Gender: American
I’d cock her shotgun.
*their shotgun
That’s a line that’ll absolutely get me laid where i live ngl
I bet it is
First you got to pump it.
I’m all for trans rights, but as a non-American this is just…weird.
It’s weird as an American, too.
I guess the point is… it doesn’t matter so who cares. People used to think marrying outside your race was very very “weird”.
I don’t think marrying outside your race is the same thing as carrying a gun around pointed at your crotch.
Yeah, this is a wonderful way to accidentally escalate a situation via it falling out and scaring the shit out of everyone near you, shoot yourself in the femoral artery, or maybe you just enjoy it digging into your stomach and pelvis every time you sit down or lean over…
There are trans people who know how to carry guns. Used to be friends with one, used to go to ranges myself.
This is not how you carry a gun.
There are holsters and belly bands for this kind of thing.
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With a splash of “that’s not a knife… THIS is a knife”
There’s something inherently satisfying about the oppressed/harassed/accosted person who whips out a bigger stick and shuts that shit down.
Civil rights activist in the 60s illegally carried handguns because they would be lynched by a mob if they didn’t.
It’s like the author trying to make fun of anti-lgbt folks yet have them ask “which do you prefer” and also with the person having shitty concealed carry practice.
It’s very much making fun of America of all side from what i can conclude.
RIP Rooster Teeth
Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
I hate that the transphobia (especially at the end) ruined a great movie for me.
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Yeah, I started thinking about that right after I posted this GIF. I forgot about Ace’s overboard reaction. The '90s humor hasn’t aged well.
I hate that you’ve attributed sexual assault as transphobia.
Any kind of sexual interaction under false pretenses is sexual assault; not transphobia. People are allowed to be attracted to the sex/gender they’re attracted to, and not tricked.
How you’ve managed to flip the victims of sexual assault into the bad guys here is wild.
That’s why I called out the end. Ace’s reactions are ok, especially for his character. I just think that the puking scene at the end is excessive.
allowed to be attracted to the sex/gender they’re attracted to
argument: if you’re attracted to someone, you are attracted to someone, and someone exposing the fact that your entire conception of what categories of people exist and how you relate to them, and by extension your concept of yourself is bullshit isn’t their fault.
If you are attracted to someone, and what made you attracted to them was a lie, then there’s no reason for that attraction to exist, only the person who matters in this scenario is the person who was attracted.
Attraction happens for any reason, and you invalidating someone’s attraction because it doesn’t align with your own, is dehumanizing and wrong. Your opinion doesn’t dictate who, what, when, where, how people find others attractive.
Then on top of that, lying about it to achieve intimate contact, is sexual assault.
Let’s make a pretend scenario that maybe you can understand: If I gave you a briefcase and told you it was worth 10,000,000; you’d be excited. You’d open it up and find a HUGE lump of coal. You’d be massively disappointed. But if I were YOU in this very moment, what I’d be arguing would be that you couldn’t be disappointed, and just because the coal isn’t a diamond it’s technically made out of the same thing and doesn’t mean it isn’t worth that much, and you need to realign your value of money to mine. See how stupid that sounds? It wouldn’t be wrong of you to be disappointed in the change of events, and I’d be a complete asshole for pulling a stunt like that.
if im attracted to someone, and I can see their genitals, it’s probably not a situation where anyone cares if anyone else is trans.
like, if I see someone cute at a bar, I don’t think “thats a dick I would like to touch” or “thats a pussy I would like to touch”. I think 'huh, they’re cute/cool/kinda hot and tragic/as approachable as I am desperate. I can not, in fact, see this person’s genitals. im not attracted to them. in fact, even when people do have the genitals I guess they have, they never look quite how I imagined. bodies are weird and vary like crazy. this one girl I went home with, her boobs looked great! but when she took her bra off, one of them was this, like, completely saggy bag that hung down to her waist (and we were like twenty so this was not normal) and the other was gone-breast cancer, entirely fake. clearly, I should have murdered her, or would have at least been justified in doing so, right? I did expect something (and something I thought I could directly see!) and it was different, so it was okay to muder her, right? she should have told me before she took her top off, and been super vulnerable in public, just in case I was a murderous creep, right? or is it only with genitals? what if someone’s wearing shapewear, to appear less fat? or makeup? should they have to disclose that? bare their vulnerabilities and imperfections?
your example is kind of absurd; the value of diamonds is entirely fabricated by the industry, money is fake as shit, and im glad to hear that cis people are diamonds but trans people are coal. that’s cool and good and something someone who isn’t a bigot would say, reminds me not at all of the christian ‘used chewing gum’ slut shaming.
maybe if you’re so fucking invested, you should fucking ask. or would you come off as some sort of weird transphobic creep and offend most potential partners, cis or trans, if you did that?
only several countries have classified various cases as rape if the person intentionally misled the other person on what their gender is, so your argument is invalid.
It’s not cool to the person being lied to, and it isn’t doing trans people’s reputation any favours
well, if a state says it, it’s legitimate. hey, there are states where it’s literally a capital offense for me to exist. therefore I should kill myself?
I think the pragmatic reason for a trans person to not mislead anyone on purpose is because someone noping out of fucking you at the last second and being grossed out by (their reaction to) your body is just a bad time emotionally, but this respectability politics shit is just excusing the literal murder of trans people. if i hit on someone because I think they’re cute, its because I think they’re cute. nobody should need need to fucking keep “I AM TRANS I WAS NOT BORN WITH A BODY SOMEONE WOULD EXPECT TO GROW INTO A BODY LIKE THE ONE I HAVE AND I MUST KEEP THAT AND MY INFERIORITY AND HOW MUCH LESS PEOPLE THINK OF ME IN MIND AT ALL TIMES” in the front of their mind at all tiimes; that’s sick, puts all the weight of oppression on trans people, and excuses murder of people who thirty seconds ago thought someone thought they were cute.
I’m not saying trans people should be killed.
Think about it this way, “corrective rape” is unnacceptable. So doing it to straight people should also be seen as immoral.
so trans people existing is rape? or is that just trans people existing in public?
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Fuck me, hold tight. There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers? What’s to stop it from blowing your bits off every time you sit down?
Passive and active safeties, a trigger guard, a stiff trigger, and, for some, not having a round in the chamber.
That makes it even weirder. Why would you carry a gun at this level of quick access, if the gun itself is not quick access?
I’m not confident your interest is genuine, as your incredulity seems intent on maligning gun owners, but giving you the benefit of the doubt and for the edification of lemmy readers:
while carrying a gun at the front of your torso does generally provide slightly quicker drawing speed on trained individuals and all things being equal, the “level of quick access” is not usually the reason to prefer this style of carry. Rather, many that choose “appendix” carry tend to do so for ergonomics and comfort.
Also, “the gun itself is not quick access” is a misapprehension on your part; every feature I listed that you replied to, other than leaving the chamber empty, does not add any time to the deployment of the gun.
And if you are genuinely curious, you may be interested to know that because modern firearms are so incredibly safe (like modern cars - its the people using them that make them unsafe, unlike the guns and cars of the past which were much more inherently unsafe in design), leaving the chamber empty is usually not necessary or practiced.
They say that 50 years or so ago a method of drawing a pistol with an empty chamber and chambering a round in the same motion was made procedure by the IDF, as their weapons were coming from many disparate sources and shouldn’t be trusted to have functional firing pin safeties, etc., so they were trained to carry them with an empty chamber. Nowadays, carrying, drawing, and charging a pistol on an empty chamber is known as “Israeli carry” or “Israeli draw.”
I’m sorry; I was being sarcastic. Thank you for the reply though.
I would like to add that since everybody makes mistakes, no one can (statistically) handle a gun 100% safely 100% of the time. E.g. a carried gun is never completely safe from theft. So no carrier is “safe”, therefore no gun is “safe”. Personally I would not use that word when referring to objects designed to do harm. I don’t think a modern car is a good analogy. A better one would be “modern guillotines are incredibly safe”.
I appreciate that you qualified your stated opinion with “personally,” because I agree that this is a matter of perspective.
In my opinion, the word “safe” when applied to cars assumes we understand that traveling at 60+ MPH is itself more dangerous than standing still. Then, to call a certain car “safe” is to be using obvious relative terms; safer than this other car, rated highly by impartial safety experts, etc.
To wit: No one in a conversation about a car’s safety would genuinely say “sure, if I buy your new vehicle I’ll be better protected on the road than any other driver of a current production mid-size sedan, thanks to all these state-of-the-art safety features, but - pray tell - how ‘safe’ can you really call this car if could be stolen from me and used to run me down?” Or “this car doesn’t seem safe, I could walk to the store and not need rollover protection.”
I think guillotines would also work fine to illustrate the point. Guillotines are, of course, built to kill. Handled properly, I can easily imagine them being safe. If we put a rich man’s neck in it and he loses his head, that is the correct function of the tool.
Safety is widely understood as protection from inadvertent danger. The rich man’s death was not inadvertent. The car being stolen and used against you was not inadvertent. A trained person carrying a gun is safer than not. These tools are safe.
Well. Since the tools are lethal, and countries implementing the death penalty always end up killing innocent people, and more guns = more gun violence and accidents, it’s obvious to me that these tools are not safe. To me, gun safety is as applicable to the real world as the perfectly straight line in mathematics, or the perfectly rational thinker in logics…
I’m fascinated by the emphasis on protection in your (and Americans’ in general) definition of safety. In Europe, “safe” simply means “not dangerous”. From your “
wildlywidely (edit: typo) understood” definition, I get the feeling that you view danger as unavoidable. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on what safety would mean to you and your community, if there was no danger to protect from? Would you still carry a gun for protection if all strangers were harmless? Have you ever visited a country where no one, not even law enforcement, carries lethal weapons? Etc.“wildly understood”
I said widely.
I don’t expect to dissolve the biases between us, but if you are trying to understand my comment, pay attention to the focus on “relatively” and “perspective:”
Guns, and knives, and people, are inherently dangerous. That is a given, a truism. They are to be respected - humans for their innate value, and each for their capability to harm.
The risk of handling knives can be mitigated with respect, forethought, training, proper application, tool maintenance, etc. The fact that they are capable of hurting us should not be forgotten, but our relationship with them need not be dominated by it. In fact, with proper safety on the part of the handler, knives can be considered “relatively safe,” especially from a statistical standpoint.
The same can be said for guns. And people.
I like my bottom surgery to come as a surprise
A proper holster.
Things like this and proper training. I used to daily carry as a queer person in a very conservative part of the US. But I no longer do as I no longer have the time to train like I used to and handgun skills are perishable.
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I mean come the fuck on they sell a patch with a KKK member in crosshairs and text saying not in our neighborhood. Also shirts saying keep racism out of gun culture, could you be anymore of a knee jerk asshole.
Bro their anarchist, that’s a leftist group. Anarchist wave a black flag.
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Yeesh go touch some grass.
Okay but the Foot Locker employee handbook CLEARLY prohibits carrying unofficial firearms in the front of the store.
Turn in your badge and standard issue rifle.
Luckily, though, it’s clearly an official Foot Locker Nike pistol, so false alarm
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An armed minority is harder to oppress.
“Hehe im so quirky and wacky” - The author
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Are are?
So I’m not the only one who saw that.
After the olympics, it’s now “What’s in your genes?” being (willfully?) mistaken as “What’s in your jeans?”
My answer is a knife :)
As the famous saying goes “stay strapped or get clapped”
i know it’s compensation for a lot of people, but never thought about it being a literal replacement.
also the first speech bubble is Paris in the the spring
Rainbow Reload would be ashamed of the lack of safe gun handling.
They’re Illiterate, fuck cats, and augmented their scrotum with a Smith and Wesson. Get this person on Joe Rogan