• @[email protected]
    2519 months ago

    Must be nice to be able to have a tantrum in court, yell at the judge, and then just be able to walk out.

    I encourage everyone to try it sometime.

    • theprogressivist OP
      689 months ago

      I encourage everyone to try it sometime.

      Do fries come with that Contempt?

    • @LEDZeppelin
      9 months ago

      Terms and conditions: Offer valid only for white or orange. Participant must be a republican or identify themselves as a republican. Offer not valid for women, children, and people of color other than orange, and poor. Don’t be poor.

      • @Serinus
        139 months ago

        He might be one of half a dozen people who could get away with that in a US federal court.

        I wonder if Elon could get away with it.

      • Neato
        669 months ago

        The judge is trying to prevent any pretext to getting the case thrown out on appeals. It’s bullshit but having all this hard work go up in smoke because a brainless judge higher up found a tiny fault in an unprecedented case would be horrid.

        • @MotoAsh
          499 months ago

          What a piece of shit system that cannot treat people equally… Fucking farce of a country.

          • Neato
            229 months ago

            While it’s very stark, I doubt you’ll find many countries treating their billionaires the same as their workers.

            • @MotoAsh
              79 months ago

              Having company doesn’t make it good or correct.

                • @MotoAsh
                  9 months ago

                  It’s the natural implication of downplaying the seriousness of something. Saying other countries suck too is not only what-about-ism, but is directly diluting the seriousness of the offense.

                  “Everybody does it” is classic children’s logic and a fallacy.

              • TigrisMorte
                69 months ago

                Did you miss the part where they are rich and connected thus better than us? /s

                • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
                  29 months ago

                  If The Invisible Hand has bestowed you with wealth, clearly you are blessed among men, and the priests in their robes give you deference for your holiness.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          Jokes on us: like police do all the time, if a judge wants to “find” such a fault - maybe by citing precedence from a thousand years ago? - then they will. Ofc there is no reason to make it easy on them.

          • gregorum
            09 months ago

            frankly, i’m shocked they haven’t tried to cite the Magna Carta yet.

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              There’s an agency near me that actually has the Magna Carta date on their patches. It’s humorous to think that many of them have no idea what it means.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          09 months ago

          If Trump launched his fatass onto the bench like that guy in Vegas Engoron would apologize to him.

  • Drusas
    1459 months ago

    Justice Engoron, in a plea to Trump’s attorney, Chris Kise, implored, “Mr. Kise, please control your client.” However, the attempt to rein in Trump proved futile as he continued his tirade, even bringing up the prosecutor’s alleged political motives, including what he called her “failed” run for Governor.

    Should have charged him with contempt.

    • @dhork
      109 months ago

      Then some asshole judge in East Bumblefuck will charge Biden with contempt, for reasons

      • @TallonMetroid
        1029 months ago

        So? If you let fear of fascist reprisal stop you from upholding the rule of law, then they’ve won.

        • @dhork
          -99 months ago

          You think that will stop them?

      • @RampantParanoia2365
        119 months ago
        1. So what?

        2. Biden is not on trial. This would be an apparently senile judge yelling at the wind.

      • @PriorityMotif
        99 months ago

        This happened in Illinois, some downstate dipshit judge was going to hold the governor in contempt because of emergency declarations during COVID times. It was a political stunt by this jackass named Daren Bailey who then ran for governor and lost. Him and this other dumbass named Dan Proft are funded by the Uihleins who own Uline and are constantly trying to cause problems.

      • @chitak166
        29 months ago

        Wait a minute. Judges can’t make the right calls because other judges might make the wrong call?

        So the answer is for the first judges in question to make the wrong call?

        This is what happens when you engage in mental gymnastics. Things just stop making sense unless you’re an idiot.

  • @agitatedpotato
    9 months ago

    Disobeyed Judges orders so hes gonna be held in contempt right? Were not going to keep reinforcing to this child that he doesn’t get any consequences right? . . . right? The US Justice system is doing this to itself, and every day it proves itself inadequate to contain this threat.

    • @[email protected]
      429 months ago

      I agree that they’re doing it to themselves, but it’s not that it’s inadequate. It’s that they aren’t treating him like a mob boss. They are presuming he has a shred of human decency and isn’t a psychopathic narcissist ready to burn it all down out of pettiness and spite.

      They’ve prosecuted mob bosses before, so they simply need to change their paradigm.

      • @[email protected]
        269 months ago

        No, they’re treating him like the mob boss of a mob of millions of armed people ready to kill for him because that’s what he is.

        • @agitatedpotato
          9 months ago

          So the threat of political violence has tangible results on the rules of justice? You know that only encourages more political violence right? It’s “Might makes right” with like one extra step. No one willing to die for Trump is going to care if he goes to jail now or next year they will do what they will do. But changing procedure because of them means their threats are working, which means the US Justice System, is not.

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            And you think there’s ever been a time where it wasn’t the case?

            Threaten the judge presiding a case and their family and you’ll never get an impartial ruling.

            Bring someone like Trump to court and you better make sure you take everything slow and make sure no one can question any of your decisions, not even his supporters.

            • @agitatedpotato
              19 months ago

              Do you honestly think he supporters care? They don’t believe in truth, nothing a lawyers says or does is goning to change their mind. All the justice system is doing is showing them violence works. If thats the justice system you want then we have fundamental differences on what justice is.

                • @agitatedpotato
                  9 months ago

                  Then ‘reality’ is settign the stage for bigger coups and more stochastic violence from fascist leaders. This mentality you seem to think is ‘reality’ is not an preventing violence, it’s just kicking it down the road to the jext judge, the next governor, the next person they target. It’s MORE dangerous to do what we’re doing now. You’re very nonchallant for someone to whom reality means violence gets you what you want.

        • @paddirn
          109 months ago

          Let it happen. If they couldn’t do it on Jan. 6th, they’re not going to be able to do shit now. They’re all goddamn cowards and anybody that commits violence in his name can get locked up right alongside him.

          • @agitatedpotato
            9 months ago

            Better squash it now than let them know threats of violence get the intended result I say. Their response isn’t gonna change because the case is more bulletproof, they don’t believe in truth anyway.

        • @ynthrepic
          79 months ago

          That’s a very good point I’ve only just really let sink in. Trump not passing go and going directly to jail will mean chaos and collateral damage, perhaps globally. Things have to be done delicately for all our sakes unfortunately.

          • @macrocephalic
            119 months ago

            You don’t think that the current approach isn’t causing chaos? He literally forged documents to send imposters into the electoral college vote. His supporters stormed the capitol - beating and killing security personnel and in one case being shot dead by special services. I don’t think that jailing Trump will make these issues go away as they’re too ingrained already, but I do think a harder stance needs to be taken before there’s no more ground to stand on.

            • @ynthrepic
              9 months ago

              I do. He needs to go to jail eventually, or at least be made ineligible to run for office, or both. But if law enforcement locked him up tomorrow I think that could be immediately destabilizing of American society and the ensuing riots could cause massive loss of life and destruction, if not all out civil war, frankly. The cult of Trump is not insignificant. I live in New Zealand, and even here I encounter Trump pariahs all the time. We are living in very interesting times.

              The asymmetry here is the most frustrating thing, but building things has always been harder than tearing them down. Dealing with Trump and the cult surrounding him, and the phenomena that actually made him possible in the first place (social media and the outrage and misinformation economy that has infected news media and the entire information space), is probably going to be the project that defines this decade, and that all other projects depend on for their success (like dealing with climate change). So it’s one that if we fail, could set us back to the early 1900s or worse in terms of global societal cohesion. I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say this.

              • Bizzle
                39 months ago

                I see a lot of people (who are not Americans) speculating on the prospect of an American Civil War Part II, but I live here and I’m not seeing it. That’s what Jan 6th was supposed to be, and it didn’t work. The people that like him are like him- loudmouthed blowhards with no critical thinking skills. There will be no civil war. Our democracy is broken and our politics are a joke, but there’s not going to be full out war over this. We eat too well.

                • @ynthrepic
                  9 months ago

                  I hope you’re right. The fact all the polling data puts Trump at an almost 50% chance of being re-elected if allowed to run is not encouraging, and it’s almost like the closer we get to locking him up (or out), the more popular he becomes.

                  His followers lack critical thinking skills. But so does the overwhelming majority of the population. That was really my point.

    • @grue
      129 months ago

      A normal person would’ve been tackled by the bailiff by now.

  • @2piradians
    979 months ago

    He should have been arrested, cuffed, and hauled off to be locked up like anyone else.

    Instead everyone will continue to coddle him, emboldening his jackass followers as if this course is somehow favorable to consequences.

    • Lemminary
      329 months ago

      Why is this a thing?? I don’t get it. It’s so stupid. Anybody else would get their ass handed back to them but he’s the exception for some reason I can’t fathom. Like, even if he has a lot of followers, so what?

      • @ripcord
        309 months ago

        In this case, to give absolutely zero room for mistrial complaints that the judge was biased against him.

        And guess what? He has zero room for complaints. The judge has handled this pretty much perfectly.

        • Lightor
          69 months ago

          Yeah I think this is a case of “go ahead cry, you lost, game over”

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          9 months ago

          to give absolutely zero room for mistrial complaints

          My man standing up on the desk, pulling down his pants, shitting all over the place, then waddling out with his pants around his ankles and the judge turns to the bailiff saying “No no no, let him do his thing, I don’t want to risk a mistrial”.

          He has zero room for complaints.

          He’s been indicted 91 times since he left office and we’ve yet to see any of them resolve into some kind of legal punishment. Everything is supposedly coming to a head between March and May of this year, but… In the middle of a heated election season, I’m not holding my breath on that shit getting deferred or extended or whatever.

          And then if he makes it to November and wins (hardly unlikely, given the direction of the current polling) he’s back to being Unitary Executive and immune to prosecution. And then we’ll get four more years. And if the country doesn’t collapse on itself after that, we get to restart the whole process and hope another four years of pretending to indict a former President now pushing into his mid-80s will mean anything.

          Guy is going to die of poor health long before he sees the inside of a jail cell. The US justice system simply is not built to punish people like him.

        • GladiusB
          -109 months ago

          I mean he was the President. As much as I hate the guy and think he is an awful leader he still has privilege above ours. Life has politics EVERYWHERE. His boss. His family. His community. There are certain things this judge has to balance in every decision.

          I don’t know the judge or the details of the case. But you ask why he is hauled off? Because MOST white old guys that fuck up are just slapped on the wrist, pay a fine, and do community service unless he actually was violent. Did he perpetuate violence? Absolutely. Has that been proven in a court yet? No. It’s not so black and white.

    • @DarkDecay
      29 months ago

      Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up

  • Weirdmusic
    979 months ago

    Baby Hands is such a snowflake

  • Reality Suit
    9 months ago

    Trump is such a pussy. Yes, I will judge anyone who still supports this weak, sad, mentally deranged man. People keep throwing around accusations of this and that is what is wrong with America, well, the fact that anyone even allows this traitor or anyone like him the time of day, is what is wrong with America.

    Edit: I now realize the irony of the fact that it is important to know what is going on in the world, and to do that, we have to hear about all this stuff. Also, my comment is in no way directed at OP. Realizing how this may have come out towards OP made me realize the irony as well.

    • @grabyourmotherskeys
      319 months ago

      What really bothers me is if his supporters even hear of this at all it will be a wish fulfillment fantasy about telling your boss to go to hell when you rage quit your job (at an emotional level) and they will imagine Trump cooly dropping burn after burn on the judge before mic dropping, leaving everyone thinking Trump (who they have attached their ego to) is the coolest guy ever and the judge is a loser.

      That’s what is really sad. That, and the fact that they get to vote.

  • Melllvar
    639 months ago

    Why is he not sitting in a cell for contempt of court?

    The judge is setting a bad precedent that is going to be used every single time he tries to hold anyone else in contempt ever again.

    • Lightor
      169 months ago

      I think this is a case of “I know you’re going to appeal and say I was bias. They’re going to look at how much I let you do and get away with and laugh in your face.” I think she’s playing the long game.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Couldn’t anyone else that was held in contempt for doing the same shit down the road use this in their appeal though?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          9 months ago

          Not directly. Judges have significant discretion over their courtroom decorum and procedure.

          If the judges decisions on stuff like this are reasonable, they are upheld, even if it’s applied diametrically to two identical litigants.

      • @chitak166
        09 months ago

        I dunno, giving special treatment to certain defendants doesn’t seem like “the long game” to me.

  • Adderbox76
    549 months ago

    I’m not going to pretend that this is some grand strategy by Trump. He’s an immature man-child and that’s all there is to it.

    But there most certainly is a strategy by his lawyers.

    If their client somehow manages to make the judge “lose their cool” its fuel for an appeal/mistrial. So they really have no interest in ACTUALLY controlling his outbursts.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Isn’t it typical for a lawyer to be held in contempt for not following court rules? Will there be contempt proceedings near the end of the trial?

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I’ve never heard of a judge doing such a thing at the end or after a trial, but it would be priceless to see the judge run down the laundry list of actions taken or not taken by the attorneys that they would be receiving fines for.

  • @DBT
    9 months ago

    This title is hilarious compared to others I’ve seen. Makes it seem like shit was crazy. Like they’re trying to top the guy who superman’d over the bench last week. It wasn’t. He spoke and the judge let him. And the judge will make his decision soon so let’s see how the EXPLOSIVE UNHINGED ATTACKS work out for him.

    • prole
      129 months ago

      Yeah I was going to say, “stormed out”? I’ve never seen a courtroom where the defendant could just leave, especially not in a case that’s this high profile.

      • @Pretzilla
        99 months ago

        It’s civil not criminal so defendant isn’t required to attend

        • @CADmonkey
          129 months ago

          “I’m going to call a one-hour recess.”

          “Thank you, your honor” Storms out

    • @Kbobabob
      119 months ago

      I’m guessing the only explosive or thunderous thing that happened was just Trump shitting his diaper as he waddled out.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      this article- which I skimmed - seems like a left-leaning Fox News. Like massive hyperbole and exaggeration designed to get rage clicks

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Unfortunately that’s the devolution of most media now… It’s ridiculous.

        No no we can’t be the media or the press and simply provide information, we are ad revenue companies masquerading as the press.

        Right, left, center, whatever. It’s all devolving into click bait shit.

      • vortic
        19 months ago

        Looking at it, it seems worse than Fox. It seems closer to Gateway Pundit or some awful shit like that.

      • @DBT
        69 months ago

        Not that I’ve seen (doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist), but other coverage I have read makes it seem way less dramatic.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Agreed. I thought there was some huge, unhinged rant. I only read about it, didn’t hear it, but it sounds pretty tame compared to this description.

  • @Treczoks
    459 months ago

    Did anyone expect something different? He is a big child that never learned the meaning of tbe word “No”. He simply cannot accept that someome sets real limits to his doings, so they must be wrong.

  • @DarkDecay
    439 months ago

    Definitely the actions of an innocent man. Lmao he’s such a loser, and sore one at that. Hopefully they bleed his criminal organization dry with the verdict

  • ivanafterall
    359 months ago

    He stormed out because he shit himself. Again. And was stinking up the courtroom. Again. If you watch the video, you see him holding his butt and waddling.

    • @doodlebob
      239 months ago

      You’re gonna make me look it up myself?!

      • ivanafterall
        169 months ago

        I would encourage you to just take my word for it, in this instance…

    • finthechat
      129 months ago

      Don’t be so hard on the guy. He just needed a diaper change. Happens all the time to babies.

    • @grue
      79 months ago

      Trump is terrible enough without making up blatant misinformation. That’s the sort of fuckery MAGA dipshits do; you should be better than that.

    • @shalafi
      59 months ago

      How have you seen a video? I can’t find one.

    • @PoopingCough
      09 months ago

      Is there video of it? I didn’t see any in the article and usually video isn’t allowed in a courtroom no?

  • @800XL
    349 months ago

    Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable. Call over and over until their aides are sick of hearing your voice. Even if you aren’t in the same party and you didn’t vote for them. Let every gov’t employee know enough is enough.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      49 months ago

      Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable.

      Hello, Mr. Ted Cruz? I’d like to file a complaint abou… Oh, go fuck myself? No, that’s fair. I’ll just dial Mr Crenshaw and… Nope, it appears I’m being told that this phone call is uncivil and I can go fuck myself. Okay, well, you’ll be hearing from my vote in a heavily caged and gerrymandered set of districts.

      Call over and over until their aides are sick of hearing your voice.

      Daily screaming matches with some telemarketing company paid to handle their calls will do more harm to me than to any of them.

    • @chitak166
      19 months ago

      Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them this shit is unacceptable.

      This has never had any impact on anything and idk why you people are so deluded into believing otherwise.

      DONATE (bribe) to your representatives. That’s what they listen to.

      I guarantee, not a single senator will read anything anyone here ever sends to them.

      • @800XL
        -19 months ago

        When is the last time you called yours?

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      What the fuck is that supposed to accomplish? They don’t directly influence the judge. This comment makes no sense to me.

  • @Isakk86
    339 months ago

    Why does this petulant child keep getting away with shit?

    • @chitak166
      9 months ago


      I remember when a judge gave a girl a harsher sentence just because she was smiling.

      Justice for the rich is not the same as justice for the poor.

      It’s another reason why every poor person who thinks the disparity in wealth should continue to grow is a fucking idiot.