• @[email protected]
    1684 months ago

    Even if this image were real, and it was provable that it was the biblical Goliath, how in the fuck does that have anything to do with disproving evolution lol

    • @[email protected]
      1194 months ago

      Christians: "Well, you see, God was right because the Bible was proved true. That’s why it disproves your silly science.

      The Bible contains everything about life! If it’s not in there, it doesn’t exist!"

      People: “Show me where in the Bible it has kangaroos.”

      Christians: “We’re being oppressed!”

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        264 months ago

        I absolutely love it when the crazy Christians try to pull the “If it’s not in the Bible, it doesn’t exist!” thing because at that point most everything they use on an every day basis must all be fictional things that don’t exist.

        Internet? Not in the Bible.

        Smart phones? Nope.

        Cars? Not a chance.

        Facebook? Haell No.

        TV? They wish.

        • @drunkpostdisaster
          124 months ago

          Or they give you one of these “what year is?” “2024” “2024 what?” "AD: “and what does AD stand for?”

            • @scarabic
              44 months ago

              Just saying that is unlikely to persuade any religious crazies. Especially since NDGT came out and said he uses BC/AD because the Gregorian calendar was worked out by a priest so he’ll give them that nomenclature point. It’s just an arbitrary scale anyway.

          • @barsquid
            74 months ago

            “We’ve taken over the governments of world powers and forced our Christ-centric numbering system to be standard, therefore we must have been right all along!”

          • @Arrkk
            74 months ago

            And what year did we start using that calendar system? Oh right, it was 525.

        • @scarabic
          54 months ago

          Wow is that really a thing? So dumb.

          • Dizzy Devil Ducky
            34 months ago

            I’ve seen a handful of people in my life who believes this. Don’t know how common it is, though.

  • @Darkard
    1184 months ago

    “Finally found some credible evidence”

  • @CitizenKong
    4 months ago

    Fun fact: If (big if) Goliath really existed, he was probably suffering from acromegaly. It is characterized by a person not stopping to grow after puberty. The reason for that is an enlarged, tumorous pituary gland in the brain. So David hitting Goliath between the eyes might actually have ruptured the tumour, leading to internal bleeding in his brain and killing Goliath.

    So the whole biblical story might be based on something that actually happened and then probably got more and more dramaticised every time it was told.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      It could also be based on any random tall dude dying from getting hit in the face by a flying rock, rare medical condition or not.

    • @scutiger
      574 months ago

      Or maybe getting hit in the head by a rock launched from a sling is enough to make a person’s head basically explode.

      Seriously, a competent sling user can easily kill someone with one.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      524 months ago

      Hitting someone square in the forehead with a rock, in the Bronze Age, was a quick way to kill them regardless of size. There’s a reason this image

      is both iconic and incredibly triggering to the IDF. You whip that thing around hard and fast enough, and you’re going to crack a head.

      So the whole biblical story might be based on something that actually happened

      I don’t find the story of a young, spry soldier with a bit of luck and some good aim thwacking a rival warlord with a rock implausible in the slightest. Its all the propaganda packed in around the story, what with David having some sort of euphoric epiphany and the rock being magicked by God to score the killing blow, that causes folks to roll their eyes in disbelief.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Also he totally fought a lion before he went up against Goliath. David was a bigger badass than Goliath the entire time

        Can you tell me more about that picture?

      • JackbyDev
        64 months ago

        Also, I think I’ve heard that shepards would be skilled with a sling.

        • @nomous
          64 months ago

          It makes sense, hanging out in a field all day with nothing to do but flip rocks at stuff, you’d git gud quick.

          • @Mirshe
            74 months ago

            It was a pretty common peasant weapon purely because you could make one super easy, and it fired a thing you could literally pick off the ground. Sling a rock at a wolf or a bear and it’ll probably either be dead or get the hint of “ah shit that guy hurts to fight, I’ll go find some other bastard.”

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          It really is an incredibly powerful image. I’m a bit shocked I somehow hadn’t come across it before.

    • PhlubbaDubba
      354 months ago

      It probably isn’t even all that dramatacized,

      It is not hard at all to do serious damage with a genuinely made sling, there’s a reason people wielding those things operated as a military unit in ancient times, and they were pretty mean spirited folks too!

      They’d actually write insults and jokes on the stones like “CATCH ME!”, “HEADS UP!” “OUCH!” “BONK!”

      Basically the historical inaccuracies would be in terminology rather than exact action, and also in David not following the shot up with “THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS!”

      • @Graphy
        4 months ago

        Imagine being a 6ft dude and some little bastard pulls out a gun and shoots you dead while the town cheers about that how courageous that little shit is.

    • @Dkarma
      64 months ago

      The Bible isn’t real.

    • Flying Squid
      4 months ago

      I’m thinking, since it wasn’t written down until centuries after it supposedly happened, that the most likely answer is that it was just bullshit.

      The closest evidence we have to David even existing is a tablet caved by someone who [may have] claimed to be of the House of David.


      • @optissima
        64 months ago

        Oral history is significantly more accurate than you’re making it out to be.

        • Flying Squid
          04 months ago

          There is no reason to assume oral history with no corroborating evidence is true and the lack of corroborating evidence is good reason to be skeptical.

          The entire Bible is oral history. I assume you don’t place similar validity in the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel.

          • @optissima
            44 months ago

            I didn’t say that oral history is 100% accurate. I said it’s more accurate than you assume, which based on what you said seemed to be “it’s all made up.”

            • Flying Squid
              -34 months ago

              which based on what you said seemed to be “it’s all made up.”

              That is simply a lie.

              I said “the most likely answer” is that it was bullshit due to only being oral history without any corroborating evidence. I did not even remotely imply that all oral history is made up.

              • @optissima
                34 months ago

                I’m thinking, since it wasn’t written down until centuries after it supposedly happened, that the most likely answer is that it was just bullshit.

                Your basis for discounting it is “it wasn’t written down.” That’s all oral tradition. I wasn’t trying to argue with you, I just wanted to see an amendment to your statement that recognized that this sentence is inaccurate. Seeing as you’re rolling back on it, I’ll take it as such.

                • Flying Squid
                  4 months ago

                  Yet again, “most likely answer” does not imply in any way that all oral history is made up. That’s simply a lie.

                  I recognized nothing I said as inaccurate. That is another lie.

                  Stop lying.

  • lurch (he/him)
    804 months ago

    lol how is goliath proof for creationism. it’s just some big rando. this is so silly

    • @[email protected]
      374 months ago

      Is wine not proof of creationism? Pretty sure there was wine in the bible and I’ve definitely seen wine irl. Checkmate.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      144 months ago

      God created one very big dude one time specifically so that his Prophesized God-King could bean the giant in the head with a big rock. We know this to be true because of this definitely real and serious image of a big fossilized human skull.

      If evolution were real, we’d have an entire genetic lineage of giants running around. But we don’t, because no other very absolutely credibly real super-sized skulls have ever appeared in a picture before.

      So, checkmate Atheists.

    • dadarobot
      44 months ago

      If anything, i think a giant human would impy evolution. People don’t grt that big anymore, so like they evolved to a smaller size

  • @[email protected]
    514 months ago

    At 7 cubits tall his skull would still not be that big. They should have claimed it was a nephilim skull instead.

          • @Wogi
            64 months ago

            1.8806 " 1880.6 microsmoots. Approximately one kit without the kaboodle.

            • @scutiger
              64 months ago

              That would be millismoots, not microsmoots.

              • @Wogi
                24 months ago

                Yeah in metric but Edwin Schenedererer who came up with the system confused the two in his initial proposal and the convention stuck. It wasn’t until years later when he published The theory of lesser Smoot that he corrected his mistake.

  • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
    444 months ago

    Also Goliath was canonically 9 ft 9 inches tall. That fake skull alone is at least 2 feet tall. The average proportion of head to body height in humans is a ratio of 1:7.5. So the owner of this skull would likely be at least 15 feet tall. Much larger than Goliath.

  • @an_onanist
    384 months ago

    Also curious as to how it ended up it central Italy.

      • @an_onanist
        134 months ago

        First they would have to carry the head to the coast which is no easy task without a Toyota. You make it sound like crossing the Mediterranean is easy but storms are frequent and problematic. The ancient Israelites were not known for their seafaring prowess. In fact, they once got lost in the desert for 40 fucking years, so their ability to navigate by the stars is doubtful. Once they arrived in Italy, then, they would have had to cart that monstrosity hundreds of miles to Rome. And remember, this was before all road led there so, even more difficult. Finally, one should ask themselves why they would bother.

        • @Cosmicomical
          4 months ago

          Exactly, at the time only Nissan was widely available, which is useless for this purpose.

      • Flying Squid
        14 months ago

        The Mediterranean is very stormy. It’s a lot more difficult than you would think.

        There is a reason half of The Odyssey is Odysseus getting shipwrecked or blown off course by one storm or another.

    • FuglyDuck
      84 months ago

      And how it was exposed to the elements, sitting on the forest floor, and yet survived…. Remarkably intact…

    • @Cosmicomical
      64 months ago

      You don’t know? Unlike the rest of italy, central italy is famously situated in the middle east

  • @Jiggle_Physics
    364 months ago

    I mean, Goliath was called a giant but wasn’t “my skull is the size of a full grown man’s torso” big. He is said to be about 9’-9’9". Which, if there was historical legitimacy to the story, could easily be within the range of a very tall person that had their height exaggerated over time.

    • @turmacar
      4 months ago

      Agreed. Units are hard and for most of history there wasn’t a wiki where you could look up the conversion between cubits, greek feet, roman feet, italian feet, french feet, and english feet to maybe get to some idea of how tall the “huge guy” was.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        94 months ago

        Yeah, also, imagine in the bronze age, a shaq sized dude was found and trained to be an elite warrior. I could totally see the men of that era, who encountered him in battle, telling tall tails of a 9 foot giant they had to fight.

        • @cmbabul
          44 months ago

          I mean yeah Shaq would wreck shit back then, humans were generally much shorter in the past. Goliath would have seemed a giant if he were 6’3”

  • @scarabic
    4 months ago

    Goliath died outside of Jerusalem, too, not Rome. And his people were Greek, not Roman, so it’s not like his remains would be taken back to Rome. And if he really was such a champion, his remains wouldn’t be left in a random forest with no marker or ruins about.

    EDIT: No time for the old “Philistines aren’t Greeks,” love, I’ve just come to read the meter.

  • Lad
    194 months ago

    It’s on a random Facebook page, it must be true

    • @III
      24 months ago

      It’s on a random Facebook page and it aligns with what I feel should be true, it must be true.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Uh, no, the side was smashed in.

    edit: all talking about between the eyes, but i learned from that part in religion lessons that the temple is a weak point on our skull.
    Difference between european and american version?

    • @scutiger
      44 months ago

      It just looks like forced perspective. The skull could easily be a normal skull and the guy like 10 feet away from it.