• @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Trump has also fielded calls from donors who are upset about his running mate, JD Vance, and the Ohio senator’s previous comments including referring to Harris as a ‘childless cat lady.”

    Trump dismissed calls for Vance to be replaced on the ticket, but he also asked advisers if they were aware of the comments before Vance was selected.

    At the Hamptons dinner, Trump also downplayed the Democrats’ strategy of painting the GOP as “weird.”

    “Not about me. They’re saying that about JD,” Trump said, according to the Times.

    Oof. Incredible lack of self-awareness while also throwing your running mate under the bus lol

    • partial_accumen
      851 month ago

      Oof. Incredible lack of self-awareness while also throwing your running mate under the bus lol

      Trump whipped a violent mob into a frenzy ready to actually lynch his last running mate. JD just needs to look at Pence to see what his own future holds.

      • @[email protected]
        331 month ago

        If they win, they are going to 25th Ammendment Trump. Then it will be Peter Thiels puppet in charge.

        Make no mistake about it.

        • @barsquid
          171 month ago

          It would be funny to see Donald stroke out with rage from that. But it would be even funnier to see him stroke out with rage if he is defeated by a black woman. Also it wouldn’t be a fascist dictatorship, so I’d greatly prefer the latter.

    • @aquinteros
      261 month ago

      lmao he genuinely thinks people don’t find him weird. what a weirdoooo

      • Ech
        131 month ago

        If by “genuinely thinks” you mean “is in denial”, sure. It’s not so much a matter of believing it or not, he just says what he wants to be true, simple as.

    • @barsquid
      161 month ago

      “They don’t hate me, they hate my VP.” What a dimwit.

      • @ripcord
        71 month ago

        I read that at first as “Make America White Again” and was thinking “since the beginning”

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I feel like it was the kind of thing that worked better before articles were written about it and then literally every article and comment since then has included the word.

      Openly talking about it as a strategy feels like it’s turning it into our version of “Let’s Go Brandon” in a way.

      • @machinin
        211 month ago

        I thought the same thing, but it has sparked a huge discussion about if the word “weird” is a good label for Trump, Vance, and the most fervent MAGA supporters. When you’re fighting a cult, I have a feeling it works.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          Fair point, I see where you are coming from. This is definitely one of those “I’d rather be wrong” opinions on my end.

  • @[email protected]
    691 month ago

    It’s a dog whistle. He just wants to constantly remind his racist cult that she’s black, so they won’t focus on him being senile, belligerent, and stupid.

    • @iAvicenna
      730 days ago

      let him spend his energy on people who will anyways vote republicans no matter what even if he is 105 years old

  • @[email protected]
    691 month ago

    Lmao does anyone else remember the shooting? Everyone seemed so convinced his win was in the bag after that “iconic” photo. Now it’s a big whatever.

    • @pyre
      701 month ago

      that’s one of the reasons why the dropout was a good idea. it came so soon after the shooting and made such waves that it completely drowned the shooting.

      it helps that a. he didn’t really get hurt and b. he’s super unpopular, so the reaction from people who weren’t already in the maga cult ranged from “don’t give a shit” to “you had one job”.

      i think he’s super demoralized so he doesn’t even feel like campaigning. the press conference was probably people around him telling him that Harris has been dominating the media and getting ahead in the polls so he had to show his orange mug before people completely forgot about him (ah, we should be so lucky).

      mind that one of the factors in 2016 was that he was so outrageous that he got billions of dollars worth of free advertising. now people are talking about Harris, walz and couches.

    • @barsquid
      351 month ago

      Not even Donald’s ear remembers the shooting. It was back to regular condition just days later.

    • @aesthelete
      2130 days ago

      Joe leaving the race effectively wiped out anything from that event. Trump for once is the victim of the mass adhd that is our current media and cultural environment. I myself have forgotten several times that he was even shot at, and he’s not good at keeping it front and center in anyone’s mind either.

    • @half_built_pyramids
      529 days ago

      I wonder if he’s worried the 2nd time won’t be just a shrapnel knick, and that’s why he’s not leaving home.

      • @ngwoo
        429 days ago

        I remember insiders saying that he was scared he’d get shot even before it happened. Wouldn’t be surprised.

        • @half_built_pyramids
          129 days ago

          Trump “had a longtime fear of being poisoned, one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald’s — nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade,” Wolff reports.

    • @DrDickHandler
      230 days ago

      It still helped him. I don’t know where you’re going with this. It created a great story and narrative.

  • @[email protected]
    531 month ago

    I live in a blue state. Almost all of the kids I see nowadays are mixed race. This sort of shit is almost over. As soon as the boomers die out, there won’t be a majority white voter.

    • @nomous
      301 month ago

      In some far future utopia we will’ve all interbred and evolved to a nice caramel/olive skin and our descendents will imagine us as cavemen. If we mange to make it that long.

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        181 month ago

        I gotta say this is actually something I’m disappointed by.

        Not because I want white people to survive forever or think any race is better than the other but because I like the idea of living in a world with other races. Like a fantasy setting with different types of elves or whatnot.

        I like the diversity and would love to see just how different each race could become while still being the same species.

        • @[email protected]
          229 days ago

          I mean, that has already happened in our history. The result is that the lion’s share of humans are 1-4% Neanderthal. Not to mention ancestry from Denisovans and possibly others.

          The end result of a DnD world is a bunch of humans with slightly pointy ears and big teeth.

          • @[email protected]
            51 month ago

            Same. If I stood naked against a white wall and closed my eyes you would swear I had disappeared.

        • @CeeBee_Eh
          430 days ago

          I don’t glow in the dark, I’m just pretty much see-through. I also burn in a matter of minutes in the sun.

          • @Fosheze
            229 days ago

            Whenever I remove my shirt I hear “The beacons are lit! Gondor call for aid!”

        • shastaxc
          1029 days ago

          Everyone needs UV protection to defend against cancer regardless of skin color

            • @grepe
              229 days ago

              but in space nobody can hear you cream

          • @Noobnarski
            129 days ago

            I thought that people with darker skin dont need it that much compared to people with lighter skin, especially people with really white skin that instantly get sunburn?

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      1930 days ago

      That’s why they’re so afraid. You should see the looks I get from boomers when they see my tanned ass with my white wife

  • Rusty Femboy
    341 month ago

    This won’t go well for him. Even after the meeting the Republicans had when they were told not to be racist and misogynistic against Harris they still can’t help themselves.

  • @Rustywhims
    331 month ago

    Saying it got him attention. He is gonna keep saying it as long as it gives him attention.

  • t�m
    301 month ago

    In his mind biracial doesn’t exist so he’ll keep going; one day it’ll stop just not today.

    • @[email protected]
      231 month ago

      His mind also can’t admit he made a mistake. That quote is just way too perfect “I think I was right

  • @UncleGrandPa
    271 month ago

    My first reaction was to wonder why anyone would care what her race is. It is the least interesting or important thing about her

    • Todd Bonzalez
      81 month ago

      Racial Colorblindness is still racism. Kamala Harris, like anyone mixed race or nonwhite, has had a measurably different experience living in America than her white peers.

      Fixating on her race the way Trump and Republicans are doing is absolutely racist.

      But hand waving her racial identity away like it is irrelevant is also quite a racist thing to do.

      • @Buddahriffic
        161 month ago

        In what ways is it relevant to judging someone’s capability to be president?

        • @[email protected]
          101 month ago

          Having certain experiences means intimately knowing the problems affecting others in a similar situation, and that puts you in a better position to fix them.

        • @[email protected]
          929 days ago

          She might know a little bit of the struggles the non-white community in the US have to go through, possibly experienced it first hand one way or the other. That might lead to a more inclusive presidency than what Trump would do.

          • @Buddahriffic
            229 days ago

            Yeah, but can that same logic be applied to say black conservatives? Some people see struggles, including their own, as something they should work to help others avoid. Some see struggles as a membership fee or filter to make a better way of life more exclusive and are glad they are there, even if it was hard to go through them.

            Plus, not all experiences are equal. While dealing with some racism might be universal for minority races, specific experiences can vary wildly. Think like fresh Prince of Belair where social status and wealth meant Will’s family had a very different environment that was shielded from some of the worst aspects of systemic racism like being stuck in a ghetto with many others but not many resources per person and not much to do.

            That’s why I think skin colour alone isn’t a useful consideration, just like it’s not useful to determine if a specific individual is trustworthy or a criminal.

            • @[email protected]
              29 days ago

              Yeah that’s intersectionality.

              individuals’ social and political identities result in unique combinations of discrimination and privilege.

              Not that it’s a competition, but having a little more diversity along any axis (like skin colour) is probably preferable, all things being equal.

      • @GaMEChld
        830 days ago

        What the hell does “racial colorblindness is still racism” mean?

        • @trashgirlfriend
          1230 days ago

          it’s mostly a problem in the situation where a person goes “Racism is over, you shouldn’t complain”

          You can’t dismiss the power that race has in people’s lives to this day because institutional racism still exists, and the consequences of the more overt institutional racism of the past are still in effect.

        • @[email protected]
          830 days ago

          When you say something like “I don’t see color” or “I don’t see race”, you’re actively dismissing an immutable part of a person’s identity, which is insulting. You can acknowledge and appreciate someone’s race without treating them differently because of it.

          • @GaMEChld
            129 days ago

            No that’s ridiculous. Not seeing something is in No Way actively doing anything. It is by definition passive.

            • @[email protected]
              429 days ago

              The colour blindness of children is what you’re thinking of. They’re the only ones untainted by the racism they will inevitably be exposed to later in life.

              You’d have to be incredibly innocent, ignorant, or obtuse, if you got to adulthood without being aware that a person’s visible race will affect how others (like racists) will treat them.

              • @GaMEChld
                129 days ago

                It’s easy to be aware of a fact in a moment and lose sight of it in practice it a complex scenario. As I said, I’m neuro divergent, and my closest friends who know me well would liken the naive or innocent way I view things to be similar to childlike naivete. Maybe their not the only ones as untainted as you think. I’ve grown up experiencing very little racism while being brown skinned, so I just don’t think about it in my day to day view.

                If there’s two different forms of racial colorblindness, and it’s ok for kids to be one and adults can’t be the other one, I don’t know it just sounds like dumb nonsense labels purposefully designed to start arguments. Almost sounds like troll language.

            • @[email protected]
              329 days ago

              No it’s not, it’s actively dismissing someone’s race. The passive thing is to say nothing about it.

              • @GaMEChld
                29 days ago

                So I’m neuro divergent and I don’t see people in terms of race. I guess I’m racist now. Who knew. You freaking people are why the right thinks we’re insane. Blind people are racist too?

                Here is me actively dismissing. I see your skin color and I make a conscious decision to omit that fact.

                You are saying if someone doesn’t actually notice the color of people when we see them we are racist. That’s exactly like saying people who are deaf are rude for ignoring you when you speak. Ridiculous.

                • @[email protected]
                  229 days ago

                  We’re not expecting you to see people in terms of race. That would be profiling. You’re being far too literal and not making a point in good faith by trying to equate visual impairment in this context.

                  Please look up the difference between equality and equity, and why equality isn’t sufficient and can in fact still be exclusionary in today’s reality. That’s the point we’re trying to make here.

  • Queen HawlSera
    2030 days ago

    So uhh when’s he just going say the gamer word that sounds like neighbor?

  • @foggy
    161 month ago

    We know you do, donnie.

  • @lennybird
    121 month ago

    He looks so much more pathetic than usual.

  • @werefreeatlast
    1030 days ago

    The human race is an unscientific way of saying single species of human called homosapiens. There aren’t more, just us multicolored assholes. Now replace “race” with the real thing… “Trumpfus persists in insulting Harris by calling her a fake black person as his campaign flounders since shooting: 'I think I’m fucking racist”

    In added fucking. He didn’t say fucking.

  • @norimee
    81 month ago

    Of course he does. Racism is what carries his campain. He has nothing else to show for.

    • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
      529 days ago

      Casual racism is what laid the foundation of his cult. He stoked the flames for 8 years with an obsession when Obama hurt his fee-fees at a correspondents dinner and he’s been riding on that wave this whole time