• @[email protected]
    3811 months ago

    Reported someone for showing up to work drunk. He was fired shortly after. It was justified because in his job, he put others at risk of harm in addition to himself, but it still feels bad.

    • @Lifecoach5000
      1611 months ago

      You potentially saved someone’s life. Surely you’ve done worse!

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        He was an old guy without a lot of employment options, so getting fired likely had a very negative impact on his quality of life. I know he did it to himself, but it’s the only time where a decision I made was a clear link in the chain of someone else’s life getting significantly worse. It was necessary, but still sucked.

    • @CrowAirbrush
      411 months ago

      I reported a coworker for being drunk at work 3 days a week…it took them 13 years! Until they passed him the ultimatum: either you accept our help with your alcoholism or you’re out.

      He left and started a new life in a new country, wife kids etc donated a large part of his money to a local school…only to die months after due to stomach issues as a result of years of alcohol abuse.

      We had 2 guys like that and they took 13 years with one and 15 with the other.

      The one of 15 years controlled heavy machinery daily.

  • @BonesOfTheMoon
    3511 months ago

    I stuck all their Nazi faces all over social media and outed every last one of them as the Nazis they are to their jobs. Then I catfished a really big name in white supremacy and got him to send me dick pics.

    I am not sorry lol.

  • @Pronell
    2611 months ago

    Told his ex-girlfriend the truth as she deserved better than him. (And no, I didn’t want her for myself.)

    It sent his life into a tailspin, and he’s done jail time since then.

    I’ve heard he’s back in town but haven’t seen him. We made up before he moved back but I’m sure he still holds it against me.

    • Rhynoplaz
      1511 months ago

      That sucks, but, without knowing what you told her, it sounds to me like they dealt with the consequences of their own actions, not yours.

      • @Pronell
        11 months ago

        For sure, but the information I gave was sensitive and drove a rift through our group of friends.

        We were all stoners. I told her about the other drugs she didn’t know about.

        I have no regrets. I held by my values.

        • @Lifecoach5000
          711 months ago

          Just a wild guess - but did he do jail time for the other drugs?

          • Rhynoplaz
            1311 months ago

            That’s what I’m guessing. Pronell didn’t send a friend to jail, he saved a girlfriend from going with him.

            • @Pronell
              511 months ago

              Yeah, as I said it was living up to my values. He was a piece of work and she was a sweet girl.

              I hope she’s happy. I’ve heard she is, but I haven’t stayed in touch.

          • @Pronell
            611 months ago

            No, years later, he was managing a shoe store and embezzling. I don’t know many details, it was across the state.

            Dude had problems.

  • @Agent641
    11 months ago

    I regularly beat my children.

    Its not my fault they are so shit at mario kart

  • @Fosheze
    1611 months ago

    When my boss was complaining about not getting matches on Tinder I told him he has manager arms. When he asked what that meant I told him it meant that they were non-value-add.

  • @[email protected]
    1611 months ago

    I fucked someone’s fiancé when I was 20yo. A few times. He found out or she told him. They didn’t end up getting married.

    • @Feathercrown
      311 months ago

      That’s pretty bad, did you hang your head and cry afterwards?

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    I was once on a secret mission in the statue of liberty and I was tasked with taking out a leader of terrorists, I killed the entire group because cmon they were terrorists, only to find out later that they were trying to distribute an antidote to a virus that the organization I worked for help distribute!

    • @abbotsbury
      411 months ago

      You have no excuse, your brother told you to keep it non lethal

  • @merari42
    1011 months ago

    In middle school, during history class, we had a student teacher who was very insecure, and my class bullied him a bit. During a class where he was being evaluated, I went out of my way to disrupt his teaching and likely played a significant role in him failing the evaluation.

  • @AnalogyAddict
    911 months ago

    According to my ex, pour sugar in his tank and hire a Polynesian gang to beat him up.

  • HobbitFoot
    911 months ago

    Helped a friend craft a set of emails a few days before the submission of a group project that got him to leave one group and create a new one. This worked.

    It helped my friend out, but it left the rest of the group scrambling.

  • @helpImTrappedOnline
    11 months ago

    Oh silly fbi - you won’t get a confession out of me that easy

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    211 months ago

    Trapped them in a dark room barefoot with broken glass all over the floor.

    All I’m gonna say is drugs were involved.