You know this isn’t about male or female, it’s about promoting hate.
It’s weird, because having spent a lot of time with them, it always seemed to me, that a lot of “right-wingers” are misanthropes who just need a group to hate and a reason to hate said group. Then they acquire a right-wing (preferably radical) ideology and retroactively rationalize their hate with that. And I do know even self-defined far-right people (if not that many) who don’t just blindly hate any group (I know, weird) but most of them in my opinion just hate everyone and everything but only letting you know about the minorities don’t like.
Every cuntservative talking point is a lie wrapped around a kernel of truth that they don’t even care if it makes sense as long as they feel it gives them permission to hate.
around a kernel of truth
Not truth, just what they feel ought to be true because of some backwards ass reasoning that sounds semi-logical when you have a room-temp IQ and you don’t think about the thing for more than a second
I’m going to disagree with you here because I think you are missing part of their tactics.
I’ll give an example:
The whole ‘schools leaving out kitty litter boxes for furry kids to poop in’ as Joe Rogan so deliberately spread.
The kernel of truth is that some schools did put kitty litter boxes in some classrooms, but not because of furry kids, rather so in the case of a school shooter that kids have an emergency place to relieve themselves.
The reason why the ‘kernel of truth’ is important to their propaganda is that THERE WILL BE SOME WHO CHECK!
But because they WANT to believe in the most disturbing possibility, when they check and see that yes indeed some classes were issued kitty litter boxes they will stop reading the article there and just get all enthusiastic about their new license to hate, ignoring the actual reasons for the quickly reversed policy.
Without the kernel of truth to their lies, the people who do a tiny bit of research will immediately see their bullshit. So they make sure to craft it around one leverageable and overextended fragment of truth.
Putting out kitty litter boxes doesn’t make the sentence “kitty litter boxes for furries to poop in”" true in any way in my opinion.
So “kernel of truth” for conservatives is if the sentence has a different meaning if you don’t read it all the way through? Makes sense, but, ugh.
Of course what the repugnicunt propaganda faces said WASN’T true. The entire sentence taken in full is factually incorrect, because the actual truth doesn’t push their regressive agenda.
But that doesn’t matter to people actively looking for a reason to hate. And every study shows the rights disdain for education and rational thinking.
The kernel of truth is that yes, some classes had kitty litter boxes setup.
But the reason for it will be ignored by people who want to imagine schools as progressive lifestyle training camps.
Well I think we see the phrase “kernel of truth” differently, and that’s really not the issue here.
The issue is the willfull ignorance this bullshit relies on.
Those that choose the path of willful ignorance do it purposefully and deliberately to shield themselves from self-examination, do you really think a single one of them would read 2 sentences on stoicism without angrily shouting about “libruhl commie propuhganda that wants to turn our kids into furries” or something equivalent?
Espousing the obvious virtues of the stoic mindset to them is FIGURATIVELY pearls before swine, there is no amount of rational browbeating that will even dent their absolutely subsumed egos as long as they have even the slightest self-license to hate what they don’t understand.
You have to look at the mechanism of ‘moral causes’ that they choose, and how they justify them publicly.
See, I think this is the mistake you are making: Every justification out of their mouths is just a smoke screen to shield them from being called out for bigotry. Every one. They don’t believe what they are saying, they just want to be an angry voice in a crowd of angry voices and their chosen news media fills them every day with fear, disgust, and party loyalty as the cure.
kids have an emergency place to relieve themselves.
ah, not really the intent of it though that’s a nicer thing to tell the other kids
kids have an emergency place to relieve themselves.
Those are called bathrooms, and I believe conservatives have some gripes about them as well.
I’m slow and missed this week’s news cycle. What the hell is going on?
Does this have to do with the Olympic Boxing thing?
What’s the Olympics boxing thing?
Boxer from Algeria beat an Italian boxer in something like 46 seconds.
Algerian girl had been previously banned from a boxing event after some “confidential” test determined she didn’t qualify. Later,the boxing group said she had XY chromosomes but no solid evidence. Olympics tested her and she passed. She was born a girl and always lived as a girl, being trans is illegal in her country.
The right is insisting she is trans because of either the XY thing or a claim that she has high T levels (I don’t think this has been confirmed). Suddenly they are acting like her genitals don’t matter and she is a male anyway even without any evidence (at best she would be intersex from the chromosomes but not trans).
I’ve heard it being described as “the right thinks there’s two genders: men and fuckable. Anything they personally consider not fuckable is now being called the former.”
That is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say, ever. I wonder, is it fuckable or breedable?
Then you might like the saying about the two races: white and political.
Finally, it won’t be gay to find femboys hot.
Funnily enough, with the fact that grindr crashes sometimes near republican conventions, they may think the same way. They would never admit it though, of course.
Hi der.
Oh I dunno. I’ve seen plenty of right wingers with hate symbols on their pickup trucks that definitely have some very grey areas between men and fuckable .
I think they just don’t want to admit they could get their ass kicked by a woman.
So weird.
hergie bacyadan is literally an out trans man in boxing and nobody cares
Can a non tankie provide/copy paste an answer to this? I cant see the following response chain because it’s filled with people I blocked
Lol this is the price you pay. If you want information, sometimes it won’t be filtered through your preferred mouthpiece.
And I’m not even tankie-adjacent.
Small price to pay tbh. Its not like asking cost me anything, and I definitely dont care enough to block less tankies over it.
Edit: Also I get my high like to dislike ratio, but yours I find weird, as its fair?
Oof don’t ever mention likes unless you want downvotes.
I can’t even see my ratio on my client, but that’s the oldest rule in the book.
LMAO That’s hilarious, it wasnt even mine I was mentioning xD
(Tbh though it’s probably more that the Tankies are butthurt that they cant share their brainrot with me anymore)
A large woman beat small woman in boxing. Larger woman isn’t conventionally attractive and the small one claimed she’s trans, but she’s not.
Something something she might have XY chromosomes, but who knows and who cares? 🤷♂️
Now right wingers are trying to say people born with vaginas can be men which is hypocritical.
Also the crybaby loser that’s upset she got hit in a boxing match is/was a cop, so fuck her who gives a shit?
Oh and Jake Paul was saying some shit. Holy fuck I’m so tired of all this.
The small one did not claim that the big one is trans. The is not the person making allegations here and has apologized for not shaking hands.
LMAO, they’re seriously saying someone with a vagina can be a man and not putting 2 and 2 together!?
… Fuck man, wait, that’s totally believable…
I hate this world…
That IS what they’re saying.
It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous.
I’m so fucking tired of the public discourse being basic human decency VS some absurdly insane fucking bullshit presented like it should matter.
Like come the fuck on. Quit being fucking weird.
I’m at the point where I will seriously punch a dude in the fucking mouth for even bringing it up.
Trans rights are human rights and I’m not going to pretend like they’re not. It shouldn’t even be an issue.
You can only be trans if they are trying to out-group you, clearly
It’s not the world’s fault that some naked apes are assholes.
Well it’s not the entire world
I more mean I hate it because this level of incompatible thinking is unfortunately super common (As in I probably do it in different topics myself
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Even Holland who is usually level headed comes into the Olympics like “here’s a child rapist to represent us, we gotta find him special accommodations since there are kids in the village and like we said, our guy raped a child” but don’t you dare criticize us!
The Netherlands* but otherwise yes, absolutely. His inclusion is pretty ridiculous. I understand and agree with not outright banning people who have been convicted of crimes, but surely the line should come before child rape. It’s easily one of the most heinous and unforgivable things a human can do.
And every single Dutch person thinks it’s fucking absurd
I hope you guys are making a stink to your government about it, cause as a Canadian watching the Olympics, it does reflect poorly on your whole country
Damn right it does. I honestly don’t know what they were thinking. Even if you accept that he’s “served his time” (which is debatable),and he may be a great athlete, it just isn’t a good look to have a convicted child rapist/molester representing you on the biggest sports event in the world.
This can and should be the undoing of the mainstream MAGA/Tories fascist and transphobic BS we have been spoon-fed for the last 7 or so years.
They’re completely immune to hypocrisy, unfortunately
Hypocrisy is one of their core values.
This is correct. It took me years to cure my liberal belief that hypocrisy is not a virtue for these assholes (conservatism). So much time wasted on “gotchas” about it.
You can’t logic someone out of a belief they didn’t logic into.
They’re all feelings. You gotta get them afraid of the right things. Like billionaires.
But it’s much simpler to make them fear jews, trans people, or muslims
Mark Twain said it is much easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they are being fooled.
Can we fool them into being decent people?
I did the “ok, but why” argument with a MAGA I am forced to interact with on the trans issue.
He ended up admitting how “well, what am I supposed to do if I meet a really cute girl, and we go out, and then she had a penis!” I dunno, what would you do there? Maybe realize something about yourself and stop being a hateful fuck.
A few trans people were killed in the similar situation and that’s horrible
So much time wasted on “gotchas” about it.
I feel your pain friend, intimately.
Can and should and won’t. Remember: the SI unit for progress is the Funeral.
Can you convert that to freedom units for me?
wait, when?
There is a boxer in the Olympics, who was assigned female at birth, has always female sex organs, was raised as female, and identifies as a woman. Some people are arguing that she shouldn’t be considered a woman because she may or may not have XY chromosomes.
They keep moving the goalpost what it means to be a man or a woman - complaining about genitals. Stupid shit.
Soon, they’ll be arguing about how women have more theta waves and a man’s chakra needs to be above 80 Megatron’s.
you mean someone born female with male chromosomes?
is that because she lost?
No, she won, so the crazies think that means she’s a man, because that’s the only way she can be good at sports.
She won (she is not pale white) with white woman from italy. this is pure racism.
oh, i get it now
standard right wing babble, what did i expect
were found to have competitive advantages over other [female] competitors
Thats the whole point of competitives sports though. I don’t complain about only swimming slower then Michael Phelps because he has certain bodily characterisrics which give him a competitive advantage.
Women’s events are created specifically to filter out Michael Phelps and other people with male characteristics.
Gender is not binary and a line must be drawn somewhere. The previous IBA charges of “competitive advantages over other female competitors” were not appealed against by Imane Khelif.
No, she won and now they think she could only win because she’s secretly a man somehow.
It’s fun how the asshole at the IBA who conducted the genetic testing for XY chromosomes can’t seem to replicate the results, sure loves talking about them.
“She had a man’s body!” No, pretty sure that’s boobs and a vagina, buddy. But, we can’t expect much knowledge about female anatomy from conservatives.
“HEY WORLD! We did a test and it totally showed that she could have XY chromosomes, but we aren’t going to say what test we did, or what the results were, because that would violate her medical privacy and we would NEVER want to do that…”
Female anatomy is the same as male Anatomy, some combination of penis vagina and boobs.
But they so earnestly care about fairness in women’s sports! \s
You know, we should do a follow up with their logic and dare them to propose a ban to black athletes for having unfair advantages too.
Which, um, used to be true?
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Well I agree, we should continue with this logic. Unironically get rid of gender discriminatory leagues. My gender has nothing to do with whether someone 2ft taller than me will destroy me at basketball. Or genetic reflexes differences, etc. The only way to separate people based on genetic ability would be to separate based on performance(and this of course disadvantages people of average performance because of genetics, but above average technique/training/etc.)
First, that’s already how many sports are, there’s an “open” league and a women’s league that exists because sexual dimorphism is a hell of a drug.
Second, skill-based classes present a different perverse incentive to intentionally under-perform in order to dominate a lower bracket rather than ascend to the bottom of a higher tier.
There’s not really a perfect solution as long as there are stakes beyond pride and good sportsmanship.
Most people that argue for making all sports open like this don’t seem to realize how much testosterone does for muscle growth.
Take the best 150lbs male boxer vs best 150lbs female boxer. Fight will be over in three hits and the woman would be half dead.
Take the best male boxer and me, fight will be over in 3 hits and I’ve be half dead.
Same. Are we both girls?
nope xd
a women’s league that exists because sexual dimorphism is a hell of a drug.
Well yeah thats the thing, sex is one advantage, but so is a lot of the rest of genetics.
Second, skill-based classes present a different perverse incentive to intentionally under-perform in order to dominate a lower bracket rather than ascend to the bottom of a higher tier.
Too many billionaires own basketball teams for this to fly.
Not a ban, but I’d like to hear the arguments against a black only swimming category.
I’ll start:-
- Difficulty defining “black”
I just watched the 100m sprints and it looks like the black athletes have a natural advantage based on the fact that 90% of the competitors were black.
Hardly unfair though. Unfair advantage is men competing in women’s boxing or men competing in women’s weight lifting
luckily imane khelif is not a man. or trans. and most likely not even intersex. neither is there any evidence she has above average testosterone levels.
Agreed. It’s hilarious how little these people know about female boxing. Just a quick google search for top female boxers and you find ten women you have physiques equal or greater than Imane’s.
We are losing the class war…
“In a stunning twist…”
I think they’re finally using kettle logic.
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There’s no inconsistency here. People with XY chromosomes (i.e. Imane Khelif) should not be competing in women’s sports. Imane probably has ambiguous genitalia that was identified as a vagina at birth (i.e. a legitimate usage of the term AFAB), but should not be competing in women’s sports. Intersex people often have undescended/underdeveloped testicles that give them an unfair advantage vs women.