• mox
    1849 months ago

    I hope they’re using this time to learn lessons from their Starfield flop and gather the talent and budget needed to improve upon Skyrim. A modern engine probably wouldn’t hurt.

    However, my expectations are very low at this point.

    • @[email protected]
      1329 months ago

      They haven’t learned from Oblivion, Skyrim, or Fallout 4. Probably others.

      Or really, they learned they can just keep releasing games on a hacked-up Morrowind engine, and make huge piles of money. So that’s what they’ll keep doing.

      • @[email protected]
        639 months ago

        Yup. ES6 is going to sell like condoms on an STD themed swinger convension no matter how many bugs are going around.

        And the saddest part is that too many have learned nothing about AAA titles, and will preorder the game, making the game a massive financial success even before releasing anything of quality.

      • @BowtiesAreCool
        149 months ago

        They haven’t learned from 3 of their best and most popular games?

        • @NewNewAccount
          19 months ago

          People have such nostalgia boners for Morrowind. Warranted or not, it’s still annoying.

          • @ripcord
            99 months ago

            What does that have to do with the comment you replied to?

            Also why would it be annoying if people say a good game is a good game and it is warranted?

            It’s like people on this thread have some pathological need to complain about SOMETHING.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              I think Elder Scrolls is one of those properties whose biggest detractors are its fanbase. Runescape is exactly the same, and it’s totally bizarre.

          • @andros_rex
            59 months ago

            The nostalgia boner is that it was a very unique game, and nothing has come out quite like it since. It’s not even like Daggerfall or Arena. For someone looking for that experience, Oblivion and Skyrim were massive disappointments.

            Going from a volcano that is spewing flesh mutating disease while riding giant bugs around to Tolkienesque Medieval Fantasy Landscape #3045 gave me whiplash. (The Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine save the package though.) And losing the ability to kill whoever I want? Spears???

            Skyrim is better. It mangles what could have been a good story by retconning lore and making Alduin into big evil bad, just as Oblivion was about basically Satan invading the world. Morrowind’s villain may not be right, but his motives are 100% understandable and he has a good point. (In Oblivion: why would you join a cult dedicated to killing everyone for no reason?)

            As a Morrowboomer, I’m willing to accept the series changed, but there just hasn’t been something to replace what I hoped for ES4. They don’t make games with that vibe anymore. The closest thing I’ve had to scratching that itch would be Planescape Torment, Pathologic, or Zeno Clash.

    • @ampersandrew
      609 months ago

      The budget for Starfield was twice that of Baldur’s Gate 3. Throwing more money at it isn’t going to do a lot if they’re allocating it poorly.

      • mox
        9 months ago

        I’m not suggesting that a big budget alone is sufficient to make a good game.

        However, enough budget to keep the team employed (note the many gaming industry layoffs lately) and appropriate budgeting (in terms of both money and time) affect things like code, art, and writing quality. It’s kind of important.

        • @ampersandrew
          159 months ago

          I think it’s going to require the people making the most high-level decisions to come to the realization that their old way of doing things is outdated. I don’t have faith that they’ll come to those conclusions.

          • mox
            49 months ago

            I don’t have faith that they’ll come to those conclusions.

            Sadly, I don’t have much faith in them either. (Hence my low expectations.)

            I can still hope, though. Elder Scrolls has enough fans and lore that there’s certainly potential for a great new game.

            • @[email protected]
              79 months ago


              Friendly reminder that the original “loremaster” of Elder Scrolls left Bethesda before they released Elder Scrolls Online, and they replaced him with someone who has apparently been making pretty questionable decisions with ESO lore.

              I mean, they always have the out of dragon breaks rewriting reality/making multiple conflicting timelines simultaneously canon (see the events of daggerfall as referenced in later games) to handwave away retcons, but overusing that just means that no lore actually matters.

              • mox
                89 months ago

                I think of it as a pool from which to draw and connect story elements, rather than rigid canon. If good writers were given the chance, I think they would find plenty of material to work with.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            at the end of the day they are going to make the game they want, whether we like it or not, microsoft is now involved as well so who knows how that is going to affect them with their decisions

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                I think that is the most controversial take I have read in my entire life.

                What good has Microsoft done for Mojang/Minecraft? They kneecapped development by splitting the codebase and tying most features to their ability to run on mobile hardware, slowed development to an absolute crawl to increase long-term revenue (these motherfuckers openly develop three new features for minecon every year, then delete two of those for no reason other than “we can”), turned the console/mobile versions into garbage microtransaction boxes, started policing private speech in private servers hosted on private hardware, turned the mod-supporting version of the game into a second-class citizen, basically made for-profit private servers illegal, etc.

                Minecraft was a great game that stood on its own merit when Microsoft bought it. Everything they did only brought it down, and the few good features the game has gained since then were long overdue and done despite Microsoft’s meddling.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        The real number is Morrowind had something like 10-20 writers that worked on it. Modern Bethesda games have 1.

        • @ampersandrew
          109 months ago

          I think I counted 6 quest designers in Starfield, which was a spot in the credits I was specifically looking for given how many quests they had and how many of them would have been better off not even existing. You can’t talk about having 1000 planets and then make quests that aren’t interesting to populate them.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            There’s a recent video that adds all of that up. Starfield had some crazy low number of quests, I think 50ish, and Morrowind had like 300+.

            And of course Starfield has an astronomical number of devs on it.

            • @ampersandrew
              9 months ago

              There are more than 50 quests unless you’re getting creative with how you count. There are over a dozen in each major faction, and those ones are mostly okay, but the ones I really take issue with are the nothing quests that aren’t part of any faction; the ones that basically just have you go to a location and then report back. Those are awful. There should be zero quests in there that the quest designers themselves aren’t excited about. Even the bounties that you pick up for a given faction that have you go to a place and kill an enemy mob should be more exciting than what I’ve already described in this sentence.

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              Starfield has more quests than Skyrim (both somewhere around 200 or so quests). Morrowind definitely felt like it was twice as much as those.

      • Caveman
        29 months ago

        It’s a tricky balancing act. They need to recover the investment as early as possible to pay less in capital costs but doing that will mean that later on when the product is sub-par it will cause problems and extra work.

        Since the engine, game logic, art, story, testing is so heavily coupled together changing the engine a little bit could cause a month of work down the line.

        I think personally the best way is to start by making an engine or taking one off the shelf and then write a mini version of the game with shit art that has a lot of bugs.

        At the same time making models with hitboxes that all have the same physical properties otherwise, dialog content and recordings and all other content that can be done separately.

        Once that is fun to play then you can start working creating a slightly bigger system with a single short storyline to have a cohesive experience and will have the genaral feel of the game.

        Once everything above is done setting up a closed beta is the way to go. Take some feedback, add features and redo the small story to be more fun.

        Then once everything is a fun experience but people just want more you do the whole everything.

        • @Chriszz
          29 months ago

          While you’ve made some valid points, keep in mind this isn’t a startup, it’s a massive studio

    • DarkThoughts
      299 months ago

      A modern engine probably wouldn’t hurt.

      If it does not have similar levels of moddability then it will absolutely hurt.

      • mox
        69 months ago

        I think it’s safe to assume they know that and would bear it in mind when choosing or building an engine. Their games are famous for modding, after all.

        • DarkThoughts
          49 months ago

          That’s a years if not decade+ long project though, including major investments of time and money that you could pour into actual games. You can’t just stomp a new game engine out of the ground, especially not with how complex video games in of itself have become, and if you want it to be as moddable as their current one.

          • mox
            9 months ago

            That’s a years if not decade+ long project though


            You can’t just stomp a new game engine out of the ground

            I don’t know what you mean by that, but creating new game engines and migrating from one to another have both been done before.

            Is either of those tasks fast or cheap? Of course not.
            Are they worthwhile? Sometimes.
            Are they possible? Absolutely.

            especially not […] if you want it to be as moddable as their current one.

            Well, I can understand why you might assume that if you don’t have a lot of experience in software development, but it’s just not true. Making an engine that allows for very moddable games is mainly about planning for it during the design, and either building good tools for the game data or publishing the specs so other people can. It’s not arcane magic.

            (And for what it’s worth, while Creation Engine is quite moddable, it has enormous room for improvement in that area. Actually working with it can be a very frustrating experience.)

            • DarkThoughts
              79 months ago

              lol, no. Starfield is still using the creation engine, which is based on gamebryo, which they’re using since Morrowind.

              • @[email protected]
                -19 months ago

                Correct. And they made a new version for Starfield. That’s all they’re going to use. Anyone that thinks they’ll ever switch engines is daydreaming.

                • @WraithGear
                  69 months ago

                  It would be nice if the game speed and physics interaction were not tied to a inconsistent variable such as frame rate. And it seems that the more they pile on the gambryo engine the less receptive to modding it gets. But i can also accept that the cracks in the games that grow over time may not be the engine, but Bethesda prioritizing MVP centric development over hammering out the problems. Modders are carrying an auful lot of load to even get the games running.

      • @CaptPretentious
        29 months ago

        I think we’re only ever see a new engine once Todd is no longer part of the company. Because the quote him out of context ‘it just works’

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      I’m replaying Starfield, and on my second playthrough, I’m noticing the depth they put into this game. Sometimes a single dialogue line you said days ago will have an effect on NPC attitudes through an entire side story. I’m not going to argue that it’s not a regurgitation of their lame formula they’ve milked for the past 15+ years, but they do need to reevaluate where their money/dev time goes to.

      • @Jessvj93
        69 months ago

        Replaying as well, doing side quests I put off and surprised they actually go interesting places. Just did the one where zero G kept turning off and on at the space station that got taken over.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Damn, TIL you can come across these locations on accident just exploring. I thought that place was weird to be randomly floating out there with no real good loot. 😂

          • @Jessvj93
            19 months ago

            I misread your comment and now seem foolish lol but that is hilarious, I think Bethesda needs some work on their world engine and random events. Saw a mod where people are making custom towns now and man would random encounters within that environment…would take it to the next level.

    • @boaratio
      109 months ago

      I like Starfield.

      • @TrickDacy
        39 months ago

        Sshhh that isn’t an approved opinion for Internet use

    • @Carmakazi
      49 months ago

      The only thing Bethesda is motivated to do, frothing, absolutely chomping at the bit, is figure out a way to successfully monetize modded content.

      • @FilthyHookerSpit
        39 months ago

        Yes, will probably make a monthly subscription that walls off ability to download mods.

        (Also, it’s “champing” at the bit. Sorry for the correction but it’s a small pet peeve seeing chomping so much now)

    • @acosmichippo
      19 months ago

      as long as they don’t have space travel between every objective and hundreds of barren procedurally generated planets it will be fine.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      We all know that all they are going to do is re-release new versions of their old games on devices we largely don’t care about.