• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Source: a gambling website aggregator lol

    Still, according to electionbettingodds.com, which averages online betting sites, Kelly has a 34.9 percent chance of being the presumptive nominee’s vice-presidential pick.

    Also according to that site, Kamala Harris has 0.8% odds to be Kamala Harris’s VP, slightly edging out Gavin Newsome.

        • mad_asshatter
          62 months ago

          I’m thankful he thinks lemmy is a character on King of the Southpark, or some show like that, or he might get ideas.

        • @hogmomma
          42 months ago

          Reminds me of the episode of The Office where Jim tricks Dwight into being his own assistant.

      • FaceDeer
        132 months ago

        It’s very hard for an established prediction market to go all the way to either 0% or 100%. There’ll always be someone who bought in earlier on the losing side and isn’t bothering to cash out for the handful of pennies they might be able to theoretically get back now because it there’s nobody who’s actually buying.

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        That honestly sounds right for right now. Harris has momentum but Trump is still leading in polls. I think it reflects the uncertainty of whether Harris will be able to capitalize on being the only candidate that doesn’t wear diapers and has a properly functioning brain.

      • @JimmyMcGill
        52 months ago

        Don’t forget that Harris still hasn’t been officially nominated. There’s some % being left out there

    • Flying Squid
      112 months ago

      slightly edging out Gavin Newsome.

  • @[email protected]
    822 months ago

    The Harris campaign is still vetting candidates and has not made its pick yet. Still, according to electionbettingodds.com, which averages online betting sites, Kelly has a 34.9 percent chance of being the presumptive nominee’s vice-presidential pick.

    Jfc. Taking the odds from an aggregate of betting websites and using that as a verified source seems crazy to me.

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      I mean, it’s the closest thing you have to a futures market, and if you assume that markets are efficient, you can extract information there – people do use those.

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          I mean, anyone. I remember when DARPA had a project to create a futures market to do geopolitical analysis (which was controversial and got shot down because a world where you can place money on a world leader being assassinated and also, you know, go out and assassinate them has certain dangerous misincentives).

    • FaceDeer
      32 months ago

      They’re not using it as a “verified source”, except in that they’re saying “this is the source.”

      It’s actually not a bad approach. Prediction markets (which betting sites are just a form of) are often very good at reflecting what the current well-informed belief on a subject is, because people who make bets on ill-informed beliefs quickly end up not having money any more and thus not betting any more. It’s just important to bear in mind that it’s not literally saying “this is what’s going to happen,” it’s saying “this is what well-informed people currently believe is going to happen based on current information.”

      • @JimmyMcGill
        02 months ago

        That’s not really true.

        People that don’t make decisions on ill informed beliefs don’t bet at all as it’s just a money waste. People that make bad decisions tend to bet more and go into debt because of it.

        Betting odds are not a prediction by any means. The betting houses don’t even try to predict anything because they know it is a fools game. Instead its just a sentiment tracker of very small subset of the population.

        For example if tomorrow I would bet 100 Billion for Harris to win the election she would suddenly show up as the heavy favorite when nothing about her campaign has changed. Instead the bets for that particular site would be heavily skewed and they would increase odds for other options to reduce risk, while at the same time basically bullying any further bets on Harris.

    • @Maggoty
      22 months ago

      Less crazy than you think. Those markets actually have a pretty good record as long as you pair it with more traditional data points.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      -92 months ago

      I would suggest that it might be a significantly more accurate source than standard polling.

      • @[email protected]
        272 months ago

        It’s not. People aren’t just coming into the bet as neutral computational machines trying to maximize odds. They’re betting on people they like. Some are spending money to intentionally warp the odds. The only population control is people with money willing to risk it in a process with <1.0 expected return. That’s a subpopulation already known for making bad choices.

        Here’s a previous “betting odds” headline: Andrew Yang has the same 2020 odds as Elizabeth Warren

  • circuscritic
    2 months ago

    Arizona is not a solidly blue state, and Mark Kelly is unusually popular for a senator.

    Arizona Democrats also don’t have that deep of a bench to pull out a candidate that’s a lock for a statewide race.

    I’m not saying it’s impossible for any Democrat to win the election for Mark Kelly’s seat, I am saying it’s a significant risk that they probably won’t want to take.

    And that’s before taking into account that Arizona Democrats already have a handful with the seat being left open by their current manic pixie dream senator.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Kelly’s seat would go to a Dem replacement. They wouldn’t have to run for reelection until 2026 in a special election. The seat would be safe for at least 2 years out. Arguably a gamble worth taking to make sure we still have elections come 2026.

      • @caffinatedone
        122 months ago

        Assuming Harris wins, the first midterm federal election is usually ugly for the president’s party, so it’d be a risk. Especially coming off of this election where dems will have to be extremely lucky just to hold onto the majority (even with the vp tiebreaker).

          • @caffinatedone
            62 months ago

            Of course, but I don’t think that him as the VP candidate changes the odds of that much relative to the other contenders who don’t come with that risk.

            VP candidates don’t usually matter much in an election unless they’re freaks with a couch fetish or something weird like that.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              As dumb and superficial as it sounds, my guess is a fighter pilot and astronaut plays better to swing state voters than governors of other states.

  • @58008
    552 months ago

    A 60-year-old? Running alongside a 59-year-old?? What is this, a fuckin’ crèche? Their mother’s milk is still wet on their faces! How can they compete against a worldly wisdom-haemorrhaging wise man in his 80s like Trump when they’re barely out of their baby diapers, while Trump is already well into his adult diapers phase?

    Jesus, go back to your pogo sticks and bubblegum and stickerbooks and let a grown-up have a shot. Sheesh.

    • @PriorityMotif
      62 months ago

      I hope that age in politics snaps back hard in the coming years. As I get older I’m really getting sick of old people

  • @cybervseas
    332 months ago

    I know it’s not about identity politics, but lady prez and spaceman veep? Yes please!

      • @Maggoty
        112 months ago

        Yeah that’s not the attack on the environment you say it is. He was looking for a mid term patch on supply chain greedflation and the crimp from banning Russian oil. Long term he’s all in on wind and solar. He’s been very open about this. Painting him as someone like Manchin who’s heavily financially invested in fossil fuels is just disingenuous.

    • Admiral Patrick
      92 months ago

      Lady Prez and Spaceman Veep '24

      I’ve never put out a yard sign in my life, but if Astronaut Mark Kelly is chosen, I’ll happily stake that one out front.

  • @ralphio
    172 months ago

    So in the scenario that he is the VP and they win, a democrat would be appointed to the senate, but instead of the seat being up in 2028 in a presidental general election year the seat would be up in an off election year with a democratic president (2026). I’m not sure this is wise in terms of keeping the senate.


    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      I’m thinking about it like this.

      Trump wins 2024 - the possibility of no 2026 elections is not insignificant.

      Harris/Kelly win 2024 - Moderate risk the Dems lose 1 Senate seat in 2026.

      If Kelly being on board helps Harris win swing states I think it’s worth it. I’d take the potential risk of a hostile Senate in the future over the impending risk of fascism in a few months.

  • @[email protected]
    172 months ago

    JD Vance can suck my dick

    Suck my dick

    Suck my dick

    JD Vance can suck my dick

    All the livelong daaaaay

  • @leadore
    172 months ago

    Without knowing more specific + or - details about the possible choices, I’d pick Shapiro over Kelly when you add up all the variables:

    1. As a governor Shapiro has executive experience, which Kelly doesn’t. Cooper is also a governor but is already 67.

    2. Pennsylvania is an absolute must-win state. Arizona is also very important but is not a must-win. Gotta get PA.

    3. Shapiro is only 51 so would still be plenty young enough in 8 years to run for POTUS.

    4. With Shapiro you’re not taking a current Senator off the field like with Kelly. Yes the Dem gov will appoint another Dem but will that person (or other Dem) be able to win again in 2 years vs. keeping Kelly in place who is highly likely to be re-elected. We really need to build up a bigger majority in the Senate over the next couple of cycles to be able to get important things done.

    • @Maggoty
      132 months ago

      Well as of right now the Democrats have a solid lock on state wide elections. If they’re going to do it, now is the time. A 2 year incumbent that doesn’t leave the party is highly likely to get reelected.

      Shapiro’s also got some baggage, his Israel position for example. Kelly however will be vulnerable to a swift boat attack. However as VP that will have less impact than as a candidate. Whereas the Israel issue will cause some of the left to stay home.

      It’s all really complicated, I’m sure they’re putting a lot of thought into it.

      • @leadore
        42 months ago

        Yeah TBH I haven’t read about all the details of the candidates’ vulnerabilities so I was just going by their stats and locations. I’m sure we’ll hear all about whatever downsides whoever gets picked has. I really don’t see what could be gained by picking Cooper from NC though. Everyone also assumes it can’t be Whitmer because you can’t have two women, which is pretty irritating. It would be nice if having a two-woman ticket would be thought of as normal or even possible but I’m too old to ever see that happen in my lifetime.

  • @Shaft
    152 months ago


  • @slimarev92
    112 months ago

    Why would they risk losing a critical senate seat in a purple state?

  • @laverabe
    62 months ago

    Why not AOC? Really need some young blood and someone who is progressive. She also meets constitutional age requirements now.

    • @[email protected]
      302 months ago

      I don’t think the country as a whole has made that much progress yet. She’ll probably have to choose a white guy unfortunately

      • FuglyDuck
        72 months ago

        Yeah. It saddened and annoyed me seeing that article “can Harris rebuild Obama’s coalition?”- like. Uhm. No? What’s past is gone and can never truly rebuilt. Yes, the ship of Theseus is a new ship. And this is the Ship of Harris, anyway.

      • @laverabe
        22 months ago

        We’ve made more than people think.

        If you went back in time 100 years ago and told them who was president in 2008 and reelected again in 2012, they would put you in an insane asylum.

        I think people really don’t care about race or gender in POTUS as much as the media puts out, people really just want to not go bankrupt from medical debt, or not have to pay $500,000 for their childrens college and other “bread and butter” personal issues.

        99% of the US is progressive, they just don’t know it yet. Everyone benefits from improved policy, that message just needs to be communicated better in a way that even the most stubborn conservative will understand. Bernie Sanders was proof of that because he was capturing the working class and it terrified the 0.01%

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      Just like Obama needed Biden. Harris also needs a white guy to appeal to (sub)conscious biases. DNC will probably push her towards a moderate so unlikely to be someone like AOC. We’ll see.

    • FuglyDuck
      82 months ago

      I’d love AoC for pres, and consolation prize of VP. (Don’t tell the corpo dems this but the VP job is usually a political dead end…)

      The reality is you need to pick VPs defensively. Some one who makes a good presidential candidate generally doesn’t make a good VP candidate.

      As much as I like AoC… I don’t mind Kelly.

      • @Maggoty
        32 months ago

        It used to be the setup job, you did VP before president.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Because they know AOC + Harris will be way too scary for the “pathetically insecure white dudes” demographic.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        Which sadly means swing states. And is where the election is truly won. AOC isn’t going to help and potentially hurts.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Exactly. I’m not always the biggest fan of conventional political wisdom, but in this case I think it’s fair to say that getting most of America to vote for a black woman will already be a pretty big deal, and move the needle forward significantly.

          And Kamala doesn’t need AOC to appeal to younger and more left wing voters. She’s already pretty far left of her party on most issues, and has the record to prove it.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      2 months ago

      They’re going to pick someone who is popular in a purple state, and is going to help calm people who want to see someone more mainstream. I’d love a progressive, but it’s going to be a straight white male from a purple state. I’ll be super surprised if it’s anything else. And I get it: the #1 objective here is to win, and every decision has to be predicated on that.

      And besides, AOC is really young and will have lots of opportunities.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      AOC is the future, as long as Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can’t complete a coherent sentence doesn’t get in this time.

    • @RampantParanoia2365
      22 months ago

      I like AOC. But two women of color, one who is super progressive, sounds like a massive risk.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        There were a lot more rich people that had Biden’s back until they didn’t. It wasn’t like she was the only one.

  • teft
    32 months ago

    Fuck yeah. I hope it’s him and Kamala. Harris Kelly 2024.

  • @someguy3
    2 months ago

    Guy is 60. I’m becoming a fan of Beshear.

    *Sigh. I’m saying pick the person who can run and win in 8 years.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Kamala is 59.

      This guy:

      Is a decorated vet

      Is an astronaut

      Is in a state that is a must win and makes it easier to win.

      He checks a ton of boxes.

      He also grows a bad ass mustache.

      • @Yawweee877h444
        112 months ago

        He directly opposes Medicare for all. Opposes the green new deal. Supported expanding oil drilling.

        I’m just sayin’ if you’re gonna list positives it’s only fair to list accurate negatives too.

        I will argue time and time again, opposing Medicare for all is NOT a moderate position, it’s a right leaning position.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          He still supports a public option, he just opposes M4A because it would end existing employer-provided healthcare. Not everyone who opposes M4A is right-leaning, sometimes they just don’t think that this particular model is better than other public option models.

          The Green New Deal faces lots of opposition from those who agree with the sentiment, citing it as misdirected, expensive, or overly ambitious. He does generally support the move to renewables.

          Additionally, he supports expanded drilling, in parallel with a move to renewables, to reduce our oil imports. We can’t just snap our fingers and transition to 100% renewables overnight. It will be a gradual process, and reducing our dependency of oil imports is very possibly a pragmatic step in that process.

          Policies are rarely black and white. It would appear most of his positions which seem, superficially, to be negatives are held for relatively nuanced reasons. We could do worse.

        • @Maggoty
          12 months ago

          It wasn’t expanded as most people understand it. It was supporting a round of permit auctions in the already drilling Gulf of Mexico.

    • @andrewta
      92 months ago

      Sixty isn’t old. He’s old enough to have experience.

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        It’s 5 years under the typical retirement age, I would absolutely consider that “old”.

      • @someguy3
        72 months ago

        I’m thinking get the person who can run and win in 8 years.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          I’m thinking get the person who can run and win in 8 years.

          I think at this point it’s more important to pick the candidate that increases the chances of victory. Trump won’t be in any shape to run (or likely even alive) in 2028 and hopefully MAGA will have died along with him.

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            Maga will not die with Trump. Instead it will splinter, and become a lot more chaotic. Even moreso if that happens at a time of strength for the movement.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              I expect the shattering will wound the movement. With Trump, they have a consensus leader and model. Everyone else will fight each other to fill the vacuum.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              Yup. MAGA is just the Tea Party’s child that’s come of age.

              Whatever offspring MAGA presents to America will be even worse.

        • @Hobbes_Dent
          62 months ago

          That’s ageist bullshit. Seriously. 60.

          • @[email protected]
            62 months ago

            If he were shooting to be president from 60-68, sure, great. But teeing up a run from the VP slot means he’s looking at 68-76. That’s starting the most important job in the world past retirement age.

            If he were some genius lawmaker with big new ideas, maybe you excuse that because they’re uniquely valuable, but nothing seems like he’s a big ideas man. You don’t need to push limits just to preserve the status quo.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              VP doesn’t have to be about setting up a Presidential run. Harris was VP, but lots of Presidents weren’t a VP. Can just be aimed at shoring up the current ticket.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Cheney is the only VP in recent times that served with a 2-term president and didn’t go on to get the nomination and run for president. Biden was supposedly selected because Obama didn’t think he had a run in him so he’d be dedicated to the administration, but ended up running anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            Sixty year olds are usually sharp and deeply knowledgeable. I think we should demand better for literally the most powerful person in the world though and in this case I’m less pissed off at sixty year olds in general and more specifically pissed off that we’re in a death grip of neoliberalism and politicians that aren’t planning for the long term.

            America has no attention span - it is generally making decisions for today that are driven by people who won’t see the full consequences of their decisions… we need more people who actually give a shit about what the world will look like in twenty or forty years. And to be perfectly fair, some of our eldest politicians really fucking do care and I’d include Biden in those ranks… but we seriously need to change course.