• @[email protected]
        -164 months ago

        what a moronic and inhumane reply.

        or maybe there isn’t anything sensible to defend this. biden, trump, harris all need to be jailed for life. but because there are all part of same scheme we are left with this scam. i won’t be surprised if biden like kissinger gets noble peace prize for murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians and children.

        • @HowManyNimons
          4 months ago

          So they’re equally terrible on that issue? You could choose to believe that, but I suspect that Kamala’s weaselly policy of “promoting a ceasefire” is not as bad as Trump’s consistently zionist anti-muslim stances. Believe what you like.

          You’ve got a choice between one person with a terrible stance on Gaza, and who supports women’s bodily autonomy, would try to rebalance the Supreme Court, and has no criminal convictions, versus another person with a terrible stance on Gaza, and who will also sign a federal abortion ban into law, will nominate a crowd of clown judges up and down the system, led a deadly insurrection on the nation’s Capitol, is a sex abuser, a tax cheater, a convicted fraudster, and is described by those who know him as completely unsuited fot authority.

          What are you going to do? If Trump wins it will be because people like you let him win.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            Also, the one with the bad stance on Gaza might listen to reason. There’s a chance that if she’s elected, that campaigns to call her office, protest marches, etc. might possibly get her to change her stance on full-on support for Israel.

            If Trump’s elected he might change his mind based on bribes or flattery from strong-man leaders, but he won’t listen to voters or protesters.

          • @[email protected]
            -24 months ago

            Tell me please, if one person committed a murder, and another person committed 2 murders, would both be evil, or just the one who did 2? Also, this isn’t advocating for non-voting, just pointing out that both people are evil. It also never says that they are equally evil, so this isn’t a “both sides” argument either.

            • @HowManyNimons
              24 months ago

              Both are evil, I agree.

              If disarming Israel were on the ballot I would absolutely be your ally in this. If it were an election issue, it would be the most important election issue.

              Sadly, it isn’t.

          • @[email protected]
            -54 months ago

            she is only weasling ceasefire before election. after election she will tell anyone raising it to stfu. the same gun was placed on our head in last election and it will be the same in next election. what has biden done to reverse any of those awful things ? why are samuel and clarence not impeached ? why is trump not in jail ? why has biden not overturned any of the trump corpo tax reductions. he has achieved nothing but death of innocents.

            dnc needs to change all the way or we need to overthrow this system. all the lobbyists including aipac needs to be jailed and mic needs to be nationalised or broken up significantly.

            • @HowManyNimons
              64 months ago

              The Republicans built up to the atrocious system we are in incrementally. Over decades and decades. Western society is a huge paddle-steamer chugging right faster and faster.

              Our options are to increase the rightward acceleration or decrease it. It’s going to be a long time before that leftward acceleration becomes actual leftward velocity. I’m sorry it is like this. I wish it wasn’t.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                dnc did it to themselves in 2016 when they chose lobbyists over voters. this is not about right or left. dnc just doesn’t cares about its voter base.

                biden and harris are carrier politicians who do what lobbyists pay them to do. dnc would have won 2016 if they had even done a fair primaries. they will sweep this election if it was an actual progressive candidate like aoc or bernie. Obama showed it twice.

                we are fucked like the Palestinians irrespective of who wins this election

        • @[email protected]
          284 months ago

          Funny, I thought the president was in charge of foreign policy. Good to know it was actually the VP’s job all along.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I’m assuming you’ve never seen her debates, or statements about the issue. If you had, you’d know that she pledged to continue supporting Isreal.

        • @Harvey656
          184 months ago

          The issue is spreading negativity right before an election, it’s best to wait until after for these comments.

            • OBJECTION!
              -14 months ago

              It’s very funny to imagine all the libs on here suddenly doing an about face as soon as the election’s over, but it’s not going to happen. It’s just a way to shut down criticism and they’ll find another way to shut down criticism after the election, guaranteed.

            • @Harvey656
              14 months ago

              Not like I can do anything about it except vote.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                You could not make statements that insinuate the plight of genocide victims takes a back seat to US elections because it’s distracting or harmful to those poor presidential candidates. This has been going on for over a year, this isn’t some new issue that popped up before an election.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Other way. If a Republican does it, then it’s not bad for the Democrat to do it. /s

    • @GottaKnowYourCHKN
      4 months ago

      She’s not president. What is she single-handedly supposed to do? Hilarious that people blame her, not Biden.

      Like, we have a felon, racist, con-artist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, asshat who is running and has actively embodied wanting to be the next Hitler, disparages fallen soldiers, taken obvious bribes, lied to citizens faces, started an attempt to overthrow our government, put children in cages, taken money from corrupt countries, will actively attempt to bring back concentration camps, ban women from having bodily autonomy, ban schools from talking about slavery or risk losing funding, make it illegal to be gay/trans, and laugh in your damn face about it all.

      But no, the Black lady said some mean things and so therefore she’s not qualified and so I’ll just not do anything so the white guy wins.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        I understand that we are stuck with these 2 candidates. But is it not still valid to complain that we have to pick between full throttle genocide and a slightly more palatable “restrained” genocide?

        I’m not advocating for people not to vote for Harris. But to boil everything down to “said some mean things” is completely reductive. And you’re correct that she is not the president yet. But the only indication of what her actions will be when and if she is elected, are the things that she is saying now. And right now we are not seeing much if any pushback against what Israel is doing. She keeps saying that Israel has a right to defend itself. But what Israel is doing right now is going far above and beyond simple self defense. It is a genocide.

        One way that people have the power to convince her to change her policy is by being vocal about their dissatisfaction. Presidents need to have personal convictions. They can’t just be completely wishy washy. But their role is to be an advocate and representative of the people’s interests. This is why they get elected. Because people feel that the candidate they are voting for is in line with their beliefs, and policies and changes they wish to see. So when people are vocal about their dissatisfaction with the policies she is putting forth, it gives her an indication that it is time to take a second look at what people are criticizing her about. To actually listen to what people are saying and potentially change her views. Especially if she wants their votes.

        The people that are criticizing Harris on these issues in particular are by and large people who very obviously would not vote for / do not support Trump. A criticism of Harris is not supporting Trump. It is hoping to convince Harris to become a candidate that they can fully support. Someone they truly believe in and want to become president. Not just somebody they vote for because “well at least it’s not Trump”.

    • Meursault
      44 months ago

      Yeah, because the orange guy is completely scandal-free, am I right? /s

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        And how does that change the fact that the post says there aren’t any? Last time I checked 1 is more than 0.

        • @nomous
          04 months ago

          If something affects both sides it’s effectively “a wash” and cancel each other out.

          Unless you have weird double standards and only apply them when it’s convenient.

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            That doesn’t work in this context, if one person murders someone, and another murders 2 people, both are still murderers, one just is a worse murderer(as in more evil, not as in worse at committing murder)

            • @nomous
              04 months ago

              That doesn’t work in this context

              one just is a worse murderer

              Seems like it works just fine.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                So are you agreeing with what I said about both people being murderers or not? Because of you are then you agree that it isn’t a wash, and if you disagree then you are fucking stupid.

          • @Cleggory
            -24 months ago

            If something affects both sides it’s effectively “a wash” and cancel each other out.

            It’s called mental gymnastics to think “two wrongs make a right.”

            • @nomous
              24 months ago

              It’s called a strawman to build an argument that was never made and then attack it.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                an argument that was never made

                It says 0 scandals right there in the post

                Just because the other guy also has scandals doesn’t mean she has 0

              • @Cleggory
                04 months ago

                You didn’t make this absurd claim?:

                If something affects both sides it’s effectively “a wash” and cancel each other out.

                If you are victimized, you believe you then have the right to also victimize “to cancel it out”?

                • @nomous
                  04 months ago

                  Context is important, that’s how we continue the conversation.

                  If Candidate A is a genocidal maniac, and Candidate B is a genocidal maniac. It’s effectively a wash and pointless to say “well Candidate A supports genocide!”

                  Hope this clarified my meaning.

                  • @Cleggory
                    04 months ago

                    Criticizing genocide is pointless if both major candidates support it.

                    Apathy has paved a basis for genocide throughout history, your view is not novel nor beneficial.