• @[email protected]
    9526 days ago

    Not to even mention the trillions he stole from the social security fund and transferred to the general fund in order to hide the failure of “trickle down economics”.

  • @[email protected]
    7726 days ago

    I think tips shouldn’t exist. Restaurants and everywhere else needs to just pay a real wage. Tipping the person that walks the plate of food over to me, while the person that made the food and the plate don’t get tipped is asinine. All the places asking for tips now is asinine. Not paying taxes on what is over 2/3 of your income would be asinine as well. They already don’t report a bunch as it is. Plus, how will not paying taxes on tips factor in to social security?

    Instead of making tips tax free, make tips not legal.

  • @[email protected]
    7626 days ago

    “Trickle down economics” is just a politically savvy way of saying “getting pissed on by rich people”.

    In that sense, Reaganomics delivered on its promise 100%.

      • @uid0gid0
        725 days ago

        It used to be called “horse and sparrow”. I’ll let you figure out why.

  • @[email protected]
    6126 days ago

    The Reaganization of America led directly to the worst problems we’re still still struggling with today. People argue whether it’s the guns or the mental health that leads to mass shootings? Thank Reagan for both! With a bonus of homeless people, abusive for-profit prisons, underfunded schools, weak or non-existent labor unions, wealth inequality, unsafe and overpriced air travel, what else have I missed?

      • @RedAggroBest
        -225 days ago

        It’s alright, you don’t need to remind everyone you don’t believe the funny men who touch little boys for us to get that, in this context, you don’t genuinely believe in it.

        Really takes away from the sentiment when we all very much wish for hell to be a real place when it comes to Ronald Reagan

    • @leadore
      25 days ago

      Yep. That’s when it all turned to shit. They ended that brief period after WWII when there was actually a middle class and started the income inequality spiral we find ourselves in today.

    • @[email protected]
      525 days ago

      Here’s a fun piece of trivia. Thatcher and Reagan are both still dead.

      Another fun fact, Reagan had Alchemizers and Thatcher had dementia.

    • @WhatYouNeed
      124 days ago

      Theres more than one reason why Austin Powers shouted out “Margaret Thatcher on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher on a cold day!”

    • @leadore
      25 days ago

      Exactly. You nailed the very reason Trump was told to propose the idea. Giving a way for the hedge fund managers, CEO’s, etc. to reduce their taxes even further.

    • AbsentBird
      525 days ago

      The biggest difference between Trump and Harris’s tax free tips is that Harris wants to limit it to service and hospitality workers.

      • @[email protected]
        525 days ago

        I’m still not sure this is a good idea. Workers should simply be paid a reaeonable wage and not have to rely on customers t pay more then advertized.

        • AbsentBird
          525 days ago

          Kamala also wants to remove subminimum wage for that reason. But removing tax on tips does reduce the burden on tipped workers to keep records of every tip they collect.

          IMO we should get rid of subminimum wage, raise the federal minimum to $15/hr, and let workers keep their tips if people still feel like tipping; it works great in Washington State.

          • @[email protected]
            124 days ago

            I dont now what records they have to keep? At the end of the day, whatever they have more then they should have according to what they started with and what they served are tips. If payed with card, the records are there anyway.

            • AbsentBird
              124 days ago

              Well your taxes are usually automatically deducted from your salary, but taxes on tips have to be accounted for by the worker. If you’re only paid $2.13 an hour it’s easy for tips to make up the bulk of your pay, leading to a big debt on tax day if you haven’t property accounted for how much to withhold yourself.

  • @Etterra
    1725 days ago

    It’s honestly a coin flip as to who was worse, Nixon or Reagan.

    • Flying SquidOP
      25 days ago

      Definitely Reagan. Nixon signed the EPA into existence and oversaw the final stages of the Apollo program to get us to the moon. He also ended the Vietnam war (after escalating it, but he did end it).

      Reagan… gave a speech in front of the Berlin Wall? Said no to drugs? Didn’t turn the Earth into a radioactive hellhole? I don’t know. I honestly can’t think of anything I can give him any credit for as president.

      • @Buddahriffic
        725 days ago

        Nixon didn’t just escalate Vietnam, he sabotaged Johnson’s attempt to end it so that he could run on ending the war. And then he waffled on it after he won the election because he realized it would make him the president that lost the Vietnam war (which is doubly stupid because, at least from my perspective, “lost Vietnam” isn’t even a part of his legacy, despite him being one of the least popular presidents in recent history).

        • Flying SquidOP
          424 days ago

          Believe me, I’m not defending Nixon except to say that he wasn’t as bad as Reagan.

          • @Buddahriffic
            524 days ago

            Oh yeah, I agree that Reagan was worse. Meant that as a “Nixon was even worse than your wording suggested which makes Reagan look even worse because he still doesn’t meet the lowered bar”.

    • @[email protected]
      525 days ago

      The Nixon Shock destroyed our ability to just save money without having to exploit other people’s labor.

        • HubertManne
          223 days ago

          unfortunately reagan was in my lifetime. I actually did not get the level of hate nixon had until I experience a few of these presidents combined with the parts of sicko where they played his taped white house conversations. Also I eventually knew someone from chile.

    • @[email protected]
      125 days ago

      I think the criminal acts that Nixon got busted for put him about Reagan on this one. Of course both of them also passed laws that continue to have devastating effects.

      • @njm1314
        425 days ago

        Frankly Reagan’s crimes I think far outweigh Nixon’s. Don’t forget he committed treason. He just didn’t get busted for them.

  • @madcaesar
    1624 days ago

    Reagan was the biggest piece of shit ever. So many awful awful things are because of his demented ass.

    • @Agent641
      123 days ago

      He only wanted the star wars project because it sounds like his name - ray guns.

  • @crystalmerchant
    1525 days ago

    TIL that social security earnings are taxed. Unbelievable

    • Kairos
      425 days ago

      If you’re earning social security you are likely under the standard deduction.

      It would and should be the same thing for a UBI.

  • @rsuri
    1425 days ago

    If the point is to help the poor, reduce their tax rate rather than encouraging tip culture by giving tips favorable treatment. I don’t see why tips shouldn’t be taxed just like any other income. Unless of course the business requested them via a tip screen, in which case they should be taxed 4x as much.

  • @[email protected]
    1326 days ago

    Not American so perhaps I’m missing something, but doesn’t it make sense tips are taxed? It’s income, so why wouldn’t it be?

    • @bitflag
      2025 days ago

      Tips should definitely be taxed. Otherwise you’ll end up with businesses shifting entire income of their staff to tipping which IMHO is horrible (on top of depriving the government of income)

    • Flying SquidOP
      525 days ago

      If wait staff weren’t expected to make up their less than minimum wages with tips (which is legal), yes. But they’re totally fucked as it is right now.

    • @[email protected]
      125 days ago

      Imo if the worker is payed so well thet tipping is unusual, that should be the norm. Then when I have a reason, my kid puked on the table and the waiter cleaned it up or whatever and I feel like giving them 20, that should be tax free. As long as tips are a significant part of income it should be taxed. Not taxing tips doesn’t fix the problem that workers are not payed enough.

    • Flying SquidOP
      524 days ago

      Sarcasm is clearly not lost on you.