• @[email protected]
    82 days ago

    Somewhere Howard Dean is wondering how the fuck he was too unhinged to be electable in the face of daily insanity from the orange.

  • @[email protected]
    743 days ago

    Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement, “There is no place in this country for political violence of any kind.”

    Unless it is against the people, minorities, poor countries, or whistleblowers.

    • @Wilzax
      373 days ago

      All violence is political violence.

      • hope
        163 days ago

        Heck, in the US I’d almost say all politics is political violence. It seems that anytime you advocate for nonviolence here you’re called naive at best, murdered at worst. Plus, our whole society was built in blood.

      • UltraMagnus0001
        22 days ago

        And religion is politics or a form of control also.

    • sunzu2
      133 days ago

      I guess there is a place for violence in Gaza then.

      • @[email protected]
        33 days ago

        No, no, no, it only counts as violence when it’s punching up! Bombing children and beating the people who say you shouldn’t do that is a totally different thing!

      • @TropicalDingdong
        23 days ago

        Democrats: “We don’t count that as political violence, because political violence is between people, and we don’t count Gazans as people”

        • @MutilationWave
          33 days ago

          How do you think Republicans feel about Palestinians?

          • @_stranger_
            3 days ago

            I don’t think Republicans feel. They approximate the social rituals that allow them access to society (and its benefits) in the same way high functioning sociopaths do, more or less.

    • Leraje
      73 days ago

      But inciting violence politically is, judging by recent events, absolutely fine.

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        22 days ago

        *As long as it’s Donald Trump inciting aforementioned violence

        *And as long as it’s violence on his former VP and the members of the Senate who will bend a knee to him no matter what

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      433 days ago

      I’m at a point where I think he’s more useful alive than dead. I feel like he’s ALREADY going to lose 2024. I’m a little baffled that it’s even a close race at all, but I’m still confident that between the debate, and the Taylor Swift endorsement he’s dug his own grave. And with that, it means he lost 2020 election, and the 2024 election. Would the GOP really endorse a 2X loser in 2028?

      I think him being alive forces them to support their own self made loser. And now even fox news is calling him a loser.

      He likes to say things like “they’re laughing at us!”

      No. They’re laughing at YOU trump. You are a laughing stock. Not the country. Not the democrats. Not anybody else but you. You are a loser, soon to be a two time loser, with two impeachments and 34 convictions. Nobody in American history loses bigger than you donald trump.

      • stebo
        103 days ago

        No. They’re laughing at YOU trump. You are a laughing stock. Not the country.

        The country is also a laughing stock but yes Trump is a big part of it

        • @uienia
          43 days ago

          Yeah, Trump has already been president once. There is no escaping being a laughing stock country after that one.

      • @shalafi
        2 days ago

        Alive he can go down in ignominy and we can move past him. Dead, he would be a martyr and would never leave America’s conscience.

        I was a toddler when Nixon went down, but I heard what my parents had to say and combined that with what I’ve learned of history. Nixon was very popular, but once he went down he was like Voldemort, the one who shall not be named.

      • @militaryintelligence
        143 days ago

        If he’s alive they will endorse him. There’s someone pulling the strings in the Republican party, I’d guess Putin. Republicans used to be the regular kind of horrible, now they’re just repugnant and evil. Trump is the perfect figurehead.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          83 days ago

          And he keeps losing. That’s my point. If he were dead, they might find someone who would/could actually win. Because let’s face it, Harris isn’t exactly everybodies first choice. She was kind of the only thing left once it became blatantly clear that Biden wasn’t going to be the 2024 nominee.

          So, if trump is alive, trump runs, democrats win. That makes trump more useful alive than dead.

          But I don’t think putin/GOP would be stupid enough to run him a 4th time.

          • @MutilationWave
            33 days ago

            I’m pretty certain he’ll be dead in four years, especially if he loses the election.

            • @[email protected]
              73 days ago

              Dead or fully brain dead. So many Alzheimer’s symptoms and he’s about to turn 80. It goes fast once it starts (and it probably started 10 years ago).

      • @[email protected]
        13 days ago

        Do you mean, “would they do something incredibly stupid because Donny insisted?” Yes, yes they would.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      123 days ago

      I’m just glad this fucker is old. Could you imagine if we had to put up with this shit for 20 more years?

      He’s done regardless after this run.

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        3 days ago

        Hopefully. I said the same thing back in 2020, figured he’d be dead by now

        And hopefully this Vance guy doesn’t stick around, either, because he would be a pain in the ass for 20 years.

  • @Etterra
    453 days ago

    Yeah but their aim was even worse than the other idiot. These nutjobs need to get their shit together; I’ve been successfully assassinated in political video games for a fraction of what the Orange Idiot’s done to real people.

      • @[email protected]
        162 days ago

        The 42 attempts at assassinating Hitler ain’t nothing to sneeze at but Fidel Castro would like a word. The CIA attempted to assassinate him 638 times.

        • @ivanafterall
          82 days ago

          How can this NOT mean that all CIA agents are like Mr. Magoo?

          How do you fail at a singular task more than 600 times and still have the world think you’re some fearsome spy force?

          “Well, sure, he was knocked out 638 times, but those 2 decision victories sure were something… Greatest boxer of all-time!”

          • @[email protected]
            21 day ago

            It makes sense if you think of them as extremely well-funded frat boys with a free pass to break laws.

            They just kind of do shit, and if it doesn’t work they keep trying until something sticks or they run out of steam. They get killed all the time.

            It’s still scary, but just a lot less cool.

            The reason we think of them as hypercompetent masters of espionage is because that makes better movies, and also because the US government funds movies that make them look good.

          • skulblaka
            42 days ago

            To be fair, most of the CIA was on an awful lot of LSD around that time.

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      42 days ago

      Did the guy even fire shots? From what I heard he was just in the area and carrying a firearm.

      • @Atropos
        43 days ago

        Second! Sounds like fun

        • @[email protected]
          83 days ago

          Ya can do it in Kenshi, assassins creed, and Crusader Kings. Actually in Kenshi and CK ya can go far far worse than simple assassinations, I am the Cuck King all thine babies are mine!

          • @ivanafterall
            2 days ago

            Crusader Kings recently finally got its claws into me. Fun fact: the game DOES have a moral compass of sorts, because eventually, your incestuous off-spring can be too mentally handicapped to have further children with.

            So it’s not all bad.

          • @kameecoding
            33 days ago

            I might be misremembering but Old Wolrd has something similar too, you can piss off the wrong child and they assassinate you

  • borari
    663 days ago

    Two back to back like this? My tin foil hat money is that Loomer is angling to get Trump to divorce Melania then elope with her. Eric Jr knows that his dad will do it and is terrified of getting cut out of the will once Loomer gets her hooks in Trumps dementia riddled ass, so he’s hiring people to kill his dad before the inheritance can get fucked with. I can’t come up with any other reason we’ve had such poor assassination attempts so quickly like this. The bumbling foolishness has Jr fingerprints all over it.

    • @grue
      393 days ago

      Now that’s a conspiracy theory! Way better than the ludicrous-yet-unimaginative shit the MAGAs come up with.

    • @[email protected]
      223 days ago

      it is unclear just how much trump is angry at ivanka and jared for allegedly narcing on them.

      But pretty sure even eric and don jr know they are getting dick all. He openly loathes them and it might be his only redeeming quality.

      Nah. It is just the nature of being the party of gun nuts while openly failing almost all of their purity tests. We actually saw similar (just to a much lesser degree) when trump said something like “I love vaccines” and was boo’d like crazy.

      He is a symptom of the rot. Not the source. And by and large he just tries to ride it as best he can.

      • borari
        13 days ago

        I mean you’re right. It’s just my tin foil hat conspiracy, definitely not something I think is anywhere in the realm of actual possibility.

  • @Snapz
    343 days ago

    So fucking crazy that anyone will repeat something when the only source is “According to the Trump campaign”

  • @[email protected]
    193 days ago

    I mean, if you have participated in the plane discourse, you’ve probably learned that Swifties stop at nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    363 days ago

    How convenient when he’s slipping in the polls and had a pretty bad week last week…

    How. Convenient.

    • @[email protected]
      273 days ago

      I refuse to believe a person who otherwise wouldn’t vote for Trump will vote for Trump because he was shot at.

      • @Valmond
        62 days ago

        I think it’s to rule the news cycle, like that conspiracy loony etc. Anything to make forget about the crazily bad debate he did.

        Not saying he invented this “heard gunshots” himself, but that is how it’s useful.

      • @papalonian
        73 days ago

        I think someone who has been on the verge of converting to Trumpism would vote for him because he was shot at, but nobody that disliked him is gonna start liking him more

      • @[email protected]
        33 days ago

        I don’t think the campaigns are about converting people, but more about getting people to care about voting for their candidate. At this point there is just no way people still don’t prefer one candidate over the other

      • @NormalPerson
        23 days ago

        You’d be surprised, I know I was. Just like how there are still undecided voters

  • @[email protected]
    363 days ago

    That’s two legitimate assassination attempts in a very short period of time, I wonder what effect that would have on someone’s state of mind?

    • @apfelwoiSchoppen
      263 days ago

      He ain’t gonna have a Saul/Paul moment, I can tell you that.

        • @apfelwoiSchoppen
          3 days ago

          New testament fascist who killed and arrested Christians, who on his way to Damascus to arrest more christians, god temporarily blinds. After this he becomes a super Christian and wrote much of the approved catholic new testament books. These books mostly comprise letters to certain groups of very early Christians.

          (I say approved Catholic new testament books because, boy howdy, there were so many more that the catholic church found heretical and banned - they loved to maintain their fictional narrative)

          12 years of catholic school gurgled that out. Time to talk to my therapist.

          • Maeve
            93 days ago

            Wait till you hear about evangelical ACE schools.

            • @[email protected]
              22 days ago

              I was there. Mid-70’s southern Florida. The most batshit crazy fundies making my life an utter misery for around 4 years. Surely they don’t still exist.

          • @[email protected]
            33 days ago

            I thought that was a breaking bad reference when you made the first comment.

            Yeah, at his age it’s pretty unlikely someone is going to change in a meaningful way.

            • @apfelwoiSchoppen
              43 days ago

              Gosh, honestly I wish I had first thought of a Saul Goodman reference. Would have put my mind in a much better space!

              • Maeve
                43 days ago

                ROFL. Some kids from ACE schools might remind you of some of his clients. I’ll say it again: sociopaths are made.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      203 days ago

      Right after his first assasination, there was a thread where someone said “If that happened to someone else, they’d probably have PTSD”.

      And I said “What makes you think he DOESN’T have PTSD after a bullet that was 100% intentionally fired at him, with the intention to kill him, narrowly missed because he just so happened to turn his head inches away from the path by total accident?”

      The general consensus was that trump can’t have ptsd because he’s a bad person who ruins others lives.

      And thats total bullshit. Not the part about him being a bad person, and ruining others lives. Thats still true. He IS a piece of shit who seperated families from their children, leaving them to bake, and sometimes die in metal boxes without water.

      The part thats bullshit is the idea that bad people can’t get ptsd because they’re bad people. I fully believe trump had/has ptsd, and this will only reignite it further.

      I hope he doesn’t become president. Harris is the best case scenario in every case except one. I fully believe that if trump becomes president, he’s going to make a much harder push for gun reform simply because for him personally it’s literally a life or death situation.

      If he becomes president, I would not be surprised if he tries to end gun ownership being legal.

      That being said, I don’t expect that plan to come to fruition. I fully expect it to fail because it would be a legal and logistical nightmare. But my point is on this one issue he would actually try. Whereas it’s not going to be a major issue for Harris.

      Harris will have many issues she’s trying to address, while trump, once again, will only thinking of himself. It just so happens that his one issue just so happens to benefit everyone. Not by design, but as a biproduct.

      That being said, it’s FAR more important for Harris to win. Many issues are more important than one.

      • @[email protected]
        113 days ago

        The general consensus was that trump can’t have ptsd because he’s a bad person who ruins others lives.

        There’s a lot of people on Lemmy, particularly in the politics and world news communities, that I would go out of my way to avoid in real life. They seem to forget that people they don’t like are human, and say some absolutely vile things as a result.

        A particularly bad example was when the Titan submersible was lost, there were some downright ghoulish comments made after that happened.

        • @vala
          63 days ago

          Better people have wanted worse things to happen to the ruling class.

          • @[email protected]
            -23 days ago

            Most of the people on that sub weren’t the ruling class though. Petit borgeoise at best, apart from Rush himself.

            • @vala
              33 days ago

              Some were, some weren’t just trying to explain the sentiment.

        • sunzu2
          13 days ago

          particularly in the politics and world news communities

          Mods keep it that way on purpose

    • @[email protected]
      43 days ago

      Unclear how legit they are. Don’t rush judgment, especially when the victim and his associates are narcissistic liars.

      Or rather, define “legitimate”. It matters in a situation like this.

    • @Bdtrngl
      73 days ago

      Hopefully he has a massive stroke.

      • @Jimmyeatsausage
        33 days ago

        I’m worried it would fuck his mind so bad he’d start making sense /s