• OhStopYellingAtMe
    19 hours ago

    I know that the hold that Israel (and the military industrial complex) has on both major political parties is money, Money, MONEY. But there has got to be a breaking point. I thought the breaking point would be the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent children, but alas.

    I mean, I will still vote for Harris, because I’m not stupid. I know the alternative is far worse. But I’d rather not have innocent blood on my hands after I fill out that ballot.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      34 hours ago

      Americans only care about the slaughter of innocents when CNN tells them to. Y’all murdered my people indiscriminately, and to this day you call us slurs and moralize to the world about not having wars

    • @Aceticon
      8 hours ago

      The slaughter of innocent children makes no difference to sociopaths.

      If there is one thing this Genocide on its way to Holocaust has shown us. is that the Democrat Party leadership are without a doubt sociopaths of the worst kind: a normal person with the power they have would not be actively helping it by sending the Neue Nazis the very weapons which they know are being used to massacre children.

      There really is no other possible conclusion: no normal person would go “yeah but our campaign contributions from the AIPAC are more important than tens of thousands of dead children” or “yeah but the profits of the MIC shareholders are more important than tens of thousands of dead children”.

      • @[email protected]M
        84 hours ago

        If there is one thing this Genocide on its way to Holocaust has shown us. is that the Democrat Party leadership are without a doubt sociopaths of the worst kind

        Nah, they’re normal people well adjusted to an evil system. The trial of the nazis showed that it wasn’t mental illness, just normal people doing very evil things.

        • @Aceticon
          3 hours ago

          Since Psychopathy and Sociopathy are ranges rather than absolutes, it’s estimated that about 4% of humans are Psychopaths or Sociopaths and we’re talking about the what’s basically the handful of people in a universe of over 300 million who seeks and achieves positions at the top of the Power Duopoly in the US in a domain well know for it’s cut-throating and backstabbing, I would say that the odds heavily favour the explanation of them being very high on the Sociopath (or Psychopath) - so called “well adjusted Sociopaths” - spectrum than them being normal people who are “relaxed about personally enabling the murder of tens of thousands of children”.

          The image of a Sociopaths or Psychopath who actively seeks to inflict horrible pain on others for their own pleasure is incredibly atypical and Hollywoodesque - being high on those scales just means having no empathy for others, including their suffering or joy, and the result is that a Sociopath or Psychopath simply does that which they think is better for themselves and they can get away with (they care about the consequences for themselves, not for others), with absolutely no consideration for how that makes others feel, hence harm or even death of others is fine since that has the same emotional resonance for them as breaking an inanimate object.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        85 hours ago

        It’s more than that, it’s the Petro-Dollar, where the US exploits the Global South with predatory IMF loans, aka Imperialism.

        • @Aceticon
          4 hours ago

          Fossil Fuels are decreasing as a percentage of the overall energy supply that powers so much of the Economy and Industrial and Agricultural production in Western Economies are a small fraction of the total (less than 20% together).

          Nowadays it’s not about the West making things with pillaged resources from the Global South, it’s all Financialization and the Ultra-Wealthy extracting the last leftover wealth from everybody, everything and everywhere like the endgame in a Monopoly Game.

          Oil by itself is not enough justification, IMHO.

          Besides, Israel is being the very opposite of a force for stability in the region, which isn’t going to help the Petro-Dollar.

          (If you go check the Gold markets, it’s never been this high, something which possibly signals increasing distrust in the US Dollar and other main currencies)

          • @[email protected]
            144 minutes ago

            Israel is being the very opposite of a force for stability in the region, which isn’t going to help the Petro-Dollar.

            Israel being a destabilizing force gives the US leverage over the oil rich nations of the region. That’s why Israel is important for the petrodollar. I’m also not sure the US currently has a way to maintain its global economic dominance without the petrodollar. That’s in part why I think you see the US doubling down on support for Israel even in a context where doing so is increasingly risky.

    • @[email protected]
      2521 hours ago

      If you (or anyone else) will never change your vote about it, why would they adjust their position?

      You’ve given them no downside to continuing to support genocide other than the weight of thousands of innocent dead on their consciences. It should be fairly obvious how much that affects them.

      • @[email protected]
        152 minutes ago

        Welcome to two party systems. The only way out is to abolish FPTP voting, the electoral college and (In the case of local/state elections) gerrymandering.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        What are we going to change our vote to? Only two parties can win this year (let’s change that) and the other option is worse on this issue.

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          I’ll vote for someone who is vocally and demonstrably anti-genocide. If that’s neither of the main parties’ candidates that’s their problem.

          I will not vote for genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            02 hours ago

            Not voting is a choice. Not voting is saying you’re okay with either option. You’re OK with fascism because you can’t bear to have neoliberalism instead. Maybe you’d rather have genocide of both Arabs and Latin Americans? Maybe you’d rather have a president who has promised to make the genocide worse than one who might put some amount of pressure to make it less bad.

            • @[email protected]
              21 hour ago

              I’d rather have a president who’s anti-genocide, so I’ll be voting for one of the anti-genocide candidates.

              You’re okay with voting for genocide. I’m not.

      • @Keeponstalin
        1514 hours ago

        Following polls, they would have an upside of about a 6 point boost if they changed on policy. Which is certainly significant with the race as close as it is.


        Our first matchup tested a Democrat and a Republican who “both agree with Israel’s current approach to the conflict in Gaza”. In this case, the generic candidates tied 44–44. The second matchup saw the same Republican facing a Democrat supporting “an immediate ceasefire and a halt of military aid and arms sales to Israel”. Interestingly, the Democrat led 49–43, with Independents and 2020 non-voters driving the bulk of this shift.


        In Pennsylvania, 34% of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for the Democratic nominee if the nominee vowed to withhold weapons to Israel, compared to 7% who said they would be less likely. The rest said it would make no difference. In Arizona, 35% said they’d be more likely, while 5% would be less likely. And in Georgia, 39% said they’d be more likely, also compared to 5% who would be less likely.




        Majorities of Democrats (67%) and Independents (55%) believe the US should either end support for Israel’s war effort or make that support conditional on a ceasefire. Only 8% of Democrats but 42% of Republicans think the US must support Israel unconditionally.

        Republicans and Independents most often point to immigration as one of Biden’s top foreign policy failures. Democrats most often select the US response to the war in Gaza.

      • @[email protected]
        2420 hours ago

        Unfortunately, there is a downside to allowing Trump to win. It’s the trolly problem and yes I will help pull the lever that kills people to keep even more people from dying.

        • @[email protected]
          36 hours ago

          Then it’s not a single lever pull - it’s a sum of lever pulls over a long time period.

        • @[email protected]
          710 hours ago

          Democrats already started the second genocide in Lebanon.

          And soon a war with Iran.

          All the “greater evils” of Trump will have been fulfilled by democrats before Trump even become president

          • Cethin
            -26 hours ago

            That is a total lie. That’s a very small segment of what Trump would do, and Trump wants to accelerate that too. He also holds a lot of anti-trans positions and anti-woman positions.

      • @[email protected]
        919 hours ago

        If you (or anyone else)

        Voters are a spectrum. Some number of people in OhStepYellingAtMe’s rough demographic either started out less engaged or have a more visceral reaction and won’t vote. A reliable Democratic vote being demotivated means an unreliable vote may already be lost. Not threatening to withhold your individual vote doesn’t mean comments like this aren’t a warning sign.

        • @[email protected]
          1619 hours ago

          A warning sign the Harris campaign has continued to ignore and done nothing to try to win back.

          If they think they can win without people who won’t vote for genocide, best of luck to them, but they clearly don’t want my vote, so I see no reason why I should give it to them.

          • @[email protected]
            -216 hours ago

            people who won’t vote for genocide,

            Would you prefer to vote for the candidate who has been calling for a cease fire, or the one that has bent over for Netanyahu in the past and fully plans to do it again?

            Because those are the only 2 options available.

            • @[email protected]
              1515 hours ago

              I won’t be voting for either of the two parties’ candidates as long as they remain pro-genocide.

              If they want my vote they’re more than welcome to come out with a strong stance against genocide.

              Pretty low bar. If neither candidate is willing to meet it I can only assume they do not want my vote.

              If they don’t want my vote they either don’t think they need it or they’re more committed to genocide than winning the election.

              It’s their call.

              • @[email protected]
                -33 hours ago

                The not voting strategy has never worked before, why would it work this time? You want the let the future of this country determined by someone else?

                  • @[email protected]
                    02 hours ago

                    I imagine we can agree no American president has been ideal? Some of the presidents who have given us the most progress in important areas like welfare, civil rights, and environmental protections have also been war criminals. Roosevelt, Kennedy/LBJ, Obama, etc. Imagine where we’d be if no one voted for the lesser evil in those elections, held firm and didn’t vote for the president who would set up concentration camps, or keep us in wars in Asia and the middle east.

                    Throwing away your vote got us presidents like GWB and Trump. Stalled progress for decades. Evil supreme court justices. In fact, the most underrated job of the president is picking supreme court justices, since the court has made itself the single most powerful institution in the country.

                    How about you vote for the most potential for progress?

              • Max
                -613 hours ago

                The other option is that they simultaneously believe they need your vote, but also know that they would lose more voters than they would gain if they did what you’re asking. It’s not entirely clear that this is what’s happening, as there’s not been much indication that Kamala believes what Israel is doing is horrific, but it’s a very real possibility that you aren’t including. And in that case, voting for her remains the best you can do, since you not voting for her won’t convince the other people who’s vote she would lose. It will just lead to trump being elected.

                • @sandbox
                  611 hours ago

                  Some people, myself included, have principles which prevent them from voting for a genocidal candidate, even in a first past the post system where the other candidate is more genocidal.

                  There’s very little point in trying to convince people who have a moral objection against supporting genocide to support genocide.

                  Like, y’all could have a whole people-led movement to elect a third party if you really wanted to, and if nothing else it would maybe put pressure on the Democrats to stop supporting genocide, but you’re so fucking brainwashed into believing that a third party will never matter that you’re incapable of even conceiving the thought.

      • Orbituary
        1121 hours ago

        Bear in mind that I agree with you entirely.

        I fear Trump.

      • @Zexks
        -419 hours ago

        You wanna go to prison for that wrong-think. Cause that is what the other candidate is going to do. As well as provide EVEN MORE support to Israel.

        • @[email protected]
          1619 hours ago

          Both parties are currently fighting each other over who can say they support Israel more right now. They’re both falling over each other to do more genocide. I’m not voting for a candidate that supports genocide. I’m especially not voting for a candidate who thinks doubling down on doing genocide is going to get them more votes.

          • @mojofrododojo
            -513 hours ago

            One party has actual muslims in it’s caucus. the other party is obviously in the bag for Bibi.

            I call bullshit, you were either never going to vote or never going to vote dem either way.

            • @sandbox
              611 hours ago

              You people would vote for Trump if he wore a blue tie.

              • @mojofrododojo
                111 hours ago

                you’ve missed the entire point. we wouldn’t vote for a trump no matter what party. we weigh the good against the the bad and make an informed, imperfect decision.

                That’s the system we’ve got. Man, I would love for this election to propel a new third party based on ideal policies into the fray - I REALLY DO - but whining and moaning that you WON’T choose between the two NOW is years too late. And it fucks LGBTQ, women, immigrants, ukraine and so many others over.

                Stop being a one-issue dilettante and join the real world.

      • OhStopYellingAtMe
        013 hours ago

        Protest votes are fucking stupid. They accomplish nothing. I will vote to keep trump out of office. Harris is the best choice to keep him out. End of discussion.

        • Amju Wolf
          46 hours ago

          Protest votes are fucking stupid. They accomplish nothing. I will vote to keep trump out of office.

          So you are voting in protest to Trump? :D Because that’s literally what you described.

          • OhStopYellingAtMe
            13 hours ago

            I DON’T HAVE A CHOICE!!!

            The options are: genocide or genocide.

            Voting anything other than trump is STILL A VOTE FOR GENOCIDE.

            Refusing to vote for Harris will not stop the genocide.

            Refusing to vote at all will not stop the genocide.


            Sorry, I’ve got to be pragmatic here. I hate it, but protest votes are fucking stupid in this system.

            • @Aceticon
              7 hours ago

              You can chose to dip you hands in the blood of thousands of dead children by activelly rewarding a candidate who is enabling their murder, or you can chose not to.

              Given the lack of Democracy in the American system, that means that you either participate hence end up with blood on your hands no matter which of the two electable candidates you vote for or do not participate.The choices of others who do participate are irrelevant for that decision.

              Justifying your choice of supporting a enabler of child murder candidate because others might chose the candidate you dislike the most and hence makes you fear for yourself, is not the high moral standpoint you seem to think it is.

              Absolutely, it’s a though choice. However this preaching you and those like you are doing about “Not voting is a vote for Trump” is not done from the top of a Moral High Horse, it’s from the top of the pile of the bloody bones of tens of thousands of murdered children which is still growing, and driven by at best selfish self-preservation not any kind of selfless moral principle.

              So spare us the bullshit.

    • @jordanlund
      318 hours ago

      According to some, we all have innocent blood on our hands just by being American. ;)

      • @Keeponstalin
        13 hours ago

        We do if we pay taxes. Our tax money is going to funding a genocide whether we like it or not. But we can also help change the current administration’s policies and be part of the resistance, whether small or large, both help.




        History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.

        • “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963
    • @[email protected]
      -121 hours ago

      I know that the hold that Israel (and the military industrial complex) has on both major political parties is money, Money, MONEY.

      The Israeli lobby is the American lobby. Israel is useful to US’ state and capitalist domination of the region and the US backs it to the hilt. It is not just that there are moneyed PACs, though there are. It is also that the entire state imperial apparatus recognizes that Israel is a tool against pan-Arabism, that it is important for maintaining the petrodollar, that it helps suppress Iran in its sovereign development. And US business interests are closely tied to those of Israel, so Israel’s loss is also their loss (and thanks to the resistance, they are feeling those losses right now!).

      But there has got to be a breaking point.

      There is no inherent moral breaking point. The US and its proxies will commit genocide unimpinged without dedicated efforts against them.

      The American people are miseducated and racist, they cannot oppose this simply because it is wrong, they must first overcome the barriers of their miseducation and their chauvinism. They must understand what has been done to Palestine and they must consider Palestinians to be fellow people deserving of just as much as themselves and their neighbors. This is an effort that requires dedicated work and organization in left organizations, commitment to work over years and years.

      The greatest forces of resistance are everywhere else. They are the forces of the al-Aqsa flood, the greater resistance forces, of Yemeni solidarity against genocide (they have faced their own by American proxies and Americans aren’t even aware of it), the countries standing increasingly in solidarity with Palestine and the resistance and pushing back against the narratives of the gemociders.

      I mean, I will still vote for Harris, because I’m not stupid.

      You should take a look at yourself if you think there should be a breaking point for supporting genocide. You are complicit, announcing your support for one of the genociders! Why aren’t you working against the genocide? Doing nothing would be better than offering them free support.

      I know the alternative is far worse.

      Normalizing support for genocide is why the political class can genocide without fear of repercussions. What are you going to do, not vote for them? Obviously not, you are still entrapped by their false logic into being their loyal sheepdog. Of course anyone that can understand politics beyond a 1-month time frame can see that this is self-defeating logic, and, per your own rhetoric, is something you should consider snapping out of when faced with supporting those that burn refugee children alive in their tents.

      But I’d rather not have innocent blood on my hands after I fill out that ballot.

      Then don’t vote for genociders, let alone sheepdog for others to do the same, and do something actually politically helpful. Become educated and join organizations that have had solidarity with Palestine from day 1.

      • @[email protected]
        1521 hours ago

        Not voting does nothing to fix this issue. If you want to do something about it then do, but still vote.

        • @[email protected]
          021 hours ago

          Voting for genociders is a pro-genocidal. It is being complicit.

          I agree that simply not being complicit in genocide is a very low bar to clear. It is a bar that liberals will loudly and proudly fail to clear while insulting the people telling them to do otherwise. Some will become aware of the reality before doing so, some after, but only if it is something they hear about.

          One should of course do material work against genocide but this is uncommon among those who are trying to sheepdog for the genociders. They already believe politics is just being a loyal sheep.

      • snooggums
        821 hours ago

        Then don’t vote for genociders, let alone sheepdog for others to do the same, and do something actually politically helpful. Become educated and join organizations that have had solidarity with Palestine from day 1.

        Something politically helpful like letting Trump get elected and go full genocide against Israel, migrants, and most likely a portion of the US. Yeah, that will be very politically helpful compared to voting against Trump.

        • @[email protected]
          021 hours ago

          Instead of trying to justify supporting “lesser evil” genocide, you should oppose genocide. If you fail to do that, you are complicit.

    • @[email protected]
      022 hours ago

      Now that there’s reporting that the Biden admin explicitly okayed the aid worker strikes (which is a war crime) I’m not sure that’s true. I honestly don’t know which side is more evil at this point. At least when W killed a million Iraqis it wasn’t EXPLICITLY a genocide for lebensraum. Genocide Joe is probably the worst president of my lifetime, and I’ve seen some GEMS. Same way I promised during Iraq I would NEVER vote GOP because they are EVIL, I have now sworn off voting DNC, because they are also EVIL and I don’t believe in accepting “the lesser of two evils” especially when the “lesser” evil are purveyors of genocide and a level of war crimes we haven’t seen since Nixon was funding the Cambodian ethno-communists.

      • @mojofrododojo
        213 hours ago

        Now that there’s reporting that the Biden admin explicitly okayed the aid worker strikes

        citation requested.

        • @[email protected]
          819 hours ago

          He’d need to genocide 200k or whatever the real death count is people, burning children alive, while institutionalizing rape, torture, and the use of starvation as a weapon of war. And murder several US citizens. And aid workers. And UN peacekeepers.

      • @EndOfLine
        -1019 hours ago

        I don’t believe in accepting “the lesser of two evils”

        I’ve been seeing this argument alot this electing cycle. Can you provide an example of a politician that has done committed or supported an action that could be considered “evil”?

          • @EndOfLine
            15 hours ago

            Do you think that Trump or the Republicans will halt military support to Isreal?

            You also have not answered my question. Are you simply not voting because all politicians are just various degrees of evil and voting for any of them will be “accepting ‘the lesser of two evils’”?

            I am genuinely interested in knowing the point of that statement. Is it to encourage people not to vote?

            Are their any other topics that you apply this mentality to or is it just this election?

            Edit: To answer your question, no, I do not support genocide. I do however believe in choosing the lesser of two evils when there are no better alternatives.