago

        If I go to bed at 2100, I wake up at 0100 and can’t go back to sleep. And that’s if I have the free time to go to bed that early.

  • @MissJinx
    8 months ago

    Don’t be a dick. Just not being a dick everyday is a great improvement and it will make no only yours but everyones lifes better. In todays society this can be a big chalenge so don’t be a dick tl anyone, not even to a dick

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Especially while driving. I found that if I felt bad for idiot drivers as their lives must be much harder than mine due to their latent impatience, rage, or incompetent, I was much less stressed. Just let them get on with it, slow down, and get home safe.

      Now I almost never drive and that has helped even more.

    • Dalek Thal
      48 months ago

      I second this. My life massively improved when I started to set out to leave the world a better place than I found it in - on average, people feel happier when around a friendly person

  • @bemenaker
    138 months ago

    Meditate even if for only 5 minutes

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    Respect yourself and accept what achievements you’ve made and struggles you’ve overcome. Everybody is fucking amazing and while you shouldn’t think you’re more important than other people you should acknowledge that your story is unique.

    • The Giant Korean
      38 months ago

      Great advice. It’s hard being kind to yourself if you’ve beaten yourself up all your life. I’m still working on that.

  • Drunemeton
    118 months ago

    While eating place your utensil down, or the food in your hand like a sandwich, and then chew what’s in your mouth into a smooth paste before swallowing.

    This slows down your eating process, correctly prepares the food for maximum absorption by your body, and gives you time to allow the feeling of satiation to develop.

    You’ll eat less and naturally lose weight without counting calories.

  • Thelsim
    118 months ago

    Sing to yourself. You can have a much wider vocal range with just a little bit of practice. It doesn’t have to be anything challenging, even a simple “row row row your boat” is already a nice exercise.
    Personally I find it very soothing and it helps me focus when I’m doing something on my own. Plus I love how my voice can sound when I put in a little effort :)

    • AZERTY
      68 months ago

      I sing to my dog when I get his food ready. I’m almost certain he thinks I’m a weirdo appreciates it

  • @Candelestine
    78 months ago

    Clean one thing in your environment. Every day, without fail. Can be as quick and simple as wiping the dust off a lamp or something, or can be more abstract, like “cleaning up your bills” or something. But every day, pick one. Can always keep going if the mood strikes you, but minimum one. No days off.

    • netburnr
      38 months ago

      I cleaned off that 12 pack of beer, does that count?