• @Spiralvortexisalie
      5524 days ago

      Bro, Musk is literally an african-american immigrant welfare queen supporting Trump, like this is the best timeline for popcorn sales.

    • Pennomi
      24 days ago

      God I see this everywhere. It’s stupid to revoke his government contracts - the government is buying services that they can’t easily replace.

      Instead the government should force him to divest his shares in affected companies. That way everybody wins (except Musk).

      • teft
        5324 days ago

        Nationalize SpaceX you say?

          • teft
            4824 days ago

            He isn’t doing shit. SpaceX is. Don’t fall for his propaganda, the guy is a rich spoiled brat, not some engineering genius.

            • @Wrench
              24 days ago

              I agree for the most part. But he has, in the past, been very good at press.

              You know the double landing of the rockets was an insane requirement had to come straight from him. There was no need to land both simultaneously, and just made everything a lot riskier and more stressful to coordinate. But the good press they got from it let them ride a tidal wave of good will for years.

              Of course, he has ruined all that good will and then some. It’s obviously time to cut him out. The one thing he was good at is not the his worst quality.

              But yes, to your point, he never had anything to do with engineering in any capacity for any of his companies. He was a PR machine, and a slave driver to get his superficial vanity projects to completion. But that has all caught up to him.

              • @Illuminostro
                823 days ago

                His one and only skill is stock market manipulation. That’s it.

          • @MotoAsh
            24 days ago

            Musk is literally banned from tweeting about SpaceX without board approval, but you go off about how musk is helping them…

            Also when he talks about an engineering degree, he’s lying. Completely. He dropped out before he even got through second year. He doesn’t even have an Associate’s Degree.

          • @[email protected]
            323 days ago

            Hahahahaha, hahahahahahaha

            You actually think he builds them

            He’s the modern equivalent of Thomas Alva Steal Someone Else’s Ideas And Claim Them As Your Own Edison

    • @Beldarofremulak
      -324 days ago

      I’m sure the trapped astronauts will totally understand the necessity of that jab

      • Optional
        1324 days ago

        The trapped astronauts will totally be onboard with punching fascists.

  • The Quuuuuill
    24 days ago

    And no one is surprised… And here’s the thing. With Musk being in this deep with this many criminal enterprises, it compromises all his work. Tesla, Starlink, Space X, Neuralink, xAI, OpenAI, Boring Company, are all compromised. Doing business with them is doing business with criminals

    • @[email protected]
      923 days ago

      He literally made a military operation on behalf of Ukraine fail last year. I guess Putin is getting his money’s worth.

    • @SomeGuy69
      423 days ago

      Guess where Boeing got their whistle blower assassins from.

      • @[email protected]
        423 days ago

        I don’t know… Boeing definitely was the kind of company to have an in-house assassin team and training program… but it is possible that those fell victim to budget cuts, brain drain, and knowledge loss and now they’re having to subcontract…

      • The Quuuuuill
        423 days ago

        No I know. That’s most of everything he has ever done. But the fact is is that his net worth is mostly propped up by cronyism and he’s been heavily invested in crime and he does own and control these companies, which is the dangerous part

    • @[email protected]
      -324 days ago

      Doing business with them is doing business with criminals

      No wonder the government is this deep with them.

  • @DaddleDew
    24 days ago

    Is it me or his penchant for Russia and descent into whatever he is now became noticeable since he met Putin? I remember when the war had started he was supporting Ukraine and offered free Starlink for their troops but that seems to have dramatically changed right after that meeting. He disabled Startlink for Ukrainians over Crimea right off the bat, looked for excuses to completely cut them off altogether by asking for the Pentagon to pay for it and started playing in Russia’s playbook afterwards. He kept descending deeper and deeper into that Russian rabbit hole, pushing their propaganda ever since.

    He used to be worried about climate change and now he supports Trump even though Trump made it obvious that he would revert any progress made to fight it. He even tried to bring the issue up in his interview with Trump and Donald just took a huge dump all over it. Then Musk just let it happen like a simp.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      24 days ago

      I don’t think he held these beliefs himself.

      Climate change topic - helped to start Tesla and build a business of selling carbon assets.

      Ukrainian cause - helped to sell Starlink modules and get gvmnt funds.

      Cosmic exploration and colonization topic - promoted his SpaceX in public and also connected him to other famous guys in science and entertainment.

      Now his ass is probably in debt after Twitter, his reputation took a nose dive and his Tesla\SpaceX businesses are contested by chinese EVs and their progressing space program. He needs Trump to protect his monopolies in exchange for his money and media support. He doesn’t care about Russia\Ukraine but a certain bunch of dumb rats that do and/or act accordingly would help him stay afloat if put into power.

      I don’t know if either of our observations correct, but I’m on the side of him just seeking profits. I don’t know about why he limited the Starlink though. Maybe for the thing I put into the last paragraph and the angle of ‘not feeding Ukraine with american taxes’ that had some surge around 2022-2023.

      • @[email protected]OP
        2624 days ago

        Musk was always a libertarian. He just recently seems to have gone full fascists. A huge part of that is probably Thiel.

        • Optional
          1624 days ago

          It probably doesn’t help that he’s a narcissist on drugs who is above the law.

          • @Illuminostro
            523 days ago

            Libertarians are Republicans who are smart enough to not say they’re Republicans.

        • andrew_bidlaw
          924 days ago

          He’s an opportunist. I know most fascist were\are, but I insist that this stupid brat doesn’t have any ideology besides money and personal comfort.

        • Ænima
          122 days ago

          He went full fascist when his daughter came out as trans.

    • @Illuminostro
      523 days ago

      Putin is giving Musk the two things he loves: flattery and money.

  • @d33pblu3g3n3
    4324 days ago

    Elon Musk has too much power and is a traitor. What is the gov. going to to?

    • @mojofrododojo
      823 days ago

      Considering his extremely erratic behavior and the enormous national security footprint spaceX represents, I wouldn’t be surprised if we nationalized it or at least had him kicked out of control. Dude is genuinely nutbags.

    • @Illuminostro
      823 days ago

      I suggest nationalizing his businesses, strip his citizenship, and deport him back to South Africa.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        223 days ago

        Except rather than putting him on a plane to SA, stick him and a bale of weed on a plane bound for Singapore.

        • @Illuminostro
          223 days ago

          Hell, let’s go for broke. Mars. Send his ass to Mars.

  • @TankovayaDiviziya
    3123 days ago

    You know, history repeats itself. An American billionaire business tycoon is being chummy with a fascist leader. Where have we seen that before? (hint: Henry Ford was buddies with Hitler and Ford subsidiaries still operated and worked for Nazi Germany in spite of the war).

      • @Illuminostro
        23 days ago

        It’s a travesty that Smedley Butler has all but been erased from history. I once sent Oliver Stone a tweet asking him to write and direct a biopic about the man, but he never replied. Maybe one day someone will.

        • @tux7350
          222 days ago

          The Marine Corps keeps his legacy. As one of only two Marines to earn the Medal of Honor twice, it’s one of the things they force you to memorize. They yell out “Two Marines, Two Medals” and we’d all scream “Dan Daly and Smedly Butler sir”. One of the first required readings I had when I got to my unit was “War is a Racket”; still got the book report somewhere lol

        • @jpreston2005
          223 days ago

          I wonder if Wes Anderson could do it better. Ed Norton as Smedley?

          • @Illuminostro
            323 days ago

            Not an Anderson fan, but I think Norton would be perfect as Butler.

    • @Duamerthrax
      323 days ago

      Yeah, but Ford’s cars worked. Musk can’t keep the steering wheels and hitches from falling off.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        223 days ago

        Ford invented the concept of planned obsolescence. He literally invented enshitification. Musk is just the logical conclusion of Ford’s abysmal view of the world.

        Btw, Happy Cakeday! 🍰🎂

      • @Dkarma
        -223 days ago

        Twitter works my guy. No one leaves twitter. You’re still talking about it.

        • @Duamerthrax
          123 days ago

          I didn’t mention twitter and I’ve never even had an account there in the first place. From my perspective, it does not work. You use to be able to view posts without an account.

  • @Leviathan
    2323 days ago

    Putin’s henchmen


    They’re the same picture.

  • @barsquid
    1624 days ago

    Is Elon distinct from “Putin’s henchmen?”

  • @TheEighthDoctor
    522 days ago

    Are your 3 letter agencies doing something about this clear cut traitor or are they just for spying on my whatsapp messages?

  • @x00z
    523 days ago

    Giving Elon 500 million to make billions seems like a good deal.

    • Cornpop
      223 days ago

      By make do you mean lose? Because twitter it a black hole money pit in its current state.

      • @x00z
        222 days ago

        The article claims that they didn’t care about the possible profits of Twitter.

        These investors would have either made money trough indirect means (keeping the eyes of the world off their shady stuff), or would use it to get a lot more power (think of misinformation strengthening their regimes) and many other tactics.

        When these big boys play this game, there often isn’t a 1:1 relation.

        • @Dead_or_Alive
          222 days ago

          I don’t think people understand that dictators and even business owners who operate under authoritarian regimes may have a lot of wealth on paper. But everything including their freedom and their lives can be taken away very easily. The wealth itself means very little, in that environment, it’s power that matters.

          Spending obscene amounts to accomplish a goal, gain power or to hoard a fraction of your wealth overseas where it can’t be touched or taken away is what matters.

      • @[email protected]
        23 days ago

        Kinda yea. Financials aside, you invested penny’s on the dollar to advertise a message of division without having to really involve yourself.

        Musk’s own bigotry is doing the work for you…

  • Blaster M
    22 days ago

    Musk is a Supervillain. I knew that from the beginning when he first entered the public spotlight years ago.

    • @Dead_or_Alive
      322 days ago

      I read an article about an interview with his first ex wife. She described an unhinged self obsessed narcissist. I figured it was his Ex so maybe she was more than a little biased.

      However his reaction to being publicly rebuffed by the rescue team during that cave rescue in S.E. Asia is what put me firmly in the anti Elon camp.

  • @carl_dungeon
    222 days ago

    Yeah cause not only is musk a piece of shit, but Putin can’t resist his deep throat game

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    123 days ago

    I don’t think much help is needed when the offer to buy us at least 2x more than the company is actually worth.