• @[email protected]
    12222 hours ago

    Why the fuck would any office worker whose job is 100% on a computer need to be in an office? I don’t understand why companies want to pay for all of that electricity and real estate just to make people sit in cubicles.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      I know I’ll be downvoted, but I’ll answer your question.

      “Need” is a strong word. Sure, it’s not needed. But that’s not what the business tends to care about. They care about productivity.

      I work in software. In my previous job I was a one man show. For my day to day development, I didn’t need to interact with other people much. When I shifted to remote working it was a huge boost because I got protected time to work where I wasn’t distracted by other people in the office, either socially or incidentally. This case it worked very well.

      After the pandemic I switched jobs into one with a hybrid schedule. Luckily for me my job is a 15 minute bike commute.

      However, the suite of tools I’m now developing and working on require me to constantly interact with other people in the office. I also spend a lot of time mentoring jr devs.

      This is, quite frankly, just better when we’re all in the office. The jr devs know, explicitly, that they can bother me whenever they need it. In the office this happens probably an average of 8 times a day. When either of us is remote, it’s probably once a day.

      Now with the other senior devs, we hate meetings. However, all the time, spontaneously, we’ll end up chatting in our little section about the development of the system, someone will overhear (maybe even from an adjacent group) and chime in with useful knowledge. Next thing you know we have 4 or 5 devs whiteboarding and discussing things. Most of the fine tuning of our systems get hashed out in these impromptu meetings. This never happens when we’re remote.

      Also the barrier to just turning around and asking someone something is so much lower. Often 30 seconds. Because at home I have to send them a message, maybe message back and forth a bit before determining that it would be easier on zoom, then we have to jump on zoom which takes a small amount of time. Now this is not some huge thing, but it is a barrier that makes it just hard enough that he happens way less frequently.

      Working in the office is just better for productivity in this type of situation, which i imagine is true for most jobs that involve lots of collaboration. Almost all of my coworkers agree. We also all agree that remote is better because commuting sucks. It honestly even boggles my mind to hear other software devs argue that they are more productive at home. Believable if we are talking about my original situation, or if you’re just mindlessly closing tickets. But for collaborative development of large systems? No way.

    • @[email protected]
      1113 hours ago

      Some people are bad at working remote, and want to drag the rest of us down with them, too.

      Yes, it’s a slightly different skill set to work remote. You have to be better at the written word. You can’t just roll up to someone’s desk and be like “have a minute?” (which is fucking awful anyway). You also need to be responsive and set your status appropriately. A lot of coworkers just wander off and leave their slack status as active. To my mind if you’re running an errand longer than taking a dump, you should update your status.

      • @[email protected]
        311 hours ago

        I just have slack running on my phone. If I’m at IKEA instead of my computer and someone wants something, I’ll just tell them I’ll take a look at it after lunch. If I’m out biking in the afternoon, I just tell them I’ll take a look at it tomorrow morning.

        If someone wants something really urgently, I’ll tell them to give me thirty minutes. Thirty minutes later I’ll tell them that the results are inconclusive and this will need more time, for which I have scheduled a block for tomorrow.

        • @[email protected]
          10 hours ago

          A response (or status!) on slack that’s like “I’m at the grocery, back in 20” is fine with me. It’s more annoying when someone wanders away with no status and is unresponsive for hours.

          • @[email protected]
            29 hours ago

            I’m obviously exaggerating. I got some stupid “top slacker” award at the last company function. My wife told me that actually does not shine a good light on me.

      • @[email protected]
        5021 hours ago

        Meh fuck the commercial real estate market. Turn all the buildings into micro apartments or tear them down and install fields of solar panels.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          1116 hours ago

          Tear them down and build houses. Flood the market of every major city with houses so it becomes unprofitable to buy thousands of houses just to rent.

          Then home sales go up, and millenials can ACTUALLY buy houses in their lifetime!

          • @veni_vedi_veni
            411 hours ago

            That would piss off the voting base that actually votes though

        • @[email protected]
          3821 hours ago

          I’ve been screaming its just wage theft. My city provides tax breaks for occupancy (employees prop up the local economy buying lunch). They are making me pay for gas, time, and car maintenance (and lunch but fuck them, I’ll just not eat) for this tax break which goes to C-level bonuses/shareholders. Its just another way of skimming off the top of employee wages.

          We worked fully remote for nearly 2 years and the hybrid policy just keeps getting worse and worse. Coupled with quarterly riffs, I also suspect this is to avoid severance pay/unemployment while accelerating the down sizing. Yet our CEO bonus keeps going up and up despite our stock plummeting since the end of COVID lock downs.

          • @bamfic
            512 hours ago

            They are the real estate owners themselves

            • @[email protected]
              212 hours ago

              Sometimes, sure. Somewhat different disciplines but, some folks high up enough certainly play both investments.

      • @fluxion
        19 hours ago

        Why should they care though? It’s not like commercial real estate sells more computers. Staff still needs desktops, infrastructure still needs datacenters.

        • @[email protected]
          213 hours ago

          This is what is so fascinating to me about most people, they don’t understand that companies hord their assets in my different kinds of investments when they are this large. Having real estate gives them an asset they can can store large sums of money in that generally appreciate in value over time. If a company is under finacial duress, they can fire a bunch of employees, then sale the land where those employees worked and and save themselves from much larger losses on revenue for a given time period.

          • @fluxion
            11 hours ago

            Both major companies I’ve worked for sold their commercial real estate and leased it back as one of their very first measures when cost cuts were needed. What we have here is essentially the reverse where tech companies scare off their workforce and industry knowledge and drive up employee costs so they can impart some secondary effect on the commercial real estate market… so yes i remain confused about the priorities in play here.

        • @Crashumbc
          218 hours ago

          Because all these companies have a shit load of money in the market including real state…

            • @Delta_V
              818 hours ago

              That’s the crux of the issue.

              Who’s going to buy it for a high price, if there is no demand for office space, because workers are all remote?

                • Aniki 🌱🌿
                  215 hours ago

                  Property damage is an extremely effective way to fight against money. We should be doing it a lot more.

        • @[email protected]
          013 hours ago

          You do understand that large corporations invest in many kinds of assets in order to diversify them right? Real estate is one of the oldest investments any entity can make, and is often considered a pretty strong investment. Everyone needs land right?

      • @_sideffect
        221 hours ago

        So for the past 4 years it didn’t matter, but now it suddenly does? I smell bs on that real estate reason

        • @UsernameHere
          1221 hours ago

          During the pandemic they had to choose between go remote or close up shop. They didn’t have much choice.

          Seems that once Covid stabilized they’ve been trying to force everyone back.

        • sunzu2
          721 hours ago

          That’s because you don’t know about how CRE funding works.

          Large chunk of CRE runs on short term fixed rate debt, which requires refis. Next big cycle is starting about now and will go through 2026.

          So feds lowered interest rate sum, and corpos are pushing us into the office to soften the blow from CRE operators and their creditors.

          With that being said, low quality class C office space is in default, no way around it.

          Shiti suburban trash offices also will die along with the shiti malls.

          However, the return to office policy is specifically to bail out class A and B office towers in the major cities, ie the VIP CRE owned by the real owners and not bagholders

    • @MehBlah
      1117 hours ago

      So managers and other poor personality types have someone to torment. This is said flippantly but I’m quite serious.

    • @[email protected]
      916 hours ago

      I’ll go out on a little limb, it might be sales specific. My company is 100% work from home. All the engineers and product and design work remote, maybe come into the office once a week just because.

      The sales team however is strongly encouraged to come in as much as possible. I think it’s a morale thing. Sales teams become these weird cults, maybe necessarily. It’s really hard to pick up the phone and make a call when you’ve been rejected 5 times in a row. The teams little ceremonies are designed to help push through that.

      • @datelmd5sum
        26 hours ago

        Doing lines in the bathroom is also more fun at the office with your fellow salesmen compared to alone in your home.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        516 hours ago

        Their sales team aregoing about this all wrong. Just buy the consumer lists from major dispenseries, and then call the stoners.

        “Dude! You’re buying a dell!” Whats your credit card info?"

        “Dude! No way! I was just looking for a way to masturbate!”

        “Yeah man! That’s what this is.”

        Boom. Easy sale.

    • @acosmichippo
      22 hours ago

      probably because their cost is sunk in the real estate already and no one wants to buy it.

    • @[email protected]
      216 hours ago

      Especially in sales and finance: every call is potentially on the record, and that’s a problem.

      A lot of internal communication in these departments is, to put it mildly, legally not without interest. A quick chat after a meeting is completely off the record, an email is not.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        116 hours ago

        Quick answer to that…you forget everything said off the record.