• @dhork
    15814 days ago

    They don’t have a link to the actual form the counties want to distribute, but when Republicans get tweaked over this, it’s usually because they are using the Federal mail-in form. They ask on that form that people simply check a box to indicate they are US citizens and are thus eligible to vote. Since it’s a mail-in form, they don’t ask to include any other proof of citizenship (although first-time registrants do need to submit proof of residence). But, they do note on the form that submitting a form with a false declaration is a crime, and if a non-citizen does it they would be subject to deportation.

    If Paxton is so sure non-citizens are registering to vote in droves, all he has to do is investigate these forms as they come in, as any non-citizen who fills it out can immediately have the book thrown at them. The fact that he doesn’t means that even he knows non-citizens are not doing this. It makes no sense to risk being kicked out of the country just to vote in a system where you can’t fully participate. The risk is just too high.

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      14 days ago

      The republicans have investigated voting fraud extensively.

      all they’ve found is republicans voting fraudulently. either at an individual level, or at a systemic level.

      But they ignore that to focus on manufactured voter fraud, like telling Felons they are allowed to vote, so they vote, then coming after them for voting while a felon and claiming its fraudulent… Like DeSantis tried to do in Florida a few years back.

      • ThePowerOfGeek
        3014 days ago

        Gaslight ✅

        Obstruct ✅

        Project ✅

        Same as it ever was.

    • @scutiger
      6714 days ago

      He doesn’t think non-citizens are trying to vote, he’s just trying to limit the number of people in majority-Democrat counties voting. The whole voter fraud story is bullshit. They just want their own uneducated people to buy it.

      • @[email protected]
        3214 days ago

        This exactly. His base fully believes the story that immigrants are voting illegally, so he sets up very challenging rules to register to vote, making it time consuming and prohibitive.

        The law is then used to suppress votes in districts that vote against the GOP.

    • @ATDA
      2414 days ago

      I mean this entire recent thing with Paxton is over like 6500 voter registrations.

      If there are people that bad at risk assessment we’re talking tiny, tiny chunks of votes.

      Even looking at this from Paxton’s point of view and assume every one of those votes was in bad faith, he’s the one with risk assessment issues. The response is so over blown its ridiculous.

      • @Maggoty
        3814 days ago

        This is the wedge. Look at Abortion. They banned that completely and the entire time they talked about 3rd trimester abortions which are a tiny fraction of all abortions and only when the fetus is dead or incompatible with life.

        Their playbook has always been to go after edge cases to create the will for large changes.

        • Funderpants
          2014 days ago

          This is an important observation that I wish more people would make. Conservative groups constantly pick at the fringes of behaviour to justify their policy positions.

          You see if everywhere once you know to look.

  • @Lifecoach5000
    7714 days ago

    Are there any other counties doing this? I still can’t believe we have this criminal in office.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      3314 days ago

      Are there any other counties doing this?

      Russia and Israel leap to mind

      • @Seaguy05
        1114 days ago

        I’d count King country and Pierce country too /s

  • @cabron_offsets
    3714 days ago

    This asshole needs to be dealt with in the harshest manner.

    • CO5MO ✨
      1314 days ago

      I’ll take a heart attack or anything that stops him breathing @ this point.

  • @yesman
    3214 days ago

    Paxton is not the Governor of Texas, he’s the Attorney General.

    • EleventhHour
      3114 days ago

      Someone to tell him he’s also not the emperor

    • @eran_morad
      614 days ago

      And the governor pulls the same fucking bullshit. Both of them can die in a fire.

  • @[email protected]
    2814 days ago

    @[email protected] we’re part of criminal organizations! Yay!

    Also, I don’t know about you, but most eligible Latino voters I know support Trump. Most of them argue it’s because “we need to keep out illegals,” which, sure, okay; or because “Trump is tough on crime.” I usually tell them that Trump is gonna try to deport their Mexican-looking asses and then lock up my fat Jewish ass. Some say I’m brainwashed and others say that it’s a worthwhile risk because the democrats are gonna destroy our country and the economy and raise their taxes.

    I’m not saying that Hispanic people are morons. I’m saying that Texans appear to mostly be idiots…

    • @TexasDrunk
      1114 days ago

      I’m a part of many criminal organizations.

      I’ve seen that in older Hispanic folks, especially ones that left despotic countries that pretend to be socialist. The ones my age and younger that I know generally lean left. But that may also be because I’m in Harris county, who will be sued by Paxton if we do a voter registration drive. Because more Harris county voters means old testament shit starts happening. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    2014 days ago

    They know they’re gonna lose (because you’re all gonna FUCKING VOTE) so this is where the action is–stopping the traitorous republican coup.

    And ideally, punishing it appropriately afterwards.

  • @Corvidae
    1714 days ago

    Amping up the cold civil war.

  • The Pantser
    1614 days ago

    How is this not a punishable offense? Blatantly confessing to election interference, like can’t we throw him in prison?

    Also, “election is rigged!” Um yes by the Republicans and they admit it!

    • @FlowVoid
      14 days ago

      The headline is misleading. He isn’t literally saying that Democrats can’t register to vote. He is saying that the city of Houston can’t mail unsolicited voter applications to anyone, Republican or Democrat.

      Since Houston has a lot of Democrats, Paxton probably thinks it will hurt Democrats more than Republicans. Then again, Houston city officials might well be using the same reasoning when sending out unsolicited voter applications.

  • @JesusSon
    1514 days ago

    Cunt Eye Ken is squarely in LULAC’s crosshairs after the raids. I can’t see how Garland is going to be able to ignore all of this with LULAC screaming at him about it.

    Of course, we are talking about real life so absolutely nothing will happen, and their crooked grip on Texas will remain.

    Shower of bastards is what it is

    • @zib
      314 days ago

      I think you underestimate how much Garland is willing to ignore.

  • @Sam_Bass
    1314 days ago

    He really wants a war dont he

    • @Burn_The_Right
      614 days ago

      Conservatives have been insisting on it for years. This time, I hope we don’t stop before the job is done.