• @VelvetStorm
      311 month ago

      When has trolling not been a super trashy thing?

    • @micka190
      111 month ago

      “Trolling/owning the libs” has pretty much always meant “let me invent a made-up situation where I get the upper hand and act smug about it”.

  • candyman337
    1211 month ago

    Their obsession with sexualizing brown left leaning women is so strange. Like it just makes them look like pervs

    • @SkunkWorkz
      841 month ago

      They sexualized Greta Thunberg. It’s not just brown women it’s every woman that deviates from their beauty standard.

      • @VelvetStorm
        271 month ago

        Please it could be a blonde haired blue eyed aryan goddess and they would just call her a whore and find something else to make fun of her over.

      • @Coreidan
        251 month ago

        It’s low hanging fruit. They have nothing against her so the best they can do is call her a whore.

        That’s their best material. It’s all they got. Anything else would require imagination and a certain level of intelligence.

        • @Buddahriffic
          91 month ago

          It’s kinda funny because the insult itself is actually an appeal to their male insecurity because they can’t handle the idea of a woman doing anything with other guys or even just being attracted to them, hence their strong negative association with those words.

          Like not really “haha” funny but “using that insult says more about you than it does the target of the insult” funny.

          Younger me was confused about “slut” being an insult because “slut” sounds way more fun than “prude”.

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            41 month ago

            I feel the same way about the insult “cocksucker.” How is that a bad thing?

            • @NegativeInf
              51 month ago

              It’s how my boyfriend refers to me. Terms of endearment.

    • @Noodle07
      381 month ago

      They want to elect a rapist 🤷

      • @madcaesar
        551 month ago

        They HAVE elected a rapist.

        • @[email protected]
          341 month ago

          And a pedophile don’t forget

          Also someone who gassed US civilians for a photo op, but I don’t think that’s relevant here.

    • @Skanky
      151 month ago

      Like it just makes them look like pervs


  • Lightor
    971 month ago

    Their entire party is just “make fun of the other side”, how do people not realize politics is about policies and they have none.

    • The Giant Korean
      391 month ago

      Then when you call one of them a couchfucker they’re like, “oh how despicable of you”.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      And they are absolutely losing now that the left is hitting them back and the attacks are sticking.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Don’t even ask for an explanation: simply “I don’t get it”

      with the flattest voice and smallest shrug you can manage.

      Then stop talking.

      Let the awkward silence fill the air and don’t break eye contact.

      There is an implicit expectation for an explanation, but it puts the focus on their creepy non sequiturs and denied then the rage they are trying to bait

    • @Landless2029
      331 month ago

      That reminds me of arguing with some unhinged folks back when I worked retail customer service.

      I would kill them with kindness and for some reason they would get madder that I was calm while they were screaming.

      Same vibes here. “I don’t get it” while calm and deadpan would make them smile and explain. Then they’d snap as you repeat.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        Mmm, takes me back to my retail days.

        Yes it’s kind of affected naivety high road. You just assume the best of the person trying to be insulting and give them the space to explain themselves, because we’re all reasonable adults here and surely they must have a good reason for their behaviour.

      • @shalafi
        1 month ago

        That is not how you deal with angry customers. FFS, I’m getting mad thinking about some simpy little ass-kisser coming at me all sweetness and light.

        That tells me several things:

        • You aren’t listening to me.
        • You don’t give a fuck about my problem.
        • You’re not going to do anything about my problem.
        • You have no empathy and I’m just a number to you, not a real human being.
        • Now I want to talk to your superior. And I’ll do about anything to avoid that bull shit.

        Acting like this is how customer-facing people get their ass chewed. Hell, I all but get mad right along with the customer!

        “Wait a minute, stop. Are you telling me (repeat the highlights of their getting screwed story)?!”

        That’s a powerful way to get on the same side, and if you’re good, your are on the customer’s side. Also, see how I asserted control over the conversation instead of letting them build steam? Your method is an industrial strength, demon powered, steam boiler.

        But what if the complaint is somewhat irrational?

        “Yeah, I get it, same crap happened to me (when… offer a true one-liner story of a similar woe you experienced). Look, that’s just how it is when (offer a true explanation for the issue, understaffed or whatever, but keep it low-key or you’re giving them more bitching ammo).”

        If I got a feel for the person, I may even borderline cuss under my breath. “… oh for … sake… Did they really tell you that?!” I may actually cuss if it’s that kinda conversation. This let’s them know you care, you’re engaged with their story.

        I could go on forever, and I have the experience and background to back it up, but here’s the only thing you need to know to win with customers. Are you ready?

        Treat them like an acquaintance, maybe a friend of a friend who came to you for help. Because they came to you for help and it’s your job to provide that help. If you can’t treat your customer like a real human being, get out of the business.

        “And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.”

        “It’s a lot more complicated than that–”

        “No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts.”

        “Oh, I’m sure there are worse crimes–”

        “But they starts with thinking about people as things…”

        –from Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett.

        I’m pissing in the wind here. If y’all won’t take instruction and insist on being bullied, go on with your bad self. Personally, I had my ass beat quite enough in grade school, so I learned some social skills.


        • @[email protected]
          241 month ago

          Your tips are good if the customer is rational, or if the compensation is worth the effort of that.

          I’ve worked a lot of retail, and sometimes there are just irrational people, though. Many angry customers do deserve the bare minimum. I’m not going to sympathize with them if their problem is their own fault, or if it is something minor that wasn’t anyone’s fault. I’m also not doing it if they want to be rude about it.

          Some jobs also don’t pay their employees or give them enough benefit to do more than the bare minimum. These kind of jobs are not worth the stress or mental energy.

          • @shalafi
            1 month ago

            You have to be compensated appropriately to learn how to deal with your fellow humans? So those people are “things” to be dealt with on a transactional basis? Sounds “Trumpian”. I was quite happy learning interpersonal skills that didn’t get my ass beat, found the skills I learned invaluable, but you do you, keep on keeping on.

            “Oh, I’m sure there are worse crimes–”

            “But they starts with thinking about people as things…”

            • @[email protected]
              161 month ago

              Yea, I mean I didn’t show up at my retail job to socialize if that’s what you mean. I didn’t say that anyone should be rude to anyone, just that they shouldn’t have to act like a concerned family member or whatever the other comment said.

              • @shalafi
                -91 month ago

                Then continue to get chewed out and everyone walks away unhappy and stressed out.

                If someone can’t handle basic social circumstances, that person shouldn’t be public facing. It’s the basic job description.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  If someone can’t handle basic social circumstances, that person shouldn’t be public facing. It’s the basic job description.

                  There is a gigantic difference between handling basic social circumstances and acting like a complaining customer’s best friend or family member.

                  The basic job description for most of these retail places in regards to customer service is to answer simple questions and refer people to management if they have an issue with the store or product. If you are doing more than this as a basic retail clerk, you should ask for a promotion.

                  I am not saying to be rude, at all. Just don’t do more work than what you are being paid for. Maybe you live in a place that pays retail employees fairly, and the effort is worth it. I most definitely live in a place that does not pay them enough to deal with some of that crap.

          • @shalafi
            -101 month ago

            LOL, sorry. I’m just burned listening to kids bitch about “customers” like they’re some form of human fungus. FFS, retail and customer service is boot camp for learning difficult social interaction. “But people should never be difficult!” LOL. No.

        • @[email protected]
          161 month ago

          I understand sir but we can’t accept returns for items you didn’t purchase from us is there anything else I can help you with?

          • @shalafi
            1 month ago

            Nope. Here’s how talking to them like a human works:

            “C’mon man! Where did you buy that thing? Here? Get me a receipt, or at least pull one off the shelf, then I can help. C’mon, give me something to work with here!”

            See how I put it back on them to take action and took control of the conversation? "You do a thing, I’ll try to help from there. Quid pro quo, super simple stuff.

            YMMV depending on the store’s policies and the customer, but you get the idea. Do not ever back down on bullies, call them out while offering options. A hard “NO” is always a fail.

            My first tech support job, had a guy going off on me about a thing, think it was where we had genuinely done him wrong. I’m new, I’m stunned, not used to being talked to like that.

            “Wait a minute! Sounds like we “fucked up whatever”, and I got ideas on fixing that, but are you mad at me personally?”

            And then I shut the fuck up, let him struggle. (Didn’t plan this, just spurted it out.)

            “Well… no… it’s just a very frustrating situation.”

            I’d be mad if I was you. So look, let’s start over and nail this down. I have a couple of ideas, but I need to get the story straight.”

            I’m empathizing, I’m listening, and I’m not pretending to do so. I really am. Customers smell fear disingenuous bullshit almost more so than fear.

            • @[email protected]
              101 month ago

              “C’mon man! Where did you buy that thing? Here? Get me a receipt, or at least pull one off the shelf, then I can help. C’mon, give me something to work with here!”

              When I worked in retail my manager would’ve written me up for talking like that

            • @[email protected]
              51 month ago

              Yeah I try that first, but if they’re just looking to berate someone who’s paid to put up with them then they just get the customer service mask

        • @Jeanschyso
          31 month ago

          Word, I worked at McDonald’s for 5 years and anytime someone said something I was like “yea isn’t this some bullshit huh? Ah well, human error, happens to all of us. I’ll go get you sorted out.”

          It’s better to redirect the anger into the void than to take it into yourself. I wasn’t paid enough to take that shit head on.

    • @cr0n1c
      101 month ago

      If you see one of these shirts in the wild, put them on the spot, especially if you have a young kid with you. Tell them your kid doesn’t understand the shirt, could they please explain it to them.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      71 month ago

      The proper response to these people is “BOOOOOO. WEEEEIRD.”

      • @laughterlaughter
        131 month ago

        I hate the “boo.” It sounds so childish (and yes, I know who we’re dealing with.)

        I think “that’s uh- weird” is more effective.

    • @Drivebyhaiku
      201 month ago

      Maybe they are trying to rebrand as “gross”?

    • @ameancow
      121 month ago

      “This is totally normal, despite the fact that leftists and democratic voters generally don’t do anything like this and aren’t even offended.”

  • @[email protected]
    521 month ago

    Holy shit. Is the only thing they have to say about Kamala is to call her a slut? Fuck them. Weirdos and degenerates and freaks.

    • @captainlezbian
      361 month ago

      I’m reminded of some comedian joking about how weird of an insult slut is. “Oh so I get laid a lot? What next? Am I smart too?”

      • @ameancow
        1 month ago

        They love weird insults that only make sense to them. Like “cuck.”

        There are millions of conservative men that find this deeply insulting, they hear the word and every nerve in their body lights up at the very idea of cuckolding. They sling the insult at other men expecting it to connect the same way and become enraged when they are met with smirking and chuckling and quizzical expressions.

        They invented this insult at about the same time that cuckold fetish porn was lighting up and trending hard. We don’t need to do TOO much math here to connect the ends of this soggy, frayed rope.

        As I’ve said elsewhere here, the root of fascism always has been and always will be about sexual insecurity and the combination fear/arousal dichotomy that deeply repressed men have about their kinks. They will allow the world to burn and millions of lives extinguished just to preserve the narrative that they’re “normal” while at the same time beating off like wild animals to the fantasy of swarthy, masculine, dark-skinned gentleman having sex with their wives or girlfriends.

    • @ameancow
      1 month ago

      In the words of the greatest treatise on political philosophy of our time, Disco Elysium, the entirety of Fascism boils down to “putting women in their place.”

      Everything else is just garnish and dressing to get to this one, fundamental idea, which is “women are scary” and need to be controlled in some way.

      They will burn the world down and spark world wars that take millions of lives just to commit to the bit, but really it was always about just a deep sense of personal, subjective sexual insecurity.

      There’s a reason why so many incels and their ilk online identify as nazis and fascists. They are the same movement.

      • @sleepmode
        21 month ago

        Yeah. I know some of these types IRL. Can confirm they are terrified of their spouses and the anti-feminism rhetoric they spew when taking with the “boys” has devolved into straight up anti-women. It’s so bizarre to witness. I want my wife to call me on my bullshit. They see it as emasculating.

        • @ameancow
          1 month ago

          A mistake many men make before going into a serious relationship is they think avoiding conflict and avoiding arguments should be their goal for both finding a partner and sustaining a relationship with them.

          The whole idea of committing to someone long-term is that you want to pick someone who can share your life, that means you need someone whom you feel safe enough with that you can talk about or argue about the most personal of topics. You can disagree with each other and still be safe. A good relationship lets you be vulnerable with someone else and gives you a place where you can both let down your masks and be honest, and this often takes the form of emotional efforts to understand each other.

          But where we’re at now is a rapid backslide from that ideal image of relationships. We have people retreating to social media and bubble-worlds online where you can get your every terrible idea validated and your every insecurity defended. Where if you don’t like how someone makes you feel, you can just click them away or call for mods. With men in these spaces, their attitude about women who disagree with them is less than charitable, to say the least.

          When you spend time in that kind of environment and then go into a relationship with another person, you won’t have emotional growth, it will be worse than if you were just a blank-slate. These forums and sites create bad mental habits. In self-defense I taught people for many years “It takes five minutes to take on a bad habit, and five years to get rid of it.”

          We are sponges for ideas and feelings of others, if you fill that sponge with angry men lashing out at the world and ranting about their own fantasies and validations, you’re not going to be ready to have a real, intimate connection with another person.

          • @sleepmode
            11 month ago

            This perfectly describes a few of them. It started as off-color jokes. Now anything they disagree with or pushback is labeled as a psyop or similar and brushed away.

            One friend’s partner pulled me aside and asked me to hang out with him more IRL. I didn’t understand why at first. Now I’m assuming it’s because the cracks are starting to show even with the mask.

            I wish there was an easy way to turn it around. Seems like they’re too stubborn, brainwashed and or unwilling to confront anything at this point since like you said, their feelings are validated by popular and powerful people they look up to.

            • @ameancow
              21 month ago

              When you live in that kind of mentality, only shitty people hang out with you anymore, and shitty people tend to have shitty relationships if any, reinforcing each other’s attitudes about women and relationships and forming larger and larger communities of like-minded individuals, and then BAM next thing you know Jordan Peterson becomes a best-selling author.

    • @auzy
      161 month ago

      No, they have plenty of abusive things to say about her.

      None of it true of course. And the stuff that is potentially true (she probably enjoys sex) feels like it’s written by angry divorcees who don’t get any

  • Lemminary
    461 month ago

    That looks like Kamala got her pap smear done and encourages others to do the same. Good on Kamala!

    • @TriPolarBearz
      131 month ago

      Harris-Walz should play this up and be the absolute champions of women’s health.

      Pap smear Kamala and Tampon Tim.

  • @rsuri
    451 month ago

    Has anyone else noticed that Republicans seem to have a rather oddly sexualized view of Kamala? I mean to me she’s far from ugly, but she’s always given me more like aunt vibes. It seems to me like they’re actually quite turned on by her.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      181 month ago

      Repressed urges conditioned under a ridiculously strict, impossible to follow for anyone moral code and add in a dash of superiority complex and you have a potent mix for fetishism.

      Its no wonder so many anti-gay rightie tighties end up getting caught with male prostitutes.

      • @hOrni
        81 month ago

        JD Vance fucked a couch for Christs sake

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)
          21 month ago

          To be pedantic, he fucked a latex glove that was INSERTED into a couch, allegedly.

          • @hOrni
            101 month ago

            If I fuck a woman, I’m not seeing I fucked a condom that was inside that woman.

            • Angry_Autist (he/him)
              01 month ago

              How are you so sure that Vance has a couch fetish and not a glove fetish? To me it seems the couch was just a holder.

  • @[email protected]
    441 month ago

    They want to have sex with Kamala so badly it hurts.

    She isn’t going to sleep with you Republicans. Despite how much you want that.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      121 month ago

      I wonder how much of repugnicunt damage would have been mitigated if the Bible had just said ‘What happens between consenting adults is none of your business’.

      • @Capricorn_Geriatric
        221 month ago

        None. Republicans don’t care. Jesus literally uprooted the old order in the temple and spared people left and right. He ushered in the New testament, yet the Republicans seem to yearn for the banished Old.

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)
          111 month ago

          As a theistic Christian that spent most of my life in a very red state: It’s mainly cherrypicking to find license to hate what they find icky and a purity contest where whoever hates [insert this decade’s target here] the most is considered better.

          It’s not that they don’t care about the Old Testament (despite all the ‘the Jewish part of the Bible’ jokes), it’s that they largely cannot contextualize culture before the 2nd fall of the Kingdom of Israel because it is so fuckdamn foreign to them that they just don’t even try to work through it.

          I mean back then it was NORMAL to once a year take some goats and birds, and a cow if you were wealthy, and just go watch the high priest kill it with a knife. In public.

          On these days, SO MANY animals were slaughtered that the Temple had to be designed with blood runnels and the stench would have been HORRIFIC!


          See? So completely different from our culture that people who DON’T spend time learning about other cultures will be confused and probably disgusted.

          And we all know how ‘open’ cuntservatives are to other cultures.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        “Sounds like a great idea in theory but how could I rape all these slaves whenever I want if we wrote that down?”

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)
          -21 month ago

          The guys who wrote the rules were caste based priests, it was the herders that pushed for the slave fucking. And the priests rely on the herders for free barbecue temple offerings, so it just became a circle of self-interest.

  • @captainlezbian
    441 month ago

    I bet his tinder profile says apolitical or centrist

  • @thejoker954
    421 month ago

    I know it’s supposed to be insulting to her, but I just can’t see it that way.

    Nothing wrong with an active sex drive or open borders.

    I legit would love to see it embraced by the dems lol.

    It would throw so much fuel on the “weird” fire.

    • @beejboytyson
      221 month ago

      Conservatives think public sexuality is gross. But behind closed door they’re fuck degens.

      • @abigscaryhobo
        141 month ago

        It’s “gross” because the stuff they do has to be behind doors, otherwise it would be visible how many are actually gay or bi and they can’t have that. Gotta hide that hypocrisy behind closed doors.

    • Ech
      41 month ago

      They’re saying she slept her way to the top.

    • @x00z
      31 month ago

      You can have an active sex drive but you can also have a slut.

      The image is trying to make her look like a slut.

  • @jimmy90
    401 month ago

    do these recent depictions of kamala not fall under the recent ban on likenesses of people in sexually compromising images?

    • @Warl0k3
      261 month ago

      They’re fucking stupid, but satire is protected speech (and images like this of public figures have long been ruled to be satire).

      • @jimmy90
        71 month ago

        fair enough, I was wondering why AI images didn’t fall under the same idea

        • @blady_blah
          71 month ago

          Satire porn is also considered free speech. (I’m not kidding) The difference is that it needs to obviously be satire and clearly fake. As I see it, that’s the difference between the AI porn law and satire porn. I also think the new AI law hasn’t been tested in the courts yet for things like that.

        • @_stranger_
          71 month ago

          No one’s going to confuse a cartoon for the real thing, but the AI fakes are explicitly designed to do so.

          • @jimmy90
            01 month ago

            i know AI is getting pretty good but i’m not mistaking AI for real porn any more than a good photoshop