• @[email protected]
    546 months ago

    The strings attached to The Dutch are controlled by the student council of some high school in Japan.

  • @cmbabul
    416 months ago

    There are only two thing that I can’t stand in this world, people who are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch!

    • RuudA
      46 months ago

      Well thanks! ;-)

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    196 months ago

    Did they just say “fuck it, leave the black line”?

  • @Red0ctober
    146 months ago

    The Dutch??? This throws my entire understanding of the globalist hierarchy into question

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      They did sorta start the mega corporation, and speculative trading. Both of which kinda ruined the world (assuming capitalism isn’t necessary for innovation, which I think probably true).

  • Nightwatch Admin
    66 months ago

    For those not in the know: Prince Bernhard (deceased), husband to former queen Juliana (d), was infamous for his (heavily debated) membership of the Nazi party and first chairman of the (also heavily debated) Bilderberg conference.
    Aside from that, the royal family is very, very rich and has a lot of influence over the world. Part of their wealth is supplied by the Dutch government, without clear numbers and lots of misrepresentation on the yearly budgeting, a government that is by the way nicely massaged by the many global companies having a nice office in the Dutch tax haven.

    • @YarHarSuperstar
      56 months ago

      So how does that make the Dutch control the aliens? If there really are intelligent super beings with incredible technologies visiting our planet and influencing things, why would the Dutch be able to control them any better than Israel or the US gov?

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    But wouldn’t daisy-chained puppets like this be increasingly difficult to control the further from the start you go?

    I don’t think it’s possible to get anything below Aliens to do anything but flop around wildly.

    • @BluesF
      26 months ago

      Above the Dutch is a machine learning algorithm which so far has managed to learn to make the bottom marionette appear to vomit, and nothing else.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    There’s only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.

  • @RizzRustbolt
    56 months ago

    It all eventually comes back to Lisa’s Reverse Vampires.

  • @niktemadur
    56 months ago

    The Dutch East India Co didn’t go away; it just went underground.

  • M137
    46 months ago

    The lowest level should also be the Dutch, and loop back to the top.

  • @profdc9
    46 months ago

    Are the Dutch the same as the lizard people? Because if not, I don’t get what this is saying.

    • @eatthecake
      86 months ago

      My housemate is dutch. He will find a dutch connection to everything on the planet. My coffee is dutch, the stockmarket is dutch, cheese sandwiches are dutch, the computer chips are dutch, nasi goreng is dutch, it’s all fucking dutch in his mind. If aliens landed he would probably claim that they came because of the dutch.

      He would also like everyone to remember that the nazi’s stole the dutch people’s bicycles and how dare anyone not know this.

      • @Darkblue
        46 months ago

        Well, to be honest, apart of the aliens thing, everything you said is true.

        So how is your housemate wrong?

        And aliens? That’s an American thing. Only Americans are abducted and only America gets attacked by aliens in the movies. (And South-Africa)

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          I don’t think they’re necessarily saying their housemate is wrong. I took it as them just pointing out how it gets old fast. Which is also my interpretation of what the meme represents.

      • @woelkchen
        26 months ago

        So a former colonial power influenced many things on Earth? Surprising.

    • @Fleur__
      16 months ago

      Were you just on board with all the puppeteers until the Dutch one ? XD