• @ChillPenguin
      1047 months ago

      I swear he has such a punchable face.

        • @Agrivar
          257 months ago

          Can I have your turn then?

          I’ll punch him for both of us - I work in the trades, I’m used to industrial strength hand cleaners.

            • Lemminary
              107 months ago

              I doubt he can squeeze a single orange on his own.

            • M137
              47 months ago

              Did you forget the /s?

      • Lemminary
        157 months ago

        War crime worthy, ngl.

      • Angry_Autist (he/him)
        47 months ago

        He caved in so fast most news agencies didn’t even have time to report it.

        Fucking murderer saw his gravy train shake and decided to spread for dear leader’s pleasure.

    • @ArgentRaven
      167 months ago

      He looks like a baby that just ate a lemon wedge for the first time.

  • @[email protected]
    1847 months ago

    So they call him Tampon Tim for having provided sanitary products? Do they think this is somehow insulting or belittling? I’d call myself that and act like it’s my superhero name any day. WTF kind of mindset are these people in?

    • SharkEatingBreakfast
      297 months ago

      They hate women.

      If you help women, you are worthy of scorn. You might as well be a woman if you like them so much, amirite?

      • Angry_Autist (he/him)
        47 months ago

        There’s only one party that wants to force teen rape victims to give birth, only one.

    • @BetaBlake
      257 months ago

      He really should start calling himself that at events and interviews, they’ll all stop calling him that immediately.

      • @[email protected]
        147 months ago

        Absolutely, just own up to it. Have the interviewers ask him why that’s become his nickname, he can share some background, maybe some anecdotes if he has any. Suddenly, Tampon Tim is a badge of honor.

    • @badhops
      187 months ago

      i have been told that they are also available in the boys bathroom. Having feminine products placed the boys bathroom confuses / emasculates them.

      The same group that removes their children from what limited sex education. Same guys that don’t wipe their ass because it is too gay

      • @tburkhol
        97 months ago

        The relevant text of the law is

        The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.

        so, I think “boys bathroom” only in the case where a school has trans-boy without puberty blockers or hormone therapy. Clearly a very edge case, but right-wing propaganda depends on blowing up rare events or special circumstances, pretending they’re happening everywhere, all the time, and therefore an immediate threat to the way their audience has always done things.

        • Queen HawlSera
          57 months ago

          Remember when they were trying to say there was kitty litter boxes for the “Furry kids who identified as cats”

          It was only in schools in one specific area, and in order to have a way for students to shit during a school shooting because they were THAT common

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          I think I can understand how it would be confusing to someone to have female sanitary products in a male bathroom at a school. I can understand that these people feel like this is part of what influences youth to develop a certain way, and they want to prevent this development at all costs.

          But it is really hard to stomach that there are people who think the existence of a tampon in someone’s surrounding makes them question their gender, and removing the tampon restores order somehow.

          • Queen HawlSera
            27 months ago

            I know if I were a kid, I’d just be confused but that’s about it. I mean, worst case scenario this is just an excuse for schools to double up on tampons and have more supplies for female students, a demographic that often has its needs ignored.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        I can understand how that would be confusing to someone, but access to a place where you can change a child’s diaper, or get a necessary product for your daughter, should not be exclusive to places that are designated for women. Every conservative father should be able to relate to that. But I obviously am unable to relate myself.

        • @Death_Equity
          57 months ago

          I would imagine a conservative man does not deal with dirty diapers in public, possibly not in private either. The child would remain with the mother until toilet trained.

          The general theme of the conservative meta is not understanding that others have needs different than their own.

        • @CoffeeJunkie
          17 months ago

          That’s not the conversation, as I’ve heard it. The real rub is tampons in the boy’s bathrooms, in schools, for 4th graders through high schoolers. Not involving diaper change stations or grabbing necessary product for daughters.

    • @[email protected]
      137 months ago

      Can someone PLEASE make a Tampon Tim shirt already??? I’m ready for the “FUCK Joe Biden” and “Say no to the ho” crowd to tell me my shirt is inappropriate around children.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      They never progressed or have regressed to a middle school mentality. Literally an insult a kid who just learned about and is skeeved by menstruation would use.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      7 months ago

      To a regressive, it is an absolute effective mock because they think women things are icky and men associating with them are weak.

  • @Broken_Monitor
    1407 months ago

    Walz’s stance isn’t even that restrictive. He’s signed bills for better background checks, which is pretty reasonable. We have background checks for all kinds of other dangerous situations, its not a new concept or a difficult thing to pass. He’s signed a bill to remove guns from those who pose a danger to themselves or others. Is Rittenhouse implying here that he poses a danger to himself or the general public? If Walz’s policies should take the guns away from Rittenhouse then that’s what I get out of this. Kyle is acknowledging, even advertising, that he is a continued danger to those around him.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        My feelings does not care about your facts and logic. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @blazera
    917 months ago

    Yeah, i want his guns taken away.

  • @pyre
    917 months ago

    he’s so desperate to become relevant

      • storm
        87 months ago

        He’s has 2 civil lawsuits pending against him. Depending on the outcome, whatever assets he has may be taken away and wages garnished for the rest of his life.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      He was relevant there for a hot minute when he spoke out against Trump, but now he’s doing whatever he can to get back in MAGA’s good graces.

    • @MojoMcJojo
      87 months ago

      Being relevant justifies his killings. He needs to feel relevant because without it he’s just someone who killed people, and that’s a much heavier weight to carry. Poor guy is going to have to live the rest of his life being a murderer that nobody likes, waaah 😭

      • @CoffeeJunkie
        107 months ago

        Honestly I think he’s just trying to roll his notoriety, fame into easy money & a cushy career. His conscience is clear. This is about money. Occam’s razor.

        • @qarbone
          37 months ago

          He’s absolutely building a portfolio to eventually become a regular guest on Fox.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      77 months ago

      He was on the grift train for a minute and is hooked for life.

      Hope he turns out running a gas station in 20 years.

  • FancyLad
    897 months ago

    Weird thing to say to a retired command sergeant major. I bet he didn’t even intentionally cross state lines to murder someone either.

    • @Delphia
      277 months ago

      I’m Australian so being an english speaker on the internet I have an opinion on American politics because no matter how hard I try to escape it I cant. So if I have to hear about it incessantly Im going to keep throwing my half informed opinion in.

      But FUCK ME is the Harris/Walz ticket well thought out. You have a sitting Dem VP who is female and a POC with a history of being “tough on crime” and a male white late middle aged former high ranking NCO veteran with a history of some super liberal policies in his midwestern home state…

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        The big, glaring thing they missed is that nobody really likes Harris. She did poorly in the primaries, had a terrible approval rating as VP, and her platform is basically Biden’s, and he had a pretty low approval rating as well. She has “diversity hire” written all over her.

        That said, she ticks a lot of boxes and Americans tend to have pretty short memories, so I think she has a fighting chance. If she had a stronger campaign when she ran for President, she’d be a lock-in. I think she needs to sound like Obama to win the election.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      We are witnessing an idiot’s grift. There is no other place in the world for a Rittenhouse other than prison.

  • @thesporkeffect
    767 months ago

    It’s not even an empty threat here, he has killed and he will kill again

      • @CoffeeJunkie
        157 months ago

        …I think he’s saying he wished Rittenhouse was dead. Since he was the survivor.

      • @Dasus
        117 months ago

        “If you don’t agree with the extrajudicial execution of a person by an 18-year old dipshit, you’re a pedophile”

        Seriously, put some attempt in please. That is just fucking lazy

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Not what I said. The things I said were two different statements. Don’t come at me cause you’ve got small skeletons in your closet.

          That’s a joke.

          You’re right, what I meant was the guy deserves some sympathy because he’s dead. The guy does not deserve sympathy based on his previous actions, AND he tried to kill some kid.

          Kyle is objectively in the right here, but he shouldn’t have been where he was, doing what he was doing. Fuck Kyle. I’m not condoning him.

          • @Dasus
            37 months ago

            Not sure about downvotes. Probably the few pedos on here saddened their numbers are thinning out.

            You’re trying to claim ^ that doesn’t clearly imply that people who downvoted your comment were “probably pedos”?

              • @Dasus
                36 months ago

                I like forums. If you don’t, then don’t use them.

                Especially don’t use them if you don’t have the moxy to stand behind your own words. Word’s which you said. Which go like this:

                Not sure about downvotes. Probably the few pedos on here saddened their numbers are thinning out.

                You’re trying to walk back the thing you now realise was pretty silly to wrote down. So youre trying to ignore your bs while still replying something.

                You directly implied people who disagree with you are pedophiles. What an intellectual take.

                • @[email protected]
                  -26 months ago

                  Yea you said that part already cause it’s what I said. By that logic if you are disagreeing that this isn’t worth the time to keep going back and forth about youre probably a pedophile.

                  I like forums too 🙂. I also realIze what I said was fucking weird and back tracked a bit. If you let this go, I’m sure your experience here will be ever so slightly less negative. There’s plenty of other things to be doing on Lemmy then arguing with someone who’s joke didn’t land for you specifically.

                  It would be entirely easier to call me a dick out loud, chuckle at how much better you are for thinking a different opinion and moving on.

      • @iamtrashman1312
        57 months ago

        Hey, Trump is both of those things too, per courts of law. You must be pretty broken up he survived the attempt, huh?

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Whether the person he shot was a convicted or suspected felon is absolutely irrelevant, vigilante justice is no justice at all, not to mention that he had no way of knowing anything about the people he shot.

        That said, I absolutely believe all three were legitimate self-defense. The problem here isn’t that he shot people in self-defense, but that he was a minor in possession of a firearm. Anyone who enabled him to bring that firearm to Kenosha should be held responsible (if they haven’t already).

  • @[email protected]
    557 months ago

    He looks like such a soft, little cupcake. Why do all these new Republicans look like they’re wearing guyliner?

    Nothing wrong with that BTW, just noticing a trend. Are they not getting enough sunlight in the closet?

  • @Jakdracula
    467 months ago

    Tampon Tim will stop the red wave.

  • @[email protected]
    387 months ago

    Imaginary fights in their head. What a sad life.

    Imagine just living like this and fuming.

  • @[email protected]
    257 months ago

    Hey, Tampon? Tim?

    Yeah, to me it reads like wee Kyle was just being polite and offering Tim Walz some of it’s spare feminine hygiene products.

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      It’s really sad to me that one of the most powerful tools in the republican campaign’s arsenal is juvenile nicknames for their opponents. An actual Trump campaigning innovation: Lying Ted, crooked Hillary, sleepy Joe, etc. And it works. Like really, really well.

      Turns out many voters are swayed by elementary school level debate tactics.

      • @Agrivar
        7 months ago

        That makes sense though, given how many voters have an elementary school level maturity and education.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Any voter that stupid is no longer a voter, they are a drone. There’s no choice in the vote, they are reacting to basic stimulus, like a pillbug avoiding light.

          It seems like only one party wants and creates drones.

      • @RedditWanderer
        57 months ago

        It’s not sad. It’s by design.

        Same thing as “orange man bad”. It takes away critical thinking and simplifies the issue for their little brain.

  • Queen HawlSera
    237 months ago

    He figured he already got away with three murders, he can do it again.

    Secret Service, arrest this… I will not call him a man…

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago



    that is not what i thought the hashtag/pound was used for

    • @RizzRustbolt
      7 months ago

      “Come and take it” is a pretty standard gun nut refrain. So he did actually use that hashtag correctly.

      • @zeppo
        67 months ago

        Except that nobody wants to take his stupid gun. Very reputable for whipping up ammosexuals though.

  • @[email protected]
    197 months ago

    Reminds me of Ted Cruz:

    [Harris’] record is extraordinarily radical. Let me say at the outset, Kamala can’t have my guns, she can’t have my gasoline engine, and she sure as hell can’t have my steaks and cheeseburgers.

    • @[email protected]
      277 months ago

      He’s so transparently pandering.

      Ted Cruz is smarter than all of this which is why I hate him more than MTG. She’s sad as shit because this is real to her. Ted is just a spineless grovelling coward with a shame kink who wants desperately to be powerful.