• @Land_Strider
    1389 months ago

    Fucking medieval torture mindset with permanent crusade base.

    • @kromem
      399 months ago

      Similar to the reports of Russian soldiers putting plastic pipes up people’s butts to feed up razor wire to pull out slowly after the pipe is removed, or China putting electric shock sticks up people’s butts among the Uyghur camps.

      Humans suck.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        339 months ago

        Or Americans hooking Abu Gharib prisoners up to car batteries.

        Or Saudis dismembering Jamal Khashoggi with a bone saw while still alive.

        Or Italy’s practice of deliberately sinking refugee floatillas in the Mediterranean so as to deny migrants asylum claims.

        Humans suck.


        We know and care about these atrocities because we don’t all suck. But there is definitely an economic structure in place that rewards this behavior as well as a fascist media apparatus that both censors and celebrates it.

        • Pelicanen
          59 months ago

          While I’m sure that there was torture at Abu Ghraib, including electrocution, I’d just like to note that car batteries are typically only at 12 volts (sometimes 24) and at that voltage potential can’t really harm people. They could have wired up multiple batteries in series but I think it’s more likely they just used cables connected to an outlet.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            49 months ago

            that voltage potential can’t really harm people

            Injury involving contact with a vehicle battery

            A 12 volt vehicle battery was being disconnected using a crescent wrench, which slipped and grounded out when it came in contact with metal. The person received a burn on his ring finger as his gold ring had come into contact with the wrench. The injury was completely around the ring finger and severe enough to cause concern about the loss of the finger from a lack of adequate circulation.

            It has been pointed out that most vehicle batteries have 600-800 cranking amps, compared to 75 amps for stick welding and 300 amps for air arc welding. Severe burn injuries can occur and caution should be exercised when handling such batteries, including removing rings and other jewellery before starting work near or on a battery/connected wires and equipment.

            I would consider third-degree electrical burns harmful.

            • Pelicanen
              59 months ago

              Right, but that’s not exactly electrocution, that’s just burning. Through a metal, 12V will be more than enough to create a current that makes the conductor very hot, but through a human it likely will not be able to cause any damage whatsoever.

              Could that be used as a form of torture? Absolutely, not disputing that. But for electrocution, a car battery would not do, and for burning a blowtorch would be more effective.

            • @Fosheze
              49 months ago

              Yes, if you run hundreds of amps through metal it gets hot, but that’s not electrocution which is what the person you’re replying to is talking about. You can’t really electrocute someone with less than about 50V because the human body has too much resistance. You can try it yourself; lick 2 fingers and touch both poles of a car battery; you won’t feel anything because your skin has too much resistance for 12V to meaningfuly pass through. The only danger a 12V battery poses is if you short it with a piece of metal then that metal will get very hot and often hot enough to melt or explode both itself and/or the battery. But as far as torture goes a car battery is a very round about way to heat up a chunk of metal when you could just use a torch or something.

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              9 months ago

              The gold ring being a great conductor likely didn’t help the man.

            • @[email protected]
              -49 months ago

              Ahh yes that totally what everyone will think when talking about torturing someone with a car battery. This is like saying tires are dangerous because cars run people over. The guy above was simply informing people that (rightfully) would get the idea that the ran electrodes to his nipples and cooked him like a hot dog. Sure a car battery is dangerous if used dangerously.

        • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
          49 months ago

          Nah I’m gonna keep saying all humans because this has been the norm since the beginning.

          We act like we’re not animals but that card is always in the back pocket just waiting for an excuse to pop out.

      • @jorp
        99 months ago

        Source for the razor wire claim? Seems like obvious war time propaganda to me and I can’t find anything online.

          • @jorp
            59 months ago

            Over the top descriptions of torture between an alleged soldier and his mother that seem almost scripted, published by the Ukraine military. I’m going to call this a maybe at best.

            • @kromem
              69 months ago

              So when accounts of torture fit with the narrative you like, they are credible, but when they don’t fit with the narrative you like, they are not?

              Was the video of castration by Russian military of a detainee also just faked propaganda?

              Was the UN report that Russian forces tortured prisoners to death also fake?

              It’s not exactly like this phone call goes against a pattern of behavior for Russian forces.

              • @jorp
                49 months ago

                In time of war you’d do best to question news when it’s reported only by one of the sides and not by an independent source. Maybe it’s true, but militaries don’t value truth during war.

                I wouldn’t trust the Russian military either

                • @kromem
                  9 months ago

                  “Almost every single one of the Ukrainian POWs we interviewed described how Russian servicepersons or officials tortured them during their captivity, using repeated beatings, electric shocks, threats of execution, prolonged stress positions and mock execution. Over half of them were subjected to sexual violence,” said Danielle Bell, the head of HRMMU.

                  And these are the accounts from the prisoners that were released.

  • @LinkerbaanOP
    9 months ago

    Source (they put the actual torture and rape at paragraph 9999 after all the israeli propaganda)

    The interrogators accused him of Hamas membership and showed him photographs of militants to see if he could identify them. They also asked him about the whereabouts of hostages, as well as a senior Hamas leader who lived near Mr. Bakr’s family home. When Mr. Bakr denied any connection to the group or knowledge of the pictured men, he was beaten repeatedly, he said.

    Mr. al-Hamlawi, the senior nurse, said a female officer had ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground. Mr. al-Hamlawi said the stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him with “unbearable pain.”

    A leaked draft of the UNRWA report detailed an interview that gave a similar account. It cited a 41-year-old detainee who said that interrogators “made me sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire,” and also said that another detainee “died after they put the electric stick up” his anus.

    Mr. al-Hamlawi recalled being forced to sit in a chair wired with electricity. He said he was shocked so often that, after initially urinating uncontrollably, he then stopped urinating for several days. Mr. al-Hamlawi said he, too, had been forced to wear nothing but a diaper, to stop him from soiling the floor.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Hey can you cw the pic and edit the title for sa content?

      I think I people should know about this story and I’m not asking so that people can avoid the shock of it, but so that people who have been assaulted can avoid being re-exposed to their experiences.

      Thanks for all your goodposts.

      • @LinkerbaanOP
        49 months ago

        I am not entirely sure how to put content warnings in the title, i added the words CW at the front is that how it is supposed to be done?

        It is difficult to post the reality for Palestinians without people experiencing shock or depression from it. However it needs to be posted to raise awareness to the issue.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          I think you blur the picture if you got one and put a more general description in the title so people can’t just get blam cammed with “rape with a foriegn object” while they’re baby huey scrolling along.

          I agree that people need to be shocked by this stuff. It’s tough balance between having a safe space and spongebob pointing out the window at a huge pile of atrocities.

          Thanks for doing your best instead of pushing back. The first time someone asked me to cw something I was uhh, much more combative.

    • qevlarr
      559 months ago

      ISrAeL hAs A rIgHt tO dEfEnD iTsElF

      • qevlarr
        399 months ago

        mOsT MoRaL aRmY

    • @voldage
      319 months ago

      To be fair prisoners of war being raped to death to humiliate them is pretty complex mental issue. We know that psyhopathy can sometimes be acquired as a trait, and it seems Israel has ways of inducing it. Interestingly enough, Nazis invented similar stuff as well… Oh, no, no, I’m not comparing the two. Just an off hand comment. Move along.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Ah, yes. Very democratically elected. Everywhere.

          In my shithole it’s not. And I wouldn’t be surprised if same applies to Israel - country where Putin buys DPIs and facial recognition from.

    • @Snowclone
      669 months ago

      If Trump were in office, he’d be endorsing the rape torture and abuse explicitly. If we lived in an alternate universe and Hillary was on her second term, she’d do nothing to stop Isreal and keep weapons flowing, if Obama was on his fourth term, he’d do nothing, if W was on his 6th term? We would still be in a perpetual war with multiple countries in the middle east and Israel would be a key supporter. He would probably help with the genocide with boots on the ground.

      A large portion of the reason Isreal never reached a settlement with Palistine and kept up with their perpetual war and ethnic cleansing is due to the US preferring they do it this way. Obama’s foreign policy was to do whatever the military suggested, as his administrative advisers said ‘‘A Democrat can’t say no to the military’’. Bush’s administration never even bothered to have internal justifications for any military endeavor. Trump is the most evangelical president we’ve ever had, he constantly did whatever evangelicals wanted, and war in Isreal, antagonism and aggression to Arab nations is one of their top priorities, as according to their beliefs Jesus will not come again until the Temple is rebuilt, sacrifices are made, and a world war or multinational middle eastern war against Isreal happens, once they have nearly been destroyed THEN Jesus comes again. Hillary likely would have the same policy Obama did, let the military do whatever it wants so you don’t get called soft of foreign policy in the next election cycle.

      Biden likely has the exact same policy. Like so many issues in the US, even in our fantasies there’s no alternative to what horrible shit were doing now.

      • Sippy Cup
        299 months ago

        Biden is the president now.

        Regardless as to what happens in a few months, the current sitting US president through action and inaction is endorsing genocide. It doesn’t matter who else exists, because the office isn’t held by anyone else.

        We should be able to have a conversation about human rights abuses without invoking the name of someone worse.

        I don’t imagine many people are on the fence about who they’re going to vote for and constantly screaming about the Cheeto any time criticism of the president is brought up really only serves as admission that yeah, Biden is that bad.

        All I see is deflection, constantly. No one wants to talk about Biden, successes or failures. It’s as if the only exists as a comparison to Trump. And if a candidate only looks good when compared to a pile of shit, then he isn’t a good candidate.

        • @kiagam
          9 months ago

          I mean, I read the response you replied to as “it not just biden, it is the system as a whole, and anyone that ever got close to being president”.

          And I agree. every president you have, there is some unjust war you are involved. As americans get pissed with their president, the rest of the world just rolls their eyes and says “here they go again”.

          genocides are gonna keep happening as long as you keep voting for these dumbasses in your primaries. And I can’t see the situation changing anytime soon.

          • @drunkpostdisaster
            29 months ago

            If you can find someone who has a chance of winning and will do something than please point them out

            • @kiagam
              19 months ago

              my quick reply would be Bernie Sanders

              • @drunkpostdisaster
                09 months ago

                And the democrats did everything they could to make sure he would not win the primary in spite of how popular he was. There is no winning.

          • @[email protected]
            -29 months ago

            Unfortunately in the US running for president has serious financial barriers. Even the wealthy people who run need to appeal to corporate sponsors(I personally call this corruption, but the Supreme Court apparently decided it’s not.)

            I don’t know how we are ever going to get a decent human being as a candidate until that changes, and I don’t know how to change it. We can vote, but only for whoever has money, and none of those candidates seem to even acknowledge this is a very serious problem. It’s not even on their political radar, so it’s not a talking point.

            Plus, even if a decent, non corrupt person managed to make it to the primaries and win… the electoral college could just vote the corrupt candidate in anyway.

            Sorry rest of the world… I wish our system wasn’t totally fucked.

        • @Snowclone
          49 months ago

          Do you think the 8 years Biden was Obama’s VP and the policy that administration had on foreign policy and the military ISN’T relevent to the Biden’s Amin policy?

          You’re asking to talk about Biden’s policy WITHOUT bringing up Bidens political history? Without brining up Trump, the man he is currently running against, and who’s policy and rhetoric is CLEARLY effecting domestic policy for Biden’s Admin, and ignoring the US’s overall polices over the last 20+ years that we have been militarily involved in the Middle East?

          What are we allow to discuss? Biden’s horoscope?

        • @Pfeffy
          -29 months ago

          I really believe that the only difference in outcome for Palestine between Biden and Trump will be who lies about their feelings better. Trump doesn’t give a s*** and will pretend to care and Biden doesn’t give a s*** and will pretend to care in the other direction.

      • @Pfeffy
        9 months ago

        Sorry but Democrats have to do better than “or else Trump.”

        I don’t know how you people don’t understand that yet. I also don’t know how I’m supposed to believe your uncited claims when you spell Palestine incorrectly.

        But sure keep on doing your same old stick. I’m trying to get out by November and the Democrats can get purged by Trump for all I give a shit. My great-grandparents took their money and fled Nazi Germany for the United States and I will do the same for South America. If the left is too weak and cowardly to stop the fascism from progressing then it’s going to come to the same conclusion regardless. And the left is embarrassingly weak and complicit with the right.

        I used to be an activist and I’ve been on the police s*** list for the better part of 10 years in my area so I am experiencing a lot of anxiety about what will happen if Trump gets reelected. At the same time I am experiencing a lot of despair that I was never able to motivate almost anyone to bother even voting.

        When you see both parties openly supporting a genocide, it’s time to fucking run. If Democrats can sit here and make up justifications for why it’s happening to the Palestinians they will do the same thing when the right comes for the actual left.

        Every time I see a list of atrocities that the Republicans are going to commit if they get elected as some kind of motivation to vote, it makes me sick to my stomach. If you want me to vote then give me a candidate I want to vote for who shares any kind of moral compass with me.

        • @[email protected]
          -69 months ago

          All we have seen is decline. Imagine what it must have been like for our parents: continues progress. People in BRICS countries have that today.

          • @Pfeffy
            49 months ago

            I can only be bothered to care so much. I literally just got done taking a walk through the neighborhood and couldn’t find a single flying insect to save my life. You and everyone else can pretend that the stock market somehow represents human success or productivity, but it doesn’t and we’re fucked. That’s why the people who get to keep all the money you generate are building bunkers. People in the brics countries are basically slaves to the West and will cook to death first.

      • @Maggoty
        -19 months ago

        Trump isn’t in office. This is a question about Biden.

        • @Snowclone
          39 months ago

          Biden isn’t living in a bubble, he’s running against Trump, and it’s clearly effecting his domestic policy heavily, anyone can see he’s trying to shore up weaknesses Biden has against Trump’s old policies and rhetoric. If you can’t grasp that Biden is making decisions based on the 8 years he was in the legislator under W, the 8 years he was VP under Obama and he 4 years he’s been president, compared to Trump’s 4, and the current race for President against Trump’s record and current talking points, you’re not capable of having a conservation about politics.

          • @Maggoty
            29 months ago

            Oh yes how silly of me. Supporting a genocide is just good politics. Very well carry on murdering and raping.

            • @Snowclone
              9 months ago

              “Why is Biden letting Genocide happen”

              • let’s look at the history and context and where we are now politically to understand why

              “You can’t talk about that! We’re talking about why Biden letting genocide happen!!!”

              • Yeah, he’s letting genocide happen for these reasons that’s why that’s what I’m talking about

              “YOU LOVE GENOCIDE!!!”

              • it’s like your immune to nuance. Look if you want to organize a protest to demand serious actions against genocide take place, I’ll show up and get pepper sprayed by the cops right next to you. That’s the only realistic action to take that could change anything the US government is doing. But if you wanna talk about why. Your gonna have to stop plugging your ears and yelling.
              • @Maggoty
                19 months ago

                I was talking about Biden, but sure, go off. There is no nuance to genocide. You don’t support one and then get the “good guy” stamp in history books. There is no excuse, no possible reason it’s somehow morally okay.

                • @Snowclone
                  19 months ago

                  It’s so weird that you can’t grasp that I’m not arguing with you.

      • @I_Fart_Glitter
        359 months ago

        It’s simple. If The Jews don’t reside in The Holy Land, then Blue Eyed, Capitalist Jesus won’t come back to gather up his American Evangelical Flock into his sinewy, shirtless embrace, while the Heathens are Stomped On Like Grapes In A Wine Press by the Very Angery Angels. I’m not exaggerating. This is what’s happening.




      • Melkath
        49 months ago

        Ya, but Biden is the current one who is directing Blinken to broker the repeating multi billion dollar deals, so he is the one that matters right now.

          • Melkath
            19 months ago

            True, but Biden is the sitting President of the United States who is trying to secure the liberal vote for reelection, so he is the one that matters right now.

              • Melkath
                -49 months ago

                I’m not sure I understand the question.

                Trying to answer, I’d say that the prompt is being created by a “boolean brain”.

                Sorry if that seems harsh.

                The American ballot has never been boolean (true or false, 2 answers accepted ONLY, in code 0 or 1, in practice apples or oranges).

                America had always had ballots explicitly designed to not be boolean.

                You can pick blue. You can pick red. You can pick “naw”, you can pick chartreuse (Ross perot).

                The American ballot has always been designed for democracy.

                This cycle, more than any cycle in the past, I feel we are being bullied into “Pick geriatric white male genocidal tyrant A or pick geriatric white male genocidal tyrant B”.

                One wholesale geriatric white male genocides, but can sit for an hour speaking (outrageously stupid) sweet nothings to the crowds.

                The other geriatric white male genocides, but can’t get 12 words into an isolated white house address before fucking it all up and shuffling out the door like his pampers are full.

                I reject the narrative that American democracy is boolean.

                I’d love Ro Khanna running for president with Bernie Sanders as his VP, running Independent. I would vote for that all day for 1000 days.

                Since I won’t be able to vote for that, I plan on abstaining, and hoping for liberal leadership that is anti war, would never engage in genocide, who will give Flint clean drinking water, and above all else, deserves a fucking vote.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  What I am saying is that when it comes to this is that either if Republican or Democrat comes in it’s a moot point they both align on Israel so Biden being pro Israel shouldn’t make you vote for Trump (not that I thought you would) as nothing will change on that instance. Foreign policy is also a special beast that sure the parties can influence it does what it does based on all the hands that are in the pie.

                  If you vote third party or abstain more power to you.

                  This all being said I am not American so I don’t get to decide, I just get to watch and hope that nobody here looks and decides whatever happens there is a good idea here. That and my own countries politics sucks just as much.

              • Melkath
                -59 months ago

                I would see it as an extremely astute view, considering how important everyone is saying it is that we keep Trump out of office.

      • @Phegan
        29 months ago

        Israel is our 51st and most important state.


        • @Pfeffy
          9 months ago

          Israel played their card when they lost the Yom Kippur war and they played it well enough that politicians won’t even talk about it. It’s called the Samson option and they already exercised it against Nixon. He should have let them launch their 13 nukes or whatever back then because now they have enough to destroy the world.

          They threatened to Nuke Europe unless Nixon bought them a whole new Air Force and replaced all their military losses, preventing them from being destroyed after losing the Yom Kippur war. That strategy has never changed since it worked that time.

    • @FinnFooted
      9 months ago

      Our whole system supports genocide. America supports genocide. We need to go deeper than biden to address this issue.e

    • @Pfeffy
      09 months ago

      I don’t know. Probably because he’s taken the most money from Israel of any US politician alive?

      • Melkath
        69 months ago

        More like arms sales.

        We have evolved past needing to plunder a resource, we just need someone to blow up so we can launder the public trust to Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, which makes the stocks that all of the Federally elected individuals own in spades rise even further.

    • @SulaymanF
      39 months ago

      A ton of Russians immigrated to Israel

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Most of them are against war in Ukraine. From one agressor to another, but at least new agressor’s voenkom wouldn’t draft into trenches.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      If I remember correctly, Israel sold a lot of mass survaliance and censorship hardware and software. Probably Israel = China here.

      Both in China and Russia goverment doesn’t represent people. Probably same in Israel.

    • @Fedizen
      29 months ago

      I think Russia is stealing Ukranian kids rather than murdering them.

    • @rektdeckard
      139 months ago

      If your delicate sensibilities can’t handle reading this, imagine how these prisoners feel. This SHOULD shock you, and maybe that shock will motivate you to action against it.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        59 months ago

        I agree when it comes to the average person, but there should still be warnings for people who’ve been raped so they’re aware.

        • @rektdeckard
          9 months ago

          You just said the word tho

          EDIT: sorry, not trying to be snarky. You’re right, but your misstep points out the problem

          • @efstajas
            49 months ago

            We’re in a thread about rape, I think it’s pretty clear not every comment in here needs a content warning.

          • @assassin_aragorn
            09 months ago

            Fair enough I suppose. I was talking to you about the general concept of warnings and such for sexual assault, and wasn’t considering a broader audience.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Please do to assume my implication or non implication to this cause or another one. And properly warn for rape content.

        • @rektdeckard
          9 months ago

          I’m not OP, and it’s literally in the title. Be an adult.

          EDIT: I obviously don’t understand what the issue even is, because you just said rape. Is the word okay for comments but not titles? Or is the problem that you don’t have the reading comprehension skills to read the word in the title and infer the nature of the content behind the link?

            • @rektdeckard
              59 months ago

              I am truly sorry if I hurt any feelings. I honestly was not aware that we as a society decided that using that word is insensitive. I (34M) was sexually assaulted when I was 8, FWIW, and I understand that words have power. I just didn’t get the memo in this case.

              What is the considerate way to title this post?

              • @daltotron
                19 months ago

                Generally people would call it sexual assault, or shorten it to SA sometimes, just as is the case for CP or CSAM.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        I shouldn’t have ask for CW but for NSFW. I’m grow up enough to know you don’t throw at people explicite depictions of violence before make sure they consent.
        I really don’t get what is upsetting about my comment.

        • capital
          19 months ago

          A snippet of text from the NYT will never be “NSFW”.

          I really don’t get what is upsetting about my comment.

          I think the fact that presumably grown-ass adults need content warnings (other than NSFW which, if clicked at work might get them in trouble) is embarrassing.

          This expectation that the world will change around you to coddle you should be dispensed with. Hence, the “grow up” comment.

  • @ichbinjasokreativ
    -449 months ago

    Isreals crimes against the palestinians needs to be stopped. No question. And yet ‘from the river to the see’ calls for the total destruction of isreal as a state, with all of its civillians, which isn’t exactly better. Hamas commited similar atrocities against the israeli on oct 7. But an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      299 months ago

      Sure rape is bad or whatever I guess, but both sides.

      • @drunkpostdisaster
        -229 months ago

        It is a two sides issue though. Both sides are doing this.

        • @SkyezOpen
          139 months ago

          And it should stop on both. Why the fuck are we even mentioning “both sides” as if it fucking justifies anything?

        • @alekwithak
          99 months ago

          Both sides are sticking electric spikes up each other’s asses? Please come back to reality, every released hostage of Hamas has said they were treated well and every hostage Israel has released has said they were brutalized.

            • @alekwithak
              49 months ago

              Yep! The article you’re commenting under, for example. Do you have any sources claiming the opposite?

              • @drunkpostdisaster
                -39 months ago

                It says nothing about how those hostages are being treated. I am not those reddit assholes. But I am not going to pretend either side is the good guy here.

                • @alekwithak
                  9 months ago

                  There are no sides, it’s a superpower state vs people. You ALWAYS side with the people. The state doesn’t need your help, they have everything already.

    • @Maggoty
      169 months ago

      Destruction of the state does not equal destruction of humans. The entire statement is, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” You have to seriously work on that to turn it into a genocidal intent. And then it begs the question, why would their freedom require such a drastic act? Which is why Israel doesn’t like to talk about the second part.

      • @ichbinjasokreativ
        49 months ago

        Because when they say it, the mean Isreal from the river to the sea. It’s the reverse (and not any better).

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          09 months ago

          It’s the reverse (and not any better).

          When you think about it, settler colonialists and native people are just two sides of the same coin.

          from the river to the sea / Palestine will be free


          Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty

          Carry the exact same connotations and historical weight.

    • qevlarr
      29 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Israel is an invader and occupier of Palestinian land. Israel’s existence is a crime against humanity.

    • @masquenox
      09 months ago

      calls for the total destruction of isreal as a state

      And? Where’s the problem, exactly?

      • @ichbinjasokreativ
        19 months ago

        Another reasonable, non-genocidal and well adjusted individual! Great!

        • @masquenox
          09 months ago

          So, again… where’s the problem?

          Is there a reason you want to preserve a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist state?