• @Wogi
        203 months ago

        The sign commands it

    • @Jesus_666
      223 months ago

      Counterpoint: The rest of the Fediverse can see it too so it’s not just for Lemmy.

    • @Opisek
      53 months ago

      Can you recommend me where to get started with Star Trek?

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Star Trek The Next Generation

        Skip episode 1, “Encounter at Farpoint”. It sucks all around. Watch it later if you’re really curious but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

        If you want to check out a “representative” episode, see Season 5 Episode 2. (edit: the episode is named Darmok) You don’t have to know everything going in, it’s self-contained. If you like the episode you’ll like Star Trek.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I remember really liking Encounter at Farpoint when i was a kid

          Rewatching it more recently, I realized Diana’s “PAIN! I FELL PAIN!” was her sensing the audience’s reaction to the horrible episode

          Like… It had a single episode worth of good episode in there but they left the other half in that should have hit the editing room floor

          ETA: I had to look up what season 5 episode 2 is, and yes, that’s an excellent representation

          I’d argue that the second pilot of the original series, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” is also a excellent overall introduction to Star Trek: cerebral rather than action oriented, the focus on the people and their relationships both with each other and their own humanity, asking questions of the audience to make us think, solid message (“absolute power corrupts absolutely”)…

          But definitely skip the original pilot, The Cage, in its standalone form. Watching that, we were damned lucky it didn’t get shitcanned fully right then and there

  • @owatnext
    1113 months ago


    The Bluey version is better change my mind.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      213 months ago

      It’s a matter of time before the allegations start coming out about him.

      • @BambiDiego
        333 months ago

        “Bandit Heeler has recently come under scrutiny to the allegations that he is ‘the bestest boy.’ More tonight at 7”

      • @owatnext
        13 months ago

        "…when you put something beautiful out into the world, it’s no longer yours really. "

        Bandit from Bluey staring solemnly at the ocean

        I suppose you can do whatever you like with it, mate.

    • @PunnyName
      53 months ago

      Memes change. That’s literally how they work.

  • Aa!
    523 months ago

    I say we lose the entire Crowder meme format. The “change my mind” bit was from one of his stunts, and this is just keeping it alive longer

    There’s still many other meme formats that send the same message, we don’t need to sully Calvin’s image by associating it with a Crowder stunt

    • @[email protected]
      263 months ago

      It only keeps it alive for those who know it. I had no idea who that dude was or where it was from.

  • mistrgamin
    493 months ago

    I didn’t even know who the mf was until people started posting this

  • @FritzGman
    283 months ago

    Why would anyone care who the stereotypical white dude is? That is giving importance/energy to the wrong thing. I didn’t even really notice nor care who he was (and still don’t). That said, I don’t generate memes with him in it so I guess I’m doing my part. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @[email protected]
      253 months ago

      Why would anyone care who the stereotypical white dude is?

      Because he doesn’t deserve to be the guy in the meme. Think about all the other actually cool people who have been immortalized in silly memes, a lot of times they get interviewed and it is really funny. Everybody enjoys on some level that the person in the funny meme they are looking at is actually a real human being who has the goofy honor of being famous for the really specific, niche context of that meme.

      Why give that joy to a complete asshole and loser? Why give it to a media personality who spreads hate? Who cares if nobody recognizes who Crowder is, Crowder doesn’t even deserve to be interfaced with as an anonymous white dude in a meme, it takes away the necessary shame Crowder should experience at every interface with the broader public.

      • NostraDavid
        43 months ago

        Within the context of the meme it’s a guy with a mug and an exploitable sign on his table. Nothing more.

        This shit sounds pretty tiring, IMO :/

        • @[email protected]
          93 months ago

          Are you trying to suggest that the literal image of the man who created the meme has nothing to do with the man himself?

          Yes I understand the question “who is that?” may not occur to you. It does to others, and results in this pile of dirt getting free traffic.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            Most memes have nothing to do with the person in the meme. I doubt crowder himself made the meme, even if he did it doesn’t really matter as the meme has transcended the person st this point.

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              His change my mind videos quite literally spawned the meme. His platform became more popular because of the meme.

              Do you even know anything about crowder or are you just talking out of your ass?

      • @FritzGman
        -13 months ago

        I really don’t give a shit about internet famous people and now, I also don’t care why anyone else cares. I’m sorry I ever asked the question.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      Are you genuinely struggling to understand why people who think he’s actively saying hateful shit about trans people wouldn’t necessarily want to increase his presence in the general Zeitgeist?

      Or did you just want to slip in the “stereotypical white guy” dog whistle?

      If you are actually struggling, i can probably help.

      imagine a person saying horrible shit about you, specifically.

      Now imagine they have a platform where they say this hateful shit to lots of people, enough that you sometimes run across these people and they also say hateful shit to you, perhaps worse.

      Now imagine an unrelated meme is made with this persons face on it and you see it 5,10,15 times a week.

      Now imagine that the comments on most of these memes feature a whole bunch of people defending this person and agreeing with the hateful shit they said about you.

      I’d imagine that’s why some people care.

      Genuine question though, what would be the right thing to give the energy/importance to in this scenario?

    • @palad1n
      -63 months ago

      Do you have to specify whiteness? By definition, You are not far from him

      • @FritzGman
        83 months ago

        Only because he’s white. If he was black, I would have said stereotypical black. I wasn’t addressing this at you. I’ll edit to say stereotypical douche bag frat boy turd thing.

        This is why giving importance to “not the focus” of the message gets in the way. Now we aren’t talking about -insert meme here- anymore. We are talking about someone’s personal issue with how I phrased something. Honestly, just proves the point of getting distracted by irrelevant things.

    • @Ultraviolet
      63 months ago

      And sexist, homophobic, antisemitic, the whole right wing dipshit starter pack.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Honestly I don’t remember anything directly antisemitic from him, some of his guests were, if I remember correctly, but not directly from him. Do you happen to know an example of him being openly antisemitic? Not that it matters, he probably is in private.

        • @Ultraviolet
          43 months ago

          I might be mistaking him with one of the other major grifters; the Venn diagram between racists, homophobes, transphobes, and antisemites is a circle.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            The Venn diagram is a circle but the outspoken XYZ Venn diagram is not a circle, some are smart enough to shut the fuck up.

  • Norgur
    233 months ago

    I don’t think anyone should change your mind on this one

  • @jwigum
    173 months ago

    Shouldn’t use Watterson’s work. He fought long and hard against stuff like this…

        • @[email protected]
          183 months ago

          That seems to be mostly about monetization and commodification, which should already be absent from shitposting.

            • Instigate
              113 months ago

              I think he’d feel this similarly devalues it.

              I respect Watterson too much to assume his stance.

              Well… which is it? Do you respect him too much to assume his stance or are you assuming he’d feel this similarly devalues it?

              • @[email protected]
                43 months ago

                I mean I don’t want to assume he’d be alright with it therefore I won’t use it. Nothing I said was definitive, just what I think.

            • @SpaceNoodle
              33 months ago

              Well somebody should pop over to Chagrin Falls and ask him

            • @samus12345
              13 months ago

              Did you mean “this” stance, maybe?

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Here is a wiki source (insert error bars here) discussion of his stance on his work being officially licensed. He thought that use of his work outside of a comic strip would cheapen the value of the strip itself. This was frusterating as a child (who wouldn’t want a fucking Hobbes plushy) but now later I can see that it was at the very least a very defensible choice. Compare how people feel about C&H vs something that was commercialized to death like Garfield. Anyway, hope it’s useful.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      I mean, not really though. He fought to keep companies from merchandizing C&H, mainly because he “wanted to keep the characters pure to every reader’s internal voice.” Basically to keep companies from turning it into a shitty profit center or bastardizing it with a cartoon, etc. I don’t think he really said anything or would have a problem with fans using the images to share stuff, y’know?

      • @SpruceBringsteen
        33 months ago

        Becoming a meme format is a great way to strip all of the original context for most, just look at the point of this thread. Just because it’s C+H isn’t going to stop that.

        Like we saw with the bumper stickers, it wasn’t just the stupid Ford v Chevy thing, it was that anyone wanting to make a stupid point on their bumper sticker was lending Calvin’s voice to their own stupid crusade.

    • @Wooki
      -133 months ago

      Removed by mod

        • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
          93 months ago

          Cancel Culture, Woke, Communism… When you don’t understand a lot about the modern world, you just start using words and phrases you also don’t understand to mean “I dislike this”

          • @Wooki
            3 months ago

            Removed by mod

            • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
              93 months ago

              This isn’t cancel culture though. You are proving my point.

              And my last post wasn’t a straw man either… It was describing people who use terms they don’t understand to express their dislike of things. It’s literally you. In this thread.

              I mean… I guess it could be that you’re knowingly misusing it just to create anger and division. But you wouldn’t do that, would you? That would make -you- the problem.

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              Again, what do you mean by cancel culture? The original comment was asking for people to honour Watterson’s view that Calvin should not be used outside the comic. Who was being cancelled and how?

              • @Wooki
                -73 months ago

                Removed by mod

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  So you don’t actually have an explanation. Chowder is a bigot, and people shouldn’t give him a platform. You defending him is consigning his bigotry.

                  Also he hasn’t been cancelled, nor is he likely to be.

                  Are you upset that people don’t like him and are speaking out against him? Or is it a larger disdain about the practice of speaking out against people and calling for them to be excluded?

                  If it is the second one, Chowder makes his money that way, and participates in a practice you claim to disdain.

                  Though I think it’s the first beacuse you like what he says.