• stinerman [Ohio]
    7 months ago

    The concept of rewatching a movie is almost foreign to me now given that I have access to a library of tens of thousands of movies. It would have to be very good and something that whoever I’m with hasn’t seen.

    Of course I used to watch the same movie about every month or so back when I was growing up in the 90s.

    • @[email protected]
      577 months ago

      That’s curious because I find I rewatch more movies than ever before, since it’s so easy to find them, and I already know whether I like them or not.

    • Flying SquidM
      277 months ago

      I have a daughter I enjoy showing movies I’ve already watched to. So I’ve been doing mostly rewatching, but with someone who has never seen, for example, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off before.

      The best was her reaction to Repo Man. We got to the end and she said, “all of that for a flying car?”

      • @deus
        77 months ago

        This is so sweet. Getting to show cool stuff you like to your kids must be one of the best things about being a parent. If I ever end up becoming one I’ll show my kids all the great Pixar movies and also the Emperor’s New Groove cause that one is a classic.

        • Flying SquidM
          67 months ago

          It really is, although you have to tailor it to their tastes, which means not showing them some movies you want to. She has absolutely no interest in seeing Star Wars or Indiana Jones movies, for example. But she loves cult movies, so I’m enjoying showing her those.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      Movies/shows I can still see many times today:

      • Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - it’s just so nicely structured, you always notice something new
      • Glengarry Glen Ross - I finished watching it for the first time and I thought go myself “fuck, I could watch it again” and I did, watch the whole movie again straight away. I can still just go back and watch it. The acting is so amazing it never gets boring
      • Veep - best show ever, I’ve seen every episode probably over 10 times and I still watch it all the time, like when I’m cooking or something. It’s just soooo fucking perfect
      • @buffaloboobs
        27 months ago

        the fuckin leads are weak? you’re weak.

      • stinerman [Ohio]
        27 months ago

        I actually listen to Futurama to help me sleep. I’ve added some other shows I know just as well. They are in that genre of extraordinary media that I can watch/listen to/etc. over and over again.

    • @frickineh
      107 months ago

      I have trash taste, so I actually just continue to rewatch the same dumb shit I liked in the 90s so I don’t have to make a decision. I actually paid real money to buy Not Another Teen Movie a few years back because I rewatch it about once a year. I think we have too many options and they’re all on different services so it’s like fuck it, Men In Black for the 85th time.

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      Same. And Demolition Man holds the distinction of being the only movie I rewatched on the same day.

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      I used to watch the same movie about every month or so back when I was growing up

      I don’t think this is a technical limitation, I think young children really like repetition because their brains are still learning how to predict things

      • stinerman [Ohio]
        27 months ago

        This is true. My little brother watched “The Lion King” every day after school for a few months.

  • Kogasa
    427 months ago

    I once had the flu so badly I couldn’t get out of bed or yell for help. My parents put on “Flushed Away” (movie about some fuckin rats) on dvd and it looped at least 4 times before anyone came back to turn it off. One of my core traumas

    • @Aleric
      267 months ago

      I had the same issue with Barney. I got the chicken pox at 16. The older you are, the sicker chicken pox tends to make you. I was super sick, to where I was hallucinating at one point.

      A couple of days in, I probably should have been at the hospital, so of course my mom was leaving me at home by myself to go to work. She turned the TV on and just left without checking the channel. It was PBS and some sort of Barney programming block was on. Hours of Barney. Hours. The TV’s remote was long broken and I was too sick to walk, so I just watched that singing, dancing purple fuck.

      On the bright side, I can do a great Barney impression. I sometimes do it randomly when I tell my wife I love her.

      • Roflmasterbigpimp
        97 months ago

        When you stare long enough into the Barney, the Barney stares back at you. And then you become one with the Barney.

      • @son_named_bort
        37 months ago

        Considering that the Barney song was used as an “enhanced interrogation technique” at Guantanamo, I’m surprised you didn’t go totally insane.

    • @thorbot
      137 months ago

      I lucked out because I was left with a movie like this but VHS tapes have to be rewound once they are over and we didn’t have any of those fancy fucking auto rewinders, that was rich folk stuff

  • originalucifer
    407 months ago

    i suspect its been replaced with stumbling upon tentacle porn or ‘whats this goatse’ when youre 10.

  • @AFaithfulNihilist
    7 months ago

    When we moved to the middle of nowhere and couldn’t even get channels over the air, my sister and I wore through every tape in the house.

    The worst was being 9 years old desperately trying to find the second half of Lonesome Dove because you only got most of the episodes on some random VHS.

    We must have worn the sound off of The Princess Bride, splash, Aladdin and the little mermaid. For a 9 year old boy living in the hinterlands after growing up in a city, Ariel singing “I want to be where the people are” hit me right in the feels.

  • @MissJinx
    7 months ago

    Ours was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”. I don’t know why nor where but one day my step dad showed up with this movie for us. It was the only “kids” movie we ever own and we watched it a 1.000 times. looking back it wasn’t as inocent as I thought at the time, but it was the 90s. Another movies we loved?! Howard the Duck ( the movie where Marty Mcfly mom fucked a duck) So yeah the 90s were kind of weird and had a lot of inapropriate movies for kids.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      7 months ago

      Oh come on, Down and Dirty Duck, by The Turtles, was a masterpiece that literally didn’t show any possible nudity, since it was animated. That was a totally appropriate animated film for families. The main character was specifically interested in creating his own offspring as soon as possible!

      /Do I need this?

      Also: Who Framed Roger Rabbit was totally a documentary about the oil companies forcing the US into a car-centric society.

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      Haha I was just talking to someone the other day about how much I loved Howard the Duck growing up. She was like “uhh… that wasn’t really a kid’s movie, was it?” Maybe not. Maybe it and similar movies are the reason us millennials are the way we are.

      • @MissJinx
        37 months ago

        We’ll never again have such insane inapropriate movies! the 90s were a special moment in time lol

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        For some reason, I had the book version at a young age and I’m not sure if it was a weirder experience than actually watching the movie.

    • Hank
      87 months ago

      That’s a sweet assortment of movies.

    • Altima NEO
      47 months ago

      That’s all good shit tho

      We had to watch garbage like “the Hippie Princess” Spanish version. Crispin. All these public domain golden era cartoon compilations on VHS. And whatever other bootleg VHS tapes we got.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Spaceballs is a legit classic, but I probably shouldn’t have been watching it when I was 7. My mom let us watch a ton of Mel Brooks movies for some reason, Blazing Saddles was another family favorite.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Back in the day, me and my siblings recorded movies on VHS by sitting next to the TV and starting/stopping the recording for commercial breaks. The best movies were those with only small snippets of commercials, and my most treasured movie was a nearly “clean” copy of Die Hard that I’ve watched probably somewhere between 50-100 times.

  • partial_accumen
    187 months ago

    I would also add that if you had a neighbor or relative that had HBO, you’d be able to record on VHS a set of movies playing at that time. For many of us this may have been only a few months/years of movies. That set of movies would grow on you because thats all you had to watch on demand. Genre, theme, high budget, low budget, it didn’t matter. Someone close to you popped in a 6 hour tape one day and pressed “record” before they went to work. You got the one movie you were hoping for and whatever came afterward.

  • Flying SquidM
    177 months ago

    My father was a film historian. We had so many obscure movies on tape. I’ve seen tons and tons of movies, although not in the last 10-15 years in terms of recent ones.

    I used to have a party trick where I would have someone open a random page of Leonard Maltin’s movie guide and start listing titles and I could almost always summarize the plot of at least one.

  • 6daemonbag
    7 months ago

    I lived overseas when I was a kid and my grandma used to tape Saturday morning cartoons and mail them to me

  • @TORFdot0
    167 months ago

    No kids these days still have that. It’s just some random film available on streaming. I’ve watched so much Trolls. Please send help, my kids won’t stop watching

    • volvoxvsmarla
      87 months ago

      You need to get them hooked on something else. But be careful what you wish for because this will only give temporary relief until you start hating the new addiction and wish back the previous one. My girl went from binge rewatching a penguin cartoon to the little mole to a horribly animated newer cartoon about cats and dogs. And I fear we have reached the point at which we cannot hide or deny the existence of peppa pig any longer and I already regret dissing the kittens & puppies stuff because jfc I watched peppa pig for the first time today and I won’t be able to bear this one for the love of God

      • partial_accumen
        37 months ago

        because jfc I watched peppa pig for the first time today and I won’t be able to bear this one for the love of God

        Its a damn shame they only made that one. single. episode. that you watched today, right? Right?

        • volvoxvsmarla
          17 months ago

          Well I doubt the accents will change, or the plots will become more elaborate or realistic, or the drawing style will change. Right?

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Peppa Pig is the worst thing that ever happened, and not just on TV. We had a short run of it with my younger son and it was an awful time. Now we get SpongeBob and/or Pokémon and it makes me so happy.

        • @Loonesota
          57 months ago

          Im sure it’s awful but it can’t be worse than Caillou…

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Agree with your take on Caillou. I also always thought Dora was yelling. My daughter never seemed to mind either though. 😕

  • @Subtracty
    7 months ago

    My family watched the movie Clue about a million times. Can quote every line by heart. To this day, we only have to look in one another’s eyes whenever a quotable opportunity comes up. “Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?” “You don’t need any help from me.”

  • @LemmyFeed
    147 months ago

    Brave little toaster. And fievel goes west.

    • @nixcamic
      77 months ago

      Brave little toaster has gotta be the reason so many of us millennials are so freaking weird.

    • Altima NEO
      57 months ago

      Fuck, I hated those movies though. I mean I watched them, but as a kid, I hard a hard time understanding what was going on. Same with The Rescuers, all dogs go to heaven and all those other 80s animated movies. Could have been because I was still learning English.

      • @samus12345
        27 months ago

        That was definitely why, although I watched cartoons in German without knowing the language and still enjoyed them. It was many, many years later that I learned Biene Maia was called Maya the Bee in English.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        We watched Rescuers Down Under all the time, never had any idea it was actually a sequel, I didn’t see the first one until I was in highschool.

    • @gedaliyah
      37 months ago

      Fievel was the goat. Well, mouse at least.

    • @MissJinx
      27 months ago

      Tbe trauma of watching Fivel and ET as 3/4yo triggered a lifetime of anxiety. What’s up with all the horrible traumatizing movies in the 80?! Bambi?! WTF, why show that to kids?

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Bambi?! WTF, why show that to kids?

        To teach them about death as part of a story with a happy ending. I think that The Lion King does it better though as they’ve already been briefed on the circle of life.

        • @MissJinx
          17 months ago

          Oh life is already so hard and sad, let the kids have a couple of good anxiety free years! ET was so traumatizing as a kid that I refuse to ever watch it again lol

  • Ann Archy
    127 months ago

    I will never forgive my friend’s sister taping over several Transformers episodes to record a Madonna marathon from MTV…

    That was in the 80s and I’m still sour.

  • Deebster
    127 months ago

    We had a “kids tape” that had countless things recorded over each other. The second half was just a collage of the tail end of various cartoons and shows. When it got to the Abba-soundtracked documentary about a carnival it meant you were at the end of the tape.