• @[email protected]
    4 days ago

    What a fucking clown. Nobody gives as fuck about what you think, Scott Adams. Dilbert always sucked ass.

    Had to chuckle at “My first impression was a tie, which I called a Harris victory” they just cannot accept loss. Even when Trump objectively loses, it’s “a tie” he just considers it a Harris victory because he’s such a clever political operator (lol).

    Sure thing, bud. I think all that copium has fucked up your brain even more.

  • RBG
    1175 days ago

    If people ever wonder how someone like Trump got elected in the first place, this is the prime example of why. “I forgot everything except the one thing he lied about the most, genius”.

    • snooggums
      735 days ago

      “I only remember the most ridiculous part of the debate, so whoever said that was the winner.”

      • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
        125 days ago

        In the 30 second attention span era this is all that counts.

        Sure, Kamala won the debate but does that get more people voting for her?

        • Flying Squid
          55 days ago

          I doubt it will get more people to vote for Trump. The election is his to lose at this point.

  • @PlasticExistence
    1306 days ago

    Is this the same Scott Adams of Dilbert fame? He’s been a political weirdo for years and years, so naturally he’d allow himself this cognitive dissonance.

    • @[email protected]
      865 days ago

      He fell into the trap of thinking his success came from being a genius, so when people don’t like his crappy opinions he just assumes everyone else is wrong

      • @[email protected]
        315 days ago

        This explanation is awesomely succinct and also explains some people I know that I could never easily pinpoint why they bothered me. Thanks!

      • bizarroland
        165 days ago

        That’s tough. Good perspective, hopefully he’ll see this and do some reflecting on his life. Probably not but I still hope so

          • Flying Squid
            95 days ago

            Part of the plotline involved a black character who “identif[ied] as white” and the company management asking him if he could also identify as gay.

            I know he never would, but I really want him to give the proper context for that to not be offensive.

            • @[email protected]
              85 days ago

              That’s pretty funny in the sense of a company trying to sell themselves as diverse and whatnot while being really offensive to the actual people. I can see a corporation doing that

    • @givesomefucks
      176 days ago

      He’s basically Milton from Office Space

  • @macarthur_park
    1086 days ago

    “directionally correct” is a fun euphemism for “false, unless you assume some insane slippery slope argument”.

    • nfh
      505 days ago

      more like “it isn’t true, but it feels like the kind of thing that would be true about the people I don’t like”

    • @Wrench
      125 days ago

      It means that it doesn’t have to be true if it targets people they love to hate.

      Tell the masses what they want to hear.

      Directionally correct.

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    He won the debate because you are stupid enough to be influenced by shock politics, got it. Just admit it, you don’t want a debate, you never wanted it, you just wanted a spectacle, and that’s something your cult leader can easily provide because it’s just a matter of bullshit to him, not fact. Scott Adams, a has-been in mediocre corporate entertainment, praising entertainment based politics, who could have guessed?

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      Some fucked up part of me wants Trump to succeed and allow all of his fascist dreams come to fruition, just to see the looks on these clowns faces when they realized they are responsible for cementing fascist rule in the US.

      Unfortunately, I know that in reality, they never will. Their brains will not allow it.

      But to just see the look of realization when they start seeing their friends, family, and neighbors executed for being homosexual, or having an abortion 2 decades prior. “Oops.”

      Of course, then I snap out of it and realize I’m not a sociopath.

      • @barsquid
        44 days ago

        It would be awesome if they could have exactly what they’re voting for but it applies only to the people who supported it.

    • @Illuminostro
      85 days ago

      Trump panders to the frightened and the hateful.

      • @Numenor
        55 days ago

        And Fox is built to produce and incubate fear and hate.

  • katy ✨
    124 days ago

    he does know that people recall it because they’re mocking trump right

  • @njm1314
    725 days ago

    Directionally correct? That’s an interesting turn of phrase. So basically saying it’s not right but it feels like it could be right? That’s some straight bullshit right there.

    • @gardylou
      225 days ago

      Fascist reasoning–we “know” immigrants are evil therefore making up shit about them to gin up anti-immigrant sentiment is morally justified–if not required.

    • @Red_October
      175 days ago

      He thinks there’s some Truthiness.

    • @Mog_fanatic
      125 days ago

      I feel like it’s the ultimate catch all. Absolutely anything is directionally correct. Flat earth? I mean the earth has a shape and there are plenty of flat shapes so it’s directionally correct. Bigfoot? Easy. There are plenty of animals with very large feet. Directionally correct. Hatians eating dogs? Hatians eat animals with four legs and there are both hatians and animals with 4 legs in the United States. Directionally correct. Checkmate Kambala!

  • @Maggoty
    215 days ago

    Really? Because I remember him getting body slammed by the moderators. There were EMTs on the set and everything.

  • @whotookkarl
    395 days ago

    Didn’t expect to see the Dilbert guy talking about Trump’s long balls this morning

    • @Duamerthrax
      5 days ago

      It’s on brand for him really. The guy was weird long before we started using Weird as an insult.

    • @Psythik
      45 days ago

      Then obviously you never heard the Behind the Bastards episode on him. This tweet is typical Scott.

  • @[email protected]
    185 days ago

    The only thing I remember about this windbag is that he used to make a mildly entertaining comic strip about modern work culture, and then he took a blow to the head or something and sadly became incoherent.

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      Dilbert always sucked. I feel like it’s like 90s Big Bang Theory in comic form. “Look, I’m a nerd just like you guys!”

      • @[email protected]
        44 days ago

        I thought Dilbert had its moments.

        I couldn’t get through a single episode of Big Bang Theory, so I don’t really know much about it.

          • @[email protected]
            14 days ago

            I can’t speak for others, but I felt like it was trying too hard. That, and “nerd” culture has been mainstream since at least the release of the Lord of the Rings movies. To act like they’re all some kind of outcasts because of their interests in previously outre things like Dungeons and Dragons or particle physics was just disingenuous.

      • @pyre
        4 days ago

        i watched the dilbert animated show and it was hilarious. he only wrote two episodes of it though.

        also i don’t think it was about being a nerd. it was about being a normal dude in a corporate world where everyone seems incompetent, dumb or crazy. it’s basically the office.

        • @[email protected]
          3 days ago

          It was supposed to be written for nerds, like Big Bang Theory. The Office was not.

          Maybe you forget the specific type of humor present in Dilbert comics? But most layman would not get 90% of the “jokes”.

          • @pyre
            13 days ago

            eh, he had a technical profession but i didn’t think the humor relied on anything too obscure. i might be misremembering; it’s definitely possible.

            • @Uruanna
              3 days ago

              The character is a nerd, but the humor is not simply “have you tried turning it off and on again.” The jokes are generally not about anything technical but about micromanagement by a dumb boss, hierarchy and HR disasters, and terrible office relations with self-centered asses. It should be relatable by anyone slightly technical with diploma who works in an office, and that should be a lot of people not in manual labor in the 90s. Like, if you use Excel or PowerPoint, you’re in the target for that humor.

              Oh, the resolutions and the viewpoints and the nihilism are totally nerd-centric though.

              • @pyre
                23 days ago

                yeah that’s pretty much what I thought. shame he turned out to be such a chud. and an extremely racist one too. like, he was arguing for segregation and shit.

    • @tills13
      64 days ago

      Is this the Dilbert guy?

  • @whereisk
    5 days ago

    Strong copium vibes from Adams…

    I guess Howard Dean won because all anyone can remember is his scream.

    I guess Romney won because all anyone can remember is “binders full of women”.

    People laughing at and being disgusted with the convicted felon / village idiot is not a win.

  • @Im_old
    395 days ago

    I’m ashamed of having liked Dilbert a lot in the past

    • Diplomjodler
      195 days ago

      No need to. He wasn’t always like this. He was always misanthropic but he was more of an equal opportunity misanthrope. The far right bullshit came later.

      • @Duamerthrax
        105 days ago

        He was always like this, but his comics weren’t that deep and the ideas in them were just things people sent him. They were vague enough that we all just put our own meanings into them. Rewatch some of the cartoon, and you’ll see the red flags. The Bob Bastard episode clearly comes from an incel mindset.

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        He joined the “man-o-sphere” during or shortly after his divorce and that sent him down the right wing rabbit hole.

    • @[email protected]
      145 days ago

      Feeling this.

      I was such a fanboy. Long before I could even work, I was obsessed. I even read God’s Debris and as a teen thought it was fire.

      I got an office job (call centre) because of Dilbert. I thought everything was so fucking funny because people were talking just like in my favourite comic.

      I think I can say without embarrassment that the art style was incredibly cute. Very kawaii. I loved the characters’ wide eyes and semicircle mouths like when they’re mindlessly bullshitting. :D

      I know it’s parasocial, but I’m disappointed in myself for how badly I misjudged Scott Adams.

      • The Snark Urge
        75 days ago

        My worst opinion might be that terrible people can (and often enough do) make good creative output. Nice folks with no internal strife to burn off can work competently, but are not always deeply compelling.

        • @[email protected]
          55 days ago

          Yeah that’s pretty toxic, but maybe there’s a kernel of truth to it. I wonder if any serious thought or study has gone into this phenomenon (if it even is one).

          • The Snark Urge
            5 days ago

            I’m open to being wrong, but I did say it might be my worst opinion

            Edit: typo

            • @[email protected]
              34 days ago

              I chose my words poorly. I think there’s merit to your ill take, though would love to be proved wrong.

    • @HowManyNimons
      85 days ago

      Scott Adams’s thing used to be that he had a good bullshit detector. Now he doesn’t have that thing.

    • @InAbsentia
      105 days ago

      Nothing wrong with enjoying content someone makes in my opinion, you can’t know the opinions and ideals of everyone at every time.

      • billwashere
        65 days ago

        Yeah I like a lot of Mel Gibson’s movie even though he turned out to be an antisemitic douchebag. I’ll watch them but I won’t pay to watch them.

        Dilbert struck a chord with my IT friends and me but yes his politics are a complete meet of mental gymnastics.

      • @rsuri
        35 days ago

        Yeah a sharp distinction between good and evil, where bad people can never do anything good, is one of those ideas that makes a lot of sense emotionally but utterly zero sense rationally. There’s simply no reason someone can’t be a good cartoonist while also being a racist.

    • @gardylou
      115 days ago

      I’m ashamed at being a tech worker who laughed along with others because people expected id like Dilbert as a tech worker, even though Dilbert reminds me of engineers who bring one good idea to a meeting and take all the credit when all the actual work on a project is done by someone else.

      And just wasn’t that funny to me.

  • @barsquid
    84 days ago

    “Directionally correct,” the fuck does that mean? “Yes, it is an absolute lie. But actually they are all inherently like that.” This is a guy who wants pogroms.

  • @affiliate
    285 days ago

    you know he’s a good critic because he’s changing his metrics after seeing the thing he’s critiquing

    • @someguy3
      55 days ago

      What were his original metrics?

      • @affiliate
        55 days ago

        he probably didn’t have any