If you’ve felt your burrito was smaller than it should be, smaller than in the commercials, the CEO agrees.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    913 months ago

    Well, ya know what? Hope that 10% savings really helped you. Because between diminishing portions, diminishing quality, raised prices, and health issues from contaminated food over the years, I’ve stopped going. Like, completely. Used to get it once a week or so. Now I haven’t had it since before the pandemic.

    And I’m not the only one. My local chipotle in 2005 would have a line wrapped out the door, and down the plaza to 2 shops down. Just a continuous line, at all times, and you KNEW it’d be 45 minutes before you get your food.

    Now most of the time when I walk by, I’ll glance inside and see no line at all. I could walk right in, and order. No waiting. I COULD do that…but still no.

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      I said this in another thread but Everytime I’ve gone to as chipotle to fix something as part of my job, the kitchen area has always been disgusting. Like brown water on the floor disgusting.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        23 months ago

        …why is the water BROWN??? Is this as obvious as I think, and I’m just refusing to mentally accept that it’s what I think it is?

        • pupupipi
          183 months ago

          lol, it’s usually just rotted food, pressed into surfaces and not properly cleaned, uncleaned drains so your not able to properly rinse the floors and whatnot, gross but not quite that gross

        • @[email protected]
          113 months ago

          Like the other person said, it’s dirt, rotten food, unkept drains. It’s not poo or anything that disgusting but still way beyond what I consider acceptable quality.

    • @[email protected]
      153 months ago

      There are three restaurants I distinctly remember long-term as health risks: Chipotle, Chi-Chis (decades ago), and Jimmy Johns.

      The first, I still consider a risk. The second is long gone, and exists only as branding for salsa and the like. The latter, made a concerted effort to get rid of the one risky part of their product which couldn’t be cooked or otherwise sterilized (sprouts, by definition) and to my knowledge hasn’t had a large-scale problem since.

      JJs is the only one that handled it even remotely correctly, after either the first or second outbreak, by straight removing the risk. They’re also the only one of the two remaining above that I’ll patronize. I’ve never eaten Chipotle, and it strikes me as highly unlikely that I ever will.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        163 months ago

        I tried going to Jimmy Johns a few months ago. Now granted, I know each location is franchised, and your millage may vary, blah blah blah…

        That out of the way, I walked in, looked at the prices, and walked back out. They wanted $26 for a sub. More if you add chips and a drink. I looked over at the guy eating his sub at a table, and it looked THIN.

        I just said "fuck that. I’m not paying $26 for something half as big as what subway charged $5 for about 10 years ago. And when you consider it’s half the size, it would be more like $2.50 10 years ago.

        Now this sub place wants $26. For a god damned fast food sandwich.

        So I walked into subway, and for a similiar sandwich (unsure if their portions are reduced) they wanted $16 for a sandwich.

        These fast food places realize that their entire business model relied on speed, and CHEAP, right??? Half the time I feel like I could have went to a sit down place like red robin for similar prices. Maybe not a fancy sit down resteraunt, but one of those chains, like red robin, bw3, applebees, ect.

        OH! And thats the other thing. These fast food places now on their screen ask for a tip. FUCK THAT. Thats not a place tipping is acceptable. I’m not sitting down. You’re not my waitress. You’re handing me food in a bag over a counter.

        Or the one that REALLY pissed me off. Asking to tip at the self checkout at ALDIs. WHO THE HELL AM I TIPPING???

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          I thought I was the only one!

          Jimmy Johns is priced so stupidly. Hell, all fast food is. Domino’s has a $25 pizza? Subways wanted $12 for a meal?

          Fast food shouldn’t cost MORE than the price of a local business.

          Those places are dead to me.

          • @Lost_My_Mind
            13 months ago

            HOW am I the only person to upvote you???

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          Woah, that’s absolutely insane. Subway has always struck me as a little pricey for what they offer, but they’re also dead consistent which counts for something.

          JJs, no way I’d spent $26 for a sandwich of any size.

          At those prices (or McDonald’s prices these days, TBH), I’d just as soon sit down and also tip for basically the same amount of money with better quality food.

          Self-checkout tipping has never made sense to me. I haven’t done the deep dive research, but I suspect that since the tips are not directed at an employee, it’s an easy way for the business itself to get tips w/o being in violation of tip theft laws. No intended employee recipient == free-for-all and business can grab the cash.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Not gonna lie. If I found an open Chi-Chis, I’d probably eat there. More out of nostalgia than anything but that used to be one of my favorite places.

      • @[email protected]
        -23 months ago

        You consider chipotle to be a health risk because the food is cooked there? I assume you would consider a Burger King a health risk?

        • @StupidBrotherInLaw
          63 months ago

          I can’t figure out how you came to that response based on their comment.

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          More that they’ve had a number of food safety issues over the years, and seem not to have taken any definitive steps to resolve that - as opposed to e.g., JJ’s who got rid of the sprouts, since they were entirely unable to be cooked/sanitized/etc.

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      I really want to stop eating Chipotle, but I’m autistic and it’s one of my few safe foods that I just can’t give up.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        63 months ago

        …define “safe”. I’m not sure from a health standpoint it’s all that safe.

        • @mostNONheinous
          163 months ago

          They most likely mean safe as in they are used to it and it causes no sensory issues for them.

        • @[email protected]
          93 months ago

          People who are on the spectrum get comfortable with certain meals and consider it safe. Like, it’s consistent. New foods and flavors really mess with them.

    • @Fredselfish
      43 months ago

      I never eaten their food. So guess I missed nothing.

    • peopleproblems
      13 months ago

      I don’t miss the lines, but I miss how good it looked behind the counter. Now I just don’t eat there and it’s much better

  • @The_v
    513 months ago

    When chipotle first started the lines where long and the food was good. Their process flow was optimized for the constant stream of customers.

    They had a large staff of people for the size of the restaurant so people had dedicated jobs with a few who spent all day cleaning.

    They were always way under on their holding times for the food. They separated people handling hot and cold ingredients and the till.

    From a foodborne pathogen aspect it was a really safe place to eat.

    Then they overbuilt, increased their prices and lost quality control. Their customer flow started declining. With the decrease in customers, food was pushing holding times, crews were reduced so more cross-contamination occured, and cleaning fell way behind.

    Today Chipotle can be referred to as “shitpotle” as the probability of foodborne disease is pretty much guaranteed.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I used to love Chipotle but hadn’t had it in years. Got a burrito a month ago. It was a like someone tried to make a stew with no flavor, just water, then scooped it into a tortilla. Half of it ended in the trash.

  • @[email protected]
    503 months ago

    I wonder how bad their financials are if the CEO is publicly speaking out about this problem.

    Chipotle used to be my favorite restaurant, but the last time I ate there was probably 2019. It just stopped being worth the effort of trying to get a full bowl.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      283 months ago

      It shouldn’t really require effort. If I wanted to expend effort, I would cook this shit at home. Which is what I actually do do, because fuck fast food price gouging.

    • @[email protected]
      243 months ago

      I remember that chipotle was the restaurant for college campuses. Early 2000s and into the 2010s. But then…it became shit.

      Other companies came in and they were better and cheaper.

      Now I only go to Chipotle when I’m on the road and literally can’t find a better place. Hell, I’ll go to McDonald’s before I go to Chipotle.

      They fell so hard.

      • 👍Maximum Derek👍
        133 months ago

        There’s a local cart that does burrito bowls and half the positive reviews say something like “its like chipotle used to be”

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      Coincidentally, 2019 is when they got a new CEO, laid off almost all the corporate personnel and moved from Denver to Newport Beach. Weird that decapitating the company would have an effect on it…

    • Phenomephrene
      103 months ago

      I stopped going there after they required ordering via their app. Not sure if that was a policy everywhere or just around here. I use apps to order at a lot of places, but I’d tried using the Chipotle app previously and found both smaller portions and that their error rate was higher than I was willing to deal with. If I can’t walk in and watch my order being made so I can make sure it’s correct, sorry, I’ll go somewhere else.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Was that during COVID? I regularly eat Chipotle around the US and I’ve never encountered this requirement, I always order at the counter so it is fresh.

        • Phenomephrene
          33 months ago

          Yeah, that’s when the requirement started. I’d tried the app before that and that was when I decided I wouldn’t use it. They kept the policy around long enough for me to completely give up on them. Not actually sure if it’s still a thing around here. Not super urgent for me to find out. I go to Pancheros now for a quick service burrito analogue.

    • @WraithGear
      43 months ago

      I want to know what they did with the rice? Like it’s mushy and or has the wrong flavor. I think it used to have some lime juice in it, but now the rice being bad just overpowered the whole thing.

  • @[email protected]
    403 months ago

    If it was just 10% of restaurants skimping a little, the effect would not be nearly enough to show up on quarterly financials. The fact that he addresses this at all, and the fact that it is big enough to show up on financials, shows that it is a significant company-wide issue. I also note the weasel word, over 10%. That could mean 100%. My guess is the vast majority if not all of their locations were skimping, because corporate told them to. And now suddenly they realize they lost customer good will, and a lot of people just stopped going. It probably shows up in focus groups, if enough people said I used to eat Chipotle but they started skipping on portions so I don’t go there anymore, they realized they lost people. And an announcement like this is necessary because those customers aren’t going back to the store and won’t see the larger portion.

    • @PlantJam
      23 months ago

      I usually get a bowl, my partner gets tacos. The tacos are a much smaller serving of food. The last time we got Chipotle, both food containers weighed about the same. We haven’t been back since, despite there being a location very close to where we live. Once before that the rice was visibly under cooked (it looks slightly more opaque). At this point it would take some “free food” coupons for me to bother with them again.

  • @[email protected]
    313 months ago

    There’s also zero reason for me to ever set foot in a Chipotle when we’ve two different local chains, one primarily sit-down and one primarily food truck-based, offering broader menus, safer food, and better food - along with all the miscellaneous one-offs that one would expect in a city of any size.

    (Shout-out to Moe’s, for anybody in Chambana!)

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Why do you assume it’s safer? There’s like thousands of Chipotle’s and every couple years there’s a few reports from a few of them making people sick. A one off shop with the same odds would have a very slim chance of having an issue, even after being open for over a decade.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Yep. I spend more time delivering the local place than eating it, but even the significant local population of college students largely seems to avoid Chipotle when they order in.

  • Flying Squid
    173 months ago

    There used to be a place in the town where I grew up that advertised “burritos as big as your head,” but they did not take large-headed people like myself into account. The burrito was smaller than my head.

    • @AbidanYre
      113 months ago

      Lionel Hutz would have taken that case for you.

      • Flying Squid
        53 months ago

        I would have sued, but they were damn good burritos.

    • SeaJ
      83 months ago

      There is a place here in Seattle that has pictures of their burrito grande next to babies and they are of equal size. Somewhat ironically the restaurant is name Gordito’s Healthy Mexican restaurant.

      • Flying Squid
        53 months ago

        By ‘healthy,’ they clearly mean the portions.

        • paraphrand
          43 months ago

          I’m not sure. I only knew of it being in one spot in Madison.

          • Flying Squid
            53 months ago

            Then yes, because I was in Indiana.

          • quicklime
            33 months ago

            I have my own photo of that same thing, took it in Chicago in 2013!

    • Doug Holland
      13 months ago

      La Bamba in Madison? The burritos are yummy, but it’s a lie — not as big as my head, either.

      • EchoCranium
        33 months ago

        There used to be one in Kalamazoo MI on the west side of the WMU campus in the 90’s. Loved that place, burritos were really good. No, not really as big as your head, but it was a lot of food.

      • Flying Squid
        23 months ago

        The one I went to was in Indiana. Nice to see one of them is still around though.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Qdoba melted so fast to the Chipotle takeover. My buddy used to work in a Qdoba in college and he’d sing praises about Chipotle. Then his store melted (and nearly every Qdoba disappeared in my state)

      Shame they both are falling apart.

    • @Telodzrum
      3 months ago

      Qdoba used to be great. Now it sucks as much as Chipotle.

  • @esc27
    133 months ago

    At least those folks get some food. The chipotle near me tells people to order online and then does nothing until hours after the food was due and people complain.

  • @Alexstarfire
    43 months ago

    I don’t eat at Chipotle but I respect the CEO for admitting it.

  • @KoalaUnknown
    43 months ago

    Tip for chipotle: just order the kids meal, you get two tacos, chips, and a drink for less than $6 after tax.

  • @ThunderWhiskers
    33 months ago

    Freebirds is better anyway, fucking fight me let’s GOOOOOO!

    • @WindyRebel
      23 months ago

      Can’t get that here in Chicago, so no way to know if you’re right.

  • AmidFuror
    -53 months ago

    Thing is, the burritos are already really large. It’s more than a dinner portion by itself. Everyone here wants to make fun of Americans for being fat, but then they bitch when their 1400 kcal burrito is now 1200 kcals.

    • @Dkarma
      163 months ago

      Anyone would complain if they’re paying the same price…

      • TheTechnician27
        83 months ago

        And anyone would complain even more if they’re paying much more and getting less.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      No they are not. They haven’t been large enough to be considered a meal in the last 10 years. They are $15 for a little piece of shit that is about the same size a a child’s cheese burger from a happy meal.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    The link is about something else. Does no one actually click the links anymore?

    Edit: The link is a video for me when I click it: something like cbsnews.com…master.m3u8. Seems to be issue with my app. Sorry about that.

    • @vxx
      93 months ago

      We did read it. Don’t know what your issue is, but it seems to be an issue not affecting us.

    • @Alexstarfire
      53 months ago

      Link goes to the correct article for me. Not sure why it took you elsewhere.

    • subignition
      43 months ago

      I double-checked the article’s comments page from your instance’s website, and it seems to be displaying correctly. If you are using a mobile app, you may want to consider filing a bug report with the author.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      The URL ends with chipotle-portion-order-size-bowl-ceo-brian-niccol/, which is clearly correct.