• @thesohoriots
    1522 months ago

    Gonna take the hit on this one: a Joe Rogan bro. You probably know what I’m talking about, but to be more clear: aggro “alpha male,” gym rat or has a weirdly intense workout routine, takes a bunch of supplements, ready to believe anything pitched as “they don’t want you to know this,” weird diets of meat, “edgy” humor that’s more nodding and agreeing with prejudices than being funny, etc. Oh and listens to Joe Rogan willingly.

    • @chonglibloodsport
      32 months ago

      There’s nothing toxic about working out and getting strong, taking supplements etc. As long as you’re not harming yourself or other people then I see nothing wrong with it.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        My dearly beloved ham casserole, I don’t think going to the gym was the toxic trait here.

          • @Tyfud
            92 months ago

            My dear lasagna.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Heh I picked this habit up from a friend of mine who’s actually also on Lemmy, so there’s at least two of us here who use weird food-based insults (?). If you say something a bit silly in a comment you might still get your chance!

          • @ArbiterXero
            332 months ago

            Because it’s likely the first thing you notice and then you look for the harmful secondary traits.

            Like a guy that has a really short fuse with himself. He might just have really high expectations for himself…… buuuuut once you notice that first trait, you keep your eyes out for the secondary ones, where he has a shorter fuse with others.

          • Fushuan [he/him]
            302 months ago

            Because it’s part of the mix of traits that that kind of group tends to have. It’s not one of the toxic ones but its part of the ones used to identify them.

            • @chonglibloodsport
              -102 months ago

              It’s a stereotype. It’s designed for mental shortcuts. But then it also casts a much wider net than it ought to and ends up harming innocent people.

              • @[email protected]
                122 months ago

                Someone thinking that you kind of look like a Joe Rogan bro until they get to know you is not what I would personally classify as harm.

              • @wreckedcarzz
                62 months ago

                It’s a stereotype

                Without going too far down the slippery slope: stereotypes exist for a reason. Nissan driver? No insurance, late on car payment, dead-end job. Furry? Gay or bi, nerdy, works in IT or STEM. Boomer? Can’t operate a computer to save their life, is angry and scared about electric cars and renewable energy, their house cost $30k and they don’t realize why kids these days don’t have one.

                There’s outliers, sure, but…

            • @chonglibloodsport
              -102 months ago

              It really isn’t. Lots of people who listen to Joe Rogan don’t work out. Lots of people who work out don’t listen to Joe Rogan.

              I do neither, though I am planning to start working out to lose some body fat and try to strengthen my bad ankle.

  • Boozilla
    1182 months ago

    Customers hitting on people at their job.

    Was eating lunch at a bar one time when three dude bros came in and started hitting on the bartender. They weren’t overly aggressive but it was obnoxious.

    She handled it really well. She looked each of them in the eye, smiled, introduced herself and shook each of their hands in turn. She stated she was a professional and appreciated being treated like one. She was friendly but firm.

    Shut them right the fuck up. They behaved much better after that.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      This one’s a pet peeve, especially if the person is with me. IMO it’s one of the simplest ways to discover your friend likely has zero game with people who aren’t paid to be nice to them.

      ETA: In case you feel called out and are wondering “What, so bartenders and waitstaff are totally off-limits?”
      Of course not! You can shoot your shot, just try to keep it holstered until you’re (1) on even footing instead of a customer-host advantage and (2) aren’t cornering them in a place they must stay to make a living. For example, you could hold off until the bill is paid and/or they’re off the clock, then ask for digits on your way out (signaling you have no intention of bothering them further if there’s no interest) or give your number so the ball is fully in their court. Of course, if they shoot their shot first, rules of engagement are suspended. Mine did and she’s alright I guess. The above are her suggestions.

  • @gedaliyah
    1112 months ago

    Honestly, not checking in on each other.

    There are a lot of stereotypes in this thread, and some I’ve encountered, some I haven’t. But I do know that there is an epidemic of loneliness among men, and it is very real and sometimes deadly.

    • @ArbiterXero
      112 months ago

      Damn, this needs to be at the top.

      • @Tyfud
        2 months ago

        Of mind. Seriously. Reach out to your buddies you haven’t heard from in a few weeks. And don’t stop doing that. They’ll appreciate it, and so will you.

        • @PopcornPrincess
          12 months ago

          Agreed even just sending a stupid meme or a joke shows you were thinking of them and can be a lighthearted convo starter.

  • @Volkditty
    1062 months ago

    The need to make everything into a competition or to one-up any story or anecdote.

      • @Nutteman
        82 months ago

        Were talking about the fellas, why even bring this up besides as some weird defensive thing?

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      That’s nothing!

      Ever seen a group of guys stuck in a terminal one-downsmanship spiral of mutual unaccountability?

      It’s epic bro. Totally blows the doors off your example.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        That reminds me of a story, buddy and me fell overboard and when someone threw us a lifesaver he bet me I couldn’t lap the boat before getting rescued. Long story short we did six laps and we’re both dead now.

    • @[email protected]
      392 months ago

      I wish more guys just said they didn’t know something instead of clearly not knowing what they’re talking about and running their mouth based on vibes

      • aasatru
        122 months ago

        A friend of mine keeps doing this. He’ll pretend to be an expert of fucking anything, and you can generally tell immediately that he doesn’t know shit. When he goes on about things that I actually do know things about it’s unbearable, and of course his ego is too fragile to handle being told he’s wrong.

        We have a lot of impressive common friends with awesome general knowledge, and I frequently wonder how the hell we have the patience to keep him around. My general knowledge is shite, but at least I’m quite open about being ignorant.

        He’s hyper sensitive about social situations, yet introducing him to new people is almost always embarrassing.

        Perhaps unsurprisingly, he is a professional psychologist.

          • aasatru
            32 months ago

            Thank god he is guaranteed to hate Jordan Peterson - he has redeeming qualities as well. But reading back my comment it’s uncanny how much it sounds like him.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          I know one of these. He’s extremely insecure and has other issues but he will talk about ANYTHING as if he were an expert

        • @Persen
          2 months ago

          Wait what’s wrong with psychologists? I respect them for not killing themselves from having to deal with other people’s psychological problems.

          • aasatru
            52 months ago

            Yeah, it’s an important and challenging job, and I have several friends who are psychologist.

            It is, however, a bit of a stereotype that a lot of people who choose to become psychologists are often to some degree themselves viable clients. Perhaps wanting to understand themselves is a motivation to study it in the first place.

            They can still do an amazing job, but I think a lot of psychologist find themselves in a Pagliacci situation where they can help anyone but themselves.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          I have a friend like this but he’s fortunately self aware enough to confess that he just like lecturing when you call him on something. It’s almost endearing

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        In eighth grade I got into an argument on the bus, precursor to the Internet, with a kid about my ignorance of sex. He drew a picture of a diaphragm and ridiculed me for not knowing what it was.

  • Drunemeton
    762 months ago

    Bragging about sexual conquests.

    If I wanted to know about your sex life I’d ask for your Only Fans.

  • @mysoulishome
    2 months ago

    Guy at work always starts saying sexist shit when no other women are around, maybe wanting to built camaraderie or something? Toxic masculinity is a myth. Women all want the bad boys. No thanks we can avoid the 1:1 convos from now on.

    • aasatru
      242 months ago


      If you consciously change your behaviour once there’s no women around… Yeah, chances are you won’t see me again unless I’m absolutely forced to.

      It’s like some people think they’re contractually obliged to make a sexist joke or some shit. Thankfully I don’t meet these people often.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Guy at work always starts saying sexist shit when no other women are around

      I misread that as sexiest shit at first and was super confused. “Damn they must be working with some gay ass motherfuckers.”

  • @sunbrrnslapper
    532 months ago

    Not a guy, but the one that really gets me is willfully incompetence - particularly around household or family chores (and the mental load associated with them).

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
      142 months ago

      It’s called “brokedishing” and choosing the right dish to break is an art form.

    • not a cop
      2 months ago

      I work from home so I typically do the majority of the cleaning; I don’t mind because I’m a bit of a clean freak anyway.

      What I found odd is when my wife’s family from Mexico were visiting she turned into a maid and would shoo me away from things like washing a single dish (for example).

      Not sure if it was cultural or what but it definitely threw me off — I don’t want her family thinking I’m making her do everything all the time.

      • @Cryophilia
        52 months ago

        100% a cultural thing. Depending on what part of Mexico they’re from, she may not want them to know that you do any chores. If a woman can’t handle all of the chores herself, it’s seen as a failing.

        Super fucked up, but Latin America is in fact super fucked up.

      • @sunbrrnslapper
        22 months ago

        Oh, that’s interesting. Could be a family thing. Could also be just a good host thing.

    • @rollmagma
      -452 months ago

      Yeah, sorry but this one is just counterproductive. Guys just don’t give a fuck. No one is going around “ooh, what if I pretend I can’t do this task so she then has to do it”. That’s just patriarchy and gender roles for you. Maybe try to have a conversation about the subject of chores without sticking the “you’re evil” tag on the other person. Well, for anything in life really. Also mental load is there for anyone, I see no point in bringing it up in this context. The dudes have to deal with a fair share of mental load as well, specially with all the emotional neglect and immaturity.

      • @sunbrrnslapper
        462 months ago

        “Guys don’t give a fuck.”

        That’s it. That’s the toxic trait right there.

        • aasatru
          192 months ago

          This is why I think weaponized incompetence is a better term than willful incompetence.

          I don’t think it’s even always intentional, conscious, or willful. It’s just, well, “not giving a fuck”, and getting away with it because women are always around to deal with their shit.

          • @grabyourmotherskeys
            42 months ago

            Prepared to be roasted alive for this opinion but studies (undoubtedly of white, middle class, US undergrads) seem to indicate women find clutter and messes more psychologically distressing than men do.

            I’m a man but I’ve had many deadbeat guys as roommates and I am definitely far more bothered by messes and clutter than they were so I kind of get this.

            If you are the “mind it more” person, you will find yourself rage cleaning because the other person can wait you out as long as they want if they are taking you for granted and not concerned you’ll leave over this.

            So there are two toxic traits here:

            1. A willingness to wait out chores even if you know it’s angering people you are with.

            2. A kind of willful blindness. “Honestly, I didn’t think it was that bad.”

            The second one might be worse.

            The first is excusable (plausible deniability) with the “men are oblivious” defense if the aggrieved party is not being overt in their request that a chore be done.

            The second is a person (some women obviously do this, too) refusing to learn to empathize and recognize when things are getting to the point where it’s bothering the other person. From an interpersonal perspective this is probably more infuriating over the years.

            • aasatru
              52 months ago

              I think you have a point, and it is indeed something different - if two people live together and simply have different preferences or care about different things, it’ll of course lead to some friction.

              I think this goes both ways in most relationships. I keep bothering my girlfriend about the bathroom sink and the office desk we share; she complains about me keeping half dirty (half clean) clothes in a pile in the bedroom. That’s not what it’s about, though I think it can get easily confused.

              It’s more about the “I don’t know how to use the washing machine/book bus tickets/change bags in the vacuum cleaner/cook a pie/change bedsheets/clean the toilet/make a vinegrette/change diapers/whatever”, where instead of an emphasis on learning the skill it’s only left to the other person.

              It’s not all men, but it is common. I think it’s a systematic issue that men don’t carry the full responsibility for. They’re raised by mothers who do everything for them, and while their sisters are taught how to take care of themselves they are simply left to “be boys”. And then they go out in the world and find a woman who can effectively replace their mothers.

              It’s the kind of guys who move away from home but keep going back to their mothers whenever they need laundry done.

            • @sunbrrnslapper
              32 months ago

              I think the first trait is worse than the second. Waiting to do a chore knowing (1) it needs to be done, and (2) the other person will do it if you hold out long enough is such a jerk move. Although the second isn’t awesome either. I think it is safe to say, don’t do either of these things.

            • @Cryophilia
              12 months ago

              The second is a person TWO PEOPLE refusing to learn to empathize and recognize when things are getting to the point where it’s bothering the other person.

              ftfy. I’m sick of society always thinking that men have to learn how to be cleaner. Maybe women should learn how to not freak out over a little mess sometimes.

              The onus should not be 100% on men to change. It should be a compromise, and part of it is women learning to relax and undo the ingrained “everything must look perfect” toxic baggage that they have, just as much as men need to learn not to live in a pigsty just because mom isn’t around to clean up after you.

          • @sunbrrnslapper
            22 months ago

            Agree about it not always being explicitly thought about. Weaponed also seemed to imply some sort of thought to me, but I couldn’t land on a good word.

        • @[email protected]
          -82 months ago

          “Guys don’t give a fuck.”

          That’s it. That’s the toxic trait right there.

          I worry you may be misinterpreting the phrase in its particular context, and I’d hate to see that happen.

          • @sunbrrnslapper
            22 months ago

            Kudos for weaving in the toxic trait of infantilizing women.

  • @seaQueue
    522 months ago

    Needing to be not just right but the most right person in the room about everything

    • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
      2 months ago

      2 former coworkers of mine who always the smartest person they know. One of em lives alone and you can tell he’s never lost an argument (with himself in his head) and anytime he tries to back up his opinion it’s always the same “it’s dumb, it’s stupid, it doesn’t make sense it’s not LoGiCaL”. But anytime you try to chime in…he talks over you.

      The other is one of those “I read both sides of the story so I know far far more than you”…who was a one of those reddit knowitalls.

  • @[email protected]
    452 months ago

    I have a coworker who is walking checklist of toxic traits and red flags. Here are the highlights:

    • only helps attractive younger women or men who can do favors for him
    • sticks his nose into situations that he has no business with
    • tends to work on high visibility projects while ignoring his actual job
    • has a BT speaker that requires wheels and extended handle and plays his shitty music loudly
    • honestly thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips
  • @[email protected]
    452 months ago

    This is a pattern I’ve seen repeatedly.

    Guys find themselves desperate to get laid, and that desperation comes across in all of their interactions with women, who don’t like feeling that they’re being treated like a vending machine, which leads to the guy being rejected for reasons that he doesn’t entirely understand.

    He gets in a relationship with someone, finally, and everything is great for a while. Then he realizes that women are talking and flirting with him more than they ever have before, and isn’t sure why, but he enjoys it. He doesn’t understand that, because he is in a relationship, he has stopped being desperate and weird, and is now actually having real conversations with women about mutually interesting topics.

    Surrounded by women that are (seemingly) available, he either breaks up with his SO, asks for some sort of open arrangement, or tries to cheat. Unfortunately, for reasons that he still doesn’t understand, as soon as he’s available for sex, women start being turned off by him again (if not to quite the degree they were before) and, again, he finds it difficult to get laid.

    From here, guys often fall into some incel-style evolutionary psychology explanation for things, regularly cheat on everyone that they’re with, or gradually becomes aware of the pattern.

    If they become aware of the pattern, they can begin to manage it and reduce the desperate, salesman vibe that they give off. As they become more confident and relaxed, it becomes clear to women that they’re perfectly comfortable going home alone or just being friends, which allows them to have more meaningful relationships and, incidentally, more sex with people they like.

    Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk on the origin and mating behavior of the involuntarily celibate.

    • @Cryophilia
      52 months ago

      Problem # 2,846 that would be solved if everyone wasn’t so hung up on monogamy

      • A Phlaming Phoenix
        62 months ago

        With polyamory, Brokeback Mountain is a light hearted comedy about some queer friends who like to escape to the woods sometimes.

  • @gnomesaiyan
    332 months ago

    An egocentric attitude, like they’re the main character. Super fucking annoying.

  • @nzeayn
    322 months ago

    guys at work comlaining about their divorce to anyone entering an enclosed room. four different times when i was forced to work in an office and twice so far in slack. mother fucker i dont known you but i already get why she left. stop trying to force random people to be your therapist.

    • @AndrewZabar
      22 months ago

      Standard guy who can’t fathom the idea of changing or self-improvement. He’s never the problem.

    • @mke
      22 months ago

      I’ve seen this, and what bothers me most is when you get that nasty feeling they’re not looking for a therapist, but validation. Yeah, your ex-wife sucked, man. She was totally in the wrong about everything always, sorry you had to deal with her for so long. I’m sure you’re in the clear and there’s nothing you could be blamed for, it’s easy to tell from this one-sided retelling of your personal conflicts.

      When anyone’s first topic of choice for casual conversation is how much their last partner was in the wrong, it’s… difficult not to be dubious.

  • @ch00f
    302 months ago

    My uncle who asks which peloton instructors I like informing me that he only picks the hot ones.

    Like, you’ve been married to a woman for 30 years. I get it, you’re straight.

    • @Cryophilia
      42 months ago

      Not really exclusive to men; women thirsting after hot fitness instructors is a whole trope