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Twitter post by @DirtyTesLa: Thankful to have Cybertruck to help me with the real work and big loads 🙏 (image of Cybertruck with several bags of soil in the trunk)

Reply by @KralikLj: Hell boy that would fit in a bicycle. Way more carbon free than that wankpanzer. (image of cargo bicycle with several bags of soil strapped to the front)

  • @[email protected]
    1953 months ago

    One’s gotta feel so goofy bragging about their truck hauling a load that would fit in most any compact sedan

    • @[email protected]
      333 months ago



      Look at the username, and the platform

      Why the fuck do people use that site?!?

        • @[email protected]
          113 months ago

          Sorry, my wife drives a cavalier. Not a Camry. I am not good with vehicle names. I am big dumb.

        • @Cold_Brew_Enema
          33 months ago

          Exactly it’s a mid size sedan. A ton of shit would fit in it

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Im pretty sure I could fenagle that into one of those old fiat mini cars from the 50s. Now if it the lawnmower engine that those things have can move me and the bags is another question.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        I wanna know how much the first owner committed enough to chop off the fingers on their non-dominant hand gets in the lawsuit.

        Really though, the NTSB and which ever other regulatory agencies can, should outlaw vehicles with this type of design (brodozer grills in-fucking-cluded).

        Let the first batch become collectors items, but fucking stop them from making more super needlessly dangerous road weapons.

    • @Holyhandgrenade
      23 months ago

      I literally bought 8 bags of soil the other day and it wasn’t even close to filling the trunk of my Yaris

    • @shalafi
      -23 months ago

      Yeah, but loads like that are often dirty and spill shit everywhere. Plus, there’s all the bending and twisting to load and unload.

      SOURCE: I used my tiny convertible for years to haul dirt, kayaks, lumber, whatever. It sucked and ruined the insides.

      • BarqsHasBite
        133 months ago

        Sheet. Tarp. Or hell that little liner that’s already in the trunk you can take out and shake off

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        Now that’s a fair shout, though I just throw a plastic tarp down when I’m moving shit like that in my Golf. It’s a non- issue then.

      • @grue
        43 months ago

        I used plastic bins to haul bulk compost home in my hatchback and the interior survived just fine.

  • Tippon
    923 months ago

    I appreciate what Len’s going for, but showing a Cybertruck with a load that would fit in a normal car, and ‘owning’ it by showing a bike carrying what appears to be half as much, is only going to give ammo to the dipshits with their massively oversized trucks.

    ‘Hey, bro! My Ford SuperMacho DonkeyDong Pavement Princess edition would fit the load from the Cybertruck and the load from the cargo bike. I could throw the bike on top too!’

    Reframing it as ‘the Cybertruck’s so shitty that half the load will fit on a bike with no issues, and you don’t have to be seen driving a Cybertruck’ would probably work better 👍

    • Skua
      283 months ago

      The packages on the bike look far longer, it’s quite possible that it actually is the same load

      • Tippon
        33 months ago

        They do look bigger, but it seems like the pink section is bigger, and the rest is the same size as the bags in the truck, making the bike’s cargo of four bags equivalent to about five of the truck’s bags.

        That’s just a guess from a bad photo though.

        • Skua
          513 months ago

          My curiosity has been piqued, so here are the actual numbers:

          There’s actually more on the bike. I love this post even more now

          • Tippon
            143 months ago

            Oh, wow! Sometimes it feels nice to be wrong 😁

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            A liter of potting soil is roughly a kilo. Very few people will be able to move a bike with 200kilos on it unless the ground is perfectly even.

            There are plenty of vehicles that are better for moving around that much mass than a Cybertruck is but a bike isn’t really one of them.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              It’s a cargo bike: Low centre of gravity, adequate transmission for hauling heavy loads uphill, moving it isn’t the issue. You should be more worried about the actual load capacity: A good cargo bike, as in two wheels not four or a trailer configuration or something, usually maxes out at ~150kg load (including driver). Trikes about 250kg, quads or trikes with trailer at 500kg.

              But then a kg of soil weighs more like 400g so we’re talking more like 80kg. Including driver you might be exceeding load capacity, but not by much (assuming obese people don’t ride bikes which I think is a fair assumption) it’s probably going to survive, especially if you’re careful around kerbstones and stuff. Those load limits are all calculated off some maximum drop distance, if you don’t drop your wheels then you can generally go much higher. The frame is very unlikely to break or bend, the axles would probably be the first to fail.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                It looks like these bikes are 100% human powered. That’s the part I’m worried about.

                I’m starting to get kind of old but I know how to ride a bike and I’m in pretty decent shape. In nice weather I ride for several miles at a time with my kids. I could move a heavily loaded bike for short distances but if I’m doing regular transportation with that for hours at a time I can forget about my knees.

                • @VelvetStorm
                  13 months ago

                  I’m fat and out of shape. I know I wouldn’t be able to move that bike without some sort of motor assistance. You can 100% get a battery-powered engine to help, though.

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  The usual distances for these kinds of bikes are a couple of km max, once or twice a week. Big shopping trip if you’re living on the outskirts kind of deal, or smaller shopping trip and the kid rides in the cargo bucket. If you’re up for it sure you can also tour them, tent and sleeping bags don’t tend to weigh much and there’s ample of space.

                  Bikes for parcel deliveries etc. tend to be quads or trailer-trikes, also, electric. Noone is running a landscaping business with one of those bikes that still is, and probably always will be, a VW transporter with flatbed kind of deal.

            • Skua
              43 months ago

              Are you sure about that weight? I can’t say I’ve used a lot of potting soil in my life, but the first google results for it that have weights listed for the bag are all more like quarter to a third of a kilo per litre. That puts the weight of the load at less than 70kg, which is much more reasonable

              • @[email protected]
                53 months ago

                I’m not sure at all. It’s just the first number I found online. Since a liter of water is a kilo it seemed reasonable to accept a liter of soil being a similar mass.

                But shoot. I just went downstairs and checked the bags of soil we recently bought. 44 liters and 16 kilos. That’s about 0.36 kilos per liter, so you’re correct.

                That said, when I had 4 of those sitting in the back of a Subaru hatchback you can definitely feel the accelerator get mushy. It probably wouldn’t be terrible to carry that much weight for short distances occasionally. Regularly riding long distances on less than perfect roads with that much load sounds pretty painful.

    • @khannie
      183 months ago

      Reframing it as ‘the Cybertruck’s so shitty that half the load will fit on a bike with no issues, and you don’t have to be seen driving a Cybertruck’ would probably work better 👍

      I fully agree with this, but I have to say I think it’s equivalently and succinctly encapsulated by “wankpanzer”.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Them: I pay $700/m on my truck loan so I can move a ton of mulch every year.

      Me: I pay a $57 delivery fee so I can move six tons of mulch every year.

      We are not the same.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Can rent a truck from home depot for like $20/hr. Most people are probably paying more than that a week in added fuel costs to drive a gas guzzler of a truck.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        I think $700/m is unreasonably low for a Cybertruck, which makes your point even more. I don’t think you can get the financing details for one through the website, but I did it for an $80K Model X for 84 months in California and got $1,390/m.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      The bags on the bike are bigger, i think. I think that is in fact the same load, or close to it.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
        73 months ago

        Plus, the bike has more room to stack them upwards, and there are other bike models that have an actual frame for the cargo area.

      • Tippon
        53 months ago

        They are. If you look at the comments here, skua got the higher quality images and worked out the details:[email protected]/t/955361/-/comment/6141707

    • Patapon Enjoyer
      73 months ago

      Yeah they should’ve have gone for

      I’ve seen your mom take bigger loads than that

    • Gnome Kat
      63 months ago

      There are already posts in this thread basically doing that…

  • Naja Kaouthia
    823 months ago

    Wankpanzer has now been added to my lexicon.

    • PLAVAT🧿S
      403 months ago

      This image broke me, 95% of the trucks I see everyday are used as commuter vehicles with nothing in the bed. And the ones that do are hauling a single sheet of plywood. I plum forgot people use trucks to move stuff.

      • @[email protected]
        263 months ago

        The most similar bed for regular trucks is about 14 cu ft more than in the CT (about 70cu ft vs about 56 cu ft) but technically yes you could load a Cybertruck like that, although I wouldn’t want to see the sloped sides after a loader dumped a couple of yards in it…

          • @greedytacothief
            193 months ago

            The cubic yard is common among contractors in the US. You buy concrete in yards

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            A cubic yard is about 30% less than a cubic meter. And a ton is like 10% less than a metric ton.

            Water volumes in reservoirs are measured in acre*feet. By comparison a cubic yard is pretty sensible. And for comparison if you know of any big lakes near you, a million acre feet is about 20% smaller than a cubic kilometer.

            • TheChurn
              143 months ago

              You got some special edition yards or something?

              A cubic meter is 30% more than a cubic yard, meters are longer than yards.

              A tonne (metric) is 1000kg, about 2200 pounds. A ton, often called a short ton, is 2000 pounds. A long ton is 2240 pounds. A long ton is 1.6% more than a metric ton.

              • @Holyhandgrenade
                43 months ago

                Considering the insane mathematical conversions you people have to constantly do, I wonder why the USA isn’t full of mathematical geniuses?
                Ah right, because scientists use metric.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                Yeah I was backwards, but either way if you’re estimating in units of “truck beds”, they’re close enough to be interchangeable.

              • @captainlezbian
                13 months ago

                Nah we just add another dimension to cubes in us customary. So it’s 1yd^4

      • @frunch
        33 months ago

        But then you’ll have to pour like 4 cans of barkeeper’s friend all over the car to clean it up immediately after

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Meanwhile in Europe in a vehicle with a smaller footprint:

      An American mind cannot comprehend this


      Bonus picture:

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Yeah so… Both these things exist in North America… I mean, do you really believe we don’t have tractors when there’s a chunk of territory a third of the size of Europe that’s plains?

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Of course I know tractors are a thing in the US

          But in Europe we don’t see many SUVs, simply because if you need to haul a lot of things you get a van. And if you don’t you get a normal car.

          An SUV simply isn’t efficient at anything. It is the worst of both worlds.

          The tractor is more about when you need to haul even more stuff.

  • @JordanZ
    653 months ago

    Anything I can fit in my Miata is not a ‘big load’. Although there are always the people that like to go above and beyond…

    I have an album of collected photos of people transporting goofy/large stuff in Miata’s.

      • @JordanZ
        383 months ago

        Here’s some good ones.

        • @dejected_warp_core
          23 months ago

          These are fantastic.

          That last one is “tires are the enemy” material.

        • ☆Luma☆
          23 months ago

          Holy shit that dog one scared me ahahaha thank you for sharing these

            • ☆Luma☆
              13 months ago

              lmfao you’re right, much less weird. I thought that was a taxidermy dog at first.

          • @JordanZ
            113 months ago

            That would be a whole pig. I’d imagine it’s for a BBQ but I could be wrong…

            • @seth
              33 months ago

              It’s just a little baggy, it’s still good, it’s still good.

  • @[email protected]
    533 months ago

    I think I’m going to refer to pick ups and SUVs exclusively as “wankpanzers” from now on

    • Diplomjodler
      153 months ago

      My vocabulary was enhanced today too.

  • @groats_survivor
    373 months ago

    Call me crazy, but I think original op, the one with the cyber truck, was actually making a joke

    • @[email protected]
      123 months ago

      I also think it’s more of a sarcastic remark about size of the cargo bed, if you can even call it a cargo bed.

    • NickwithaC
      113 months ago

      The account is literally called Dirty Tesla. This must be one of the biggest whooshes in history.

  • @[email protected]
    323 months ago

    Funny seeing this, I just got back from taking 40L of planting soil home in the back of my (non-cargo) bike. It’s doable, for sure.

    • @perviouslyiner
      63 months ago

      Trailers are super convenient things to have around for the occasional appliance-shopping and garden centres.

  • @RBWells
    253 months ago

    Lol, I don’t know about a bicycle but I routinely toss six bags of dirt in the back of my Honda Accord and my ex- boss has a trailer for his Corolla.

    Also, presumably he got it to the checkout at the store in a grocery cart, he (I am making an assumption here that this is a dude) has to know you don’t need a truck to move it.

    • @EdibleFriend
      33 months ago

      I’m pretty sure I could fit those in the trunk of my 2010 Aveo.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Thankful to have Cybertruck

    Isn’t that the most basic feature of a car?
    Reminds me of the people thankful for Facebook so they can talk to friends, when what enabled that really was the Internet and Facebook just created an app incompatible with any existing messaging standard.

    • @HappycamperNZ
      33 months ago

      You just wanted to use an interrobang didn’t you?

  • Responsabilidade
    163 months ago

    Well, I guess that some people just like to put big loads on their back and post it on the internet… Who am I to judge…

  • @[email protected]
    153 months ago

    I’m in the unfortunate position of not living in a place to practically use that bicycle, and being unable to afford a cybertruck. I wouldn’t buy one, even if I could afford it, but I’d like to be in that position.

    • stebo
      -133 months ago

      tbh such kind of bicycle will hardly be practical anywhere

      • @captainlezbian
        33 months ago

        Yeah you’d want it on a trailer or side bags. Maybe a handlebar box. It’s definitely doable. I saw multiple bikes tonight that could do it at the shop I contribute at.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Bakfietsen have been around in the Netherlands for as long as I can think. Some of them are so large that they’re used as a market stand. You can’t really get much in side bags and most trailers aren’t designed to carry heavy loads.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        I see them around here (Germany) and they seem quite practical, although ones with 3 or more wheels are most popular here. Especially for such heavy loads.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Downvoted by delusional people who don’t live in the real world.

        I get that they want bikes to be the solution to everything but stick a heavy toolbox on a bike and ride uphill, in the rain, after a heavy day working. Sure it’s fine for someone doing local runs on an open schedule with small loads but for most people that’s not how life works.

        I hate driving, love bikes and agree we need to transition to better transport systems but pushing absolutely absurd non-answers is just going to make everyone laugh at the idea and dismiss it as stupid. We’ve had the same issue in the green movement so many times, anyone old enough in the uk will remember when we had an green party with an amazing platform pushing investment in solar, localisation, cycling infrastructure, and loads of good stuff then instead of talking about it every time they got platformed they talked about yogic flying and healing energy. Even my mum a total woo loving hippy was angry at them about that.

        Something else they forget is that not everyone can cycle, i used to cycle all over the place until my knee injury and while even at my peek I never would have been able to get that heavy load up the hill on the way back from my local garden center I can only just do it now on a lightweight bike after years of strength rebuilding.

        If you want meaningful change you need to be sensible about it so other people know you can be trusted.

        (And yes I understand the yogic flying was coming from an actually sensible place when you get down to it, I was a child enrolled in similar mind and body fitness programs based on the same idealism but every time it was mentioned they’d talk about superpowers instead if saying ‘obviously it’s just exercise and breathing with mental clarity exercises combined, we think this is missing from most peoples lives and wish to enable access and understanding but recognize its only a small step in transitioning to an ecologically, emotionally and aocially suatainable way of life, which is our primary goal.’

  • Noxy
    133 months ago

    my wagon can definitely carry that, without the risk of slicing off pedestrians’ faces in an accident, too.