Windmills cause cancer.

– Project 25

  • @breadsmasher
    1032 months ago

    It is weird how republicans are in a constant state of fear of whatever boogieman their dear leader is seething about on a given day

    • mad_asshatterOP
      432 months ago

      Would you rather be electrocuted by a sunken boat battery, or eaten by a shark?
      Drill! Drill! Drill!

      • @kescusay
        252 months ago

        I’m old school. My irrational terror is windmill cancer.

          • DrSleepless
            172 months ago

            But now I have clogged arteries

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                No, it was indulgence in gouda things that built a dyke in his arteries. He’s going to need a doctor to perform a dredging operation to clear out de brie.

        • @Serinus
          92 months ago

          And have you ever been directly under a windmill? I have, actually. Do you know how many dead eagles you’ll find there?


          zero. Zero dead eagles. What the fuck.

          • mad_asshatterOP
            2 months ago

            “Bird that can spot a mole in a hayfield from a kilometre away, crashes into 6 tonne turbine blade. Also gets cancer.”

            True story, brah.

      • @razorwiregoatlick
        22 months ago

        No it’s killed by the electrics or a shark. Too many big words.

  • @NounsAndWords
    702 months ago

    I think this is a really good strategy. This is how you point out that an argument feels illogical without having to actually talk about logic (which ironically has always caused a big disconnect trying to talk to the self-purported “facts over feelings” crowd).

    • mad_asshatterOP
      292 months ago

      They love being “creeps”, but “weird” creeps them out.

    • @Aqarius
      82 months ago

      Not only that, the foundational pillar of authoritarianism is the desire to be “normal”. That’s why deviation is punished. Presenting it as give that they’re deviating from the norm ought to have a chilling effect.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      I saw my first ‘coal roller’ recently. Wtfffff. How is that legal? Such a spectacular display of myopic dickishness.

      • @[email protected]
        112 months ago

        Short answer, it’s not. It’s effectively legal because the circle Venn Diagram of those who would roll coal and have Punisher/Back the Blue stickers on their trucks and absolutely zero enforcement, but it’s TECHNICALLY illegal.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          I’m in NY, we have annual inspections and imo anyone doing this shouldn’t pass. The DMV has no fucks to give, let them see how far they get fighting them.

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            Unfortunately a lot of the mods to make it happen are designed to not be noticed by the DMV inspectors. It’s a whole industry committed to industriously dumping as much soot into the atmosphere. If only that industriousness could be used for good; good doesn’t make as much money or “own the libs” as much as obnoxiously killing the Earth, I guess.

      • @thorbot
        2 months ago

        I got coal rolled or whatever. Hopped in my car and follow the fuck to the grocery store. Keyed the ever loving FUCK out of both sides of his truck, actually damaged my key a little. Big ass sine wave up and down both sides of the entire thing. Drove off laughing into the sunset.

          • @thorbot
            52 months ago

            The key will never recover.

            It’s interesting, normally I’m a pretty mellow, non-confrontational person and am normally horrified at the idea of vandalizing someone else’s property for any reason, but after I was subject to that cloud of death smoke it awoke something in me and I just snapped. Everyone has their limits I suppose.

            • @[email protected]
              52 months ago

              It’s such a senseless aggression and as manly as kicking a dog. It’s difficult to not put it in some sort of check—it took me a mile to realize I wasn’t watching engine trouble, but some raging asshole toy with an EV and a complete stranger’s safety for the fun of it. Who the fuck does that? What has to be broken in you to enjoy that shit? Agh. Just please be careful when you engage with the death cult, they aren’t working with a full deck.

    • @mkwt
      -32 months ago

      Especially when they’re actually burning Diesel fuel… There’s no coal involved in it.

  • Rentlar
    292 months ago

    “Weird.” That’s a perfectly succinct word to make anyone stop, actually reflect on what Trump and his cult are saying and asking themselves whether this is really what they want from their next leader.

    It’s not specifically charged at a specific physical characteristic of trump, Democrats dishing out a low blow for once yet unlike all of Trump’s low blows.

    Optimistic take: If Democrats could have just a single word be a silver bullet, “Weird” would be it. (No offense to weird Al, he’s great and he can keep his weirdness)

    Think about the next time Uncle Jack at the dinner table goes off on immigrants taking the jobs, America is a 3rd world country, we should ban books, ban calling people what they want to be called, climate change is a hoax, how terrible DEI wokeness is, making fun of Kamala etc., when no amount of arguing policy or morality is going to convince him otherwise. Just responding with “Weird.”, might shut him up and make everyone at the table reflect.

  • @leadore
    142 months ago

    Are Democrats finally finding a more effective way to counter MAGAt crazy ideas than just using logic and reasoning? I hope so!