• @maniclucky
    08 months ago

    Sure. And the right thing is not tolerating grifters.

      • @maniclucky
        08 months ago

        You imply I am a grifter? Quite the stretch. I’m curious how you got there. A vague reference to my profession brands me as such?

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          18 months ago

          I did no such thing. I am taking issue with your ridiculous strawman you “feel” exists.

          • @maniclucky
            08 months ago

            Ok fair, that misinterpretation is on me.

            I feel like both of us have lost our minds with what a dumb thread this is.

            I’m allowed to strongly associate two groups of people who I’ve found to have similar patterns of behavior. You’re allowed to dislike me for having an opinion you dislike.

            Or you’re a real AI whom I’ve offended and for which I apologize. That’d be a fun end to this nonsense.

            • @afraid_of_zombies
              18 months ago

              Not about an opinion I don’t like. You built a strawman and I called you out on it.

              Is it just remotely possible that people could think of cryptocurrency as a scam/tool for criminals and at the same time be into automation tech? Well, no not in your worldview. It is a “circle” in venn diagram form.

              Into automation —> into crypto --> techbro (whatever the fuck that means)

              And of course it’s circular. If you are a “techbro” it means you are into crypto and into automation.

              Don’t think this is a valid inference structure? Well you made it. And ironically in a thread calling out other people for not being rational.

              Anyway I wouldn’t worry, not like you are going to learn from this. You will just slap some label on me like “techbro” assume I have whatever strawman opinions you want me to have and move on to be “right” somewhere else. Heaven fucking forbid people don’t fit in some neat little box. Sorry, venn circle.