• Sippy Cup
      567 months ago

      When men were men, girls were girls, and they both raped anyone younger than them to demonstrate their prowess and strength.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        407 months ago

        And priests could show little boys the light of religion is found through their butthole!

        …wait, that still happens…

        Ah well. Some things never change I guess.

      • @OpenHammer6677
        7 months ago

        Ah yes, traditional values where citizens* can be classified as Penetrator or Penetrated

        *qualifications apply

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    597 months ago

    Nothing better when you’re wrestling your buddy nude and all greased up and you fall and their dick accidentally goes in your butthole but you wouldn’t be a very good buddy if you stopped.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    That athlete in the background just getting hit in the balls with a long stick - what sport is that?

  • @[email protected]
    247 months ago

    I think we should resolve cheating concerns by banning technology at the Olympics. No drugs, no prosthetics, no shoes, no clothes, no cooked meals. Once you arrive at the Olympic village, it’s nuts and berries in the nude until the ceremony is over.

    You can have access to whatever technology is absolutely necessary for the sport, like guns if the sport is shooting.

    • @[email protected]
      197 months ago

      like guns if the sport is shooting.

      Why can’t they just throw the bullet with their bare hands as god intended?

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        That would probably require some insane bone and muscular structure.

        Out of scientific curiosity and for fun, I’m really eager to know now how humans would have to be like biologically/physically in order to throw a bullet with velocities comparable to contemporary weapons. 🤔

        Anyone bored enough to answer that?

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      This is basically my hot take about sport! Minus the being lost in the woods. All these bullshit events where you bring your on horse is not a sport.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Here’s my hot take. Disclaimer: I’m not saying any of these don’t require any skill.

        No sport that isn’t objective or purely human should be allowed in the Olympics. No horse dancing, or horse jumping, no skateboarding, or gymnastics, etc etc.

        I would be fine with skateboarding if it was objective stuff like who can ramp off the furthest or who can do X amounts of spins in x time and same for gymnastics. Wrestling should be purely on who can knock out/pin the opponent for x time and not have any technical subjective points.

        Again, I’m not saying any of these shouldn’t be allowed to exist or that they aren’t impressive/difficult. If it’s gonna be a competition about whose the best human on the planet for something it needs to be objective with no room for argument. It’s always the subjective sports that people have complaints about, usually about the judges not scoring correctly.

  • @[email protected]
    227 months ago

    If I am mixing up stuff on the timeline, please correct me…

    But didn’t greek older men fuck younger men? Usually teacher, student thing… If I remember correctly… But those athletes probably had a teacher…

    So these Athletes weren’t just nude, they probably had gay sex.

  • @TwoBeeSan
    207 months ago

    Head twink inspector in the bottom left had a cool gig

  • @brucethemoose
    157 months ago

    Imagine the ratings!

    Someone go tell the TV networks this. And no one can complain because its traditional.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      I’m not sure the world is ready.

      It’s been nearly 25 years, and Keith Chegwin’s Naked Jungle is still seared into my retinas.

  • @Allonzee
    7 months ago

    There’s a scene from Doctor Who that I adore, where Bill, the Doctor’s first openly lesbian companion is in a cave with some Ancient Romans, and when she thinks she so futurey and gonna blow their minds by telling them she is only interested in girls, they laugh in confusion and basically say they think her prudishness of only being sexual with women, as they have no such hang ups and go where their sexuality inspires them to go based on their affection for the person, is adorably quaint and smallminded.

    IMHO we’re the backwards ones with all of our hangups, modesty, and need to declare/define the walls we’ve made. I’ve never stopped cringing since I read about humans that knew better than to wall off and hyper-scrutinize their sexuality, a massive part of who we all are whether we’ve been successfully taught to be ashamed of it and ourselves as current culture demands or not.

    Imagine chasing bliss in plastic shit consumerism while denying and being encouraged to be ashamed of your built in capacity for it. 2 steps forward, 2,000 steps back.

  • @gibmiser
    77 months ago

    Wtf is the guy in the foreground on the right doing? Kooks like either tying off to ride the white stallion or he’s on PCP and degloving himself

  • @TheMirkMan
    47 months ago

    I am patiently waiting for the return of pankration

  • @Th3D3k0y
    37 months ago

    If I recall correctly, they also would wash themselves with perfume made of the sweat of the gladiators, and something with urin.