• @Phegan
    537 days ago

    I am a member of the terminally online left. And I can assure you my stance is that Russia can get fucked.

    • @CptEnder
      7 days ago

      Yeah I’m a socialist and agree with a lot of what Marx wrote and no fucking way do I support anything Russia is doing in Ukraine. Tbh I’m disheartened that Russia hasn’t suffered more severe internal consequences for this illegal invasion. Ukraine has every right to fight and retake its sovereign land, including attacking assets inside Russia.

      I do feel bad for the Russian people in general, but that’s not because of any politics, I feel the same way about Palestinians, Sudanese, Haitians, and the people of Myanmar. Anyone suffering under the tyranny of small dick leaders.

    • @Donjuanme
      67 days ago

      I’m now considering “terminally ill leftist” as something not to be recovered from, not something that will cause your termination.

      I am not terminal, nor ill in my political outlook and desire to see all of my fellow countrymen, And all people on earth, survive and thrive.

    • @MehBlah
      -37 days ago

      The point here is that all sides have a majority that hate russia but each side chooses to think of all the other sides as being in support of them despite clear evidence to the contrary. Of course many of those reds really like russia.

  • @[email protected]
    517 days ago

    Some people’s minds just seem to reject the idea that you don’t have to lick any boots at all. They’ve come all the way from the western boots and at the far end of their journey just went “ooh, new boots!” and just got down on their hands and knees and got to work.

    If history has taught us anything, it’s that fascists sure have some shiny shoes.

    • nifty
      117 days ago

      Actually that’s how you can tell the difference between a progressive and a tankie

      • @[email protected]
        57 days ago

        I mean… I wouldn’t put it past some of us to lick Bernie’s boots. At least he deserves to have spit shine boots lol

        • nifty
          57 days ago

          That’s always the issue though, you shouldn’t expect any politician to always have the right solutions, and why cabinets are needed. That’s also kinda why small government is an inadequate recipe for the complexity of human life.

          It’s definitely a lie that you need conservatives in your political offices though

          • @[email protected]
            7 days ago

            It’s definitely a lie that you need conservatives in your political offices though

            100% they don’t have the monopoly on brain power or good ideas… It’s absolutely about who you surround yourself with which is partially why I don’t care about Biden or his age, I know he isn’t like Trump where Trump is just going to surround himself with “yes men.”

    • @[email protected]
      -187 days ago

      Have you considered that they have a comprehensive worldview that leads them to different conclusions than yours does? No, they just must be big dummies because they haven’t figured out this one super simple universal truth!

      • @nyctre
        217 days ago

        Marx reference in username? Check.

        Marx reference in server name? Check

        Claims to have a “comprehensive worldview”? Check

        Made comments in favor of recent russian actions? Check

        Fucking lol.

      • @[email protected]
        137 days ago

        If that comprehensive worldview leads people to defending russian imperialism, they really seem to be big dummies or just inhumane scum. It’s actually pretty simple.

      • @[email protected]
        -16 days ago

        Dude I think we should be supplying warships to the fucken Somalian pirates to fuck with the Chinese and even I can tell you are incapable of having a comprehensive worldview.

  • @FreakinSteve
    237 days ago

    I have never, ever heard of a leftists defending Russia. You made this up.

      • @[email protected]
        7 days ago

        In Germany, we now have a party that is considered both extreme right and extreme left.

        Edit: Now that I think about it, nationalistic socialists ring a bell

        • Cethin
          146 days ago

          Nazis were not left ever. That’s a myth. They use the trappings of leftism, but never did anything leftist. They also attacked the real socialists. They were authoritarian-right.

        • @someguy3
          46 days ago

          National socialism is more nationalism than socialism.

          Hitler joined the party and was kind of stuck with the name.

      • @go_go_gadget
        16 days ago

        I have never seen someone claim to be leftist while defending Russia. OP made this up.

        • @[email protected]
          6 days ago

          OP isn’t making it up, but they constantly make or repost memes about tankies and are seemingly blowing it out of proportion, as I mentioned in another thread (and was down voted) people are throwing it around way too much on lemmy.

          See all the top level comments like “all the tankies coming out of the wood work! Must have struck a nerve!” when in reality there are legit arguments to be had around these things, but no, question Biden or the DNC and you’re clearly just a tankie on russia/china/whatever payroll. Doesn’t matter if it’s a valid point of concern or strategy, fall in line or you’re the enemy. Literally.

          “Biden should be doing more to pressure Isreal to stop murdering innocents” TANKIE!! YOU’RE LITERALLY VOTING FOR TRUMP!!

          DNC should just be able to dictate elections because they clearly didn’t learn their lesson with Hillary and led directly to a Trump presidency, but no it’s the left and “Bernie Bros” who were wrong.

    • @WaistGunnerPug
      66 days ago

      Right? Here in the US it’s the alt right going down on Putin.

      • @FreakinSteve
        16 days ago

        Show me then. Give me lots of screenshot showing me that leftists defend Putin’s Russia.

  • @[email protected]
    247 days ago

    I haven’t seen leftists defending Russia at all, but have witnessed scores of right-wing Americans and Canadians garbling that Russian D.

    • @Jiggle_Physics
      117 days ago

      I have. Not so much that they are all rah, rah, russia, but because the west is the one supporting Ukraine. They seem to believe russia was, in fact, there to “de-nazify” Ukraine, and other russian propaganda. You know, the country who had recently ousted a putin puppet, then elected a Jewish man in a landslide, was so in need of a russia to fight the nazis that have over run the country.

    • @[email protected]
      107 days ago

      Generally what you’ll see is right wing types directly supporting Russia (because they hate gay and trans people) and a certain stripe of leftists who will lean more into “NATO expansionism”, “Western proxy war” and all that other thoroughly debunked nonsense that, while not explicitly pro-Russia, is all directly lifted from Kremlin propaganda talking points.

      • @[email protected]
        7 days ago

        You need two (or more) proxies to have a proxy war and looking at the belligerents and who supports them it’s clear who is who: Ukraine is South Korea’s proxy, Russia the one of North Korea.

        • @[email protected]
          26 days ago

          The only way to get that from what I said would be;

          A) a serious lack of reading comprehension.


          B) intentionally misconstruing in bad faith.

          You’re more than welcome to tell us all which it was.

        • Alatain
          26 days ago

          It is if you are doing it in a discussion about whether or not Russia should be allowed to enact wars of aggression…

    • unhappy_grapefruit 2
      7 days ago

      I’ve seen plenty of tankies “defend Russia” M8. Especially on lemmy fucking tons of erm. What rock are you living in. If anything it’s mainly tankies,neo libs,socialists (like alot of you lot). I see get involved in this harry kissenger pick-a-side war-hawk bull-shit I mean neo-libs,socialists,tankies aren’t exactly the brightest

      Me personally fuck Putin and fuck zelensky. I don’t care who wins. I just wish for a end to the senseless war.Stop the war stop civilians getting harmed or worse. And stop people’s personal property and livelihoods getting destroyed. There are no winners in war only losers. And in the end of the day. You can mend broken infrastructure. But you can’t mend the dead or maimed

      • @negativeyoda
        86 days ago

        I’ve seen plenty of tankies “defend Russia” M8. Especially on lemmy fucking tons of erm

        I feel like it’s the same dozen howling assholes.

        Me personally fuck Putin and fuck zelensky. I don’t care who wins

        Yeah, you lost me there… Last time the world tried appeasing an asshole with conquest delusions in the hope they’d cut it out it didn’t work out to well

      • @BangCrash
        67 days ago

        There’s 8 billion people in the world. After this war and all the dead there will be 8.2 billion people in the world.

        Society is what we have spent centuries crafting.

        One side of this war wants to completely destroy society and push further into Europe, trying to reclaim their land holdings from hundred years ago.

        The other side just wants to exist and be left alone.

        I very much care about who wins

      • @[email protected]
        04 days ago

        Me personally fuck Putin and fuck zelensky. I don’t care who wins.

        Congratulations, you’re who OP is talking about.

  • @negativeyoda
    116 days ago

    I mean… tankies are to leftists what the Westboro Baptist Church are to Christians.

  • @Keeponstalin
    66 days ago

    @[email protected] I do wish you’d put leftist in quotes, these type of ppl aren’t it. If anyone is ‘leftist’ but supports fascism, they aren’t leftist. Lol

  • @[email protected]
    6 days ago

    Russia has messaging for useful idiots on the right and messaging for useful idiots on the left. To the right they’ll say stuff like “America should stay out of foreign wars”, “we should make Ukraine pay for the assistance”, “the price of oil will go up” blah blah. To the left it’s shit like “Ukraine are Nazis”, “America is perpetuating this war”, “NATO are the aggressors” blah blah

    The goal either way is to sow division, doubt, demoralise, create instability, create distrust and sap European & US power’s resolve to support Ukraine. And also to devalue information with false, misleading and contradictory information. It’s not hard on social media to see how this shit spreads around with insincere actors pumping false news and misinfo into the feeds that gets picked up by the useful idiots.

  • @Linkerbaan
    107 days ago

    Rambo 3 is the counter to both Tankies and Liberals.

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        Imagine being old enough in 2002 to know the successor to the Mujaheddin was called the Northern Alliance who were our allies in opposition to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But since the facts didn’t fit the narrative that we’re fighting the people the US put into power and also didn’t fit the racist narrative that “all those people over there are all the same.” Neither the left nor the right wanted to think about Afghanis having any kind of agency so failure in Afghanistan was inevitable.

  • @33550336
    26 days ago

    This is fucking accurate. I am concerned by the number of downvotes.

  • @[email protected]
    37 days ago

    The invention of campism and its consequences have been a disaster for sane leftist discourse (in western europe. somehow it’s not a problem in countries like poland and baltics)

  • @bigFab
    37 days ago

    The best possible peace scenario for our beloved world is to deploy Nato missiles on every russian border country ✌️ That worked well in Cuba.

  • @[email protected]
    -147 days ago

    Ukraine and Israel are literally defending the civilized world against the savages and barbarians of the world. And the left has the audacity to criticize how they are being defended

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        I practice an obscure form of online performance art and satire. Some say it originated on the Gamefaqs gaming forums after a user got banned for sending nudes of his wife to mods in exchange for shitposting privileges